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1. The Teachers of National Schools are required-To keep at least one copy of the GENERAL LESSON suspended conspicuously in the School-room, and to inculcate the principles contained in it on the minds of their Pupils.

2. To exclude from the School, except at the hours set apart for Religious Instruction, all Catechisms and Books inculcating peculiar religious opinions.

3. To avoid fairs, markets, and meetings-but above all, POLITICAL meetings of every kind; to abstain from controversy; and to do nothing either in or out of School which might have a tendency to confine it to any one denomination of Children.

4. To keep the Register, Report Book, and Class Lists accurately and neatly, and according to the precise form prescribed by the Board.

5. To classify the Children according to the National School Books; to study those Books themselves; and to teach according to the improved method, as pointed out in their several prefaces.

6. To observe themselves, and to impress upon the minds of their Pupils, the great rule of regularity and order-A TIME


7. To promote, both by precept and example, CLEANLINESS, NEATNESS, and DECENCY. To effect this the Teachers should set an example of cleanliness and neatness in their own person, and in the state and general appearance of their Schools. They should also satisfy themselves, by personal inspection every morning, that the Children have had their hands and faces washed, their hair combed, and clothes cleaned, and, when necessary, mended. The School apartments, too, should be swept and dusted every evening, and white-washed at least

once a year.

8. To pay the strictest attention to the morals and general conduct of their Pupils and to omit no opportunity of inculcating the principles of TRUTH and HONESTY: the duties of respect to superiors and obedience to all persons placed in authority over them.

9. To evince a regard for the improvement and general welfare of their Pupils, to treat them with kindness, combined with firmness, and to aim at governing them by their affections and reason, rather than by harshness and severity.

10. To cultivate kindly and affectionate feelings among their Pupils; to discountenance quarrelling, cruelty to animals, and every approach to vice.

11. To record in the School Report Book the amount of all


V. Practical
Rules for

APPENDIX A. grants made by the Board, and the purposes for which they were made.

V. Practical

Rules for

12. To take strict care of the FREE STOCK of Books granted by the Board; and to endeavour to keep the School constantly supplied with National School Books and requisites, for sale to the Children, at the reduced prices charged by the Commissioners.

[blocks in formation]

VI. Rules
and Regula-
tions as to Ap-
pointment, Ex-
amination, and
Classification of
Teachers, Mo-
nitors, &c., &c.



1. APPOINTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION OF TEACHERS. 1. The appointment of Teachers rests with the Local Patrons and Committees of Schools, but the Commissioners are to be satisfied with the fitness of each, both as to character and general qualification; and the Local Patrons have the power of removing the Teachers of their own authority. The Teacher should be a person of Christian sentiment, of calm temper, and discretion; he should be imbued with a spirit of peace, of obedience to the law, and of loyalty to his Sovereign; he should not only possess the art of communicating knowledge, but be capable of moulding the mind of youth, and of giving to the power which education confers a useful direction. These are the qualities for which Patrons of Schools, when making choice of Teachers, should anxiously look. They are those which the Commissioners are anxious to find, to encourage, and to reward.

2. The Commissioners have provided a Normal Establishment in Marlborough-street, Dublin, for training Teachers, and educating persons who are intended to undertake the charge of Schools; and they do not sanction the appointment of a Teacher to any School, unless he shall have been previously trained at the Normal Establishment, or shall have been pronounced duly qualified by the Inspector of the District in which the School is situated.

3. Teachers selected by the Commissioners for admission to the Normal Establishment, must produce a Certificate of good character from the officiating Clergyman of the communion to which they belong; and must pass through an examination in the Books published by the Commissioners. They are to be boarded and lodged at the establishments provided by the Board for the purpose, in Dublin, and at Glasnevin, in the immediate neighbourhood of Dublin, to which latter an Agricultural Department is attached. They are to receive Religious Instruction from their respective Pastors, who attend on Tuesdays at the Normal Establishment; and on Sundays

they are required to attend their respective places of Wor- APPENDIX A. ship; and a vigilant superintendence is at all times exercised VI. Rules

over their moral conduct.

and Regula

amination, and

4. They are to attend upon five days in the week at the tions as to ApTraining and Model Schools, where lectures are delivered on pointment, Exdifferent branches of knowledge, and where they are practised Classification of in the art of Teaching. They are to receive instruction in Teachers, MoAgriculture daily, and they attend on Saturdays at the Farm, nitors, &c., &c. at Glasnevin, which is conducted under the direction of the Commissioners, and where they see theory reduced to practice. They undergo a final examination at the close of their course, and each will then receive a certificate according to his deserts. The course of Training at present occupies a period of four months and a-half, and for a considerable time previous to their being summoned, they are required to prepare themselves for the course.

5. Teachers of Schools unconnected with the National Board, if properly recommended, are also admitted to attend the Normal Establishment, as day pupils, without any charge for tuition; but such persons maintain themselves at their own expense.

6. All Teachers, appointed after the 1st of April, 1851, who have not been previously classed by the Professors or by a Board of Inspectors, shall be paid as Probationers, until they be examined at the first General or Special Examination held in the district subsequently to their appointment. Those who then obtain classification, will be paid from the commencement of their service under the Board according to the rate of salary attached to their class.

7. This rule will not extend to any teachers who, when summoned, shall fail, from any cause whatever, to present themselves for examination.

8. All Teachers who have been unsuccessful at their first examination, and who may be retained on trial, shall receive the salary of the class to which they may be promoted at any subsequent examination, from the commencement of the quarter in which their classification shall be determined.

9. Teachers who after their first examination have been retained on trial as Probationers, if not recommended for promotion by the Head or District Inspectors, at the next ensuing examination, or by the Professors after training, cannot be continued in the service of the Board; but their salaries will be paid for one month subsequent to the date of dismissal.

10. All newly appointed Teachers who, after examination by the Inspectors, may be found wholly unqualified, shall be paid salary up to the close of the month in which the Commissioners refuse to sanction their appointment.

11. The Pupil Teachers of District Model Schools, on taking charge of National Schools after the completion of their course of training, shall rank as Third Class Teachers (provided they be deemed qualified for that class by the Head

APPENDIX A.` grants made by the Board, and the purposes for which they were made.

V. Practical
Rules for

12. To take strict care of the FREE STOCK of Books granted by the Board; and to endeavour to keep the School constantly supplied with National School Books and requisites, for sale to the Children, at the reduced prices charged by the Commissioners.

[blocks in formation]

VI. Rules
and Regula-
tions as to Ap-
pointment, Ex-
amination, and
Classification of
Teachers, Mo-
nitors, &c., &c.



1. APPOINTMENT AND CLASSIFICATION OF TEACHERS. 1. The appointment of Teachers rests with the Local Patrons and Committees of Schools, but the Commissioners are to be satisfied with the fitness of each, both as to character and general qualification; and the Local Patrons have the power of removing the Teachers of their own authority. The Teacher should be a person of Christian sentiment, of calm temper, and discretion; he should be imbued with a spirit of peace, of obedience to the law, and of loyalty to his Sovereign; he should not only possess the art of communicating knowledge, but be capable of moulding the mind of youth, and of giving to the power which education confers a useful direction. These are the qualities for which Patrons of Schools, when making choice of Teachers, should anxiously look. They are those which the Commissioners are anxious to find, to encourage, and to reward.

2. The Commissioners have provided a Normal Establishment in Marlborough-street, Dublin, for training Teachers, and educating persons who are intended to undertake the charge of Schools; and they do not sanction the appointment of a Teacher to any School, unless he shall have been previously trained at the Normal Establishment, or shall have been pronounced duly qualified by the Inspector of the District in which the School is situated.

3. Teachers selected by the Commissioners for admission to the Normal Establishment, must produce a Certificate of good character from the officiating Clergyman of the communion to which they belong; and must pass through an examination in the Books published by the Commissioners. They are to be boarded and lodged at the establishments provided by the Board for the purpose, in Dublin, and at Glasnevin, in the immediate neighbourhood of Dublin, to which latter an Agricultural Department is attached. They are to receive Religious Instruction from their respective Pastors, who attend on Tuesdays at the Normal Establishment; and on Sundays

they are required to attend their respective places of Wor- APPENDIX A. ship; and a vigilant superintendence is at all times exercised VI. Rules

over their moral conduct.

and Regula

4. They are to attend upon five days in the week at the tions as to ApTraining and Model Schools, where lectures are delivered on pointment, Examination, and different branches of knowledge, and where they are practised Classification of in the art of Teaching. They are to receive instruction in Teachers, MoAgriculture daily, and they attend on Saturdays at the Farm, nitors, &c., &c. at Glasnevin, which is conducted under the direction of the Commissioners, and where they see theory reduced to practice. They undergo a final examination at the close of their course, and each will then receive a certificate according to his deserts. The course of Training at present occupies a period of four months and a-half, and for a considerable time previous to their being summoned, they are required to prepare themselves for the course.

5. Teachers of Schools unconnected with the National Board, if properly recommended, are also admitted to attend the Normal Establishment, as day pupils, without any charge for tuition; but such persons maintain themselves at their own expense.

6. All Teachers, appointed after the 1st of April, 1851, who have not been previously classed by the Professors or by a Board of Inspectors, shall be paid as Probationers, until they be examined at the first General or Special Examination held in the district subsequently to their appointment. Those who then obtain classification, will be paid from the commencement of their service under the Board according to the rate of salary attached to their class.

7. This rule will not extend to any teachers who, when summoned, shall fail, from any cause whatever, to present themselves for examination.

8. All Teachers who have been unsuccessful at their first examination, and who may be retained on trial, shall receive the salary of the class to which they may be promoted at any subsequent examination, from the commencement of the quarter in which their classification shall be determined.

9. Teachers who after their first examination have been retained on trial as Probationers, if not recommended for promotion by the Head or District Inspectors, at the next ensuing examination, or by the Professors after training, cannot be continued in the service of the Board; but their salaries will be paid for one month subsequent to the date of dismissal.

10. All newly appointed Teachers who, after examination by the Inspectors, may be found wholly unqualified, shall be paid salary up to the close of the month in which the Commissioners refuse to sanction their appointment.

11. The Pupil Teachers of District Model Schools, on taking charge of National Schools after the completion of their course of training, shall rank as Third Class Teachers (provided they be deemed qualified for that class by the Head

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