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handkerchiefs of all kinds, at more than ten shil-receive, on any terms, or conditions whatever, any

of the goo's enumerated in the second resolution, that shall, or may be imported into this province, contrary to the intent and design of these resolu

lings per dozen; cotton velvets, and all kind c cotton, or cotton and linen stuffs, bed bunts, and bed-ticking of all sorts, cotton counterpanes and coverlids, British manufactured linens of all kinds.tions, by any person whatever, or consigned to any except scal-cloth, Irish and all foreign linens, abov. factor, agent, manager, or storekeeper here, by one shilling and six pence per yard; woolen cloth, any person residing in Great Britain, or elsewbere; above five quarters wide, of more than five shillings and if any such goods shall be imported, we will per yard; narrow cloths of all sorts, of more thanot, upon any consideration whatever, rent or sell three shillings per yard; worsted stuffs of all sorts, to, or permit any way to be made use of by any above thirteen pence per yard; silk and worsted. such importer, his agent, factor, manager, or storesilk and cotton, silk and hair, and hair and worsted keeper, or any person, on his, or their behalf, any stuffs of all kinds, worsted and hair shags, mourn. store house, or other house, or any kind of place ing of all and every kind, stockings, caps, waistcoat whatever, belonging to us, respectively, for exposand breeches patterns of all kinds, rugs of all sorts, ing to sale, or even securing any such goods, nor above eight shillings; blankets, above five shillings, will we suffer any such to be put on shore on our per blanket; mens and womens ready made clothes, respective properties. and wearing apparel of all kinds, bats of all kinds, SIXTHLY, That if any person shall import, or of more than two shillings per hat; wigs, gloves, endeavor to import, from Great Britain or any and mits of all kinds, stays and bodices of all sorts, part of Europe, any goods whatever, contrary to boots, saddies, and all manufactures of leather, and the spirit and design of the foregoing resolutions, skins of all kinds, except mens and womens shoes, of or shall sell any goods which he has now, or may not more than four shillings per pair, whips, brushes, hereafter have on hand, or may import, on any and brooms of all sorts, gilt, and hair trunks, other terms than are herein expressed, we will not, paintings, carpets of all sorts, snuff boxes, snuff, at any time hereafter, deal with any such person, and other manufactured tobacco, soap, starch, his agent, manager, factor, or storekeeper, for any playing cards, dice, English china, English ware, commodity whatever; and that such of us as are, in imitation of China, delph and stone ware, of all or may be sellers of goods, will not take any adsorts, except milk-pans, stone bottles, jugs, pitch-vantage of the scarcity of goods, that this agreeers, and chamber pots, marble and wrought stone of any kind, except scythe-stones; mill stones, and grind-stones, iron castings, ironmongery of all sorts, except nails, hoes, steel, handicraft and manufacturers tools, locks, frying-pans, scythes and SEVENTHLY, That we will not, during the time sickles, cutlery of all sorts, except knives and forks, aforesaid, import into this province, any of the not exceeding three shillings per dozen; knives, goods above enumerated for non-importation in scissors, sheep shears, needles, pins and thimbles, the second resolution, which have been, or shall be razors, chirurgical instruments and spectacles, imported from Great Britain, or some part of Eu. cordage, or tarred rope of all sorts, seins, ships rope, from any colony, or province, which hath not colors ready made, ivory, horn, and bone ware of entered, or shall not, within two months from the all sorts, except combs. date hereof, enter into resolutions of non-importation, nor will we purchase, take up, or receive, on any terms, or conditions whatever, any such goods, from any person or persons, that may import the same; nor will we purchase, take up, or receive, on any terms, or conditions, any of the said goods, which may be imported from any province, or colony, which has entered, or may enter into such resolutions, unless a certificate shall accompany such goods, under the hands of a committee of merchants (if any) of the place from whence such goods shall come or if no such committee, then under the hands of at least three of the principal merchants there, who have entered into resolution3

THIRDLY, That we will not, during the time aforesaid, import any wines, of any kind whatever, or purchase the same from any person whatever, except such wines as are already imported, or for which orders are already sent.

FOURTHLY, That we will not kill or suffer to be killed, or sell, or dispose to any person, whom we have reason to believe intends to kill, any ewe. lamb that shall be yeaned before the first day of May in any year, during the time aforesaid.

FIFTHLY, That we will not, directly or indirectly, during the time aforesaid, purchase, take up, or

ment may occasion, but will sell such as we have now on hand, or may hereafter import, or have for sale, at the respective usual and accustomed rates for three years last past.

of non importation, that such goods were imported Mr. John Merryman, who then had the carriage before such resolution was entered into in such thereof, (and who is now absent in London) that place. And that we will not purchase, take up, he would not sign, unless he had liberty to send or receive, on any terms, or conditions whatever, after the expiration of six months, from the date hereof, from any colony, or province aforesaid, any of the said enumerated articles, which have been, or shall be imported from Great Britain.

off his orders for fall goods, and to import the same: That some few days afterwards Mr. Merryman informed him, that the merchants of the town would give leave to send off the orders, and receive the fall goods; and that, in consequence of this EIGHTHLY, We, the tradesmen and manufac-information, he signed the agreement, without any turers, do likewise promise, and agree, that we such condition, written or expressed, in the same will not avail ourselves of the scarcity of European opposite to his name. After which the question goods, proceeding from the resolutions for non-was put, whether Mr. Moore should have liberty importation, to raise or enhance the prices of the to land and vend his whole cargo!? Which was different articles, or commodities, by us wrought determined in the affirmative.

up, or manufactured; but that we will sell and dis pose of the same, at the usual and accustomed rates we have done for these three years past.

HD Gough,
Jonathan Plowman,
Richard Moale,
Archibald Buchanan,
Hercules Courtenay,
John Macnabb,
Charles Rogers,
John A. Smith,
Thomas Place,

Thomas Erving,
Alexander M Machen,
Benjamin Rogers,
what-Jonathan Hudson,
Murdock Kennedy,
Henry Brown,
William Hammond,
Andrew Buchanan,
John Deaver,

John Smith,
William Smith,
Alexander Lawson,
Ebenezer Mackie,
William Lux.

LASTLY, That, if any person, or persons, ever, shall oppose, or contravene the above resolutions, or act in opposition to the true spirit and design thereof, we will consider him, or them, as enemies to the liberties of America, and treat them, on all occasions, with the contempt they deserve; John Moale, provided that these resolutions shall be binding Henry Thompson, Robert Christie, on us, for and during the continuance of the before William Lux, E. R. mentioned act of parliament, unless a general meet-Robert Alexander, ing of such persons at Annapolis, as may, at any time hereafter, be requested by the people of the several counties in this province to meet, for the purpose of considering the expediency of dispens. ing with the said resolutions, or any of them, not exceeding four from each county, or a majority of the association of 30th March. Upon which the

such of them as shall attend, shall determine other


At a meeting of the merchants, and others, inhabitants of Baltimore county, associators for non importation of European goods, held at Mr. Littie's, November 14, 1769,

JOHN SMITH, chairman

The committee of enquiry baving also reported that Benjamin Howard had imported a cargo of goods, of the value of £1700 sterling, in the Lord Cambden, captain John Johnston, from London, which they were in doubt were not within the terms of

following question was put, whether Benjamin Howard be permitted to Jand and vend the said cargo, he having alleged that he never signed the association of the 30th March, being then an inhabitant of Anne-Arundel county, and that he apprehended he was entitled to import within the terms of the general association of the 22d June, The committee of enquiry having reported, that to which he was a subscriber, his orders for the William Moore, jun. had imported a cargo of goods said cargo having been transmitted the 1st of May. in the Lord Cambden, captain John Johnston, from Resolved in the affirmative. London, of the value of £900 sterling, which they were in doubt were not within the terms of the association. The following question was put, whe ther William Moore, jun. has imported the said cargo within the terms mentioned in the agreement of the 30th of March last, to which he was a signer? Upon which question, the gentlemen present were unanimously of opinion, that the said cargo was imported contrary to that agreement: Of which. determination William Moore being informed, h alleged, as a justification of his conduct, that a the time he signed the agreement, he objected to


H. D. Gough,
Thomas Ewing,
Alexander M'Machen,
Benjamin Rogers,
Jonathan Hudson,
Thomas Place,
Henry Brown,
Henry Thompson,
Villiam Hammond,
Andrew Buchanan,
John Deaver,

Jonathan Plowman,
Richard Moale,
Archibald Buchanan,
Murdock Kennedy,
John Moale,
John Macnabb,
Charles Rogers,
John A Smith,
Hercules Courtenay.


John Smith,
Robert Christie,
William Smith,

Ebenezer Mackie,

Alexander Lawson,

William Lux.

PHILADELPHIA, January 3, 1774. ¡rica, subject to the payment of duties on its being The unanimity, spirit and zeal, which have here-landed here, is an open attempt to enforce this tofore animated all the colonies, from Boston te ministerial plan, and a violent attack upon the South Carolina, have been so eminently displayed liberties of America.

in the opposition to the pernicious project of the East India company, in sending tea to America, while it remains subject to a duty, and the Americans at the same time confined by the stronges prohibitory laws to import it only from Great Britain, that a particular account of the transactions of this city cannot but be acceptable to all our readers, and every other friend of American liberty.

6. That it is the duty of every American to oppose this attempt.

7. That whoever shall, directly or indirectly, countenance this attempt, or in any wise aid or abet in unloading, receiving, or vending the tea sent, or to be sent out by the East-India company, while it remains subject to the payment of a duty here, is an enemy to his country.

Upon the first advice of this measure, a general 8. That a committee be immediately chosen to dissatisfaction was expressed, that, at a time when wait on those gentlemen who, it is reported, are we were struggling with this oppressive act, and appointed by the East-India company to receive, an agreement subsisting not to import tea while and sell the said tea, and request them, from a subject to the duty, our fellow subjects in Eng-regard to their own character, and the peace and land should form a measure so directly tending to good order of the city and province, immediately enforce that act, and again embroil us with our to resign their appointment.

parent state. When it was also considered, that


2. That the duty imposed by parliament upon tea landed in America, is a táx on the Americans, or levying contributions on them without their con

the proposed mode of disposing of the tea, tended In consequence of this appointment, the comto a monopoly, ever odious in a free country, amittee waited upon the gentlemen in this city, who universal disapprobation shewed itself throughout had been appointed consignees of the expected the city. A public meeting of the inhabitants was cargo. They represented to them the detestation held at the state house on the 18th October, at and abhorrence in which this measure was held which great numbers attended, and the sense of by their fellow-citizens, the danger and difficulties the city was expressed in the following resolves which must attend the execution of so odious a trust, and expressed the united desire of the city, 1. That the disposal of their own property is the that they would renounce the commission, and inherent rights of freemen; that there can be no engage not to intermeddle with the ship or cargo property in that which another can, of right, take in any shape whatever.-Some of the commissioners from us without our consent; that the claim of resigned, in a manner that gave general satisfaction, parliament to tax America is, in other words, a others, in such equivocal terms as required further claim of right to levy contributions on us at plea-explanation. However in a few days the resigns. tion was complete.-In this situation things remained for a few days. In the mean time, the general spirit and indignation rose to such a beighth, that it was thought proper to call another general meet. ing of the principal citizens to consider and resolve upon such farther steps as might give weight, and 3. That the express purpose for which the tax insure success to the unanimous opposition now is levyed on the Americans, namely, for the sup-formed. Accordingly a meeting was held, for the port of government, administration of justice, and above purpose, at which a great number of respect. defence of his majesty's dominions in America, has able inhabitants attended; and it appeared to be a direct tendency to render assemblies useless, and the unanimous opinion that the entry of the ship to introduce arbitrary government and slavery. at the custom-house, or the landing any part of her cargo, would be attended with great danger and difficulty, and would directly tend to destroy that peace and good order which ought to be preserved.—An addition of twelve other gentlemen was then made to the former committee, and the general meeting adjourned till the arrival of 5. That the resolution lately entered into by the the tea ship. Information being given of that, the East-India company to send out their tea to Ame-price of tea was suddenly advanced, though it was



4. That a virtuous and steady opposition to this

ministerial plan of governing America, is absolutely necessary to preserve even the shadow of liberty, and is a duty which every freeman in America owes to bis country, to himself and to his posterity.

owing to a general scarcity of that article; yet all the possessors of tea, in order to give strength to the opposition, readily agreed to reduce the price, and sell what remained in their hands at a reasonable rate. Nothing now remained, but to keep up a proper correspondence and connection with the other colonies, and to take all prudent and proper precautions on the arrival of the tea ship.

It is not easy to describe the anxiety and suspense of the city in this interval. Sundry reports of her arrival were received, which proved premature.But on Saturday evening the 25th ult. an express came up from Chester, to inform the town, that the tea ship, commanded by captain Ayres, with her detested cargo, was arrived there, having followed another ship up the river so far.

The committee met early the next morning, and being apprized of the arrival of Mr. Gilbert Barclay, the other consignee, who came passenger in the ship, they immediately went in a body to request his renunciation of the commission. Mr. Barclay politely attended the committee, at the first request; and being made acquainted with the sentiments of the city, and the danger to which the public liberties of America were exposed by this measure, he, after expressing the particular bardship of bis situation, also resigned the commission, in a manner which affected every one present.

a number of persons, where he was soon convinced of the truth and propriety of the representations which had been made to him-and agreed that, upon the desire of the inhabitants being publicly expressed, he would conduct himself accordingly. Some small rudeness being offered to the captain afterwards in the street, by some boys, several gentlemen interposed, and suppressed it before he received the least injury. Upon an hour's notice. on Monday morning, a public meeting was called, and the state-house not being sufficient to hold the numbers assembled, they adjourned into the square. This meeting is allowed by all to be the most respectable, both in the numbers and rank of those who attended it, that has been known in this

city. After a short introduction, the following resolutions were not only agreed to, but the public approbation testified in the warmast manner.

1. Resolved, That the tea, on board the ship Polly, captain Ayres, shall not be landed.

2. That captain Ayres shall neither enter nor report his vessel at the custom-house.

3. That captain Ayres shall carry back the tea immediately.

4. That captain Ayres shall immediately send a pilot on board his vessel, with orders to take charge of her, and proceed to Reedy-island next high


5. That the captain shall be allowed to stay in town till to-morrow, to provide necessaries for his voyage.

6. That he shall then be obliged to leave the town and proceed to his vessel, and make the best of his way out of our river and bay.

7. That a committee of four gentlemen be appointed to see these resolves carried into execution.

The committee then appointed three of their members to go to Chester, and two others to Gloucester point, in order to have the earliest opportunity of meeting capt. Ayres, and representing to him the sense of the public, respecting his voyage and cargo. The gentlemen who had set out for Chester, receiving intelligence that the vessel had weighed anchor about 12 o'clock, and proceeded to town, returned. About 2 o'clock she appeared in sight of Gloucester point, where a number of inhabitants from the town had assembled with the gentlemen from the committee. As she passed along, she was hailed, and the captain requested not to proceed further, but to come on shore. This the captain complied with, and was handed through a lane made by the people, to the That this assembly highly approve of the congentlemen appointed to confer with him. They duct and spirit of the people of New-York Charrepresented to him the general sentiments, toge-leston, and Boston, and return their hearty thanks ther with the danger and difficulties that would attend his refusal to comply with the wishes of the inhabitants; and finally desired him to proceed with them to town, where he would be more fully informed of the temper and resolution of the people. He was accordingly accompanied to town by

The assembly were then informed of the spirit and resolution of New-York, Charleston, South Carolina, and the conduct of the people of Boston, whereupon it was unanimously resolved

to the people of Boston for their resolution in destroying the tes, rather than suffering it to be landed.

The whole business was conducted with a de corum and order worthy the importance of the

cause. Captain Ayres being present at this meeting, solemnly and publicly engaged, that he would literally comply with the sense of the city, as expressed in the above resolutions.

That all legal and constitutional means ought to be used by all America, for procuring a repeal of the said act of parliament.

That the only effectual means of obtaining such A proper supply of necessaries and fresh pro-repeal, they are at present of opinion, is an associavisions being then procured, in about two hours tion, under the strongest ties, for breaking off all the tea ship weighed anchor from Gloucester-point, commercial connections with Great Britain, until where she lay within sight of the town, and has the said act of parliament be repealed, and the proceeded, with her whole cargo, on her return to right assumed by parliament for taxing America, the East-India company. in all cases whatsoever, be given up, and American freedom ascertained and settled upon a permanent constitutional foundation.

The public think the conduct of those gentlemen, whose goods are returned on board the tea ship, ought not to pass unnoticed, as they have, upon this occasion, generously sacrificed their private interest to the public good.

Thus this important affair, in which there has been so glorious an exertion of public virtue and spirit, bas been brought to a happy issue; by which the force of a law so obstinately persisted in, to the prejudice of the national commerce, for the sake of the principle on which it is founded, (a right of taxing the Americans without their consent) has been effectually broken-and the foundations of American liberty more deeply laid than ever.

That the most practicable mode of forming such an effectual association, they conceive to be a ge. neral meeting of the gentlemen, who are already or shall be appointed committees, to form an American intercourse and correspondence upon this most interesting occasion.

That in the mean time they will form such par. ticular associations as to them shall seem effectual;

yet professing themselves ready to join in any reasonable general one that may be devised as aforesaid.

That these sentiments be immediately forwarded to be printed in the Maryland and Pennsylvania Gazettes.

ANNAPOLIS, June 9, 1774 At a meeting of a considerable number of the magistrates, and other the most respectable That Edward Tilghman, Solomon Wright, Turinhabitants of Queen-Anne's county, at Queen's but Wright, John Browne, Richard Tilghman town, on the thirtieth day of May, 1774, in or- Farle, James Hollyday, Thomas Wright, William der to deliberate upon the tendency and effect Hemsley, Adam Gray, Clement Sewell, Richard of the act of parliament for blocking up the port Tilghman, James Kent, John Kerr, James Bordley, and William Bruff, be a committee of correspondence and intercourse, until some alteration is made in this appointment by a more general meet.

and harbor of Boston.

Duly considering and deeply affected with the prospect of the unhappy situation of Great Britain ing. and British America, under any kind of disunion, this meeting think themselves obliged, by all the ties which ever ought to preserve a firm union

Attested by

JAMES EARLE, clk. com.

amongst Americans, as speedily as possible to At a general meeting of the freeholders, gentlemen,

make known their sentiments to their distressed brethren of Boston; and therefore publish to the world,

That they look upon the cause of Boston in its Consequences to be the common cause of America.

merchants, tradesmen, and other inhabitants of Baltimore county, held at the court house of the said county, on Tuesday the 31st of May, 1774,

Captain CHARLES RIDGELY, chairman—

I. Resolved, That it is the opinion of this meetThat the act of parliament for blocking up theng, that the town of Boston is now suffering in port and harbor of Boston, appears to them a cruel the common cause of America, and that it is the and oppressive invasion of their natural rights, as duty of every colony in America to unite in the men, and constitutional rights as English subjects, most effectual means to obtain a repeal of the late and if not repealed, will be a foundation for the act of parliament for blocking up the harbor of utter destruction of American freedom. Boston.-Distentient three.

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