Imagens das páginas

terprise, and as to the permanency of its results. To establish Buonapartism without a Buonaparte is a senseless and false notion." There was in all this a profound knowledge of the French character, and an honest desire to maintain order and to prevent war. Although the Prince de Metternich is so much occupied with the important duties of his varied and high offices, still he finds time for the chase, for his family circle, and for the pleasures of conversation. To the chase he is passionately attached, and I believe even to this hour has not resigned his favorite enjoyment. To his children, who are many of them young and handsome, he is devoted. And as to the delights of a family circle and domestic joys, no heart is more sensible of them than is that of this distinguished man. With regard to conversation, he is not only peculiarly happy in his conversational powers, but he directs his observations on almost all occasions to subjects of an elevating and improving character. As the evening draws to a close, his mind appears to gain a stronger and more vigorous tone, and his ordinary conversation at those moments is even eloquent. Yet all this proceeds without dogmatism or pretension, and the happy circle breaks up under the magic spell of the enlightened, lively, convincing, and interesting conversation of a man who, during the last sixty years, has seen all, observed all, known all, and forgotten nothing.

In the art of penetrating the weak points of his superiors, and making himself necessary to their frailties, the Prince de Metternich has shown himself a master. It was in the midst of revelry during the congress of Vienna that the Emperor Alexander grew tired of the fastidious bacchanalia. When the Prince de Metternich perceived this, all the gorgeous tournaments, balls, and dinners, were at once superseded by petites soirées, given by himself, at which the Princess de Clg was the queen. The emperor was much struck by her beauty and fascinations, but her family withdrew her from Vienna. The Prince de Metternich, aware of the influence which her conversation exercised over the mind of the emperor, still contrived to secure her presence at Trappau and Laybach, to neither of which probably would his majesty have proceeded but from the expectation of there seeing her. All was purity and virtue, but the illustrious lady in question so spell-bound the monarch that, with her aid, the Austrian chancellor contrived to drive away ennui from the monarch, and kept him to the great questions which had constantly to come before him until all were settled.

Austria is indebted to Prince de Metternich

for Venice, Milan, and above all, for the Tyrol, Salzbourg, and the territory he prevailed on Bavaria to return. Austria has now, thanks to him, a compact body of kingdoms and provinces, with more than 30,000,000 of inhabit


To the Russian government the prince has been generally obnoxious. Whilst he has occupied himself with the policy and plans of Russia, the government of St. Petersburg, in its turn, has kept its eye steadily fixed on the Austrian chancellor. It has felt that no one could frustrate its plans so easily and so certainly as the prince, and that by his varied combinations he could alternately excite the jealousy of Prussia, France, and Great Britain, against the policy of Russia. This, indeed, he has done, and but for Prince de Metternich and his policy, Russia would, ere this, have made a determined effort to place her southérn capital on the shores of the Bosphorus.

But I must draw iny Reminiscences of the Prince to a close, and I shall do so by recalling some of the leading events of his long and memorable life.

The Prince de Metternich was frequently, especially to foreign diplomatists, in the habit of saying, "The Emperor Francis II. has a firm will. If I had the misfortune to mistake the path he directs, I should not remain minister for a day." In the affairs of the LombardVenetian kingdom; at the congress of Aix-laChapelle in 1818; at the congress assembled by him in the summer of 1819 at Carlsbad; at the congress of Vienna in 1820, and at Trappau in the same year; at Laybach in 1821, in suppressing the insurrections of Naples and Piedmont, Prince de Metternich may certainly be said to have managed all the negotiations and affairs of the empire, and in many respects influenced those of all the absolute states of Europe, Russia alone excepted. On returning from the congress of Laybach he was elevated by the emperor to the highest office of the empire, that of chancellor, at the same time retaining that of even greater power, minister of foreign affairs.

In October following, on the accession of George IV. to the throne of Great Britain, Prince de Metternich visited Hanover to meet that monarch. In Cctober 1822 he opened the congress of Verona; soon after he was created a grandee of Spain, first class; and in September following he accompanied the Emperor of Austria to meet the Russian emperor at Ezernowitz. His first wife's ill health induced him to visit Paris with her, but she died in 1825, aged fifty, leaving him one son, who died three years after, and two daughters, now living. From Paris the prince

proceeded to Milan, and from thence to the princess shed a brilliancy over these enteropening of the Hungarian diet. In October tainments. 1826 the president of the state conference, As a domestic man, the character of Prince Count Zichy Ferraris, died, and to him suc- de Metternich stands high, and I believe he ceeded Prince de Metternich. He married considers it a proof of having been blessed in in November 1827 Mary Antoine, Countess the married state that he has sought happiness of Beilstein. This beautiful and fascinating in another marriage after the loss of a wife princess died two years after, aged twenty-(however devotedly beloved) as soon as the three years, leaving him one son, Prince Rich- observance of the ordinary intermission perard Clement. mitted. His second princess is said to have In the affairs of Italy the Prince de Metter-been one of the most beautiful women in Eunich has maintained the principle of interfer- rope. If an exquisite portrait of her which ence, and afterwards, in respect to Poland, to exists at Vienna, full of expression and loveprevent the insurrection extending to the old liness, be a resemblance, she must indeed section of that kingdom, which the partition have been so. gave to Austria, he sent Field-marshal StutThe present princess is only thirty six, and terhein with 50,000 men to the frontiers. Ga-looks much younger. Her countenance is lizia was afterwards subjected to very arbitra- full of expression and fascination. Her two ry treatment on the ground that it had cor-children, with the son by the last princess, responded with the liberal societies of France. run up to her altogether, as if the three were In regard to the assistance rendered in men and supplies to the Poles by Galizia, no public or prosecuting notice was taken by Prince de Metternich, while the Prussian subjects who assisted the Poles were afterwards punished by their government.

by the same mother, and she receives them with the same tenderness. In the day-time they rush out into the garden, exercise themselves with juvenile spades, wheelbarrows, and various implements; they return back often climbing over the prince's shoulders, and then

In January 1831 the prince married Me-bound off to their "mutter" the princess. lania Maria Antonia, Countess of Ferraris, born in 1803 and daughter of his predecessor in the office of president of state conference. By her he has two lovely children.

The eldest daughter by the first marriage is married to Count Starnieza; the second princess, Hermenia, is young and unmarried, and still lives with her father; both are of a delicate cast of beauty, graceful and amiable, with manners somewhat retiring and perfectly unaffected.

As a diplomatist, Prince de Metternich always says that a frank declared manner is the most honorable and the most successful. How few observe this in practice; how few there are who are not lost through that vanity which is instantly perceived by sagacious and skilful negotiators! The qualifications necessary for an able diplomatist are neither more nor less than firmness of character, sound judgment, energy, sagacity, and a perfect knowledge of the resources and powers of his own and especially of foreign countries. With these, and a capacity to understand the character of other men, and the habitude of agreeable manners, a frank, not garrulous, but honest minister, will, in the end, baffle all the cunning and artifice of the ablest disciplinarian of the Machiavelian school.

Since the Prince de Metternich commenced public life, fifty years of the most eventful in history have elapsed. Three emperors of the house of Hapsburg have passed from the earth since his manhood; three kings of France and one French emperor-one of the number by violence-and an emperor and another king both of them in exile, have also passed away during the same period. Three kings of England, two emperors of all the Russias, and many other sovereigns, besides statesmen, including our Pitts, Foxes, Liverpools, Castlereaghs, and Cannings, all of whom were personally known to Prince de Metter nich, are also mouldering in the dust; but their great names survive them. The chancellor of Austria still retains the physical and intellectual vigor of manhood; health, strength, memory, vision, speech, sagacity, and energy unimpaired. His knowledge of character is remarkable, no man can estimate more accurately the capacity both of the de- My task is completed. My Reminiscences parted and of the yet living diplomatists and of the prince are closed. I have portrayed statesmen of Europe and America-of the him with fidelity. Great as a minister, a diPozzo di Borgos, the Talleyrands, the Nes-plomatist, and a statesman; wonderful at Viselrodes, and the Wellingtons.

At his weekly soirées the most interesting, because the most instructive in Vienna, his frankness, and even his simplicity of manners, always delight. The beauty and esprit of the

enna, and cold and reserved at Rastadt; intimately acquainted with all the events of all countries during the most interesting and memorable period of modern history. As a diplomatic writer, able, clear, concise; as an

I thought by reflected effulgence to shine,
And deemed that his wit might do duty for mine;
Stand amazed how his choice should be fixed upon
Vain hope--all his friends, I can easily see,


Austrian, never forgetful that he owes his first care and obedience to the emperor; as a German, never forgetful that the "fatherland" is "one" as against all other lands; as a conscientious supporter of absolute monarchies, I fail in light banter, or sage conversation, attentive to the physical wants of the people; I am never prepared with a happy quotation, And they say in their hearts--"What a clog and a Is a common-place wife to a Popular Man!"



Meanwhile, like a cherished young queen on her
She sings in fair style, and he hangs on her strain
Is the bride lately wedded to Benjamin Drone;
As though Malibran charmed a wrapt audience

as an enemy to all revolutions, moderate, but decided and consistent in his measures and in his reserve. A hater of war, a lover of peace, an enemy to political liberty, a friend to local and provincial rights, a believer in the Christian religion, a zealous Romanist, an upright citizen, an affectionate husband, a devoted father, a man of great natural powers and of vast acquirements; a sin-She writes album lyrics with passable taste, cere friend, a decided foe-not to persons, Poor girl!-what shrewd eyes her pretensions And he deems L. E. L. to the world is replaced; but to principles-an obedient subject, and would scan, lover of justice and truth. This is the Prince de Metternich!



From the Metropolitan.

On! what grief in my family circle was shown,
When I wrote a refusal to Benjamin Drone,
Young, handsome, good-natured, of character clear,
And owning estates of three thousand a year:
Mamma gave me heart-stricken looks through the

Like Jenny's sad mother in "Auid Robin Gray,"
Bat the thought in my head unremittingly ran
That my hand would be sought by a Popular Man!

My lover all tastes and all fancies must hit,
Uniting the scholar, the sage, and the wit;
At home with the gay and the grave he must be,
Skilled alike in wise converse, and brisk repartee;
His presence must light o'er the drawing-room fling,
Entranced amateurs must conjure him to sing,
He must write-learned critics his poems must scan,
And stamp the young bard as a Popular Man.

I was soon by the gay, gifted Brightly addrest,-
(Oh what evil oft lurked in a granted request !)
I wedded-and deemed in ecstatic delight,
That fairy-land soon would beam on my sight;
But often the fairy-gift mocks and deceives,
And mine was converted to withering leaves,
When the process of stern disenchantment began,
Known too well by each wife of a Popular Man.

I find Brightly's spirits are ever in tune
At the lecture-room, library, hall, and saloon;
No shadow presumes o'er his genius to come,
Till it casts off its visiting habit at home;
There, the envied possessor of fame universal
Divides the dull hours between sloth and rehearsal;
There, toils the bon-mots and impromptus to plan,
That the world daily claims from the Popular Man.

Were she known as the wife of a Popular Man!

Our scanty finances grow weekly more low,
We have nothing for comfort, and little for show,
Yet Brightly, contented new laurels to gain,
Talks and writes about riches with noble disdain!
His "greatness of mind" constant flattery claims
From poetical maids and romance-writing dames,
But alas! not a soul of the blue-stocking clan
Ever flatters the wife of a Popular Man!

A moment's attention I rarely can find
From these high-flown etherial " daughters of

Save my raised fevered flush gives the cheering

That I glow with the deep hectic tint of consump


Then, my symptoms by each anxious damsel are reckoned,

Who longs to become Mrs. Brightly the second, And would fain see the days dwindled down to a span

Of the wife so ill-matched with a Popular Man.

Learn wisdom, dear girls, at another's expense,
And smile on the suitor of plain homely sense;
You may still take an interest (tempered by rea-

In the bard of the boudoir, the star of the season-
Nay, sometimes rejoice such a partner to get
In the acted charade, gallopade, or duet;
But don't think of trying the conjugal plan
With society's idol-the Popular Man!

DOST MAHOMET has been shot dead at Cabool by order of the Prince of Believers, the Khan of Bokhara. It is stated that the Khan sent several papers with his own seal to Cabool, stating that whoever should kill the Dost would go to heaven. This event will probably lead to a suspension of any effort on the part of the Affghans to occupy Peshower; but the event will probably be, that Cabool itself will fall a prey to Bokhara.

The Marwar succession has been settled in favor of Ahmednuggur. Tukhl Singh has been unanimously elected King of Marwar, and his son accompanies him as Prince Royal.-Gentleman's Mag,

cannon before the castle, and bewails the

THE LIVING POLITICAL POETS OF GER- fate of that old warrior, which once perhaps


From the Athenæum.

THE Cosmopolitan Watchman is a witty, as well as a brawny fellow. He rambles, at first, round his native town, and makes observations and comparisons, which, had he then and there given vent to them, would have cut his nocturnal perambulations very short. He sets out with this very comfortable soliloquy :

The last faint twinkle now goes out

Up in the poet's attic;

And the roisterers, in merry rout,

Speed home with steps erratic.

Soft from the house-roofs showers the snow,
The vane creeks on the steeple,
The lanterns wag and glimmer low
In the storm by the hurrying people.

The houses all stand black and still,

The churches and taverns deserted, And a body may now wend at his will, With his own fancies diverted.

Not a squinting eye now looks this way, Not a slanderous mouth is dissembling, And a heart that has slept the livelong day May now love and hope with trembling.

Dear night! thou foe to each base end,

While the good still a blessing prove thee, They say that thou art no man's friend,

Sweet Night! how I therefore love thee!

Being thus cynically inclined, the Watchman does not lack food for his gall. He passes the prison, and finds only the poor rogues there-the madhouse, and thinks he knows of madder mortals-the church, but it is not there that he makes his confessions. Here, there is a house, full of light, joy, and dancing; at the door freezing servants and starving steeds. He wonders what the fine folks would think of him should he suddenly enter with lantern, spear, and horn, and hat and cloak coated with snow-flakes; and asks himself whether he be as actual a man as any of his gay crew. At the next house he perceives there is no need of him: another watchman stands by the door: it is Death! The father of the family is in his last agony. Another step shows him the poet aloft in his garret, the bookworm, the verse-spinner, the thought-manufacturer, who steals about. by day, while the knowing ones shake their heads, and call him by the opprobious epithets of Bard and Poet! A lost child of humanity passes him. He does not look in her face, lest he should see some one fallen from "high estate." He seats himself on a

thundered victoriously at Austerlitz or Moscow, but now is doomed to act the poet-laureate and pronounce birth-day odes. Feeling himself something like the old cannon, passing his time rather lazily, he marches out at the city-gate, and sets forth on his tour of the world.

There is much bitter sarcasm in his home of that want of reverence for sacred things sketches, and sometimes a passing exhibition with which the whole class of Young Germany has been charged; but, once abroad, the Watchman casts away his cloak and horn, is amazed at his own metamorphosis, and rises into the noble critic and vigorous and lofty poet. His Welt-gang or Worldwandering, is divided into seven stations, including seven of the principal states of Germany. The various moral and political characteristics of these states are touched off with a masterly hand. Frankfort, the city of Jews and diplomatists; Jews who have enslaved all the monarchs and states of Christendom, and ministers who have enslaved Germany. He warns the proud city, lest the Jews one day build a Christian quarter, and lock up the Christians, as they once locked up the Jews. In Hanover he sees the destroyer of the constitution surrounded by sycophants, to whom he expresses his contempt of a people who can submit to fawn on the hand which filched away their rights, and a blind youth riding, whose horse is led by a rein attached to the rein of an attendant's steed, and asks, "Who shall guide the steed of government for him when the old man is gone?" The jealous and pitiful policy of the smaller princedoms is hit off in the following lines:

In the royal playhouse lately
Sate our honored prince sedately,
When this amusing thing befell,
As the paper states it well.

Taking from his usual station
Through his lorgnette observation,
Straight his eagle eye did hit
On a stranger in the pit.

Such stranger ne'er was seen before,
A blue-striped shirt the fellow wore ;
His neckerchief tri-colored stuff,
Ground for suspicion quite enough!

His face was red as sun at rising,
And bore a scar of breadth surprising;
His beard was bushy, round, and short,
Just of the forbidden Hambach sort.

Quick to the Prince's brow there mounted
Frowns, though he did not want them counted,
But asked the Chamberlain quite low,
Who is that fellow? do you know?

The Chamberlain, though most observant,
Knew not, so asked the Prince's servant;
The valet, to supply the want,
Asked counsellor and adjutant.

No soul could give the slightest notion,-
The nobles all were in commotion;
Strange whispers through the boxes ran,
And all about the stranger man.

"His highness talks of Propagand-
Forth with the villain from the land!
Woe to him if he make delay
I' the city but another day !'"

Thus the police began exclaiming,
With sacred zeal all over flaming.
But soon his highness gave the hint,
None but himself should meddle in't.

One of his servants he despatches
Down to the fellow, while he watches,
And bids him ask him, blunt and free,
Who, and what, and whence he be?

After some minutes' anxious waiting,
Staring below, and calculating,
With knowing, but demurest face,
Comes back the lackey to his Grace.

"Your Highness!" says he in a whisper,
"He calls himself John Jacob Risper;
Travels in mustard for his house!"
"Hush! not a word! to man or mouse!"

Our Watchman escapes from these petty princedoms, where one mighty potentate maintains an army of fifty men! literally, and yet has his sentinels marching as solemnly before his gates as the Czar of all the Russias himself. He escapes to the sea, where he breaks forth into glorious pæans on its might, majesty, and genuine greatness, that we fain would translate :

It storms! it rages! haste, the cliff-top scale!
Gaze through the night, blasphemer, bow thy


Thine head to earth, with joy and terror pale, That is the sea! look, tremble, and be still!

So enraptured is he with the sea, that he declares he will pass over to free England, will marry a fisher-girl, and live a pilot in a smoking hut on the coast; but his patriotism draws him, and he hastens on to Munich, where, like all Germans, he condemns what the king has done for Art, because he has not done it for Liberty too; Berlin, where he lets loose his fury on the king, who is called the tantalizer of modern Germany. This strange monarch, who would fain have the reputation of a liberal with the reality of a despot, who voluntarily promises a constitution on his coronation, and then tells his people that they are not ready for it,-who establishes universal education, but takes care to make his schoolmasters at once poMAY, 1844. 5

licemen and slaves of the police,-who restores Arndt to his professorship because he has done all the mischief that he can, and expels Hoffmann von Fallenleben from his professorship for the very same crime of liberal opinion,-who fills his city with great names, but does not allow them to utter great truths, who kneels with Mrs. Fry in Newgate, and breakfasts with her, a dissenter, and yet continues to compel, by his forcible compression of the Lutheran church into the Evangelical mould, thousands annually to abandon their native land-this man, our Watchman reminds of his promises, and tells him that kings should not be witty, but speak plain, honest truths. He sees in the great city of Accomplishment and Test, as he calls Berlin, but hollow splendor and hollow hearts; poverty and lies in the streets with painted cheeks; sycophants, who bow to the cross, but still more deeply to the crosses (the Orders); he sees Tieck, and Rückert, Cornelius, and many another great name, filling up the number of the motley tribe of literati and artists, but protests that genius cannot walk long on stilts and crutches; that the laurel can easily wither on old heads, and that only young and fresh spirits can pluck the fruit from the tree of the present timeand turns his back on the city.

where he addresses a fine and spirited ode Instead of his masterly sketches of Vienna, to Count Auersperg, concluding

Happy thou canst not be-ah! wherefore wert thou great?

let us give a few stanzas as a specimen from



Yes! thou art lovely with thy rose-crowned brow,
The bloom of passion on thy radiant face,
When past thou fliest in the dance, as now,
Amid youth's eager glance and fond embrace.
To sink, forgetful of the world, to rest
Within thy arms, by thy enchantments bound,
And tempt ev'n gods to tread this dangerous ground.
That might, methinks, a warrior's steps arrest,


But woman, I do fly thee,-I will not
Kneel to thee, of thy convert throng make one ;-
Potiphar's wife-thy purple tempts me not-
Before my vision floats a holier light;
go my mantle!-for I will begone!
A chaster form, my spirit's purest bride!
Us life, and truth, and poetry unite-
By German vows eternally allied.

Her eye is beautiful, though less than thine;
It beams with peace, but thine with wild desire;
Thy kiss is flame, but hers, if not divine,
Is a pure, breathing, and engladdening fire.
Thou dragg'st thy lovers down from hour to hour,
Nearer and faster to earth's misty face;
She soars aloft with glorifying power,
And bears me with her in her dear embrace.

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