It is proper to remark, that the foregoing sum is $13,892 19 less than the aggregate for the same period on the books of the Post Office Department, in consequence of all old accounts, together with the balances accruing from the Canada and Kingston mails, rendered within this period, being excluded from this report. Respectfully submitted. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT, January 2, 1827. JOHH M LEAN. 2d Session. Treas. Dept. ESTIMATES OF APPROPRIATIONS FOR 1827. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY, OF THE ESTIMATES OF APPROPRIATIONS NECESSARY FOR THE SERVICE OF THE YEAR 1827. JANUARY 4, 1827. Referred to the Committee of Ways and Means. WASHINGTON : PRINTED BY GALES & SEATON. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, January 4, 1827. SIR: I have the honor to transmit, for the information of the House of Representatives, an Estimate of the Appropriations proposed for the service of the year 1827, amounting to $10,283,929 13. Fortifications, Armories, Arsenals, and Ordnance, &c. 1,171,400 1,571,240 Indian Department, 181,224 20,000 Arrearages, Internal Improvements, 202.000 3,230,260 23 To the estimate are annexed two statements, prepared in obedience to the Act in addition to the several acts for the establishment and regulation of the Treasury, War, and Navy Departments," shewing, first, the appropriations for the service of the year 1827, which have been made by former acts, viz: for arming and equipping the militia, public debt, civilization of the Indians, and treaties with Indian tribes, amounting to $10,419,025; second, balances of appropriations unsatisfied, made previous to the year 1827, and which will be required for the objects for which they were severally made, amounting to $3,964,452 46. This aggregate of the unsatisfied appropriations differs $539,452 46, from the amount presented in the report of this Department on the state of the Finances, transmitted on the 12th December, 1826, which is accounted for by the expenditures for the fourth quarter of 1826 being less by the same sum. I have the honor to remain, very respectfully, your obedient servant, RICHARD RUSH. The Hon. the SPEAKER of the House of Representatives. |