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Maine, of Dec. 12, 1820.

the army. It was deposited by the Dutch mer

From the Eastern Argus, published at Portland, chants in Eustatia, and put on board a fleet of merchantmen to be transported to our ports. ComIt is with great satisfaction that we have it in modore Tucker was ordered to sail with the Basour power to state, that the venerable commodore ton frigate and Confederacy, to meet this fleet and TUCKER has been appointed, by the unanimous convoy it safe, at all events, into port. The salvavotes of the electoral college of this state, a spe- tion of the army and of the country, depended on cial messenger to carry the votes for president and the safe arrival of these supplies, the soldiers bevice president to the seat of government. And a ing not only without pay, but destitute of clothgratifying event it must be to this war-worn vete-ing, and, as soldiers always will be in such cases, ran, now in the seventy-fourth year of his age, to irritated, refractory, and mutinous. The moment be the bearer of the unbought suffrages of a free of the commodore's meeting this fleet was most people for another revolutionary worthy to fill the critical. Two British frigates were then in the highest office in their gift. Commodore Tucker pursuit, and were now within gun-shot of the hindwas among the most distinguished naval comman-ermost vessels, when two strange sail were seen ders in the war of the revolution. Though it is not bearing down upon them directly ahead. A sigour intention, at this time, to give an outline of the nal was made for the fleet to disperse, and soon interesting adventures of this officer through our after, Tucker having come within hailing distance eight years struggle for independence, it may not of one of the foremost vessels, discovered that it be unacceptable to our readers to be reminded of was the fleet of which he was in the pursuit. He some of the important benefits which our country instantly made a signal for the Confederacy to bear derived from his skill and courage in the time of down upon and attack the windward sail, while he her greatest need. We are apt, in the unbroken wore ship and prepared to engage the vessels at flow of prosperity, to forget the merits and achieve ments of those to whom we are indebted for it.

the leeward. The enemy, however, though superior in force, declined meeting him. He fled to New York, where the commander, after a sham In March, 1776, after the British army had been trial, was acquitted on the excuse that his crew driven from Boston in shameful flight, and were was mutinous; and the American commodore led lying with the fleet at Long Island point, a trans- his fleet in triumph into the harbor of Philadel port, loaded with powder, for the use of the troops, phia, without the loss of a ship. The safe arrival was captured by a vessel under the orders of com- of this fleet was a most important event to the modore Tucker, and commanded by one of his ofcountry. ficers, just before she arrived within the protection of the British guns. The merits of the arrange. Soon after, the British commander fitted out a ments for the capture belonged to the commodore, vessel for the express purpose of cruising for Tuckand he received, if we are not mistaken, the thanks er, and bringing the rebel into the harbor of Newof general Washington. Though Boston was then York. His ship was again somewhat superior to evacuated, it will be recollected by those who are the Boston, and manned with fifty chosen men, in conversant with that period of our history, that the addition to the usual crew. He soon had the good enemy had been driven from his post by a band of or ill fortune to meet with Tucker. Such was the freemen, armed only with fowling pieces, and with skill and adroitness with which the American comout powder or ball. The ammunition at the dispo- mander manœuvred, that he brought his ship withsal of the American commander at one time, was in half pistol shot under the quarters of the British not more than sufficient to furnish his army with vessel, before the captain discovered that it was more than four or five rounds to each man. The an enemy, the commodore having English colors capture of this vessel, though not an event calcu- flying. He then sent up the stars and stripes, and lated to attract attention by the dazzling lustre summoned the enemy to surrender. Such was the of military glory, was, in fact, one of the most important naval occurrences of the war.

Another event, of superior interest, and which displayed the gallantry of the commodore in a stronger light, was the preservation of the Eustatia fleet in 1779. The American agents had contracted in Holland for a large quantity of clothing for

commanding position that the American frigate had obtained, that the British captain thought it prudent to surrender before a gun was fired on either side.

Commodore Tucker's enterprise and naval talents were in constant requisition, and he was in active service during the whole war. He took from

the enemy seventy-five prizes, and more than six I heartily wish captain Tucker success; and beg HUNDRED AND FIFTY mounted cannon, a greater number, we believe, than was captured by any other naval commander.

the favor of you, sir, to communicate to any committee, who may be charged with the examination of his application, this letter from your friend and humble servant,


Secretary of the navy of the U. S.

The foregoing is a true copy of the original now in my possession.

When the venerable patriot arrived at Washington with the electoral votes, it was contemplat- Hon. Mr. Crowninshield, ed to pass a resolution to admit him within the bar of the house of representatives. But it is a standing rule of the house, that all persons to whom a vote of thanks has been passed, may use that privilege, and it was found that commodore Tucker might claim it from a vote of the old congress- Connected with this letter is an anecdote of the and the house had too much sensibility on the sub-now venerable writer, which we do not recollect ject, in any manner to depreciate so honorable a to have before seen in print. From the unaffected claim, by acting on the case, except to permit him simplicity with which the letter is written, it would to take a seat as a matter of right. not appear that Mr. Adams was on board the ves


His presence at Washington gave rise to a pub.sel commanded by captain Tucker, in the cruise of lication of the following correspondencewhich he speaks; but this was the fact. Captain Tucker then commanded the Boston frigate, and

QUINCY, January 18, 1816.

SIR-Samuel Tucker, esq. a member of our Mas-was charged with the important duty, at that diffisachusetts legislature, has a petition to govern. cult time, of carrying Mr. Adams out as ambassament for justice or customary favor to meritorious dor to France. About fifteen days before their ar officers, which will be explained before the proper rival at Bordeaux, there hove in sight a large Engjudges. I cannot refuse his request to certify what lish ship, showing a tier of guns. Tucker immeI know of his character and history. My acquain-diately held a conversation with Mr. Adams, assurtance with him commenced early in the year 1776, ed him he could take her, and wished to obtain his when he was first appointed to a command in the consent to run down for her; this was, in which he served with reputation and with- The Boston bore down: Mr. Adams being a nonout reproach, to the end of the year 1783. . combatant, was desired to retire into the cock pit, below water. He descended, at this request, into His biographby would make a conspicuous figure the cabin. Tucker returned immediately to his even at this day, in the naval annals of the United duty, and in fifteen minutes the Boston was within States. I can be particular only in one instance. hail of the English ship, which proved to be the In 1778, he was ordered to France in the Boston Martha, and had been lying too to meet her enefrigate. He sailed in February, and soon fell in with three British frigates, sent from Rhode Island answered by a broadside, which shot away a piece my. Upon Tucker's hailing the British ship, she expressly to intercept him. Fighting of one against of the mizen yard of the Boston, which fell upon three was out of the question. In a chase of three Tucker's shoulder, and brought him flat on the days and three nights, he baffled all the inventions, deck. This, for a moment, prevented the order to and defeated all the manœuvres of the enemy, and was separated from him, at last, in the Gulph Stream by a furious hurricane, which, for three days more, threatened him with immediate destruction. Nor was this his last danger from seas or from ene mies. He had two other storms, and two other detachments of British men of war to encounter; one in the English channel, and another in the Bay of Biscay. He arrived in Bordeaux in April.

Nothing but vigilance, patience, and perseverance, added to consummate nautical skill, could have preserved that ship through so many dangers at that equinoxial season, and such a succession of irresistible enemies.

return the fire; but as he leaped from the deck and gained his legs, he found the colors of the Martha hauled down; and looking forward, observed Mr. Adams among the marines, with a musket in his hand, having privately applied to the officer of the marines for a gun, and taken his station among them. At this sight, captain Tucker became alarmed; for he was responsible for the safety of Mr. Adams; and walking up to the ambassador, desired to know how he came there? upon which the other smiled, gave up his gun, and went immediately below.


By a misprint, we presume, the late commodore Barry was said to have captured the British ship

"General Monk," in 1782. The error brought tunate-when we were about to engage, it was the forth, in the Washington City Gazette, of June opinion of myself, as well as my crew, that she -, 1820, the following explanation and remarks, would have blown us to atoms; but we were deterin a letter addressed to the editor: mined she should gain her victory dearly. One of the wounded British sailors observed-"Yes, sir, captain Rogers observed to our crew, a little before the action commenced, Now, my boys, we shall have the Yankee ship in five minutes;' and so we all thought, but here we are."-You will find, by a recurrence to the journals of the old congress, that a sword was voted to captain Joshua Barney, tannic Majesty's ship General Monk. for the gallantry displayed in the aetion with his Bri

I have observed in your Gazette, taken from a Philadelphia paper, an account of a gallant action performed by the late commodore Barney, during the revolutionary war. I allude to the action be. tween the American vessel Hyder Ally, captain Barney, and his Britannic Majesty's sloop of war General Monk, captain Rogers, in 1782.-"Honor to the brave." My enly object in addressing you this letter, is to correct an error as to the name of the commander of the Hyder Ally. It was not I can readily account why the name of captain captain Barry, as is erroneously stated in the paBarry should have been inserted instead of captain pers. It was the late commodore Barney who com-Barney.-Capt. Barry, about the same time, commanded the Hyder Ally; the same who received a manded a brig of 16 six pounders, called the Hisevere wound at the battle of Bladensburg, and bernia, and was fortunate in capturing several Briwho lately died at Pittsburg, in Pennsylvania. Itish armed vessels. He afterwards commanded the was then in Philadelphia, quite a lad, when the ac- frigate United States, now in our service, and then tion took place. Both ships arrived at the lower on the West India station, and was very successful part of the city with a leading wind, immediately during our short war with the French republic.-after the action, bringing with them all their killed He died in Philadelphia in 1803. I feel the more and wounded. Attracted to the wharf by the sa. disposed to set this matter right, as commodore lute which the Hyder Ally fired, of thirteen guns, Barney was an intimate friend of mine. If you think which was then the custom, (one for each state) I these items of information worthy of insertion in saw the two ships lying in the stream, anchored your Gazette, they are at your service. near each other. In a short time, however, they I am, respectfully, yours, &c. warped into the wharf to land their killed and wounded, and curiosity induced me, as well as ma



ny others, to go on board each vessel. The Hyder ONE OF THE SIGNERS OF THE DECLARATION OF INDE Ally was, as stated, a small ship of 16 six pound



ers. The Monk, a king's ship of large dimensions, Extract of a letter, dated Newport, R. I. March 14, of 18 nine pounders. The difference in the size and equipments of the two ships was matter of astonishment to all the beholders. The Gen. Monk's

"Old Mr. Ellery died like a philosopher. In decks were, in every direction, besmeared with truth, death, in its common form, never came near blood, covered with the dead and wounded, and him. His strength wasted gradually for the last resembled a charnel house. Several of her bow year, until he had not enough left to draw in his ports were knocked into one-a plain evidence of the well directed fire of the Hyder Ally. She was a king's ship, a very superior vessel, a fast sailer, and coppered to the bends. I was on board during the time they carried on shore the killed and wounded, which they did in hammocks.

breath, and so he ceased to breathe. The day on which he died he got up as usual and dressed himself, took his old flag bottomed chair, without arms, in which he had sat for more than half a century, and was reading Tully's Offices, in the Latin, without glasses, though the print was as fine as that of the smallest pocket bible. Dr. W. I was present at a conversation which took place stopped in on his way to the hospital, as he usually on the quarter deck of the General Monk, between did; and, on perceiving the old gentleman could captain Barney and several merchants in Philadel scarcely raise his eyelids to look at him, took his phia. I remember one of them observing, "why, hand, and found that his pulse was gone. After captain Barney, you have been truly fortunate in drinking a little wine and water, Dr. W. told him capturing this vessel, considering she is so far su- his pulse beat stronger. "O yes, doctor, I have a perior to you in point of size, guns, men and me- charming pulse." But, he continued, "it is idle to tal." Yes sir, he replied, I do consider myself for. talk to me in this way. I am going off the stage

of life, and it is a great blessing that I go free Chesapeake Bay, against five Briush barges, under from sickness, pain and sorrow.” Some time after, the command of com. Perry. At the commencehis daughter, finding him become extremely weak, ment of this engagement, there were attached to wished him to be put to bed, which he at first com. Whaley's squadron three other American objected to, saying he felt no pain, and there was barges, all of which ran off as soon as the engage. no occasion for his going to bed. Presently after, ment commenced, and left com. Whaley alone to however, fearing he might possibly fall out of his contend with five British barges, full manned.chair, he told them they might get him upright Com. W. had on board his barge 69 men, princi. in the bed, so that he could continue to read. pally citizens of the counties of Accomack and They did so, and he continued reading Cicero very Northampton. About the middle of the engagequietly for some time; presently they looked at him and found him dead, sitting in the same posture, with the book under his chin, as a man who become drowsy and goes to sleep."


ment, com. W's magazine took fire, at which time several of his men were overboard hanging by the rigging-29 men out of 69 were killed on board com. W's barge, together with the commodore himself. In this engagement, general Cropper had to contend with two white men and one negro, all DIED-At his seat on Bowman's Folly, at sixteen armed with cutlasses and boarding pikes, and deminutes past two o'clock on the morning of Mon- fended himself with a musket and bayonet.-One day, 15th of January, 1821, general John Cropper, of the general's antagonists struck him with a in the 66th year of his age, after an illness of eleven cutlass on the head, which nearly brought him days. He embarked early in the cause of his coun- down. In the middle of this individual conflict, try, and was chosen a captain in the 9th Virginia the negro discovering his young master to be the regiment on continental establishment, when only person with whom he and the two white men were nineteen or twenty years of age, and marched in engaged, cried out, "Save him-he is my young December, 1776, to the north to join the army un- master!"-Gen. Cropper afterwards set this faithder the command of the illustrious Washington. [ful man free, and settled him in the city of BaltiGeneral Cropper was promoted from a captaincy more.-General John Cropper was in the service of in the 9th Virginia regiment to a major in the 5th his beloved country about 45 years. Those who Virginia regiment. Gen C. was at the battle of were acquainted with him, know how he dischargBrandywine, when the 5th Virginia regiment was ed his duty in every station in which he was placed. nearly cut to pieces, and from which, during the Gen. C. retained to the last hour of his life the veneraaction, his colonel and lieutenant colonel both tion and love he bore for the illustrious Washing. ranaway. Gen. C. then retreated with the remain-son, the saviour of his country. He tried to imitate der of the regiment, and lay concealed in some him in his conduct as a soldier and citizen. The bushes on the battle ground, until near day-break deeds of this great, good, and illustrious Ameriof the same night of the engagement-between can was the theme of general Cropper at all mid-night and day-break, he stole off and marched times. He could not bear to hear the least whisper to Chester, with a red handkerchief lashed to a derogatory to the character of the best of menramrod for colors. On Chester Bridge, general C. and more than once has gen. Cropper been perwas met by the illustrious George Washington and sonally engaged to defend his fame. Gen. C. had general Woodford. The latter alighted from his the honor to die possessed with a written document, horse, embraced gen. Cropper, and pressed him from the pen of this illustrious personage, which to his bosom and said, "He whom we thought was evidenced the high opinion he entertained of the lost, is found."-Gen. C. was then promoted to a worth of the deceased as an officer. This docu. lieutenant colonel in the 7th Virginia regiment, ment was treasured up as a miser would treasure and was at the battles of Germantown and Mon- his gold, and but few persons were permitted to mouth Courthouse. From the 7th Virginia regi-read it, or hear it read. It was the more highly ment he was promoted to the command of the prized, because this illustrious general and states. eleventh Virginia regiment, by the Marquis De La man was cautious in discovering his opinions, er Fayette, which regiment he commanded until his shewing his attachment to individuals-Gen. Cropreturn to Virginia, on the 30th of November, 1782. per was the soldier's friend. The deceased has The day on which the preliminary articles of peace left a widow and seven children, and ten grand were signed at Paris, gen. Cropper was engaged children, to deplore his loss. The writer of this with com. Whaley, in the barge Victory, in the lis one who was well acquainted with the deceased.


doubt. There are many living witnesses in this county, who recognized her on her appearance at the court, and were ready to attest to her services. We often hear of such heroines in other countries, but this is an instance in our own country and with. in the circle of our acquaintance.


An ordinance of the state of Pennsylvania, declaring what shall be treason, and for punishing the same, and other crimes and practices against the state. Whereas, government ought at all times, to take

Be it therefore ordained and

From the Dedham (Mass.) Register of Dec. 1820. We were much gratified to learn that during the sitting of the court in this town the past week, Mrs. Gannett, of Sharon, in this county, presented for renewal, her claims for services rendered her country as a soldier in the revolutionary army. The following brief sketch, it is presumed, will not be uninteresting. This extraordinary woman is now in the 62d year of her age; she possesses a clear understanding, and a general knowledge of passing events; fluent in speech, and delivers her sentiments in correct language, with deliberate and the most effectual measures for the safety and semeasured accent; easy in her deportment, affable curity of the state. in her manners, robust and masculine in her ap- declared, and it is hereby ordained and declared, pearance. She was about eighteen years of age, by the representatives of the freemen of the state when our revolutionary struggle commenced. The of Pennsylvania, in general convention met. That patriotic sentiments which inspired the heroes of all and every person and persons, (except prison. those days and urged them to battle, found their ers of war) now inhabiting or residing within the way to a female bosom. The news of the carnage limits of the state of Pennsylvania, or that shall which had taken place on the plains of Lexington voluntarily come into the same bereafter, to inhahad reached her dwelling-the sound of the can. bit or sojourn, do, and shall owe and pay allegiance non at the battle of Bunker Hill, had vibrated on to the state of Pennsylvania. her ears; yet instead of diminishing her ardor, it And be it further ordained, by the authority only served to increase her enthusiasm in the aforesaid, That all and every such person and persacred cause of liberty, in which cause she beheld sons, so owing allegiance to the state of Pennsyl her country engaged. She privately quitted her vania, who, from and after the publication hereof; peaceful home and the habiliments of her sex, and shall levy war against this state, or be adherent to appeared at the head quarters of the American the king of Great Britain, or others army as a young man, anxious to join his efforts or to the enemies to those of his countrymen, in their endeavors to of the United States of America, by giving him or oppose the inroads and encroachments of the common enemy. She was received and enrolled in the army by the name of Robert Shurtliffe. For the space of three years she performed the duties and endured the hardships and fatigues of a soldier; during which time, she gained the confidence of her officers by her expertness and precision in the manuel exercise, and by her exemplary conduct. She was a volunteer in several hazardous enterprises, and was twice wounded by musket balls. So well did she contrive to conceal her sex, that her companions in arms had not the least suspicion that the "blooming soldier" fighting by their sides (except as before excepted) residing, inhabiting, was a female; till, at length, a severe wound, which or sojourning in this state, who shall hereafter she received in battle, and which had well nigh know of such treason, and conceal the same, or closed her earthly campaign, occasioned the dis. that shall receive or assist such traitor, knowing covery. On her recovery she quitted the army and him to be such, and shall be thereof duly convict. became intimate in the families of gen. Washing ed, as aforesaid, shall be adjudged guilty of mis. ton, and other distinguished officers of the revolu-prison of treason, and suffer the forfeiture of one tion. A few years afterwards she was married to third of his goods and chattels, lands and teneher present husband, and is now the mother of ments, to the use of the state, and be imprisoned several children. Of these facts there can be no any term not exceeding the duration of the pre

them aid or assistance within the limits of this state, or elsewhere, and shall be thereof duly con. victed in any court of oyer and terminer hereafter to be erected, according to law, shall be adjuged guilty of high treason, and forfeit his lands, tenements, goods and chattles, to the use of the state, and be imprisoned any term not exceeding the duration of the present war with Great Britain, at the discretion of the judge or judges.

And be it farther ordained and declared, by the authority aforesaid, That any person or persons

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