Imagens das páginas
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Wordsworth notes of this poem: "Written at Town-end, Grasmere. The Sheepfold, on which so much of the poem turns, remains, or rather the ruins of it. The character and circumstances of Luke were taken from a family to whom had belonged, many years before, the house we live in at Town-end, along with some fields and woodlands on the eastern shore of Grasmere. The name of the Evening Star was not in fact given to this house, but to another on the same side of the valley, more to the north."

Wordsworth lived at Grasmere from 1799 to 1813.


406. 9. Natural piety. Reverence, affection for Nature. Wordsworth chose the last three lines for the motto of his Ode: Intimations of Immortality.


407. 43. I thought of Chatterton, the marvelous Boy. Thomas Chatterton (1752-1770), who poisoned himself, in a fit of despondency, before he was eighteen years old. 45. Him who walked in glory. Burns. 97. Grave Livers. Persons of solemn deportment.

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413. A part of Wordsworth's note on the poem runs as follows: "Nothing was more difficult for me in childhood than to admit the notion of death as a state applicable to my own being. . . . It was not so much from feelings of animal vivacity that my difficulty came as from a sense of the indomitableness of the Spirit within me. ... To that dream-like vividness and splendor which invest objects of sight in childhood, everyone, I believe, if he would look back, could bear testimony, and I need not dwell upon it here: but having in the poem regarded it as presumptive evidence of a prior state of existence, I think it right to protest against a conclusion, which has given pain to some good and pious persons, that I meant to inculcate such a belief. It is far too shadowy a notion to be recommended to faith, as more than an element in our instincts of immortality."

The argument of the poems proceeds from stanza to stanza as follows:

1. I can no longer see the celestial beauty which once enfolded every object in nature. 2. Nature is the same, but the glory has passed away.

3. The utterance of this thought brought relief from the sadness it occasioned: "No more shall grief of mine the season wrong."

4. Despite the happiness of Nature on this sweet May-morning," the "glory

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and the dream" have gone; "whither is fled the visionary gleam?" 413. 5. The child brings with him into this

world recollections of Heaven; the older we become the farther we journey from the celestial vision of childhood, till at length

"the Man perceives it die away,
And fade into the light of common day."
6. The Earth, man's foster-mother, does
all she can to make the child

"Forget the glories he hath known,
And that imperial palace whence he came."
7. The child in his play imitates all the
businesses of life.

8. Why should he do this, and hurry him-
self into the yoke of manhood?

9. Let us give thanks for the " shadowy recollections" which persist from childhood into maturity to uphold and cherish us.

10. Even though the celestial radiance has now departed from the world, I can still be joyful, finding strength in human sympathy, and

In the faith that looks through death, In years that bring the philosophic mind." 11. And Nature still is beautiful, for the love I feel for her is strengthened and enriched by years of experience with the world, and by sympathetic association with men.

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tenth of November, 1793, the Goddess of Reason was enthroned in Notre Dame Cathedral.

418. 66. From bleak Helvetia's icy caverns. The ode was occasioned by the French invasion of Switzerland in 1798.


419. Coleridge writes, in his preface to the poem: "In consequence of a slight indisposition, an anodyne had been prescribed, from the effects of which he [Coleridge] fell asleep in his chair at the moment that he was reading the following sentence, or words of the same substance, in Purchas's Pilgrimage: 'Here the Khan Kubla commanded a palace to be built, and a stately garden thereunto. And thus ten miles of fertile ground were inclosed with a wall.' The author continued for about three hours in a profound sleep, at least of the external senses, during which time he has the most vivid confidence that he could not have composed less than from two to three hundred lines; if that indeed can be called composition in which all the images rose up before him as things, with a parallel production of the correspondent expressions, without any sensation or consciousness of effort. On awaking he appeared to himself to have a distinct recollection of the whole, and instantly and eagerly wrote down the lines that are here preserved. At this moment he was unfortunately called out by a person on business . . . and detained by him above an hour, and on his return to his room found that . . . all the rest had passed away." Professor William A. Neilson, in his recent Essentials of Poetry, writes: In Coleridge's Kubla Khan we have no wrestling with spiritual questions, no lofty solution of the problem of conduct found through brooding on the beauties of nature. Instead, a thousand impressions received from the senses, from records of Oriental travel, from numberless romantic tales, have been taken in by the author, dissolved as in a crucible by the fierce heat of his imagination, and are poured forth a molten stream of sensuous imagery, incalculable in its variety of suggestion, yet homogeneous, unified, and, despite its fragmentary character, the ultimate expression of a whole romantic world" (p. 43).

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In Wordsworth's note on his own poem, We Are Seven, the following passage explains the origin of the Ancient Mariner: "In the spring of the year 1798 [Coleridge], my sister, and myself, started. to visit Linton. . . In the course of this walk was planned the poem of the

Ancient Mariner, founded on a dream, as Mr. Coleridge said, of his friend, Mr. Cruikshank. Much the greatest part of the story was Mr. Coleridge's invention; but certain parts I myself suggested:for example, some crime was to be committed which should bring upon the old Navigator, as Coleridge afterwards delighted to call him, the spectral persecution, as a consequence of that crime, and his own wanderings. I had been reading in Shelvocke's Voyages a day or two before that while doubling Cape Horn they frequently saw albatrosses. Suppose,' said I, you represent him as having killed one of these birds on entering the South Sea, and that the tutelary Spirits of those regions take upon them to avenge the crime!' The incident was thought fit for the purpose, and adopted accordingly. I also suggested the navigation of the ship by the dead men, but do not recollect that I had anything more to do with the scheme of the poem. We began the composition together on that, to me, memorable evening. I furnished two or three lines at the beginning of the poem, in particular:

'And listened like a three years' child; The Mariner had his will.'"

The poem was first printed in the 1798 edition of the Lyrical Ballads. Many archaisms, intended to make it resemble the popular ballads, and a few stanzas, were afterwards removed. The marginal gloss was added when the poem appeared in the Sybilline Leaves, 1817.

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37. The Lyrical Ballads. The title given to the 1798 volume to which both Wordsworth and Coleridge contributed. It contained, among other poems, Tintern Abbey, and The Ancient Mariner. 437. 85. A preface. See the selections from this Preface, pp. 389 ff.

439. 297. Præcipitandus, etc. The free spirit must be urged forward.

354. Laxis effertur habenis. He is carried with loose reins.

371. Sir John Davies. Lawyer and poet (1569-1626), best known for his poems Orchestra, Or a Poeme of Dancing, and Nosce Teipsum, on the immortality of the soul; the quotation is from the latter.

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443. This is a sort of epilogue to The Lady of the Lake.


444. The first stanza is traditional; see F. J. Child's English and Scottish Popular Ballads, v. 159, for the older John of Hazelgreen on which Scott modelled his song.


From Rokeby.


445. From Quentin Durward.


From The Doom of Devorgoil. 1. Claver'se. John Graham of Claverhouse (1649?-1689), an ardent and successful partisan of Charles II, won the title "bloody Claver'se" by his persecution of the Scottish Dissenters during the last years of Charles's reign. In 1688 he was created first Viscount Dundee by James II. After James's flight, Claverhouse maintained a royal army in Scotland, and won the battle of Killiecrankie in July, 1689, but died of a wound the night of the victory. The incident referred to in the poem took place March 18, 1688, when Claverhouse rode out of Edinburgh at the head of some fifty dragoons, having bolted the Convention that was to determine Scotland's attitude towards James II.

13. The Bow. Bow Street, Edinburgh. 14. Ilk carline was flyting and shaking her pow. Every old woman was scolding and wagging her head.

15. The young plants of grace they looked couthie and slee. The young men looked kindly and sly.

17. The Grassmarket. An open square in the center of the city, formerly used for public executions. See The Heart of Midlothian, Chapter ii.

21. Cowls of Kilmarnock. The Presbyterian Whigs, who were all anti-Stuart. 22. Lang hafted gullies. Long handled knives.

23. Close-head. The entrance to a blind alley. (Engl. Dialect Dictionary.) 25. Castle rock. Edinburgh Castle

stands on a high rock above the city. 27. Mons Meg and her marrows. "Mons Meg" was a famous cannon of unusual size.

30. Montrose. James Graham (16121650), fifth Earl and first Marquis of Montrose, was Charles I's most successful lieutenant during the Civil War. He was captured and executed by the Earl of Argyle in 1650.

446. 35. Duniewassals. Highland gentlemen of somewhat inferior rank.



3. The turtle. The turtle dove. 8. Gul. The rose.


447. See 2 Kings, xix: 35.


448. Tom Moore and Byron were for many years intimate friends.


François de Bonnivard (1493-1570), a
patriotic citizen of Geneva, undertook to
defend the city against the Duke of Savoy.
In this he was unsuccessful, and after
various adventures, was imprisoned in
the castle of Chillon from 1530 to 1536.
The castle stands on the shore of the Lake
of Geneva.

449. 107. Lake Leman. The Lake of Geneva.

CHILDE HAROLD'S PILGRIMAGE: CANTO III 452. 182. Belgium's capital. Brussels. See Thackeray's description of Brussels during Waterloo, in Vanity Fair.

200. Brunswick's fated chieftain. The Duke of Brunswick. His father had been killed at Jena, in 1806.

453. 226. "Cameron's Gathering." The pibroch, or martial rallying song, played on the bagpipe. The clan Cameron had been "out under Prince Charles Stuart in 1745, but was enthusiastically loyal in 1815.

227. Albyn's. Scotland's.

235. Ardennes. Byron notes: "The wood of Soignies is supposed to be a remnant of the forest of Ardennes,' famous in Boiardo's Orlando, and immortal in Shakespeare's As You Like It."

455. 848. Cytherea's zone. Venus's girdle, which inspired the beholder with love for the wearer.


456. 1. The Bridge of Sighs. The famous bridge leading from the Doge's Palace to the prison.

8. The winged Lion. The winged lion of St. Mark, the emblem of the Venetian republic.

10. Cybele. Daughter of Uranus, and mother of Zeus; sometimes known as Rhea, and represented as wearing a tiara of towers.

19. Tasso. Torquato Tasso (1544-1595), Italian poet, author of Jerusalem Delivered.

456. 703. The Niobe of nations. Niobe, all of whose children were slain by Apollo and Diana because of her pride, stands as a symbol of grief and suffering.

457. 732. When Brutus, etc. The reference is to the murder of Julius Cæsar by Brutus and the other conspirators. See North's translation of Plutarch, p. 91, this volume.

734. Tully. Marcus Tullius Cicero.

1252. I see before me the gladiator lie. Byron seems to have had in mind the statue of the "Dying Gaul," now known to have no connection with gladiatorial combats. 459. 1648. I have loved thee, Ocean. Byron was a swimmer of extraordinary ability.


460. I. Bob Southey! You're a Poet. The satiric dedication to Robert Southey was only one shot in the war between the two men. See the Introduction to Byron's Vision of Judgment.

3. You turned out a Tory. Southey, like Coleridge, was an enthusiastic republican in his young manhood; later he became strongly conservative.

5. My Epic Renegade. Byron probably has in mind Southey's early work, Wat Tyler, which was strongly republican, and was published contrary to Southey's wishes after he had given up his republicanism.

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13. Coleridge explaining metaphysics to the nation. During the latter part of his life Coleridge all but abandoned poetry in favor of philosophy. The Biographia Literaria was published in 1817.

25. Wordsworth, in a rather long "Excursion." Wordsworth's philosophical poem, The Excursion, was published in 1814.

132. Buff and blue. Here used, as often, as symbolic of republicanism.


690. Sappho. The only woman among the world's great poets. She lived approximately 600 B. C.

692. Delos. A Greek island, the birthplace of Phoebus Apollo.

695. The Scian and the Teian muse. Homer and Anacreon, so called from their birthplaces, real or supposed, Scio and Teos, respectively.

701. Marathon. The battle of Marathon, fought in 490 B. C. between the Persians and the Greeks, resulted in an overwhelming victory for the latter. It took place on the plains of Marathon, overlooking the sea.

708. Salamis. In 480 B. C. the Greek fleet under Themistocles defeated the Persian fleet. The battle was fought in the strait between the island of Salamis and the mainland of Attica.

461. 730. Thermopylæ. The most famous battle at the pass of Thermopyla was the contest in 480 B. C. between Leonidas and three hundred Spartans, and the Persian army of Xerxes.

743. Pyrrhic dance. A martial dance.
744. Pyrrhic phalanx. Pyrrhus (318?-
272 B. C.), King of Epirus, achieved
several military successes through his use
of the closely massed phalanx.

747. You have the letters Cadmus gave.
Cadmus, one of the world's "culture
heroes," was supposed to have given the
alphabet to men.
751. Anacreon's
song... Polycrates.
Anacreon, Greek eulogist of love and
wine, lived at the court of Polycrates,
Tyrant of Samos.

755. Tyrant of the Chersonese. Mil-
tiades, who, as leader of the Greeks at
Marathon, was "freedom's best and
bravest friend."

762. Suli's rock and Parga's shore. The
first a mountain district, the second a
seaport, in Albania. Both were famous
for their warlike inhabitants.
764. Doric. Spartan.

766. Heracleidan. Of Hercules.

779. Sunium's marbled steep. A ruined temple at Sunium, or Cape Colonna, served as a landmark for vessels approaching the southern extremity of Attica. 462. 813. Troy owes to Homer what whist owes to Hoyle. Edmund Hoyle (16721769), whose Short Treatise on Whist was published in 1742, was long the unquestioned authority on the game. 815. The great Marlborough. ... Life by Archdeacon Coxe. William Coxe (1747-1828), archdeacon of Wiltshire, published his Memoirs of John, Duke of Marlborough in the years 1818 and 1819. Marlborough is, of course, Queen Anne's great general.

819. An independent being. Probably a
pun; during the latter part of his life
Milton was a member of the religious
sect known as "Independents."

821. His life falling into Johnson's way.
Dr. Johnson's life of Milton, in his Lives
of the Poets, is unsympathetic.
826. Lord Bacon's bribes.
These are
facts; the stories concerning Cæsar,
Shakespeare, etc., may be apocryphal.
828. Burns (whom Doctor Currie well
describes). Dr. James Currie (1756-
1805) published an edition of Burns's
works, with a memoir, in 1800.

833. Southey... Pantisocracy. Southey
and Coleridge were the two leaders in
an attempt, which came to naught, to
found an ideal commonwealth on the
banks of the Susquehanna River.

835. Wordsworth unexcised, unhired. In the year 1812 Wordsworth was appointed Distributor of Stamps for the county of Westmoreland. The office was worth

£400 per year.

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