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"into the measures which have been adopted of the rate, prepayment partially, the use of for the general introduction of a penny rate stamps, and charge by weight, instead of inof postage and for facilitating the convey- closures or sheets of paper. The public has ance of letters, and the result of such mea- quietly submitted to the alleged tyranny of sures, so far as relates to the revenue and paying a penny for all distances, both long expenditure of the Post-Office and the gen- and short; and Colonel Maberly's logic, that eral convenience of the country, and to re- "because objections had been made to difport their observations thereupon to the ferent rates for the same distances, they House." Nearly seven weeks were occu- would therefore be made to a uniform rate pied by their proceedings. Mr. Hill, the for different distances has proved fallacious.' Postmaster-General, the Secretary, and chief (Committee of 1838, Evid. 3020, 3029.) functionaries of the Post-Office were ex- His impression that "a uniform rate would amined. The Committee had not only a not be practicable in this country, consistmajority of ministerial supporters, but a sec-ently with a due regard to public opinion, retary of the Treasury for its chairman, yet which a popular government must always it did not report its observations." Indeed entertain," (Evid. 3031,) has also turned out a ministerial supporter, Mr. Bramston, speci- erroneous. Uniformity has even proved usefically proposed that the evidence merely, ful and convenient to the Post-Office, in spite without observations, should be reported, of official affirmations that it would not. and the proposition was carried after a divi- Prepayment too has been adopted almost sion, in which a member of the government, universally, and the public has not "objectMr. Emerson Tennant, is to be found in the majority. So bad must have been the PostOffice case, that even its own defenders (for the present administration has unfortunately allied itself with the Post-Office against Mr. Hill) were unable to stand up in its defence. The only report which was made on this important controversy it will be sufficient to print as a note.* The Committee, however, have issued a stout 'blue book,' filled with details, which will furnish us with valuable materials for the present discussion.

The parts of Mr. Hill's plan already carried out are uniformity of charge, reduction


* The following is the Committee's Report "The Select Committee appointed to inquire, etc., have, with the view of ascertaining the results of the Penny Postage on the revenue and expenditure of the Post-Office, called for returns of the gross and net revenue of the Post-Office for the three years previous and subsequent to its adoption : these returns will be found in the appendix to this Report.

Your Committee have examined at great length Mr. Rowland Hill, with regard to several proposals which were brought under their notice by him, for extending the facilities of the correspondence of the country, and for improving the management and reducing the expense of the Post-Office. They have also examined several of the officers of the Post-Office, with regard to the expediency and practicability of adopting these measures.

"Your Committee regret that, on account of the late period of the session to which their inquiries were extended, they find it impracticable to report their opinions on these various matters, involving, as they do, many minute details. They are unable to do more than report the evidence which they have taken; to which they beg leave to refer, as well as to the correspondence which will be found in the appendix, in connection therewith, between the Treasury and the Post-Office; from both of which departments, they entertain no doubt, these propo

stions will receive the fullest consideration."

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ed to paying in advance, whatever the rate," as was predicted (Evid. 10,932-3.); at the present time scarcely five per cent. of the letters are unpaid. But the Post-Office blows hot and cold with the same breath: the President of the Inland-office says: My impression is, that to resort to the old system of optional payment would make a great deal of labor, and produce very little revenue in proportion to the labor, for I am inclined to think that the Post-Office would be inundated with unpaid circulars, which you would have the trouble of presenting and get nothing for." (Evid. 2513.) But when he is afterwards asked, "Have you found prepayment a great convenience or not?" he says, "No, I cannot say that I have; it has facilitated the delivery of letters, but nothing beyond that." (Evid. 2592.)

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With respect to the smuggling of letters, which has been entirely suppressed, Mr. Hill said, Adopt the Penny Postage and the smuggler will be put down." Not so Colonel Maberly; he said in 1838, "There always must be evasion, inasmuch as the smuggler must always beat the Post-Office, whatever rate of postage is imposed," (Report of 1838, Evid. 2883.) But in 1843, in answer to the question, "Has the introduction of the Penny Post knocked up the illicit conveyance of letters?" he answers, "I do not know; but I have always considered that it would as a matter of course." (Report of 1843, Evid. 1104.)

The use of stamps is still optional, but there appears no necessity for its being so, as every post-office ought to be sufficiently supplied with them; and since every letter passing through the Post-Office must be posted, there could be no hardship in compelling

the purchase of a stamp previously to the no other positive fact to produce, beyond my posting of the letter. The mixed mode of having attempted the partial working of such a collecting the postage partly in money pre-which I invited (through the local journals) the scheme in the case of a single experiment, for paid, partly in stamps, and partly on deco-operation of not less than fifty farmers. I livery, is needlessly cumbrous, however ex-have circulated 100 copies of a printed schedule, pedient it may have been at the beginning and could have circulated more, if I had had of the new system. On this point as on them, containing directions how the proposed others, the Post-Office authorities either dis-experiment should be tried. The mere suggesagree with the facts or differ among them- tion of this scheme has involved me in a correspondence which I never could have sustained if selves. it had not been for the penny postage. To the "Colonel Maberly (in 1838) being asked importance of the penny postage to those who what effect compulsory prepayment, as a sub-cultivate science, I can bear most unequivocal stitute for all other modes of payment, would testimony, as I am continually receiving and have in reducing the expenses of the Post-Office, transmitting a variety of specimens, living and answered, Very little and on the other hand, dead, by post. Among them you will laugh to being questioned as to what difference in ex- hear that I have received three living carnivopense would arise from the treble mode of col-rous slugs, which arrived safe in a pill-box. fecting the tax, (the plan now in use,) answered, This very day I have received from a stranger 'Scarcely any.' (by post) a parcel of young wheat-plants attacked by the larvæ of some fly; and these having arrived in a living state, I can as readily hand them over to an entomologist for his inspection and remarks.* That the penny postage is an important addition to the comforts of the poor laborer, I can also testify. From my residence in a neighborhood where scarcely any laborer can read, much less write, I am often employed by them as an amanuensis, and have frequently Upon the social and commercial influences heard them express their satisfaction at the which have resulted from cheap postage it facility they enjoy of now corresponding seems superfluous to speak at any length: with distant relatives. As the rising generation there is hardly a person in the kingdom that are learning to write, a most material addition does not benefit by them, whatever be his to the circulation of letters may be expected station in life. from among this class of the population; indeed, The smallest commercial I know that the pens of some of my villagetransactions are managed through the post. school children are already put into requisition The advantages to science, literature, and by their parents. A somewhat improved arevery branch of social development and in-rangement in the transmission of letters to our tellectual culture, are inestimable; large as-villages, and which might easily be accomplished, sociations have been actually created by the new system. Mr. Hill observes :

"Mr. Bokenham in 1843: The abolition of money prepayment would be a great convenience to his department. (Report of 1843, Evid. 2511.)

"Recent notice at the Manchester Post-office: The public would facilitate the business of this office by using stamps instead of paying money." "

"Mr. Stokes, the honorary secretary to the Parker Society, (a society that contains among its members nearly all the dignitaries of the Church, and many other influential men, among whom is the present Chancellor of the Exchequer,) states that the Society could not have come into existence but for the penny postage. It is for reprinting the works of the early English Reformers. There are 7000 subscribers. It pays yearly from 2001. to 300l. postage. It also pays duty on 3000 reams of paper."

Professor Henslow gives so interesting a picture of the operation of the Penny Postage

that we must find room for it.

would greatly accelerate the development of country letter-writers. Of the vast domestic comfort which the penny postage has added to homes like my own, situate in retired villages, I need say nothing.

"I remain, dear Sir, yours very faithfully, "(Signed) J. S. HENSLOW.-(24) "To Rowland Hill, Esq."

The present number of letters appears to be about three-fold the number in 1837. At that time the chargeable letters were estimated at 75,000,000 per annum. In January 1843 (the date of the latest return), the number of letters was at the rate of 221,000, 000 per annum. We cannot resist showing what were the expectations of the Post-Office authorities in respect of the increase of the number of letters :

"Hitcham, Hadleigh, Suffolk, 16th April, 1843. "Dear Sir,-The observation to which you refer in one of my letters to the farmers of Suffolk, respecting the advantages of the penny "It is curious," says Mr. Hill, "to notice the postage, relates to a scheme of experimental co- feelings with which the officials regard such uses operation for securing the rapid progress of ag- of the Post-office. Had they considered that, exricultural science, which I have been suggest-cept for scientific purposes, no one is likely to pay ing to the landed interest. The practicability at the rate of 2s. 8d. a pound for the conveyance of of such a scheme depends entirely upon the ad- fish, much needless anger would have been spared." vantages offered by the penny postage. I have (Evid. 2654–63.)

"Relative to increase in the number of letters, | age at all would not be doubled in a year." and the fiscal effects of the change, Colonel Ma- Then there was a Superintendent of Mails berly was of opinion that the poor were not dis- at the time, who estimated that the adoption posed to write letters; and Mr. Lawrence, the of a Penny Postage would cause a loss of assistant-secretary, 'thought there were quite as many letters written then as there would be from 7d. to 8d. a letter, which upon being even if postage were reduced.' Again, Colo- calculated proved to be a loss of more than nel Maberly, after stating that he consid- whatthe Post-Office actually received! Mr. ered that every experiment that had been made Hill thus sums up the blunders of the late (in the Post-Office) had shown the fallacy of Post-master-General:Mr. Hill's plan, and that it appeared to him a most preposterous plan, utterly unsupported by facts, and resting entirely on assumption,' added, "If postage were reduced to one penny, I think the revenue would not recover itself for forty or fifty years.' He also gave it as his opinion, that in the first year the number of letters would not double, even if every one were allowed to frank."


"The hopelessness, too, of obtaining a revenue from a penny rate, is supported by a statement of Lord Lichfield, who had ascertained that each letter costs the Post-Office 'within the smallest fraction of 24d.,' by which calculation, if we could suppose the cost per letter to remain the same, the penny rate must entail an expense twice as great as the amount of its produce. Again, Lord Lichfield stated as follows:-'He (Mr. Hill) anticipates only an increase of five and a quarter fold: it will require twelve-fold on our calculation, and he does not say that he expects any thing to that extent. Therefore, if it comes to that point, which is right, and which is wrong, I maintain that our calculations are demonstrable that the increase necessary to susmore likely to be right than his.' It is now tain the gross revenue, the point in debate, is little more than four-fold. On the twelve-fold theory, however, Lord Lichfield said, in his place in Parliament, The mails will have to carry twelve times as much in weight (on Mr. H ll's plan), and therefore the charge for transmission, instead of 100,000l., as now, must be twelve times that amount.' So unfavorable, indeed, were the late Postmaster-General's views on the whole subject, that he said, 'Were the plan adopted, instead of a million and a half

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expenditure of the establishment was provided be sustained as would compel them to have refor, he was quite certain that such a loss would course to Parliament for money to maintain the establishment.'"-(72, p. 21.)

The effect of the Penny Postage on the revenue deserves more than a passing notice, for it has been made the subject of great misrepresentation. We shall first state the facts, which the reader will do well to bear in mind. The gross annual revenue in 1842 was 1,578,000l. or 67 per cent. (two-thirds) of the revenue for 1837, which was adopted as a standard by the Post Committee. The net revenue in 1842 was 600,0007., whilst in 1837 it was 1,640,0007. The cost of management has risen from 757,0007, in 1839, to 978,000l. in 1842, or 221,0007. But the greater part of this increased expenditure has nothing to do with the Penny Postage. Upwards of half of it arises from the substitution of railway for common road convey-of money being added to the revenue, after the ance, compensations for loss of fees occasioned chiefly by this change of locomotion, expenses of transit, foreign postage, etc. Making these deductions, the expenses have increased about 15 per cent., whilst the increase of Post-Office business, letters and newspapers combined, has been about 100 per cent., or, counting letters only, nearly "I calculated on eventually obtaining the 200 per cent. For several years before the same gross revenue as in 1837, and that to affect Penny Postage was introduced, there was a this a five-fold increase of letters would suffice. gradual annual increase in the Post-Office ex- Of course this calculation, which had no referpenditure. Comparing the expenditure of ence to immediate consequences, was founded 1839 with that of 1836, three years before the upon the supposition, yet unrealized, that the reduction, the increase was 27 per cent. Com- plan was to be adopted in its integrity. It restparing the expenditure of 1842 with that of ed also upon the circumstances of the country 1839, three years after the reduction, the remaining in their ordinary state, and neither did nor could anticipate the season of calamity increase was only 24 per cent. Be the in- which has ensued. In 1842, however, the gross creased expenses as they may, there is still revenue was fully two-thirds the former amount, a net revenue from the Post-Office of 600, and it is steadily increasing. Again, there is 0007. a year. Let us see what were the now no doubt that little more than a four-fold official anticipations before the reduction of increase of letters will suffice. That such is the postage? We have already quoted the Sec-fact will be shown by the following stateretary's rash prediction, "that if the postage "The gross revenue of 1842 was 1,578,0007. were reduced to one penny, the revenue which must be increased by 48 per cent., in orwould not recover itself for forty or fifty der to raise it to an equality with the gross revyears," and "that the letters without any post-enue of 1837, which in the Committee was taken

Let us now see who has turned out to be right and who wrong. Mr. Hill says:—


as a standard. The number of letters delivered At least one-half of the cost of these packin the United Kingdom, in 1842, was about 209,ets has no reference at all to Post-Office ob000,000, which increased by 48 per cent., becomes jects, and the adoption of steamers to the 309,000'000, or little more than four times the East and West Indies and to America, in the number of chargeable letters delivered in the United Kingdom before the reduction of the rate. full knowledge that no conceivable increase "In January 1843 (the date of the last return), of correspondence would cover the expense, the number of letters delivered was at the rate cannot be fairly attributed to the Post-Office. of about 221,000,000 per annum, or almost ex- The West India packets were established at actly three times the former number. a cost of 240,000l. per annum, while the utmost revenue expected from letters was only 40,0007. "It is not fair to charge 240,0001. to the Post-Office quoad the Post-Office for the conveyance of letters." (Colonel Maberly, Evid. 1437.) The cost of the Irish packets too is needlessly high for any Post-Office purpose, but rendered so to suit the convenience of the government of both countries.

"Finally, I calculated that in consequence of the simple and economical arrangements proposed, the five-fold increase in the number of letters would involve an addition of not more than 300.000l. per annum to the expenses of the PostOffice, consequently that the net revenue would fall from about 1,600,000l. to about 1 300,000l.; and I gave a table (Post Office Reform,' 3rd edit., p. 67) showing that the net revenue which might be anticipated from a three-fold increase of letters was 580,000l. It appears that from a somewhat less than three-fold increase in 1842, the net revenue was 600,000l., even under the present costly management."-(72, pp. 21, 22.) |

Having been disappointed by obtaining so great a net revenue as 600,000l. a year, the Post-Office honorably endeavored to annihilate it, in accordance with its wishes and prophecies; accordingly a return was framed for the misguidance of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, by which it was made to appear that the Post-Office, instead of affording a net revenue of 600,000l., is actually exceeding its receipts by 10,000l. a year.

Upon the fairness of charging the whole expenses of the packets to the Post-Office revenue, for the purpose of comparing the net revenue under the Penny Postage with the net revenue before its introduction, official minds disagree. The Postmaster-General thinks the comparison "perfectly just:" (Evid. 2978 -2991,) whilst his Secretary" would not have included the cost of the packets, and would not have thought it fair;" (Evid. 1441.) and he thus complacently throws off the responsibility of the deed,—" If I am asked whether the Post-Office would have put in the expense of the packets in the Post-Office returns, unless they had been directed to do so, I should say certainly not." (Evid. 1424.)


This return, which is distinguished throughout the parliamentary report as the "fallacious return," accomplishes this appa- The object of this "fallacious return" was rent result by the innovation of charging to to prove, if possible, that the Penny Postage the Post-Office a sum of 612,8501., being had ruined the revenue. Lord Lowther, the whole cost of the packets which twenty imagining that all revenue was derived from years ago in great part were transferred to foreign and colonial postage, directed a rethe Admiralty, were wholly disunited from turn to be made which was to prove his forethe Post-Office in 1837, and have ever since gone conclusion. It was framed by two figured in the Admiralty accounts, until clerks, who seem to have gone abroad very the appearance of this "fallacious return." conveniently. (Evid. 1281, 1625-8.) It is true that these packets carry letters, have told the honorable member before, and but it is no less true that the vessels are of a I repeat it again," says Colonel Maberly, size and character suitable for other far less "that the return was prepared under Lord peaceful objects than the transmission of Lowther's orders by a clerk, whom he has correspondence; and, though they exist since appointed surveyor in Canada, and it under the name of Post-Office packets, they was checked by another clerk who was constitute in fact an armed marine, to be then in the Accountant-general's office, and used in times of war, and are liable, by who has been appointed surveyor at New the very terms of their contract, to be so Brunswick; those clerks therefore are not employed. The Post-Office admits this: here." (Evid. 1281.) The return proves "When the late Chancellor of the Exche- with its own figures that 103,0001. is the net quer made the arrangement, he had in con- revenue on inland or penny letters, whilst templation the creation of a fleet of steamers there is a deficiency of 113,000l. on foreign which might be available for the naval ser- and colonial letters, (App. p. 232); both vice of the country in case of war, and that which statements have been proved to be that fleet would be kept up at a much less curiously incorrect. Of course the Commitcost to the country than under the Admi-tee was inquisitive on the subject; for Mr. ralty." (Colonel Maberly, Evid. 1449.)

Hill, upon the publication of the return, had

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avowed his willingness to stake the issue of the contest between the Post-Office and himself on its accuracy. But when the Committee began its scrutiny, no one could be found to guarantee even a single detail. The framers, as we have seen, had been removed to America. The "W. L. Maberly," who had subscribed the return, makes battle for it in a most amusing way. Being asked whether he thinks the estimate of the number of letters accurate, he says, "I can pledge myself to nothing," and 'I cannot pledge myself at all to its accuracy." (Evid. 1261) As respects the number of government letters in this return, which was to damage the Penny Postage irrevocably, the Secretary must speak to Mr. Bokenham; as regards the dead-letters, he must speak first to Mr. Court. He will abide by the 103,0007. as derived from the Penny Postage. (Evid. 1394.) The charge of the whole dead and returned letters on the Inland Postage is "incorrect certainly." (Evid. 1401.) Whether the larger proportion ought to fall on the Foreign Postage or the Inland "he cannot say, and cannot pledge himself to any opinion on the subject." (Evid. 1421-22.) Advancing on to question 1426 we there find Colonel Maberly saying that "the Penny Post produced from five to six hundred thousand net revenue," and admitting, in spite of the Chancellor of the Exchequer's parliamentary declaration, that "the deficiency before mentioned of 10,0007. per annum ought not certainly to be visited upon the Penny Postage system." (Evid. 1428.) Then he discovers that Mr. Hill is right, and that the return is incorrect either in the number of letters or the amount of foreign postage, but which he is not prepared to say. (Evid. 1475.) In course of time, however, he again mounts his hobby to tilt at Penny Postage. He is of opinion that the Penny Postage brings very little revenue to the country, and that by far the greater proportion of the revenue is derived, as Lord Lowther thought when he came to the Post-Office, from foreign postage. (Evid. 1650.) "I am firmly of opinion that the greater portion of that revenue is derived from foreign and colonial postage." (Evid. 1661.)

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It is difficult to gather from this tissue of contradictions, and the mass of fallacious figures on which they are based, what ought to be the exact apportionment of the 600,0007. of net revenue, for let us never forget that such a net revenue is now admitted on every hand,-how much is actually derivable from foreign and colonial letters, and how much from the inland Penny Post letters. By making some necessary adjust

ments, Mr. Hill at once proves that 332,0007. of the 600,000l. are indisputably derived from the Penny Postage,-which is three times the amount allowed by the Post-Office; but he proceeds to show that by far the greater part of the 600,0007. really arises from the Penny Postage.

"As has been observed above, the practice followed up to the period of the late return has been to make no charge for packet service, nor any allowance for the conveyance of newspapers; and, supposing this to be the correct nethod, we should add to the amount last given chargeable for packet service, thus making a total of 364,000l. But this mode of balancing the charge for packets with the claim for newspapers, though tolerably fair in viewing the PostOffice revenue as a whole, becomes absurdly unjust when an attempt is made to distinguish between the produce of inland postage on the one hand and of foreign and colonial postage on the whole amount of the real packet service the other; since it is obvious that, while nearly must be taken as a deduction from the profits of foreign and colonial letters, so nearly the whole produce of newspaper stamps must be taken as an addition to the profits of inland postage; and, if following out this, we claim for inland postage only nine-tenths of the newspaper an addition of 225.000l. to the sum of 332,000/. stamps, (a very low estimate,) we have to make given above, as the profits on inland letters, thus making a total of 557,000l., which, taking the whole subject of inland postage as a general question of profit to the Government, is the least that ought to be set down.

the sum of 32,000l. which I have allowed as

the Inland department, as compared with that "As regards the expenses of management in of the Foreign and Colonial department, I have entered into no investigation, as I have no sufficient materials of calculation, but I believe that the result of a complete examination of the whole subject of Post-Office revenue would show that the Foreign and Colonial department, when placed on its fair footing, about maintains itself; and that the whole profit, probably upwards of 600,000l. per annum, is derived from inland postage. For the purpose of comparison, however. of the results of Penny Postage with those of the old rates, the distinction between foreign and inland postage is unnecessary, since in estimating the effect of the change I expressly included


Mr. Hill said from the beginning, "Carry carried for a penny, and that the revenue out my plan and I assert that letters may be will be maintained within 300,000Z." He gave a series of calculations of the effects on the revenue, even with no increase whatever of letters, and a two-fold, three-fold, and up to a seven-fold increase, developing the results at each stage.* Yet it is maintained that

* Mr. Hill submitted an estimate of the revenue which would be derived from the Post-Office un

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