Imagens das páginas

VI. Rules


APPENDIX A. 3. Arithmetic. To solve questions in Practice and Interest, and to have some knowledge of Mental Arithmetic. year's course for the Girls will, in this branch, be limited to tions as to Ap- Practice. pointment, Examination, and

and Regula

4. Grammar.-To parse an easy sentence, according to the Classification of rules of Syntax. Teachers, Mo

5. Geography. To know the general Geography of Europe, nitors, &c., &c. and the rudiments of Mathematical Geography, as explained in the first four chapters of the Geography Generalized.

6. Art of Teaching. To teach and examine a class in the Sequel to the Second Book of Lessons.

7. Needlework.-Girls must exhibit increased skill in the teaching of plain Needlework.


At the end of the Third Year they will be required :1. Reading. To read with ease and expression, and be acquainted with the principles of Orthoepy, and the difficulties of Pronunciation.

2. History. To be acquainted with all the historical sketches contained in the Lesson Books, and in the Introduction to Geography and History.

3. Writing and Spelling. To be competent to superintend the writing of the junior classes, and to write in a good current hand, and with correct spelling, the substance of a short lesson, read slowly to them twice over.

4. Arithmetic.-To be acquainted with Mental and Commercial Arithmetic, and with Involution and Evolution, as contained in the Board's Treatise.

5. Grammar. To parse and analyze any passage in prose, selected from the National Lesson Books.

6. Geography.-To know the General Geography of the remaining great divisions of the Globe, and be familiar with the principles of Physical Geography, as given in the Geography Generalized and the Fifth Book of Lessons.

7. Book-keeping.-To have the first four sets contained in the Board's Treatise on Book-keeping, neatly written out, and to answer explanatory questions thereon.

8. Geometry. To know the First Book of Geometry with the exercises thereon, as given in Thomson's Treatise.

9. Algebra. To be acquainted with the elementary rules of Algebra.

The Girls will not be required to know Book-keeping, Geometry, or Algebra, and in Arithmetic their course this year will be limited to Fractions and Interest.

10. Art of Teaching.-To examine the Third Class in Grammar and Geography, as well as Reading and in the explanation of Words, and to teach Arithmetic to the junior


11. Needlework.-Girls to exhibit some skill in 'the finer kinds of knitting and netting.


At the end of the Fourth Year they will be required :1. Etymology. To know the chapter on English Etymologies in the Spelling Book Superseded.


VI. Rules and Regula

tions as to Appointment, Ex

Classification of

2. Grammar and Composition.-To write grammatically, amination, and and with correct spelling and punctuation, the substance of a Teachers, Molesson selected from the Third or any previous Book; and to nitors, &c., &c. parse any passage in blank or other verse.

3. Geography-To be acquainted with the Geography of the British Empire, and of Palestine.*

4. Geometry.-To know the Second Book, and the exercises appended thereto.

5. Mensuration.-To know the rules for the measurement of Plane Surfaces, and the principles on which these rules depend.

6. Algebra.-To be able to solve questions in simple equations.

7. Natural Philosophy.-To exhibit acquaintance with the Lessons contained in the third, fourth, and fifth sections of the Fifth Book.

8. Lessons on Reasoning.-To be examined on the first eight Lessons in the easy Lessons on Reasoning.

The Girls will not be examined in Algebra, or in the fourth and fifth sections of the Fifth Book; nor in Geometry, Mensuration, or the Lessons on Reasoning; but they will be examined in Mental Arithmetic, and required to exhibit such acquaintance with the Elements of Book-keeping as would enable them to keep with neatness and correctness simple Domestic Accounts.

9. Art of Teaching. To instruct in their respective books each of the first three classes in any lessons selected by the District Inspector, and to examine them on the various collateral questions arising out of these lessons.

10. Needlework.-Girls must not only know, but be able to teach others also, how to cut out and make up plain articles of female wearing apparel.

11. Agriculture. The Male Monitors will be examined, at the end of the fourth year, in the Agricultural Class-Book sanctioned by the Board.

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1. The number of Paid Monitors is limited to eight males and four females in each District, selected from among the best Pupils in the National Schools, and appointed upon the

* The geographical examination of the Paid Monitors this year will have a special reference to the mutual dependence and intercourse of Nations, their natural products, manufactures, &c., and the nature of the commercial relations between them and the United Kingdom.


F 2

APPENDIX A. recommendation of the District Inspectors, subject to the approval of the Commissioners.

VI. Rules

and Regula

2. This appointment cannot be held for a longer period tions as to Ap- than FOUR YEARS, at the expiration of which the salary will pointment, Exbe discontinued. amination, and Classification of 3. The Salary may, however, be withdrawn at any time, Teachers, Mo- should want of diligence, efficiency, or good conduct on the nitors, &c., &c. part of the Monitor, or any other circumstance, render such a course desirable.

4. The District Inspector selects the Schools to which Paid Monitors should be appointed; and when vacancies occur, whether before or after the expiration of four years, it does not necessarily follow that a successor shall be appointed in the same Schools.

5. When all the District Model Schools are established, Candidates for the office of Paid Monitor must undergo a Public Examination by the Inspectors, in a prescribed course, to be held in those Schools.

6. The selection will be made, as far as possible, from those who have shown aptitude for teaching.

7. The Candidates should not be under fourteen nor over sixteen years of age. They must be of a sound and healthy constitution, and free from any physical defect likely to impair their efficiency as Teachers.

8. The School to which the Candidate belongs should exhibit a tolerable degree of efficiency, should have a sufficient average attendance to require a Paid Monitor, and the Teacher should be qualified to give instruction in the prescribed course.

9. The Paid Monitors' Programme can be obtained on application to the District Inspector.

10. Paid Monitors who have completed the four years of their course in a satisfactory manner, are eligible, on examination by the Inspectors, for the situation of AssistantTeacher, or of Pupil Teachers in District Model Schools.


Scale of Gratuities to Masters and Mistresses of Workhouse

1. The Commissioners of National Education have resolved, with the concurrence of the Poor Law Commissioners, to award annual gratuities to a certain number (forty males and forty females) of the Teachers of the Workhouse Schools, in connexion with the National Board, who shall be recommended by the District Inspectors.

For Male


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2. The gratuities are divided into two classes:—
(First Class, Twenty at 16 a-year each.
7 Second Class, Twenty at £4 a-year each.
Twenty at £5 a-year cach.
Twenty at £3 a year each.

For Female

First Class,
A Second Class,.

3. The payment will be made half-yearly, with the usual APPENDIX. A issue of Salary to Teachers of National Schools, after the 31st VI. Rules March, and 30th September, in each year.

and Regula 4. It is to be understood that such gratuities are given in tions as to Apaddition to the Salaries paid to the Teachers of Workhouse pointment, ExSchools, under the provisions of the Poor Law Act.

amination, and Classification of

5. No Teacher is precluded from receiving the gratuity two Teachers, Moor more years in succession, if recommended by the District nitors, &c., &c. Inspector as deserving of it; but a Teacher having received one year's gratuity, is not thereby entitled to a continuance of it.


Scale of Premiums to Masters and Mistresses of National Schools who are most distinguished by the Order, Neatness, and Cleanliness observable in themselves, their Pupils, and in the School

hous s.

1. The sum of £22 103. will be allocated to each of the School Districts, and divided into Thirteen Premiums.

One of £4,

Two of £3,

Five of £1 10s.,

Five of £1,



£7 108.


2. These Premiums will be awarded ANNUALLY on the recommendation of the District Inspector, and paid at the end of the year.

3. No distinction is made between Vested and Non-Vested Schools.

4. No Teacher is eligible for these Premiums for more than two years in succession.

5. These Premiums will be awarded without reference to the class in which the Teachers may be placed; but none will be deemed eligible to receive such Premiums against whom there is any well-founded charge of neglect in the performance of their duties, of impropriety in their conduct, or whose Schools are not conducted in a satisfactory manner.


VII. Notice to
Managers of

Schools relative to Payment of


NOTICE TO MANAGERS of NATIONAL SCHOOLS relative to National the PAYMENT of TEACHERS' SALARIES. The Managers of National Schools are particularly requested Teachers' Salato attend to the following Instructions respecting the payment of Salaries to Teachers, as the Commissioners for Auditing the Public Accounts will not, in future, allow any documents to pass as Vouchers from this Office which are not in compliance with these Rules:

1. Every Receipt should be signed by the Manager, and by the Teacher entitled to receive the amount of Salary therein specified.


VII. Notice to
Managers of

Schools relative

to Payment of Teachers' Salaries.

2. Whenever a Manager advances money to a Teacher on account of the Salary payable by the Commissioners of National Education to such Teacher, he should take a Receipt for the same (on a Stamp if the amount be £5 or upwards), in order to have a proper Voucher to produce to this Office in case the Teacher die, or leave the School before the expiration of the Quarter.

3. If a Teacher die to whom any Salary is due by the Commissioners, the amount will be paid to the representative or next-of-kin. The relationship of the party paid must, however, be stated in the Receipt; and if such party cannot write, his or her mark will be received as signature, if witnessed by a third person.

4. If a Teacher leave a National School, and authorize the Manager, or some other person, to receive the Salary due from this Board, such authority must be given in writing, or the amount will not be paid. A Manager can always protect himself by attending to Rules Nos. 2 and 7.

5. As the Commissioners of Audit do not consider a Certificate of payment coming from the person who makes such payment a proper Document, no. Manager's Certificate can in future be taken as a Voucher.

6. If Receipts which are sent from this Office for Signature, be not returned within a Month, the amount of Salary to which they refer will be cancelled, and remain over until the next quarterly payment becomes due. This rule will in future be strictly adhered to, in consequence of the inconvenience arising from such delays.

7. The Commissioners do not pay Salary for a broken period of a month, nor will they in future pay any Teacher a Month's Salary unless he shall have been in charge of the School for at least two-thirds of the month. Managers should, therefore, take care not to allow Teachers to leave their Schools before the last week of the month.


National Education Office, January, 1852.


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