GB 17930-2016 Translated English of Chinese Standard. GB17930-2016: Gasoline for motor vehicles [Buy--download True-PDF in 3-second: > Sign in > This BOOK > "3-dots" > Export > Save as "*.pdf"], 2017 M04 2 - 17 pages This standard specifies the terms and definitions, product classification, requirements and test methods, sampling, marking, packaging, transportation and storage, safety and standard implementation of the gasoline for motor vehicles. This standard is applicable to the motor vehicle gasoline which is suitable for the ignition engine AND made of petroleum OR petroleum added with the performance improvement additive. |
3 | |
Scope | 5 |
Terms and definitions | 7 |
Product classification | 8 |
Sampling | 13 |
Safety | 14 |
Appendix A Normative Technical requirements and test methods for No 98 | 15 |
Common terms and phrases
0663 shall prevail 0794 to conduct 15-day replacement period 190 Final distillation 205 Residue volume 260 shall prevail 5096 than Water-soluble 8018 Sulfur content 8020 Distillation range Antiknock index RON April 30 Aromatic content artificially add methanol ASTM atomic absorption spectroscopy Benzene content biodiesel conduct determination content a mass content g volume Copper strip corrosion dispute evaporation temperature filling station Final distillation point gas chromatography gasoline for motor GB/T 8020 Distillation Guangdong Guangxi Gum level hydrocarbon Induction period less than 480 level after washing level before washing Manganese Manganese content mass fraction methanol OR lead method of GB/T method of NB/SH/T motor octane motor vehicle gasoline Number 98 octane number octane value RON October 31 Pass NB/SH/T petroleum products requirements and test Research octane value Residue volume fraction SH/T 0689 Mercaptan Standard test method Table A.1 technical requirements Vapor pressure b/kPa washing before adding washing by solvent Water-soluble acids