Imagens das páginas

kemr hún aftr ok krefr húss með svo myklų megne, at nú 5 kallar kálfr í móti. Kalls son mælti þá, þar sem hann liggr: "Vaki nú, faðir; kýr þín kall"ar ok kálfr okkarr þar í mót."6 Bónde leider pá inn kúna, ok færer hana til torgs um morguninn 8 5 efter, ok kennist hún af öngum manni. Her 10 finnr hann ríka mann fèlaga sinn ok seger 11 honum, hvat um 12 er. Hann svarar: “Ek skal at leita, "seger 11 hann, hverr 13 á kú1 þessa, er þú 15 seger 11 " í frá, enn ek skal ljá þèr 16 aðra kú 14 fyst til þinna 10 "nauðsynja. Enn eg skal fara með þèr 16 at sjá þessa

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kú,1 er þèr 16 leiðir fjölskylda af, ef ek kenner hana eigi síðr enn þú,17 hvaðan af bygðinne at mèr piker vonligt, at hon sè 19 til komin." Svo gjöra þeir. Enn ríki maðr talar þá: "Mun ekki þat til," 15 sagði hann, “at Thomas erkibyskup hafi ömbunat 20 pèr 16 félagit 21 ok reist upp kú 14 þína. Enn hversu 22 þetta er fallit, mun okkr heldr ljósara, ef vær förum 23 at skoða fenit pat sama, er hon fèll 24 í, því "at ef hennar búkr er þaðan í burt, megum vit stöð- 20 "ugt 25 halda, at kýrin er þèr 16 aftr 2 goldin." Enn hvat lengra,26 enn þetta mál prófaðist svo með allri grein, at kýr fátæka manns var leidd aftr2 til lífs fyrer lofsamliga milde hins virðuliga föður 27 Thóme erki

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cometh again demanding to be let into the house, so eagerly, that even the calf answered it again. Then spoke the carl's son whereas he was lying in bed: "Wake now,

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father; our cow is calling, and our calf calleth again." The goodman then led in the cow, and took it to market the next day, where, however, it was known by no one. He now goeth to the wealthy man, his neighbour, and telleth him, how things have come to pass. He answereth, "I shall make a search to find out who is "the owner of the cow thou tellest me of, but meanwhile "I shall lend thee a cow of mine for thy need. Now I "will go with thee and have a look at this cow, which "falleth thus a burden on thee, if perchance I may know

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more about it than thou, and have some idea from what "part of the neighbourhood it may be likely to have come." And now they do so. The wealthy man then speaketh: "But," said he, "what if archbishop Thomas hath re"warded thee the partnership, and raised up thy cow? "We shall know all the more plainly, how that matter

standeth, if we go and look at the very slough wherein " it fell, for if the body be away from there, we may hold "it as settled, that the cow hath been restored to thee." What more? but this matter was found and proven in every way to stand even so, that the poor man's cow had been called back to life through the laudable mercy of the worthy father archbishop Thomas. The rich man

A son, having ill

mother, cannot enter Canterbury

until due

penance is


byskups. Ríka manni fannst svo mikit um 2 þenna hlut, at hann vill samlagast í því sælum Thómase, at styðja kosti karls þessa, svo at hann gefr honum fyrst landskúna, ok þar á ofan jarðarkot, er hann hafði áðr leigt. Kom nú sá fagnaðardagr yfer þau karl ok 5 kerlingu, sem aldri hafði áðr orðit fyr á þeira æfi, at þau voru orðin landeigandi. Enn hverjar þakker er þau gjörðu þeim signaða herra, er því volli, fáum vær eigi með orðum greint í þessu máli, ok svo er lykt hjartteignar í Guðs nafni.



Ekkja ein sat í litlum bæ, hún átti son





treated his vaxta kominn á skilningar aldr. pat ber svo til um 6 einn dag með þeim mæðginum, at hon húspreyja 15 Cathedral, ávítar hann son um 6 einhverja mismune.7 Enn hann tekr þat með svo vanstilltre bræði, at hann hefr upp annan fótinn fyrir brjóst henni með svo hörðum slag, at hon hnígr til jarðar í ómegin. Fyrst í stað liðu svo framm nökkurer 10 dagar, at ungi maðr 20 gleymer verkit 11 án iðran ok yferbót, sem þat sè 12 einskis 13 vert.14 Kemr nú svo þessu næst at siðvenju góðra manna, at hann sæker með öðru 15 fólki í Kantúaríam, ok er hann kemr at musterisdyrunum hins heilaga Thóme, pröngvist 16 fyrer hann einn ok annarr, 25 svo at aldri fær hann inn komizt. Ok þótt hann leiti svo til, að einginn 17 maðr sýniligr megi honum frá

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thought so much of this matter, that he desireth to do the blessed Thomas fellowship in righting the affairs of this old carl, wherefore he first maketh him a present of the cow which formed the stock of the holding and, to boot, of the cot-holding which he had formerly tenanted. And now dawned on the carl and the carline the joyful day which they had never known before in their life, that they had become owners of land. But as to the thanks they gave unto that blessed lord we may nowise set them forth in this writing; and so the miracle cometh to an end, in the name of God.



In a small town there resided a certain widow, who had a grown-up son who was already come to years of discretion. It so cometh to pass, one day, between mother and son, that she, the mistress of the house, chideth him for something done amiss. But he taketh this in such violent anger, that he lifteth one foot driving it against her breast with so hard a kick, that she droppeth swooning to the earth. At first some days passed away during which the young man forgot the deed, showing no remorse nor regret, as if it had been of no account. But then it befalleth that, following the wont of good folk, he goeth on a pilgrimage to Canterbury. But when he cometh to the door of the temple of the holy Thomas, the people push on before him one after the other so that he could never get in. And endeavouring even to get in, when no person visible was there to thrust him

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hrinda, bæger honum ei því síðr Guðs dómr ósýniligr, sem óvinrinn sjálfr sè1 fyrir honum. Hann undrar sína ógiftu ok leitar til eins kennimanns, ber upp fyrir honum sitt vandkvæði ok biðr hjálpræðis. Prestrinn svarar: "þú munt hafa vanrækt 5 með nökk- 5 "urum hætti þinn lifnat, ok mun stórt á standa, þótt þú hafer gleymt, því at heilagr Thómas skilr pik í burt frá sínu fólki ok dæmer þig ómakligan heilagrar kirkju, ok því hæfer pèr 10 einginn 11 vegr "utan 12 at leita myskunnar með játning ok iðran, ok 10 "leita vel efter,13 hvat pik hent hefer." Hann gjörer ok svo, skriftast 14 við þenna sama prestinn, ok finnr þó eigi, hvat honum er mest at meine, ok því er hann inngöngu 15 kirkjunnar jamnfjarre 16 sem áðr, þótt hann freisti. Prestrinn seger 17 þá: "Játning þín mun 18 eigi 15 "svo vandvirkt,19 sem nær þyrfti ok nauðsyn krefr, "því leita þú efter 13 enn framar þeim óbættum glæp, "er þig mun 18 þröngva 20 því dauðligar, sem þú hefer "meir vanrækt."21 Hann sálugr fer í annat 22 sinn, ok með tilvísan Heilags Anda finnr hann glæpinn, er 20 hann í fèll 23 fyrer þessa misþyrming 24 sinnar móður. Prestrinn seger 17 pá: "Eigi er undarligt, þó at heilög

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kirkja fyrerlíti þig, því at óbættr þessi glæpr fyrerbýðr pèr 25 kristinna manna samlag." Hann talar þá með tárum: "Hvat er nú til ráðs," sagði hann, "at ek megi hjálpast?"

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Prestrinn svaraði:

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SVO 25

"Hèr 26

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