different roads. And every house, every room, every bed in York, by an incessant change of voters, at the rate of about two thousand a day, created a consumption of provisions that might have otherwise served this city for zwelve months. Lynn, June 6. A person of promising circumstance and respectable connections in life, on Monday se'nnight decoyed a girl only twelve years of age into a barn at Terrington, near Lynn, and committed a rape upon her person. The girl, when the offender accosted her, was dibbling potatoes in a field, with several other persons, who were under his orders, and to whom, as soon as released, she complained of the treatment she had received. A warrant for the apprehension of the ravisher was soon after procured; in consequence of which he absconded: but being pursued, was traced to Stamford about eleven o'clock on Thursday night. Here the took the Nelson coach, and proceeded into the north. The party in quest of him, set off after him, and about eight o'clock on Friday morning found him at breakfast at Markham Moor. Being apprehended, he acknowledged the offence with which he was charged, and said that he did not mean to eva e justice, but intended, after have ing been into Cumberland to see his wife and three children, who were then residing there, to have returned into Norfolk to take his trial. After talking rationally and collectedly for a few minutes, he requested permission to go into the garden, which was granted, and he returned. Complaining of indisposition, he begged to retire a second time, which was permitted; but he had not been absent above two minutes, when the report of a pistol attracted attention, and the miserable man was found to have blown his brains out. A coroner's inquest sat on his body on Saturday, and retorned a verdict-felo de sr. He was immediately buried in the cross-road near Markham Moor. London, June 6. On Thursday night, hetween ten and eleven o'clock, as a gentleman wa crossing Piccadilly, near the corner of Bond-street, a chariot driving furiously along knocked him down, and the carriage went over his body He was taken to Mr. Grange's, the fruiterer's, near the spot, where he expired in about ten minutes. The coachman escaped with very little observation of the spectators than can lead to a discovery. All that was observed was, that he had on a white livery, that there were three lamps in front of the carriage, and two females in it, appa rently servants. The deceased proves to be a Mr. Lovenell, a gentleman of considerable property. 10. A serious affray took place on Sunday afternoon in St. James's market. Two or three Irishmen who were pass ing having been ridiculed by some butchers, retorted the abuse, and blows ensued. A great number came up to the assistance of each party, some of whom were armed with whatever articles they could catch up at the moment. The contest lasted about three quarters of an hour, until each party were so beaten that they were obliged to consent to a cessation of hostilities. Upwards of twenty were taken home dangerously wounded, and eight with fractures and broken limbs were taken to the Middlesex hospital. 11. Dispatches were received from Egypt this morning, with disasterous intelligence from the British troops in that quarter. An expedition was sent from Alexandria to take possession of Rosetta. When the troops arrived in the town, where no opposition was expected, they found troops posted every where, and every house almost a fortified place, from which a galling and incessant fire was poured upon them. Retreat from the town was rendered necessary - they retreated into the plain, and prepared for battle. The Turks, superior in numbers, (infinitely superior they must have been to have gained any advantage over British troops!) attacked them, and after a dreadful conflict, it is with regret we add, our troops were forced to retire. Our loss is said to have amounted to 1400 men. The remainder of our troops are pent up in Alexandria. Dover, June 12. A few days back remarkable circumstance occurred near this town, in which the hand of a Providence seems particularly to have interposed. Two girls, one of whom had the care of a child, went for a walk with it on the heights, at the back of the town, when, imprudently setting it down near the edge of the cliff, and going a small distance from the spot, the child, in attempting to rise, and the ground being on the decline, rolled over; no assistance of course, on their part, could be rendered, as the cliff was nearly perpendicular, with very little growing on it. However, on their going round, which was a great distance, they discovered the child suspended by its clothes hanging to a shrub which grew out of the cliff, from whence it was with great difficulty liberated, without receiving any injury. London, June 19. Yesterday morning a very extraordinary and singular event took place in Fleet-street, which was attended with serious consequences. About ten o'clock, whilst the street was thronged with passengers, a man, passing along, fired off a pistol. The ball, as appears from circumstances, must have taken an oblique direction, for in its passage it grazed the forehead of a lady, who happened to be passing at the time, and thence passed through the top window of Mr. Davison's shop, and coming in contact with some hard sub. stance, fell to the ground, and was pick. ed up by the shopman. opman. The lady immediately on receiving the shot fell to the ground, and was taken up quite senseless. It was found, however, that the ball had not penetrated deeply, and there are great hopes of the lady's recovery. After having the wound dressed, she was taken home in a coach to her residence in Hatton Garden. It does not appear that the lady had any acquaintance with the man who committed the rash act. What appears most remarkable, is, that the pistol was fired with so much secrecy and caution, that no person passing at the time perceived in what manner it was done. From the best consideration it is supposed that the man intended to shoot himself, and for that purpose had placed the pistol in a slanting direction at his head; but missing his aim, the ball had passed on one side, and struck the lady, who was un 28. At Southampton, the lady of Thomas Osborne, esq. of a daughter. June 3. In Hill-street, Berkley. square, the lady of Thomas Read Kemp, esq. of a daughter. 10. At his house in Manchester-street, the lady of major general sir George Brathwaite Boughton, of a daughter. 11. At the parsonage, Hampron, the lady of the rev. T. Morgan of a daughter. square, the lady of sir George H. Barlow, bart. of a son. 15. In Holles street, Cavendish MARRIAGES. May 20. At Ackworth church, John Harward Jessop, esq. of Doory, in the 'county of Longford, to Mrs. Solly, of Ackworth Park, Yorkshire. 25. At St. Ann's church, Philip Barrington Ainslie, esq. youngest son of the late sir Philip Ainslie, esq. of Pilton, to miss Bridget Corrie, daughter of Edgar Corrie, esq. June 3. At Newington church, capt. Fotheringham, of the corps of engineers in the honourable East-India company's service, to miss Robertson, eldest daugh. zer of the lare James Robertson, esq. of Throsmorion-street. 4. Ar St. George's, Hanover-square, sir John Shelley, bart, to miss W nch. lev, daughter and sole heiress of the late Thomas Winchlev. e q. Richard Chambers, e-q. of E'v Place, to Harriet, third daughter of John New. man, esq. of Skinner-strer. 9. A St. Geor e, Hanover-square, John Barnard Hankey, esq, of Fercham Park, Surrev, to the hon Elizabeth Blaquiere, second daughter of the right hon. lord De B'aquiere. 11. At Mary-le-bonne church, colonel Elford, to miss Lownds, only daughter and heiress of the late W. Lownds, esq. of Upper Clapton. At St James's church, John Thorn. ton, esq. eldest son of Samue Thornton, esq. M.P for the county of Surrey, to miss Fliza Parry, second daughter of Edward Parry, esq, chairman of the East-India company.. 13. At Middlewich, Cheshire, by the rev. W. H. Heron, Philip Heacock, esq. of Buxton, Derbyshire, to Ann, eldest daughter of Joh John Braband, esq. of the former place. 20. At St. Martin's church, Daniel Collver, esq. of Grav's Inn, to miss Sarah Duff, the third and youngest daughter of the hon. Alexander Duff, and niece to the earl of Fife, and to George Skene, of Skene, esq. On the 27th of April last, at Paris, in the 85th year of her age, the right hon. lady Anasratia Stafford Howard, baroness of Stafford, obly sürviving daughter and heir of William, earl of Stafford, who died in 1734. She was sole heir of the body of sir William Howard viscount Stafford, the only married younger son of the present duke of Norfolk's ancestor, Thomas Howard earl of Arundel. She was also sole heir of the body of that viscount's wife, Mary Stafford, baroness of Stafford, and through her, sole heir of the body of Edward the last Stafford duke of Buckingham, hereditary lord high constable of Eng n, land, who was sole heir of the body of king E ward the Third's y unges Thomas Pantagener, of Woodstock, duke of Gl ucester, and of his wife lady Eleanor Bohun, eldest caugh er and coheir of the last Humphrey Bohun, eard of Hereford, Essex, and Northamp. ton, and lord high constable of England; and whose younger sister was wife of king Henry the IVth, but from whose body there was an entire failure of issue on the death of her grandson king Henry the Vith. Notwithstanding the a cumulation of Plantagenet Bohon, and Stafford heirship, which came centered in lady Anastasia Stafford Howard, she was disabled by the attainder of rer ane cestor, the last Stafford d. ke of Buckingham, in the reign of king Henry the VIIIth from possessing any of the family dignities, except the Stafford ba rony. She died without having ever been married. Her heir is sir William Jerningham, baroner, whose grandmother was sister of the abovementioned William earl of Stafford. 1 May 25. At Twickenham, in the 75th year of his age, major Thomas Rea Cole, he served his present majesty in the seven years war, and at the seige of Bellisle, at which he commanded the 98th regiment, was, for his good-conduct, promoted to the rank of major at the age of 23 years, he had also served as chief magistrate in the town of Leeds, in Yorkshire. 26. At his house at Brompton, Nicholas Bond, e q. one of his majesty's justices of the peace for the county of Middlesex, &c. and for many years an active and vigilant magistrate of the police office in Bow-street. June 1. At her seat, at GlymptonPark, in Oxfordshire, Mrs. Anne Wheate, in the 76th year of her age, last surviving daughter of the late sir Thomas Wheate, bart. of that county. 9. At his father's house, Camberwell Grove, Mr. John Collinson, of Queen's college, Oxford, in the 22d year of his age. After a long and painful illness. miss Rutherford, e'dest daughter of John Rutherford, esq. of Woburn Place, Russel-square, in the zoth year of her age. 1 Adelaide; or, the Triumph of 12 Advise to unmarried Ladies, 378 Constancy, 343 13 Observations on the Credit due to 2 Madame Grassini, 3 A Sentimental Rhapsody, 4 Harriet Vernon; or, Characters from 876 real Life, 349 5 On the National Character of the 6 Alphonso and Almira; or, the noble Forester, 356 18 POETICAL ESSAY-The Temple of 7 A Night Walk in July, 8 Sketches from Nature, 9 London Fashions, 10 Parisian Fashions, 11 A fashionable Quere, This Number is embellished with the following Copper-Plates. 1 The TRIUMPH OF CONSTANCY. 2 PORTRAIT OF MADAME GRASSINI. 3 LONDON Fashionable WALKING and FULL DRESS. → New and elegant PATTERNS for BORDERS and TRIMMINGS. * * LONDON: * * Printed for G. ROBINSON, No. 25, Paternoster-Row; Where Favours from Correspondents continue to be received. ***:*:**-***:***-*************** * 1 TO CORRESPONDENTS. W. M. T. will see that we have, as he wished, inserted the whole of his poem. His contributions will be always acceptable. The continuation of the Elville Family Secrets in our next, certainly. The Ode on the Surrender of Dantzic is received, and shall have a place, Matilda Spencer's contributions are received. I. G.'s long letter must be abridged before it can be admitted, |