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with which it interlocks, heads near the centre of the territory. The land on its banks is of good quality, and sufficiently extensive to form, at some future day, rich and extensive settlements: it enters the bay of the same name. The Chippewa Indians have several villages on this river, and there are two salines running into it, which it is believed will be able, when properly worked, to supply not only the territory, but all the settlements on the upper lakes, with salt. Sugar river, and several considerable creeks, run into the lake between Saganum and the strait of St. Clair: at the upper end of this strait, on the American şide, stands fort Gratiot, built by captain Gratiot in the summer of 1815.

Thunder river falls into the bay of the same name, about half way between Michilimackinac and the outlet of lake Huron.

Chagahagun river enters the lake about thirty-five miles east of Michilimakinac.

Sandy river runs into Saganum bay.

The straits of St. Clair are twenty-six miles long. The land on both sides is partly prairie, interspersed with strips of lofty woodland, consisting of oak, sugar-maple, poplar, black walnut, hickory and white pine. Nature has here planted groves of the latter timber, suitable for masts, boards, and shingles; which is much increased in value by the scarcity of this excellent wood, since it can be transported to distant parts, destitute of so very useful a material. In the strait are several valuable islands, and there is water sufficient for a twenty-gun ship. The rivers and creeks running into St. Clair from the American territory are, Belle river, which heads near the Saganum, and enters the lake nine miles below the strait. There are good situations for settlements, and some pine groves upon this river: about fourteen miles further down the lake is the river. On the banks of this stream is found some of the best land in the territory; and here is a considerable French settlement, which was commenced more than twenty years ago. A little above the mouth of this river, the Indians have a reservation of three miles square, on which is Machonee's village. The white settlements on this river are rapidly increasing, by reason of numerous emigrants from Oxford township, and other places on the river Thames, in Upper Canada; who are disgusted at the colonial administration of the British government. Several mills have been lately erected, and the lands are rising in value. The bottoms of Huron are wide and rich, principally timbered by sycamore, hickory, elm, and

maple; on the upland, oak, ash, hickory, and there are considerable quantities of white pine.

The strait of Detroit, connecting lakes Erie and St. Clair, is twenty-four miles long, and, like the strait or river St. Clair, navigable for large vessels, and studded with islands it is about half a mile wide, with a current running nearly three miles an hour. This strait receives the rivers Rouge, Ecorce, and Maguago, and Brownstown creeks.

The river Rouge rises about forty miles south-west of Detroit, near the head branches of Huron; it enters the strait five miles below Detroit, expands to the width of 600 yards at its mouth, forming a considerable bay, and is navigable five miles upwards for vessels of 150 tons; and for canoes and light boats thirty-five miles. Ten or twelve miles from the strait commence wide and fertile black walnut and sycamore bottoms. The corn, wheat, and potatoes raised on the banks of this river, yield as abundantly as the best soils in the state of Ohio. These lands belong to the United States, with the exception of four sections, one mile square each, and can be purchased at two dollars an acre.

The river Ecorce falls into the strait three miles below the mouth of Rouge, and is remarkable for nothing but the vast quantities of wild rice growing in its waters. Maguago and Brownstown creeks are unimportant streams, and, like the rivers Rouge and Ecorce, afford no situations for mills or water machinery.

Huron river enters the lake about seven miles south of Malden; it rises near the principal source of Grand river, between which and it, there is said to be a navigable communication for canoes through a chain of ponds and marshes. Before reaching the open lake, it winds two or three miles through a vast meadow of wild rice, in which the water is from five to seven feet deep.

Six miles south of Huron, Swan creek, or river Aux Cignes, falls into the lake; its banks for some distance from its mouth are low, but the meadow or prairie is capable of cultivation. A few French families are the only human beings that have had the courage to brave disease and rattlesnakes. Their wheat, Indian corn, pumpkins, and garden produce thrive well; indeed there is very little of the meadow but what might be ploughed: corn, flax, and hemp would do best. The pond lily, wild rice, and other aquatic plants almost choke up the channel of the river, giving the water an offensive and putrid smell; in summer it will rope like treacle, yet the inhabitants

make a free use of it for cooking and drinking. Why it does not produce almost instant death, it is impossible to conceive; the children near the lake look miserably. The timbered land here approaches within a mile of the lake; four miles from which this stream has a brisk current, and affords situations favourable to mill-seats, or rather water-machinery: the trees are lofty, the land high and


Three miles further south is Rocky creek, and two miles still more southerly Sandy creek falls into the lake, which here forms a considerable bay. A few French families are settled on the banks of these streams, where the soil is good; but that of the uplands is sandy.

Seven miles south of Sandy creek, following the road, but not half the distance by the lake coast, enters the river Raisin, so called from the vast quantities of grapes that are found upon its banks. It interlocks with the St. Joseph-of-Miami, and Black river, running into lake Michigan, and rises in swamps and small lakes; fifteen miles from its mouth it receives the river Maçon. The Raisin is about forty-five yards wide, and boatable to within a few miles of a branch of Black river: there is an extensive prairie at its mouth, and several hundred acres of wild rice. The settlements extend from within two miles of the lake to the mouth of the river Maçon; the lots are surveyed in the French mode, being only three Paris arpents* wide on the river, and extending back far enough to contain 100 arpents, or acres, more or less. The inhabitants are mostly French, who raise wheat, Indian corn, and potatoes, more than sufficient for their own consumption; the soil proves to be rich and durable, and the settlements have been blessed with unusual good health. The bottoms are equal to those of the Miami; but the soil of the upland is in many places light and sandy: there are several grist and saw mills on the rivers. The country has been settled about thirty years, and the orchards already yield an abundance of apples; cider and peach brandy are made for exportation. The French settlers, until very lately, did not set a proper value on their improvements; but would often dispose of them for comparatively a trifling sum. From the river Raisin to the mouth of the Miami is eighteen miles; the first stream is Otter creek, four miles from Raisin: it affords several situations for mills, upon which there are already a number erected. Wapoo creek flows into the lake about two

• One hundred French arpents make 844 American acres.

miles north of Miami bay. Swan creek, which rises near the head of Otter creek, falls into the Miami four miles from its mouth; this is a brisk stream abounding with mill-seats. The Miami has been noticed in the description of the state of Ohio, and in page 114.

The most considerable bays on the east side of lake Michigan, are those of Sable and Grand Traverse; the last is about twelve miles deep, and four or five broad. Those on the Huron coast are Thunder and Saganum bays; the former has its name from the thunder frequently heard there, and is about nine miles across either way: the latter is forty miles long, and from eight to twelve wide. The interior of Michigan peninsula contains a great number of small lakes and ponds, from half a mile to twelve miles in length, from which issue many of the rivers. The strait connecting lakes Huron and Michigan is fifteen miles long, of an oval figure, and subject to a flux and reflux: lake Michigan has been described in page 30. The island of Michilimackinac is important in a political point of view, being the Gibraltar of the northwest. It is of an elliptical form, about seven miles in circumference, rising gradually to the centre: its figure suggested to the mind of the Indians its appropriate name, Michi Mackina,* (Great Turtle.) The greater part of the island is almost an impenetrable thicket of underwood and small trees, which contribute materially to the defence of the garrison. Fort Holmes stands on a summit of the island, several hundred feet above the level of lake Huron, and is now one of the most formidable positions in the western country. The French were the first settlers, and their descendants, to the number of about 300, reside near the fort.

Maniton island is situated near the eastern coast of lake Michigan; it is six miles long and four wide, and is held sacred by the Indians.

The Castor islands are a chain of islets, extending from Grand Traverse bay nearly across the lake; they are low and sandy, but afford a shelter for light boats in their passage to Green bay.

Grosse Isle is a valuable alluvion of several thousand acres, being five miles long, and from one to two wide.

• The Indian tradition concerning the name of this little barren island is curious. -They say that Michapous, the chief of spirits, sojourned long in that neighbourhood; and they believe that a mountain on the border of the lake was the place of his residence, which they still call by his name. It was here, say they, that he first instructed men to make nets for fishing, and where he has collected the greatest quantity of fish. Ou the island he left spirits named Imakinakos, and from these ærial possessors it has received the appellation of Miehilimackinas.

Surface, soil, timber, settlements, &c.-There are no mountains in this territory; but in the centre there is high table land, having a western and northern inclination, interspersed with small lakes and marshes, from which issue the head branches of the rivers. Prairies exist, from the banks of the St. Joseph's to lake St. Clair; some are of an excellent soil; others, sandy, wet, and sterile. There are, nevertheless, extensive forests of lofty timber, consisting of oak, sugar-maple, beech, ash, poplar, white and yellow pine, hickory, cedar, plum, and black and honey locust. The last flourishes as far north as the margin of lake Huron; yet east of the Allegany mountains, it is never found north of the Delaware. The bottoms and high prairies are equal to those in the state of Indiana; but although the soil is pretty fertile throughout the territory, it is only cultivated in the neighbourhood of lakes and rivers. A considerable part of the coast of lake Michigan consists of a range of sand bills, thrown up by the surf and eddying winds. The timbered uplands are well adapted to the production of most kinds of grain, and appear to bear a long series of crops.

The white settlements are chiefly on the strait of Detroit, the rivers Miami, Raisin, Huron, and lake St. Clair; but extend from fort Meigs to lake Huron, separated, however, at short intervals, by woods, or Indian reservations of from three to ten miles in extent. Where the French inhabitants are seated, the lots are narrow, houses thick, only one plantation deep; always fronting the creeks, rivers, and lakes. Hitherto, this territory has not enjoyed the character to which its soil, climate, and advantageous situation for trade, justly entitle it. Time, and the enterprising emigrants, who are now rapidly increasing in numbers, will place its reputation in a proper point view. Settlements are now beginning on lakes Huron and Michigan, and promise to become extensive and permanent.

A military officer who passed from Michilimackinac to Detroit, a distance of 450 miles, in the spring of 1817, describes the lands on Saganum river as of an excellent quality, and most beautifully situated; the river bold and navigable for twenty-one miles, with large prairies from four to six miles deep. From Saganum to Flint river, fifteen miles, a level country, lands excellent and well timbered; from thence to the river Huron, thirty miles from Detroit, a very open country, principally clothed with oak, and no underwood; interspersed with small beautiful lakes, abounding in fish of a superior quality :

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