| Goldfinch - 1782 - 314 páginas
...not change my Ration for any other in life ; No lawyer, furgeon, or doctor, e'er had a groat from me, I care for nobody, no not I, if nobody cares for me. When fpring begins its merry career, oh ! how his heart grows gay, No fummer's drought alarms his fears,... | |
| James Anderson - 1800 - 504 páginas
...knowledge is wealth, which is just as much at to say, in the old song, " My mind to me a kingdom is," or, " I care for nobody, no, not I, if nobody cares for me." Nor do I see how such a connexion is likely to take place, unlefs universities were to become banks,... | |
| James Plumptre - 1811 - 486 páginas
...the last verse suicide is made light of. P. 48. In " There was a jolly miller once", the sentiments " I care for nobody, no not I, if nobody cares for me", and " the days of youth are made for glee," must be taken with many limitations to be admissible. P.... | |
| 1823 - 832 páginas
...beating time with the handle of his puncn-ladle, for he had broken off the mouth, to the tune of " I care for nobody, no not I, If nobody cares for me." But alas ! as Horace says — " Improvisa vis Rapuit, rapietque gentes ;" and this poor Brandy experienced,... | |
| Robert Chambers - 1829 - 388 páginas
...morn till night, No lark more blythe than he. And this the burden of his song For ever used to be ; I care for nobody, no, not I, If nobody cares for me. And this, &c. When spring began its merry career, O, then his heart was gay ; He feared not summer's... | |
| Quaver - 1844 - 552 páginas
...change my station for any other in life : No lawyer, surgeon, or doctor, e'er had a groat from me, I care for nobody, no not I, if nobody cares for me. When spring begins his merry career, oh ! how hia heart grows gay, No summer's drought alarms his fears,... | |
| Fredrika Bremer - 1845 - 346 páginas
...this, and responded with a frosty air, at which Brenner briefly and coldly left me. Well, well ! ( I care for nobody, no not I, If nobody cares for me." Thank heaven 1 I can still continue singing thus. And so, indeed, I mean always to be able to sing.... | |
| Fredrika Bremer - 1845 - 516 páginas
...this, and responded with a frosty air, at which Brenner briefly and coldly left me. Well, well ! " I care for nobody, no not I, If nobody cares for me." Thank heaven 1 I can still continue singing thus. And so, indeed, I mean always to be able tosing.... | |
| 1901 - 578 páginas
...for any other in life : No lawyer, surgeon, or doctor e'er had a groat from child, and wife : me : I care for nobody, no, not I, if nobody cares for me." This is the entire genuine song, but two other stanzas were afterwards added, unnecessarily, by inferior... | |
| Charles Mackay - 1851 - 332 páginas
...from morn till night, no lark so blithe as he, And this the burden of his song for ever used to be, " I care for nobody, no not I, if nobody cares for me. I live by my mill, God bless her ! she 's kindred, child, and wife, I would not change my station for... | |
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