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"Certes," fayd fhe," fith ye fo well have spide "The troublous paffion of my penfive mind, "I will not feeke the fame from you to hide, But will my cares unfolde, in hope to find "Your aide to guide me out of errour blind." Say on," quoth he, "the fecret of your hart; For by the holy vow which me doth bind, I am adiur'd beft counfell to impart

To all that shall require my comfort in their "fmart."


Then gan fhe to declare the whole discourse
Of all that vifion which to her appeard,

As well as to her minde it had recourfe :
All which when he unto the end had heard,
ike to a weake faint-hearted man he fared
Through great aftonishment of that strange sight,
And with long locks up-standing ftifly, flared
ike one adawed with fome dreadfull spright;
ofild with heavenly fury thus he her behight;


Magnificke Virgin! that in queint disguise e Of British armes doest maske thy royall blood, So to purfew a perillous emprife,

How couldst thou weene through that disguized "hood

To hide thy ftate from being understood?
Can from th' immortall gods ought hidden bee?
They doe thy lineage, and thy lordly brood,
They doe thy fire lamenting fore for thee,
They doe thy love forlorne in womens thral-
"dome fee.


The end whereof, and all the long event,
They doe to thee in this fame dreame discover;
For that fame crocodile doth reprefent

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The righteous knight that is thy faithfull lover, | Began the ftreight conditions to propound,

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As when a tygre and a lioneffe

Are met at fpoyling of fome hungry pray, Both challenge it with equall greedineffe, But firft the tygre clawes thereon did lay, And therefore loth to loofe her right away, Doth in defence thereof full outly fond; To which the lion ftrongly doth gainefay,

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Yet when the faw the heapes which he did make
Of slaughtred carkaffes, her heart did quake
For very ruth, which did it almost rive,
That the his fury willed him to flake;
For elfe he fure had left not one alive,
But all in his revenge of fpirite would deprive.

Tho when she had his execution ftayd,
She for that yron prifon did enquire,
In which her wretched love was captive layd,
Which breaking open with indignant ire,
She entred into all the partes entire;
Where when the faw that lothly uncouth fight
Of men disguiz'd in womanifhe attire,
Her heart gan grudge for very deepe defpight
Of fo unmanly mafke in mifery mildight.

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And her proud perfon low proftrated on the But ftood long ftaring on him mongst uncertam

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So there awhile they afterwards remained,
Him to refresh, and her late wounds to heale;
During which space she there as princes rained;
And changing all that forme of common-weale,
The liberty of women did repeale,

Which they had long ufurpt, and them reftoring
To men's fubiection, did true iuftice deale;
That all they as a goddeffe her adoring,


Full fad and forrow full was Britomart
For his departure, her new caufe of griefe;
Yet wifely moderated her owne fmart,
Seeing his honor, which the tendred chiefe,
Confifted much in that adventure's priefe,
The care whereof, and hope of his fucceffe,
Gave unto her great comfort and reliete,
That womanish complaints the did repreffe,

Her wifedom did admire, and hearkned to her And tempred for the time her present heavinesse. loring;


For all thofe knights, which long in captive fhade
Had throwded bene, fhe did from thraldome free,
And magiftrates of all that city made,

And gave to them great living and large fee;
And that they fhould for ever faithfull bee,
Made them fweare fealty to Artegall;

Who when himselfe now well recur'd did fee,

He purpofd to proceed, whatso befall,


There the continu'd for a certaine space,

Till through his want her woe did more increase; Then hoping that the change of aire and place Would change her paine, and forrow fomewhat


She parted thence, her anguish to appease. Meane while her noble lord, Sir Artegall, Went on his way, ne ever howre did cease, Till he redeemed had that lady thrall;

Uppon his firft adventure, which him forth did That for another Canto will more fitly fall.


X iij

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