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the resolution of the Senate to proceed at 11 o'clock this day to canvass the votes for Governor and Lieuteuant Governor, in the Hall of the House of Representatives; which resolution was sent to the Senate.

The Sergeant-at-arms announced the same to the Senate, who were conducted to seats by the committee.


The returns of the election having been announced by the President of the Senate and ordered to be read, it was, on motion of Mr. M'Donell of the Senate,

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Michigan, in Convention assembled, That, by canvass of votes for Governor and Lieutenant Governor of said State, it is declared by this convention, that STEVENS T. MASON is duly elected Governor, and EDWARD MUNDY Lieutenant Governor of said State, in accordance with the 5th article of the Constitution.

On motion of Mr. Whipple, a committee of three from each House, was appointed to wait upon the Governor and Lieutenant Governor, and inform them of their election.

The committee were Messrs. M'Donell, Britain, and Clark, of the Senate and Messrs. Whipple, Richardson, and Convis, of the House.

On motion, the following named gentlemen were invited to take a seat within the bar:

Hon. Ross Wilkins, Hon. Lucius Lyon, Hon. John Norvell. On motion, the Judges of the Supreme Court, and all officers of the General Government, were also invited to take seats within the bar.

The committee appointed to wait upon the Governor and Lieutenant Governor, and inform them of their election, returned and announced them as being present, when they were conducted to the chair of the speaker, and the oath of office administered.

The governor then delivered an inaugural address, as follows: Fellow Citizens of the Senate

and of the House of Representatives: Summoned by the general voice of my fellow citizens to



the station of chief executive magistrate of the state of Michiit is with feelings which language is inadequate to exgan, press, that I embrace the occasion to convey to them my cordial thanks for this distinguished testimony of their approbation and confidence. If, under ordinary circumstances, the suffrages of this enlightened people had confided to me the exercise of the important and responsible functions of the first office in their gift, the sensibilities awakened by so signal a favor could only have found vent in the silent overflowings of the heart. But to have realized the honor thus bestowed upon me by them, at a time when a blow had been received from another source, to which it would not become me to refer in a spirit of dissatisfaction, adds to the lively and deep sense of gratitude, which I shall cease to cherish towards them only with the expiring pulsations of life. The emotions with which these reflections oppress my mind, are greatly enhanced by the anxiety induced by a sincere consciousness, that the cares before me are above my ability, and that in venturing upon them I have consulted my capacity less, probably, than the impulses of a premature ambition.

But if the hazardous task has been undertaken without a sufficiently rigid scrutiny into the qualifications requisite for its satisfactory performance, I derive consolation from the reflection, that the deficiencies of the executive will be amply supplied by the talents, the rectitude and patriotism of the co-ordinate branches of the state government. These, with the intelligence and virtue of the people, afford the surest pledges, that the foundations of the policy of this new and rising state will be laid in the immutable principles of morality, justice and benevolence; and that, in its legislation, a comprehensive and correct view will at all times be taken of the various interests embraced within its range. To these sources, then, I look with confidence for that direction and support which may bear us triumphantly through the difficulties and embarrassments incident to the new position in which we are placed.

Assembled, fellow citizens, under a constitution framed with singular care and deliberation, and distinguished by a spirit

of peculiar liberality and precision, I congratulate you upon the equally signal unanimity with which it has met the approbation of the people of Michigan. While its provisions guard, with a provident forecast, against any invasion of the rights and liberties of the citizen, they secure an adequate responsibility in all branches of the government to the primary source of all power. With such a constitution, and with the facilities provided for any amendments which time and experience may suggest as useful or essential, the wisdom of the legislature, a judicious and patriotic administration of the laws, with a cheerful co-operation on the part of the people, cannot fail to secure the solid and lasting prosperity, freedom and happiness of this dawning commonwealth.

The change of government, which is now in the process of completion, has placed us in a new and delicate relation to the legislative and executive authorities of the Union. It is believed, however, that the difficulties presented by the new attitude assumed by the people of Michigan, will readily disappear before the light of examination and precedent, and that a course of forbearance and respect to the rights and powers of others, entirely consistent with our own, will smooth our advancement to the high destiny before us.

Next to the right of self-government and the enjoyment of civil and religious liberty, and essential to these, is the continuance of the union of the states. An ardent attachment to this union is interwoven with every patriotic feeling of the people of Michigan. Nor is there any danger that they will ever voluntarily sanction any measure to weaken its sacred ties. Authorized by the ordinance which gave them territorial being to form a state, with limits defined by that ordinance, and by other laws, they have performed the act which renders them sovereign and independent in relation to all the reserved rights and authorities of an American State. No legitimate proceeding of the general government can again reduce them to a territorial condition. The faith of the nation pledged, in the most solemn and binding forms, to their admission into the Union on an equal footing with the original states, they may anticipate with reasonable confidence the

early fulfilment of that pledge. In the mean time, it remains for us to perform all the duties which attach to the relations of a state with the Union; to observe and respect all the general laws which apply to our changed condition; to avoid any legislation which may bring us into collision with the federal authorities, and to await with patience the final recognition of our equal sovereignty by the ropresentatives of our sister states.

By the provisions of the constitution, which has just received the decisive sanction of the people, all laws now in existence in the territory of Michigan, not repugnant to this constitution, remain in force until they expire by their own limitation, or may be repealed by an act of state legislation. All writs, recognizances, and other legal instruments, prosecutions and proceedings at law, are declared to be valid and binding. All officers, civil and military, holding terriorial offices and appointments under the authority of the United States, continue to hold and exercise them until superceded under this constitution. I am not aware that the constitution, of itself, immediately supercedes any officer of federal appointment, except the governor and secretary of the territory. No inconvenience or detriment to the welfare of the state, or to the interests of the Union, can arise from so partial a change. The administration and execution of the subsisting laws, will proceed without interruption. The judicial and other functionaries, deriving their commissions from the United States, will continue to enjoy their respective stations, and to perform their duties, until the legislature, giving due time for the legislation of congress on the subject of our admission into the Union, may deem it expedient to organize a state judiciary, and to authorize the election or appointment of other officers, under the constitution. No intermission of harmonious action and co-operation between the local and federal authorities can be rationally anticipated.

A strict observance of the constitutional division between the powers of the several departments of the government; a scrupulous desire to avoid any violation of the laws which we are bound to see faithfully enforced, or any executive inter

ference with their administration by the judicial tribunals of the state; the exercise of no power not clearly conferred, or incidentally essential to its salutary and effective exercise, are cardinal points which it will be my pride, as it will be my duty, to regard with undeviating fidelity.

The early appointment of the senators to represent the state of Michigan in Congress, and some provision to supply vacancies in local offices, which may be produced by resignation or otherwise, will necessarily occur to the senate and house of representatives, without any special suggestion from the executive on the subject.

The consideration of the general affairs of the commonwealth; the adaptation of the laws to the altered position of Michigan; measures for the developement of her fertile resources, for the application of these to the purposes of education and improvement, and all the other interests which come within the province of legislation, for the advancement of the happiness and prosperity of our beloved state, may perhaps be safely and judiciously postponed to a future, yet not distant, day.

It remains, fellow-citizens, that faithful to ourselves, and to our own rights and liberties, we fervently supplicate that Divine Being, who holds in his hands the chain of events and the destiny of states, to enlighten our minds, guide our councils, and prosper our measures, so that whatever we may do shall result in the welfare and tranquility of the people of Michigan, and shall secure to us the friendship and approbation of the nation.

The message having been read, the Joint Assembly then adjourned.


On motion, adjourned to 3 o'clock P. M.


No business being before the house, adjourned to ten o'clock

to-morrow morning.

WEDNESDAY, November 4, 1835.

Messrs. Bradshaw, of Wayne, and Gidley, of Jackson, appeared, and having been qualified, took their seats.

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