Imagens das páginas
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Your correspondent, G. H. K. says that this lady was "doubtless a relation of the soi-disant

Sir Aston Cockain or Cokayne." Query, does this mean that Sir A. Cockain or Cokayne, the dramatic author and poet, was not legally entitled to the name? If so, on what grounds? In what year did Ashbourne Hall cease to belong to the Cokaynes? who sold it? and who was the last representative of the family living at Ashbourne or Derby at the early part of the present century? Lastly, who is the actual representative of the family, or is it extinct in the male line ?


(3rd S. iv. 369.)


The Times, quoted by CUTHBERT BEDE, is mistaken in supposing that when Catholics take a new name in confirmation, the new name supersedes, or even precedes, the original name received in baptism. The person confirmed receives an additional name only, and this is given him because he receives a new character - that of a confirmed Christian, and soldier of Jesus Christ. I am always glad to see any exposure and condemnation of the too frequent practice of giving strange and improper names in baptism; and I always protest against calling these Christian names, when there is nothing Christian about them. The clergy of the Catholic Church are forbidden to tolerate such names. The following extract from the Ritual will show at once her spirit and practice:

"Et quoniam iis, qui baptizantur, tamquam Dei filiis in Christo regenerandis, et in ejus militiam adscribendis, nomen imponitur, curet (sacerdos) ne obscena, fabulosa, aut ridicula, vel inanium deorum, vel impiorum ethnicorum hominum nomina imponantur, sed potius, quatenus fieri potest, Sanctorum, quorum exemplis fideles ad pie vivendum excitentur, et patrociniis protegantur."

F. C. H.

Lord Monteagle does not derive his name Spring from the season of the year, but from the alliance of his family with that of Spring, an Irish house; but connected, I believe, with the ancient Springs of Suffolk. It is amusing to find Sydney Smith claiming, if he did, the invention of the name Saba; there being two saints so called in the Roman Calendar, one of whom has a basilica in Rome. It must, however, be admitted that he has feminised it. VEBNA.

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CUTHBERT BEDE may be pleased to know, that remote antiquity can be quoted to support his fancy of coining one name out of two others: such as Mareli, from Mary and Elizabeth. The old legend of Pilate, whose surname Pontius was given to him after conquering the Isle of Ponthus, commences thus in Caxton's translation:

"There was a king called Tirus, which knew carnally a maid called Pilam, which was daughter to a miller named Atus. And of this daughter he engendered a son. And she took her name, and the name of her father Atus, and composed thus of their names one name to her son, and named him Pilatus,"

11, Abchurch Lane.


Outré baptismal names appear to be adopted chiefly amongst the lower classes.

The name of Shadrach, borne by CUTHBERT BEDE'S Worcestershire friend, is also that of an individual in that district, who was recently tried for some offence. At the last Staffordshire Assizes, I note the name of Barzillai Foster, convicted of unlawfully wounding at Harborne; and that of Eli borne, singularly enough, by two men tried at the same time on the same charge, of the respective surnames of Wakeman and Round. I was lately on a visit at Ringwood, in Hampshire; and, while sitting outside the house one evening, was attracted by a red-headed and robust little Saxon, who came up the walk with a basket. I stopped him, and asked various questions: all of which he answered readily enough, except "What's your name?" This bothered him; he tried to remember it, but could not. And I was so interested to find out, that I walked to his mother's cottage the next day, and ascertained from her that her hopeful received the name of "Mahershalalhashbaz,"-which she could neither properly pronounce or spell herself. She is a Mrs. Bradford; and is, I presume, still in her cottage at Ringwood. S. T.

I have always thought it strange that, while we have such numbers of persons bearing the names of the New-Testament saints, especially the Evangelists, we can point to so few called after the Apostle of whose labours we have the fullest record, and who takes up by far the largest space It is the more remarkable when one bears in mind that it is by no means an uncommon name among the members of the Greek and the Latin Churches: one would more certainly expect to find, in Protestant countries, a greater use of the name of this eminently doctrinal Apostle. I have not read Miss Yonge's History of Christian Names, so I do not know if she has noticed two (to me) very unusual names: Damaris (Acts xvii. 34),

in the records of the infant Church-St. Paul.

and Ora. The former is borne by a lady of my acquaintance; and I have a note in my possession signed with the latter, as one of the two Christian names of the writer.

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MAPS (3rd S. iv. 170, 376.) -The account given by represents the tradition of the University, as current especially among the younger members, in my day (1823-27). I thought I had expressly stated this: but I find I have only implied it, in my last paragraph, by the words "There was not, in my time, any tradition ." That the circumstances I have mentioned were currently stated and believed, I know: I have heard them from many. If Maps were not an officer of the library, the conspicuous presence of his portrait within the library walls would be almost sure to lead to the belief that he was.

It is asked, relative to Nicholson thinking that all old folios were maps, "Was anything ever more absurd?" To this query I answer, Yes, something was more absurd. What was it? It was what was given in the sentence preceding the question. "I am informed by the library authorities that such an office as MR. DE MORGAN describes never existed except in the imagination of that gentleman." I doubt the accuracy of this statement. I cannot believe the library authorities pretended to know the thoughts of all the men who have ever heard that Cambridge had a public library. Belong the assertion to whom it may, it is a million times more absurd to state that no human being ever imagined a beadle to carry out books from the public library, than to state that one particular man was illiterate enough to fancy all large books were maps.

If the "library authorities" will undertake to say that the notion of the library having a porter

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CLERK OF THE CHEQUE (3rd S. iv. 43.) - No such office was ever connected with the Court of clerk of the estreats; a

Exchequer. We have a

clerk of the market; a clerk of the nichils; a clerk

of the pells; a clerk of the pipe; a clerk of the

summons; and a clerk of the writs. The functions of all these officers may be learnt from Mr. Thomas's Ancient Exchequer of England (1848, 8vo); but he is silent as to the office of clerk of the cheque.

An ancient book is preserved in the Chapel Royal, St. James's, called the Cheque-Book. It

contains entries of the dates of admission of the gentlemen; notices of their removal, or death; and various other matters relative to the internal management of the establishment. One of the gentlemen was (and perhaps is still) appointed to keep this book, under the denomination of "clerk of the cheque." The office was once held by the celebrated Henry Lawes, as appears by the following entry in the above-mentioned book:

"1662. Mr. Henry Lawes, one of the Gentlemen of His Majesties Chappell Royal, and clerke of the check, died Octob. 21; and in his place was sworne as Gentleman, Dr. John Wilson, Dr of Musick, Octob. 22."

I have some thoughts of recommending the Cheque-Book of the Chapel Royal to the notice of the Camden Society, as a document well worthy of publication with illustrative notes.


ANTHONY YOUNG (3rd S. iv. 327.) -The composition of "God save the King" is attributed to this musician, solely upon the authority of an undated copy published by "Riley & Williams, Commerce Row, Blackfriars Road." (See The New Monthly Magazine for 1816.) The copy states: "This air was composed by Mr. Anthony Young, late Organist of Allhallows Barking, Essex."

Now, upon searching the registers of Allhallows, I find that no such person as Anthony Young was ever organist of that church. A Mr. Charles Young succeeded Mr. Bryan in 1713, where he remained until 1758-probably the year of his death. Anthony Young was organist of St. Clement-Danes, in 1707, in which year he published a collection of songs; and subsequently of Catherine-Cree Church, near the Tower.

Thus, having shaken the authenticity of the publication of Messrs. Riley & Williams in one particular, it may possibly weaken it in another, i. e. the claim of the National Anthem to have been composed by any musician bearing the name of Young.

Now as to another point concerning the Youngs,

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On the contrary, Sir John Hawkins, in the fifth volume of his History of Music, says:

"There was one Mr. Charles Young, organist of the church of Allhallows, Barking, who had three daughters, namely, Cecilia, Esther, and Isabella."

Thus the two historians have each given a different father to the well-known three Misses Young. I thought to reconcile these contradictory accounts by finding that Anthony and Charles were one and the same person; but this is impossible, as Charles Young was certainly organist of Allhallows during the time that Anthony Young was, with equal certainty, organist of CatherineCree Church.

Can any correspondent throw light upon these discrepancies of the two historians?


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INKSTAND (3rd S. iv. 348.) - In reply to PROF. DE MORGAN's inquiry respecting the inkstand, I beg to say that I have for many years used one of a similar description, with the exception of the containing saucer. I have always found it to answer exceedingly well, but an improvement may be made by the addition of a moveable cover to the projection in front, to prevent the access of dust to the ink. I have made my cover of a piece of thin sheet gutta percha. I am informed that similar inkstands have been procured from Messrs. John and Richard Reeves, of Birmingham.


The'inkstand referred to by your correspondent, SIGNET ASSIGNED TO MARY, QUEEN OF SCOTS is or was to be had at Messrs. Perry and Co.'s,

(3rd S. iv. 396.) - In a paper read before the mem-
bers of the British Archæological Association, and
printed in vol. xvii. of its Journal, p. 223, Hen-
rietta-Maria, Queen of Charles I., was fully es-
tablished as the real owner of this heraldic signet.
Mr. H. Syer Cuming, the author of the paper, was
the first to draw attention to the fact that the M.
on the dexter side of the shield has a bar drawn
horizontally across it, so as to convert it into a
very neat monogram of H. and M., the initials of
Henrietta-Maria. The original signet is now in
the possession of Cardinal Wiseman, who pur-

chased it at the sale of the effects of the Earl of
Buchan; and as I have impressions both from the
original and from fac-similes, I have no doubt
that your correspondent T. A. H. will now easily
observe the peculiarity of the monogram, and
concur with Mr. Cuming in assigning it to Hen-
M. D.

"PALLAS ARMATA" (3rd S. iv. 373.) - If Moule had quoted the complete title of this work he would have perceived that it had no more to do with heraldry than with Chinese music. It is a work well worthy of perusal whenever the garotting system again becomes prevalent in our social community, and is entitled

"Pallas Armata: the Gentleman's Armorie, wherein the right and genuine use of the Rapier and of the Sword, as well against the right handed as against the left handed man, is displayed: and now set forth and first published for the common good by the Author. Printed at London by I. D. for Iohn Williams, at the signe of the Crane in S. Paul's Churchyard, 1639. 12mo."

It is dedicated by G. A. (who is he?) to R. Grenvile, Ja. Clavering, Jo. Wolstonholme, Thos.



DUKE OF KINGSTON'S REGIMENT (3rd S. iv. 269.) Upon the breaking out of the rebellion in favour of the Pretender, in 1745, the Duke of Kingston raised a regiment of light horse at his own expense, for the support of the reigning sovereign. This corps particularly distinguished itself at the battle of Culloden in its gallant charge against the Highland clans, and for its activity in their pursuit. On the suppression of the rebellion the regiment, in accordance with the terms upon which the men had enlisted, was disbanded at Nottingham; but in consequence of the high approval of its conduct during its short though eventful service, the Duke of Cumberland was authorised to receive as many of the officers and men as would reengage for his regiment of light dragoons. All the men except eight, and most of the officers, availed themselves of this offer. The regiment subsequently served under the Duke in the Netherlands, and evinced signal gallantry at the battle of Laffeld or Val, on Sunday, July 2, 1747. Two years afterwards, in consequence of the peace, the regiment was disbanded.

Horse Guards.


DEVIL, A PROPER NAME (3rd S. iv. 123.) - On the Essex bank of the Thames there is a house called commonly the Devil's house. On looking over some old maps, I find it is there designated Deval's house. This is a difference of only a letter. Surely no one would accept or keep such a patronymic as Devil. I suspect that Devil's Lane, Devil's House, Devil's Hill, and other simi

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ST. PETER'S-IN-THE-EAST (3rd S. iv. 307.) — Local traditions as to the existence of subterra

neous passages connected with churches are, I think, rather common. I have often come across accounts of them, but at this moment can call to mind but the following. At Bury Hall, Edmonton, said to have been the residence of the regicide Bradshaw, there is in one of the cellars the opening of a subterraneous passage, now blocked up, said to lead to the church a mile distant. Ray, in his Itineraries (" Select Remains," 1760, p. 164) in an account of York Minster, reports "That it is said, there is a large vault under the choir, and from thence a passage to Ouse bridge."


"CLEANLINESS NEXT TO GODLINESS" (1st S. iv. 491.)-The late Mr. Joshua Watson told me that he had heard this proverb should be "Cleanliness is next to goodliness;" or, next to the possession of good looks, tidiness is to be valued. This seems a very probable reading. Have any of your readers heard it thus quoted; and if so, by whom, or where? A. A.

Poets' Corner.

FOXHANGRE (3rd S. iv. 123.) - This worthy, whatever his other sins may have been, certainly is not (from onomatoëpy) to be convicted of the crime by all sportsmen most to be abhorred, that of vulpicide. He did not hang foxes, but simply dwelt by the "hanger"-or hanging wood, where foxes delighted to dwell. The word "hanger" is noticed by Holloway as a hanging wood on the declivity of a hill. He calls it a Hampshire wood. I have also met with it in Surrey. Is such a phrase used in the north? or, if not, what is its equivalent ? A. A.

Poets' Corner.

ST. MARY MATFELON (3rd S. iv. 5, &c.) -May not this have been simply a misreading of some old black-letter inscription, stating the church to be dedicated to St. Mary the Mother, and her Son: S: Mar: Mat: filioz - "Sanctæ Mariæ

Matri filioque." It does not seem very likely that, in the Middle Ages, either Arabic or Syriac words should have been used in the dedication of a London church. The above also is nearly equivalent to the "Virgini parituræ." Poets' Corner.

A. A.

THE PRINCE IMPERIAL DESCENDED FROM BLANCHE DE FRANCE (3rd S. iv. 306.) - I find the following note among some MS. papers, and send it to you just as I jotted it down. The French book referred to was published, I believe, very recently.

"Charles de Tourtoulon - Jacme Ier le Conquérant, Roi d'Aragon," etc. [Endeavouring to prove that the

Prince Imperial is descended, by the mother's side, from
Blanche de France, fille de Saint-Louis.]


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DISCOVERY OF THE TYRIAN PURPLE (3rd S. iv. 353.) -The legend is found in the fourth chapter of the first book of the Onomasticon of Pollux, edit. Hagenoæ, 1521. Blaze has thrown it into a dramatic form; but it is, in all its essential parts, the same story which is told by Pollux. The lady says:

“ Οὐκ ἔφη προσήκεσθαι τοῦ λοιποῦ τὸν Ἡρακλέα εἰ μὴ αὐτῇ κομίσειεν ἐσθῆτα τῶν τοῦ κυνὸς χειλῶν εὐειδέστεραν.”

The dog's name is not given, and the lady Tyro was a native of the country in no way connected with the mythological characters mentioned by your correspondent W. D. In the fragments of Palæphatus (p. 62), in the edition of Opuscula Mythologica, Physica, et Ethica, Amstel. 1688, Palæphatus, with his usual rationalising spirit, gives the story in a much more prosaic form. His statement is to the following effect. Hercules, a Tyrian philosopher, was walking on the shore, when he observed a shepherd's dog chewing an oyster-from which the dye is procured. The Shepherd, thinking that the redness round his dog's mouth arose from blood, wiped it with some wool, which he happened to have in his hand. Hercules, examining it carefully, was surprised to find that it was not blood, but liquor from the shell-fish; and proceeding immediately to the king, made him acquainted with his discovery. The king took advantage of this information, and caused a purple dress to be prepared for his royal person. The discovery of purple is very fully treated in a note of Blaise de Vigenere on Philostratus, but I cannot refer to the work. There is also something in the Dionysiaca of Nonnus on C. T. RAMAGE. the subject.

BISHOP'S DRESS (3rd S. iv. 247, 359.) - It may interest your correspondents who have written on this subject to mention, that the mitre was worn by Samuel Seabury, Bishop of Connecticut, who was consecrated at Aberdeen, in 1784, as the first bishop of the church in America. He must indeed have been a noble-looking man, if at all like his engraved portrait in the vestry of St. Andrew's in Aberdeen.

The mitre, made of black satin, with a cross on the front, and on the back a crown of thorns, is preserved in Trinity College, Hartford, U.S.A.; US having been presented to it by the Rev. Arthur Cleveland Coxe, M.A.-whose beautiful book, Christian Ballads, must be familiar to many of your readers. From a note to the edition of that work of 1861 (p. 210), it would seem that Bishop Seabury wore the scarlet hood of a D.D. over his robes; and I have heard that the present Bishop of Brechin does the same on some occasions.

I transcribe the description of the mitre:
"The mitre with its crown of thorns,
Its Cross upon the front:
Not for a proud adorning worn,
But for the battle's brunt:
This helmet, with Salvation's sign,
Of one whose shield was faith:
This crown of him, for right divine,
Who battled unto death!

"Oh keep it, till the moth shall wear
Its comeliness to dust,
Type of a crown that's laid up where
There is nor moth, nor rust:
Type of the Lord's commission given,
To this our western shore;

The rod of Christ, the keys of heaven,
Through one, to thousands more."


MUTILATION OF SEPULCHRAL MONUMENTS (3rd S. iv. 363.) - It has long been ruled that "no person has a right to remove or deface any memorial laid or placed in memory of the dead." Overlaying with new tiles old memorial stones is perhaps not destroying them nor defacing them; but it certainly is effacing them, and it is a mere subterfuge. By a recent Act (24 & 25 Vict. c. 97), there is a provision "that if any person shall wilfully destroy or damage (inter alia) any monument or other memorial of the dead, in any church or churchyard, he shall be liable to be imprisoned for six months with hard labour," without excepting the offender from "action at law, and damages for the injury committed."

The sooner an example is made the better.

Clyst St. George.


OBSCURE SCOTTISH SAINTS (3rd S. iv. 111, 362.) Both Nennius and the Annales Cambriæ attribute Edwin's baptism to Rum Map Urbgen, or Rhunab-Urien Rheged; while it has been legitimately inferred from Bede that this sacrament was administered to King Edwin by Paulinus, identified with Pawl Hên, the Abbot of Ty-gwyn, or Whitland, in Carmarthenshire, and instructor of S. S. Dewi and Teilo. S. Paulinus was originally a North Briton, as stated by Rees, Welsh Saints, p. 187; and Mr. Woodward in his History of Wales, London, 1853, p. 153, evidently inclines to the belief that S. Paulinus, Pawl Hên, and Rum ab Urien Rheged are one and the same person.

; but

The chronology, as Mr. Woodward observes, would make against this against supposition; on the whole it would perhaps be easier to accept the identification than disallow it merely on the authority of such chronology as we have of those days. In a Life of Merlin, by T. Heywood, 1812, where the old tales of Brute, &c. are related, Edinburgh Castle is attributed to Ebrank, who is said (p. 6) to have "built also in Scotland the Castle of Maidens, now called Edinburgh Castle." W. BOWEN ROWLANDS.

P.S. S. Paulinus would seem to have been far from stationary during his career, having been variously traced to North Britain, the Isle of Man, Caerworgorn, Llandewi Brefi, and Whitland, to say nothing of his expedition to Rome. He was commemorated Nov. 22, under the title of Polin, Esgob, i. e. Bishop.

ROGER KENYON (2nd S. i. 49.) -He was son of the Rev. Edward Kenyon, B.D., rector of Prestwich, Lancashire, and after being educated in Stockport School, was admitted a pensioner of S. John's College, Cambridge, April 10, 1682, æt. 15, his father being then deceased. In 1635-6 he proceeded B.A., being admitted a Fellow of his college on Mr. Ashton's foundation, March 15, 1686-7. On Feb. 28, 1694-5, he was admitted to a medical fellowship in the room of Edward Stillingfleet, M.D. Michael Theobald was elected to this fellowship June 10, 1696, but gave way again to Kenyon April 19, 1697. When or how he ultimately vacated his fellowship, we are not informed: but he took no higher degree than B.A. On Dec. 22, 1703, he was admitted a Licentiate of the College of Physicians. He was a nonjuror, and instrumental in the publication of Charles Leslie's Works, 1721. He died at St. Germains. We desire to ascertain the date of this event. С. Н. & THOMPSON COOPER.


THE KAISER-SAAL AT FRANKFORT (3rd S. iv. 352.)-The mottoes of the emperors, copies of the portraits in coloured lithography, with brief biographical notices, will be found in the following work, a copy of which is in the Art Library of the South Kensington Museum:

"Schott und Hagen. Die deutschen Kaiser. Nach den Bildern des Kaiser-Saales im Römer zu Frankfurtam-Main, in Kupfer gestochen und in Farben ausgeführt. Mit den Lebensbeschreibungen der Kaiser von Albert Schott, Professor der deutschen Sprache und Literatur am Gymnasium in Stuttgart, und Dr. Karl Hagen, Professor der Geschichte in Heidelberg. Folio. Frankfurt, 1847."

R. L.

See that strange work, Wanley's Wonders of the Little World. H. S. G.

MARVEN (3rd S. iv. 268.)-Sir Thomas Murfyn, Knt., citizen and skinner of London, served the

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