Amazonian Ethnobotanical DictionaryThe Amazonian Ethnobotanical Dictionary presents an exciting new rainforest book, designed and conceived in the rainforest and dedicated to its preservation.The book contains concise accounts of the various uses to which prominent Amazonian plants are put by the local rainforest inhabitants. Although emphasis is placed on plant foods and forest medicines, there is also commentary on other relevant applications, including natural artifacts, house construction, natural pesticides, and ornamental and fodder plants. More than 1,000 species are covered and over 200 illustrated. An index to Spanish and English names leads to the scientific name, and the index to plants provides its medicinal application. There are even suggestions on how to eat palm grubs and how to make an Amazonian salad dressing. All royalties from the book are donated to the Amazonian Center for Environmental Education and Research (ACEER) in order to continue its preservation of one of the world's most diverse forests. |
Other editions - View all
Amazonian Ethnobotanical Dictionary James A. Duke,Vásquez Martínez Vásquez No preview available - 2018 |
Amazonian Ethnobotanical Dictionary James A. Duke,Vásquez Martínez Vásquez No preview available - 1994 |
Common terms and phrases
Abuta Amazonian Annonaceae antipyretic aphrodisiac Apocynaceae Araceae Arecaceae astringent Aubl ayahuasca bark decoction baths beams Benth Bignoniaceae blanca Boras Brazilians Brosimum Brugmansia Caraipa caspi Cassia Costus cough Créoles Croton Cultivated ornamental Cumala Cuna decks decoction diarrhea diuretic dormers drink Ducke dysentery emetic Euphorbiaceae Fabaceae febrifuge fever Ficus flowers Forage forked poles Fruit edible RVM Fruit edible VAG Grama guianensis handicrafts headache Hibiscus house construction huasca huayo infections Iquitos Jatropha juice Lantana latex Lauraceae leaf decoction leaf infusion leaf tea leaves maceration malaria Mart mixed Moena Moraceae Myristicaceae natives Palikur palm Pashaco Passiflora Paullinia Petiveria Piper plant Poaceae Poepp POISON Potalia poultice Pouteria Psychotria Pucallpa Pucallpa VDF purgative Quinilla rheumatism Rubiaceae Sacha sanango Sapotaceae Seeds edible Shimbillo snakebite Solanaceae Solanum sores species Spondias stems stomachache Tabebuia Tabernaemontana Tikuna tonic toothache treat tumors vermifuge Virola Wayapi Witoto Wood for lumber