Imagens das páginas
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For Quartermasters' supplies, transportation, stationery, &c.

For repairs and improvements of barracks parade,

For articles for the mathematical, drawing, chemical, and mineralogical
departments, library, new buildings, &c.

For the contingencies of the Army,

Total expenses of the Army, including the Military Academy,

Permanent Objects.

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Internal Improvements.

For the continuation of the Cumberland Road, For completing the works and deepening the channel of entrance into the harbor of Presque Isle, to cover the expense of work done, and to be done, which has not been contemplated by any appropriation heretofore made,

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For examination and surveys authorized by act of 24th May, 1824,

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For the annual allowance to the Invalid and Half Pay Pensioners,
For half pay pensions to Widows and Orphans

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For the annual allowance to the Revolutionary Pensioners,



Indian Department.

For pay of the Superintendent of Indian Affairs at St. Louis,

and the several Indian Agents as established by law
For pay of Sub-Agents, as established by law
For presents to Indians, as authorized by act of 1802
For contingent expenses

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SUBMITTED. For houses for Sub-Agents, Interpreters, and Black-
smiths at the Peoria and Ioway Sub-Agencies, expense of emigrat-
ing Indians, claims of Delawares for horses taken by whitemen,
holding councils for settlement of differences among Indian tribes, &c.
within the Superintendence of General Clarke, as estimated for by

For additional expense arising out of the recently extended in-
tercourse with the Indians in the Michigan Territory, and
the establishment of a Sub-Agency for the Chippewas high
up Lake Superior, at La Pointe or Michael's Island, as re-
commended by Governor Cass,

For additional expense at the Red River Agency on account of
the removal of the Quapaws, and attaching them to that
Agency, arising out of the late treaty with them,
For expense attending the Indian Agency established under
the late Treaty with the Creek nation, and the act of Con-
gress of 20th May, 1826, for the emigrating Creeks,





Submitted $25.124

For arrearages, prior to the 1st of July, 1815


5,121,095 36


There will be required for the support of the Navy, during the year 1827, in addition to any balances which may remain unexpended on the 1st of January, 1827, viz :

For pay and subsistence, and established allowances for all officers, seamen, and others, belonging to the Navy, and for all persons attached to the civil establishments of the yards,

For provisions,

For repairs of vessels in ordinary, and for the wear and tear of vessels in commission,

For medicines, surgical instruments, hospital stores, and all other expenses on account of the sick,

For ordnance and ordnance stores,

For repairs and improvements of navy yards,

For defraying the expenses which may accrue during the year 1827, for the following purposes:

For freight and transportation of materials and stores of every description; for wharfage and dockage; for storage and rent; for travelling expenses of officers and transportation of seamen; for house rent or chamber money, and for fuel and candles to officers other than those attached to Navy Yards and Store Stations; for commissions, clerk hire, office rent, stationery and fuel, to Navy Agents; for premiums and incidental expenses of recruiting; for apprehending deserters ; for compensation to Judge Advocates; for per diem allowance to persons attending Courts Martial and Courts of Inquiry, and to oflicers engaged in extra service, beyond the limits of their stations; for printing, and for stationery of every description; for books, charts, nautical and mathematical instruments, chronometers, mo

1,343,348 579,148 54

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332,306 38


dels, and drawings; for purchase and repairs of steam and fire en-
gines, and for machinery; for purchase and maintenance of oxen and
horses, and for carts, wheels, and workmen's tools of every descrip-
tion; for postage of letters on public service; for pilotage; for cabin
furniture of vessels in commission; for taxes on navy yards and
public property; for assistance rendered to public vessels in distress;
for incidental labor at navy yards, not applicable to any other ap-
propriation; for coal and other fuel for forges, foundries, steam en-
gines, and for candles, oil, and fuel, for vessels in commission and
in ordinary; and for no other object or purpose whatever,
For contingent expenses for objects arising in the year 1827, and not
hereinbefore enumerated,

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