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All people in England,




versa þann, er heilagr Thómas heyrðe frammsagðan,1 at með ljósum ritningum hafa marger hluter svo verit fyrerætlader af Guði, at þeir skyldu eflast í sína frammkvæmd 3 ok eigi verða öðru vegs enn með bæn ok verðleik heilagra. Veitti ok Drottinn 5 svo langan tíma Heinreki konungi til iðranar, at hann lifði full átján ár ok andaðist á nítjánda efter' fall ok heimferð Thóme erkibyskups til himnaríkis. Enn nú skal hèðan víkja til þess, er fyre var, at Heinrekr konungr ungi ok Jón erkibyskup ok þar 10 með valdsmenn ok allr almúgi í landinu hefer einn 10 canonized. ok sama vilja til lofs ok dýrðar hinum signaða Thóme erkibyskupi, at svo sem hann birtist margfaldliga 11 blezaðr með velgjörðum ok allskonar hjartteignum 12 við fólkit nær ok fjarre 13 utan 14 lands ok innan, svo 15 dýrkist 15 hann í heilagri kirkju af öllum 16 kristnum mönnum 17 með virðuligu hátíðarhaldi,18 sem hann samreiknast fyrer tákn heilögum 19 mönnum 16 í himinríki.20

high and

low, desire to have




A council is called for

of request



Sem [sú tíð 21 kom, er vor Drottinn Jesús Kristus



the purpose vilde sælan Thomam svo vegsamast láta yfer jarðríki, ing the pope sem hann var með honum háleitliga virðr í eilífu archbishop ríki, skipar konungr ok erkibyskup almenniligan fund 23 25

to canonise


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And the verse which the holy Thomas heard pronounced may perchance be susceptible of a somewhat milder interpretation than its burden implies, by the consideration that, according to plain scripture, many things have been pre-ordained by God to come to pass in one certain way, from which their course of fulfilment may not deviate, unless prayers and merits of saints intercede. And, withal, the Lord granted king Henry so long a respite for repentance, that he lived for full eighteen years, and died in the nineteenth, after the fall and departure home to the kingdom of heaven of archbishop Thomas.

But now let us turn from these matters to things which took place before; to wit, how the young king Henry and archbishop John, together with men in authority and the whole commonalty of the land, become of one mind to give praise and glory to the blessed archbishop Thomas, so that even as he appeareth manifoldly blessed in good deeds and all manner of miracles to the folk far and near, inland as well as abroad, so even shall he be worshipped in holy church by all christian people, with worthy feasts, being, through his miracles, counted among the saints in the kingdom of heaven.



When the time came that our Lord Jesus Christ would let the holy Thomas be glorified throughout earth in a manner answering to the exalted honour in which he was held by Him in the eternal kingdom, the king and the archbishop summon a general council in England of

are sent






í Englandi1 allsháttar stèttar lærðra ok leikmanna. Messengers Á þeim fundi er þat staðfest med blezan3 Guðs ok to Rome. samþykkt allra góðra manna, at sendiboðar með bréfum ok bænarorðum herra konungsins ok allrar alþýðu skulu gjörast til kuriam til Alexsandrum páfa 5 með peire frammferð ok flutningi, at signaðr Thomas erkibyskup leiddist í samsveit heilagra manna fyrer þat postuligt vald, er Jesús Kristus gaf páfanum til þvílíkra stórhluta. Ok svo sem þeir fóru 7 ok framm kvomu tjánde dýrligar hjartteigner fyrer 10 sjálfum herra páfanum, má því hver góðr maðr nær geta, hversu glaðliga heilug Róma kirkja mundi taka þessum erindum, því at sá sem málefnin eignast, er svá frægr í kristninni af staðfesti ok þolinmæði, vandlæti 10 ok heilögu lífi, sem hann bære skínanda ljós 15 í sínum höndum 11 fyrer hvers manns hugskoti. Enn þat er bækr vikja til, at þetta nytsemdarerindi 12 fære nökkut 13 seinna, enn flesta mundi vara, má þat vitrum manni ljóst verða, hvaðan leiddi, rètt af því Archbishop rómverska ráðuneyti, er herra páfann afleiddi fyrer 20 canonized pat fylgi ok efterlæti,14 sem nökkurir 15 kardinalis Wednesday, höfðu 16 ólögliga 17 veitt Heinreki konungi. Ok þá

Thomas is

on Ash

March 13,


frammkvæmdi 18 Drottinn sinn vilja í þessu máli ok skipaðri tíð, þat er at skilja in capite ieiunii,19 því at þann sama dag efter 20 evangelium 21 geingr sjálfr herra 25

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folk of all manner of stations, lay and learned. At this council it is resolved, by the blessing of God and consent of all good people, to send messengers, bearing letters and messages by word of mouth from the king and the whole commonalty, who shall proceed to the court of pope Alexander, to plead and bring it about that the blessed archbishop Thomas be received into the community of saints by the apostolic authority which Christ Jesus gave unto the pope for such weighty matters. Now travelling on this errand, and arriving in Rome, the messengers expound unto the lord pope himself the glorious miracles, and any man of good will may understand how gladly the holy church of Rome received their messages; for he, whom alone the matter concerneth, is so far-famed in the church for his steadfastness and patience, his zeal and holy manner of life, as if he carried in his hand a shining light unto the soul of every man. But seeing it hinted at in books that this profitable errand sped somewhat more slowly than most folk could have anticipated, it will be clear to any wise man whence that delay must needs have arisen, from that Roman council, to wit, which strove to lead the lord pope astray by that favour and obsequiousness which certain cardinals had accorded to king Henry. And yet the Lord brought His will to be done, in this case, and at the fixed time, in capite jejunii, to wit; for on that same day, after the gospel, the lord



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páfinn með sínum1 bræðrum kardinalibus upp 2 á kór, flytjande sjálfr þetta hit hjálpsamliga erindi til lofs ok virðingar sælum Thómasi erkibyskupi, hversu hann stríddi fyrer Guðs kristne með útlegð ok meingjörðum, með saklausum dauða, ok nú1 gæddr Guðs 5 vináttu skínandi með hjartteignum. Efter mild5 an sermonem, sem honum líkar, tók hann sèr í hönd þann lykil himinríkis,10 er Lausnari vor gaf Petri postula fyrstum 11 dauðligra manna hèr 12 á jörðu, ok hverr 13 hans vikarius efter annan heldr 14 ok hefer 10 með sömu 15 röksemd 16 at leysa ok upp 2 ljúka, hvat er réttlæti digtar a himne ok jörðu. Með svo dýrligu valdi 17 postuligrar röksemdar 18 leiðer herra Alexsander páfi sælan píslarvott virðuligan 19 Thómam erkibyskup inn í kathalogiam sanctorum, bjóðande af Guðs álfu 15 ok heilagra postula Petrí ok Paulí, at hann dýrkist með lofsöngum 20 ok áheitum, sem hinn háleitasti 21 Guðs vin. Ok svo sem þessi lögtekning 22 heilags Thóme fór framm 23 í sjálfri Petrs kirkju fyrer ótallegum 24 fjölda lærdóms ok leikmanna, hefr sjálfr herra 20 páfinn Tedeum, ok hann syngst út 25 af kardinalibus ok lærðum mönnum 26 svo hátíðlega 27 með hringdum klukkum, sem vor Drottinn 28 Jesus Kristus lofade fyr í sinne heilagri kristne. Hèr 12 efter7 skrifar herra

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