Imagens das páginas
[blocks in formation]

ART. 19. In a triangle the tangent of half the sum of any two

angles is to the tangent of half their difference, as the sum of the

opposite sides is to their difference, 75.

ART. 20. In a triangle the cosine of any angle multiplied by

twice the product of the sides which contain it, is equal to the sum of

the squares of those sides diminished by the square of the third

side, 76.

ART. 21. In a right-angled triangle given the two sides contain-

ing the right angle, the triangle itself may be determined, 79.

ART. 22. In a right-angled triangle given the side opposite the

right angle and one of the remaining sides, the triangle itself may be

determined, 82.

ART. 23. In a right-angled triangle given the side opposite the

right angle, and one acute angle, the triangle itself may be deter-

mined, ibid.

ART. 24. In a right-angled triangle given either side about the

right angle, and either acute angle, the triangle itself may be deter-

mined, 83.

ART. 25. In any triangle given two sides and the included angle,

the triangle itself may be determined, ibid.

ART. 26. Given two angles of a triangle, and the side opposite

either of them, the triangle itself may be determined, 85.

ART. 27. Given two angles of a triangle, and the side between

them, the triangle itself may be determined, ibid.

ART. 28. Given the three sides of a triangle, the triangle itself

may be determined, ibid.

ART. 29. Given two sides of a triangle, and the angle opposite

either of them, the triangle itself may be in some cases determined,


DEF. I. A right line is said to be perpendicular to a plane when

it is perpendicular to all the right lines in that plane which pass

through the point where the line meets the plane, 97.

DEF. II. When two planes cut each other, the angle between

them, or their mutual inclination, is measured by the angle between

two right lines drawn in those planes from the same point of their

line of intersection, and perpendicular to it, 99.

DEF. III. Two planes are perpendicular to each other when the

angle between them is measured by a right angle, 100.

DEF. IV. Any figure made where a solid is cut by a surface, is

called a Section of that solid, ibid.

DEF. V. A sphere is a solid figure bounded by one surface, such,

that all right lines drawn from it to one and the same point within

the figure are equal to one another, 101.

DEF. VI. In a sphere, the point from which the surface is every-

where equally distant is called the centre of the sphere, ibid.

DEF. VII. A right line drawn from the centre of a sphere, and

terminated in the surface, is called a Radius of the sphere, ibid.

DEF. VIII. A right line drawn through the centre of a sphere,

and terminated both ways in the surface, is called a Diameter of the

sphere, ibid.

DEF. IX. A great circle of a sphere is that made by a plane

passing through the centre of the sphere, 102.

DEF. X. A lesser circle of a sphere is that made by a plane which

does not pass through the centre of the sphere, ibid.

DEF. XI. A spherical triangle is a spherical surface bounded by

three arcs of great circles, 103.


THE hardest part of this Science is its name. After what has been said on Powers and Progressions, in our ALGEBRA, the reader will find little difficulty in understanding the nature and use of LOGARITHMS. So much as is necessary and sufficient, we propose to explain in the present Treatise.

It is manifest from inspection that in a series of terms in geometric progression, the indices of the multiplying ratio themselves are a series in arithmetic progression; thus, if the former series be

a, ar1, ar2, ar3, art, ar5, ar6, &c. inasmuch as a is equal to a × 1, or a × ro (by Obs. Art. 37, ALG.), the series of indices will be

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, &c.

which is an arithmetic series. This corresponds exactly with the other, or more properly speaking, with r, the multiplying ratio of the other; the powers of which in the successive terms are indicated, or numbered, by the corresponding terms of the second series. Hence originates the word Logarithms; scil. from two Greek words (arithmos and logos), signifying the numeration of a ratio. The terms of the arithmetic series are called logarithms of the multiplying ratio in the geometric series; thus 0 is the logarithm of 7o, 1 the log. of r1, 2 the log. of r2, &c.

It is also apparent that the same arithmetic series will correspond to the geometric series

ro, r1, r2, r3, pt, r5, rổ, &c.

or to any geometric series whatever, the indices of whose multiplying ratio increase in like manner. Moreover, if there be geometric terms interposed between the above, thus,

ro, rì, rì, r3, r2, rž, r3, r‡, rt, &c.


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