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and they export 66,000,000; hence it appears, that the exclusion can by no means affect the quantity required for home consumption. Of the article of rum, 7,000,000 and a half of gallons are imported into the states, 4,000,000 of this from the British possessions, and only 600,000 gallons are exported. The exclusion will therefore reduce the quantity for consumption 3,400,000 gallons. But the distillation of 1,000,000 bushels of the grain which has been hitherto sent to the West Indies, or elsewhere, for a market, would supply the same quantity of a much cheaper and more wholesome liquor. The above general observations on the commerce of the Union at large, are introductory to a more particular account of it in the description of the several states.

Manufactures.--In the United States, manufactures may be considered as yet little more than in their infancy; but they are fast approaching to maturity. The country abounds with the raw materials for almost every purpose useful to mankind. Iron is found in various parts of the continent, in great abundance, and of every quality; and manufactures of that metal are carried on to a very consi, derable extent. For this purpose, water-mills are chiefly employed; and in finishing most of the articles, great num bers of boys are engaged, whose early habits of industry are of importance to the community, to the present sup port of their families, and to their own future comfort.

Coppersmiths and brass-founders, particularly the former, are numerous in the United States. The material is a natural production of the country. In many parts of the states, mines of copper have been actually wrought, and several more lately discovered. Lead also abounds in great plenty, and requires little to unfold it to an amazing extent. Prolific mines of that metal have long been open in Virginia, Pennsylvania, and other parts of the thirteen original states; and in the Missouri territory it is found in such prodigious quantities, that, with a sufficiency of skil ful miners, under proper management, enough could be raised to supply the whole world.

As an important instrument of manufactures, fossil coal may, without impropriety, be mentioned among the subjects of the present remarks. There are many coal mines now worked in the old states, particularly in Virginia. The town of Pittsburgh is supplied with coal from the adjacent hills, many of which are wholly composed of that substance; and throughout the western states and territories, indicating proofs of its existence have been discovered in a great variety of places.

There is scarcely any manufacture of greater importance to the United States than that of skins. The direct and very happy influence it has upon agriculture, by promoting the rearing of cattle, is a very material consideration. Numerous tanneries are now carried on as a regu lar business in many of the states, some on a very extensive scale; and in several places they constitute a valuable item of incidental family manufacture.

Manufactures of the several species of grain, have made great progress in the United States, and are entitled to peculiar attention; not only because they are in general so intimately connected with the substance of the people, but because they enlarge the demand for the most precious products of the soil. Breweries are now carried on to a great extent, and very successfully; as are manufactures of flax, hemp, and cotton; all of which have made considerable progress.

The cotton branch, in particular, seems to have overcome the first obstacles to success; producing corduroys, velverets, fustians, jeans, and other similar articles, of a quality that will bear comparison with the like goods from Manchester. Many establishments for the printing and staining of cotton have lately commenced, which bid fair to rise into the first importance. A promising essay towards the fabrication of cloths, kersymeres, and other woollen goods, is in a prosperous condition at Hertford, in Connecticut; and similar attempts have been successfully made at many places both in the old and new states. Specimens of the different kinds that have been seen, eyince that these fabrics have attained a considerable degree of perfection.

Household manufactures of woollen articles are carried on in different parts of the United States, to a very interesting extent; and many thousands of families spin and make up their own clothing. Hats of wool, and of wool mixed with fur, are made in large quantities, and constitute a very productive manufacture, rapidly extending over the whole North American continent. The production of silk. is attended with much facility in most parts of the Union; but flourishes most in Connecticut, where silk stockings, handkerchiefs, ribbons, buttons, &c. are now made to a great amount. A manufactory of lace has also been established at Ipswich, in the state of Massachusetts. Different ma

nufactures of glass are carried on, not only in the eastern and middle states, but also in the western country, particulary at Pittsburgh, where extensive glass-works are established. The sands and stones called targo, which include

flinty and crystalline substances, and the salts of various plants, particularly kali or kelp, constitute the essential ingredients, and are every where to be found in North America. An extraordinary abundance of fuel is always at hand, gives great advantages to such undertakings.

Manufactures of paper are among those which are arrived at the greatest matarity in America, and are most adequate to a national supply. In the United States there are 185 paper mills, viz. in

[blocks in formation]

The paper manufactured annually at these mills, is esti

mated as follows:

[blocks in formation]

Refined sugars and chocolate are among the number of extensive and prosperous domestic manufactures; and that of maple sugar particularly, has of late become an interesting object of national attention. It is made from the sap or juice of the acer, or maple-tree, which grows spontaneously in North America, and may be found in every part of the country from 36° to 42° N. lat. and upon the Mississippi as far north as lat. 45° in such abundance, as would be equal to furnish sugar for the inhabitants of the whole earth. The process of making maple sugar will be described in the Appendix to this Work.

The manufacture of wines is also growing fast into respectability in the United States. Successful experiments have been made by some French settlers on the Ohio, which evince the practicability of producing homemade wines of excellent quality; and, as grapes are the spontaneous production of the country, particularly that west of the Allegany mountains, and, by culture, might be raised in any quantity, this manufacture bids fair to dis

minish, and in time perhaps wholly to preclude, foreign importation. Much is expected from the exertions of a French colony lately settled in the Alabama territory, whose principal object is the culture of the vine.

The introduction of manufactures into, and their ex. tended increase over a country, generally promise large profits to speculators and men of large capital. It is therefore not to be expected that the mere circumstance of manufactures being destructive to the virtue, health, and happiness of the labourers employed in them, will ever be of sufficient weight to deter any nation from introducing these nurseries of individual wealth, and wide-spread poverty, among themselves whenever an opportunity shall occur. The wages of labour in the United States are much higher than those of England and France, as already noticed, page 78; and yet the agricultural products of the country find a profitable market in Europe; while the expence of erecting and continuing manufacturing establishments is such as, in many instances, to disable them from contending with those of Europe, unless protected by prohibitory duties, bounties, and a monopoly. The cause of these contradictory effects is to be found in the vast quantity and low price of the new and fertile lands in America. One man is able to spread his agricultural labour over a much wider surface of soil in those immense regions, than can be done in the comparatively small and circumscribed districts into which the European farms are necessarily divided, on account of the narrow limits of territory, coupled with a crowded population. Hence, although the system of agriculture in the United States is less perfect, and less productive on a given quantity of ground, than in some parts of Europe, yet the far wider range of land under cultivation (about three times as many acres as make up the whole superficies of the British isles,) produces annually a more abundant crop, in mass, to the industry of a given number of proprietors.

During the late war with England, manufactures thrived in the United States, precisely because they had a monopoly of the home market, and compelled the consumer to pay above one hundred per cent. more for goods of an inferior quality to those which might have been imported from Europe at half the price. At that period there was a capital of about Dols. 1,000,000,000 employed in carrying on American manufactures; but on the return of peace, the influx of European goods reduced the price to at least one-half, and stopped perhaps more than half of the manufacturing establishments in the Union;

so that the capital now employed in manufactures scarcely reaches the sum of 500,000,000 of dollars.

It has been already stated, that one of the most prominent causes which has hitherto impeded the progress of manufacturing, has been the abundance of land, compared with the population, the high price of labour, and the want of capital. As wages are so high, and land so cheap, in the United States, there is a continual bounty offered to labourers to leave the manufacturers' service, and to buy land, and cultivate it for themselves; since every man, who has any proper feeling of independence at his heart, would rather toil for himself and his family, as an uncontrolled yeoman, than labour as a confined servant to a stranger. Among the other causes which have injured the American manufactures may be mentioned, the great extension of her commerce during the late European wars, and the continuance of habits, after the causes which produced them, have ceased to exist. Several of these obstaeles have, however, been removed or lessened. The cheapness of provisions had always, to a certain extent, counterbalanced the high price of manual labour; and this is now, in many important branches, nearly superseded by the introduction of machinery.

Few nations can boast of skill and ingenuity in manu factures, and especially improvements in labour-saving enginery, equal to those which have been exhibited and discovered in the progress of the mechanical arts in the United States. The causes of this superior ingenuity and skill are various; the great wages given for labour, and the comparative scarcity of labourers, present a constant bounty of certain and immediate remuneration to all those who shall succeed in the construction of any machinery that may be substituted in the place of human labour. Add to this, the entire freedom of vocation enjoyed by every individual in that country. There, they have no compulsory apprenticeships; no town and corporation restraints, tying each man down to his own peculiar trade and calling, as in Europe. In the United States every man follows whatever pursuit, and in whatever place, his inclination, or opportunity, or interest prompts or permits; and consequently a much greater amount of active talent and enterprize is employed in individual undertakings there, than in any other country. Many men in the United States following various callings either together or in succession. One and the same person sometimes commences his career as a farmer, and before he dies, passes through the several stages of a lawyer, clergymen, merchant, soldier, and member

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