Margaret Arundel Hannah Archbold Ann Brown's child Jane A Blakely's daughter Nancy Carlisle's children Sarah Hill's children Diana Hardy Mary Hadding Maria T. Johnson Jane Logue's children Sarah Mathews Eleanor Monroe's child Anne Midlen Martha Rose Margaret Rankin's child Elizabeth Tronys Lydia Vanhorn surgeon B. ABSTRACT of Warrants drawn by the Secretary of the Navy on the Treasurer of the United States, on account of the Navy Pension Fund, from 1st January to 31st December, 1826, inclusive. 1,500 00 7,000 00 298 July 27 299 Aug. 12 Nov. 14 288 Geo. Macdaniel, agent, D. C. do. 120 00 508 04 142 00 Dec. 15 302 Do. Branch Bank U. S. at Portsmouth, |