Imagens das páginas

on the shoal rivers of Texas and Mexico, and that they can be purchased at from eight to fifteen thousand dollars each. If you can obtain one or two boats of the description referred to, I wish you to buy them, provided you can take the Georgia troops in them to New Orleans. I would suggest that you can consult Major John H. Howard, of Columbus, on the subject. He is a gentleman on whom I entirely rely; and I am sure he will afford you every aid in his power in obtaining boats, either by purchase or charter, on the best terms.

Captain M. M. CLARK,

TH. S. JESUP, Quartermaster General.

Assistant Quartermaster, Columbus, Ga.

JUNE 12, 1846.

SIR: I received to-day your letter of the 8th instant, and thank you most cordially as well for the kind offer of aid to me in the operations of my department, as for information you gave me in relation to suitable boats for our service, and the sound views which you present in regard to the navigation of the shoal rivers

of the south.

The same views had occurred to me, and I had taken measures to have lighters of iron constructed, and I have chartered one iron steamer for the Rio del Norte; but I want, and that immediately, several other boats as well as lighters. Mr. Lamar, formerly of Georgia, but now of New York, has offered me the iron steamer De Rossett, and Mr. Goodwin, of Savannah, has offered me two iron steamers. I accept, most thankfully, your offer of service, and beg of you to look at those boats, or any others you may think suitable. The De Rossett is offered for $25,000. That is probably too high. The others are merely offered, without any sum stated. For service to the south they should not draw over three feet water, with fuel and provisions, including water, on board. If the boats are purchased, could they be delivered at New Orleans with the lighters; and when? Be so kind as to let me hear from you as soon as you conveniently can.

With great respect, &c.,


Charleston, S. C.

TH. S. JESUP, Quartermaster General.

JUNE 13, 1846.

SIR: Colonel Twiggs has made a requisition for 172 horses for his regiment, "to supply deficiencies incurred in the engagements of the 8th and 9th of May." You will purchase that number and

send them on as early as possible. Purchase also 200 good mules, if they can be found, and send them to the army of occupation immediately.

Captain A. R. HETZEL,

TH. S. JESUP, Quartermaster General.

Assistant Quartermaster, Memphis, Tenn.

JUNE 15, 1846.

SIR: The quartermaster general desires me to say you may furnish 500 (say five hundred) pack saddles in addition to those ordered, agreeing with the present contract in every particular; the 500 to be furnished before the 9th of August next.

HENRY C. WAYNE, Captain and Assistant Quartermaster. Captain H. L. THISTLE, Washington, D. C.

JUNE 15, 1846.

COLONEL: The quartermaster general directs that you provide lighters in "La Vaca bay," should they be required for discharging the freights transported to that point.


Captain and Assistant Quartermaster. Lieut. Col. T. F. HUNT, New Orleans.

JUNE 16, 1846.

SIR: There are three light draught steamboats on the Ohio river which I wish you to purchase and send to Colonel Hunt, at New Orleans. They are the Swiftsure, the Utica, and the New Haven. They should be purchased at about five thousand dollars each; but as advantage is always taken of the public, you may have something more to pay for them. If you purchase them, send them without delay to Colonel Hunt, for at this season of the year they can be taken around to the Rio Grande without risk. If you cannot obtain the boats named, or if you find them, on examination, not suited for our purposes as tow-boats on the shallow waters of Texas and Mexico, purchase others which you may consider, more suitable. They should not draw more than eighteen inches or two feet water. Let me hear from you immediately on the subject.

TH. S. JESUP, Quartermaster General.


Quartermaster, Cincinnati, Ohio.

JUNE 17, 1846.

COLONEL: The honorable Mr. Harmanson, a member of Congress from Louisiana, who has resided long on the frontiers of Mexico, represents that horses suitable for our service, can be obtained in Mexico, at an almost nominal price. Consult General Taylor as to the propriety of purchasing them. If he approve, purchase all you can obtain, should they be necessary. Take measures, immediately, to obtain all the mules you can from Mexico. By paying cash for them, they can be obtained, I am informed, in very great numbers.

Colonel H. WHITING,

TH. S. JESUP, Quartermaster General.

Asst. Quartermaster Gen., Memphis, Tenn.

JUNE 17, 1846.

SIR: I enclose the within letter from R. H. McKee, esquire, on the subject of wagons. You will exercise your discretion as to taking the wagons. If they are strong, and of good quality, and of durable and well seasoned materials, they had better, perhaps, be taken. All yet to be made should be according to the specifications furnished, except the hubs, which may be of locust or white oak. The letter of Mr. McKee will be returned to this office.

Captain E. HARDING,

TH. S. JESUP, Quartermaster General.

Acting Asst. Quartermaster, Pittsburg, Pa.

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JUNE 17, 1846.

COLONEL: In the operations General Taylor has been directed to carry on against the Mexicans, it is of the utmost importance that his means of transportation on the Rio del Norte be ample. He has despatched Captain John Sanders, of the corps of engineers, to obtain for that river light draught steamers. Not knowing the great amount of force that would be ordered to join him, he has not required a sufficient number to insure the speedy transportation of his supplies. My attention had been directed to the subject, and I had chartered a light draught iron steamer for that river, and had ordered Major Tompkins to purchase and send to Lieutenant Colonel Hunt the Swiftsure, Utica, and New Haven, light draught boats running on the Ohio; or, if he could not obtain those boats, then such as might be suitable. Captain Sanders will soon be at Pittsburg, at which point authority will be given to him to purchase, with those that may have been previously purchased, such a number as shall complete the whole to eight.

I will be greatly obliged to you if you will confer with Captain

Sanders and Captain Harding, at Pittsburg, and Major Tompkins, at Cincinnati, and if the number of boats which you, and Captain Sanders particularly, shall consider necessary, have not been purchased and sent forward, I desire you to supply any deficiency. If, on consulting Captain Sanders, you should consider more than eight light draught steamers necessary, you have authority to purchase them, or to direct their purchase, at Cincinnati, Pittsburg, or at any other place on the Ohio river.


TH. S. JESUP, Quartermaster General.

Asst. Commissary General, Washington city.

JUNE 20, 1846.

MAJOR: I have to acknowledge your letters of the 14th and 15th instant. The wagons, harness, yokes, chains, &c., will be sent to Lieutenant Colonel Hunt, deputy quartermaster general at New Orleans, as fast as received.


TH. S. JESUP, Quartermaster General.

Quartermaster U. S. A., Cincinnati, Ohio.

JUNE 20, 1846.


SIR: You will proceed to Savannah, Georgia, and have the iron steamer De Rossett thoroughly examined; and if the hull, boiler, and machinery be found to be perfect in all their parts, and the boat fit, in all respects, for efficient service, as a steamer, you will receive it on account of the United States. Mr. Lamar, the present owner, has offered to deliver the boat at New Orleans, at the risk and expense of the United States. This had better be done. by persons in the public service, if possible; but, should you find any difficulty in employing an efficient and trustworthy captain and engineers, and competent crew, you will require Mr. Lamar to deliver her at New Orleans on the terms which he proposes, and in' the shortest possible time. Should you employ a captain, engineer, and crew, you will despatch the boat with instructions to the captain to proceed in the shortest possible time to New Orleans, and report to Lieutenant Colonel Hunt; and, in either event, you will indicate the route to be taken, and you will make suitable arrangements for the expense of the voyage. Herewith you will receive a letter of R. M. Goodwin, esq., of Savannah, offering two iron boats for the public service. You will examine them, and if you find them, in all respects, such as he represents them, you are authorised to purchase one of them; but, having already received one from Mr. Lamar, it is not a matter of so much importance

whether we obtain another. You will, therefore, endeavor to get it at a lower price. I consider the sum which we give Mr. Lamar too much; but, at the time I agreed to take his boat, I was not aware that other suitable boats could be had; but if you cannot get the boat for less, you may allow the price asked.

Mr. L. Griffin, assistant engineer, of the Navy Department, has been directed to report to you, and will accompany you to Savannah. You will cause him to inspect the boats minutely; and, if they are not in a condition, both as regards their hulls and machinery, for efficient service, you will not receive them. Should it be necessary to put them into dock to examine them, this must be done at the expense of their present owners. If the boats be received, all necessary appendages, such as yawls, anchors, hawsers, fasts, engineers' tools, spy-glass, &c., must be furnished also.

Mr. Griffin will be paid ten cents per mile for travelling. Should other boats be offered, you will cause them to be examined, and will report the result to this office.

On completing the duty with which you are charged, you will return and resume your duties here.

I have just received information from the south, that the whole woodwork of Mr. Lamar's boat is defective, as well as the deck. If that be so, we cannot receive her; but you may purchase two boats from Mr. Goodwin's company.


TH. S. JESUP, Quartermaster General.

Asst. Quartermaster, Washington city.

JUNE 25, 1846.

SIR: I have received your letter of the 18th instant, covering an estimate of funds for the purchase of wagons, mules, and harness, and have required a remittance in your favor of $16,000, on account of the special appropriation for Mexican hostilities.

An army register will be sent to you, if one can be procured from the adjutant general. A copy of the post office book cannot be furnished, nor can a map of Texas, there being none on hand for distribution.


TH. S. JESUP, Quartermaster General:

Assist. Quartermaster, Louisville, Ky.

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SIR: I wish you to visit Charleston, South Carolina, and examine two boats which have been offered by Mr. Hilliard, of that

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