Treasury Department, 254,100 . Provisional security of the buildings and records of the State and Trea Navy Department, 41,800 Provisional security of the buildings and records of the War and Navy RECAPITULATION-Continued. Stationery and books for the offices of Commissioners of Loans, Salary of the Keepers of the Public Archives in Florida Territory, Miscellaneous claims, 1,600 1,000 Intercourse with Foreign Nations. Diplomatic Department, Salaries of the Agents of Claims at London and Paris, Contingent expenses of foreign intercourse, Relief and protection of American seamen, Barbary Powers, Commissioners, &c. under the first article of the treaty of Ghent, Commissioner, &c. under the 6th and 7th articles of the treaty of Ghent, Invalid and half-pay pensions, Half-pay pensions to widows and orphans, Revolutionary pensions, Medicines and hospital stores, Ordnance and ordnance stores, Repairs and improvements of navy yards, tion, &c. &c. Freight and transportation of materials and stores of every descrip 120,224 60 28,765 10,166,697 63 Clerks in the Office of the Secretary of the Treasury, 3,437 50 Do. Fourth Auditor, 1,000 1,700 Repairing wells and pumps, and painting, &c. the War and Navy buildings, 820 11,207 50 106,024 25th Feb. 1799, 15,000 3d March, 1805, 1,000 20th April, 1806, 4,925 sd March, 1807, 300 19th Feb. 1808, 5,400 1st May, 1810, 2,450 3d March, 1811, 1,500 26th April, 1816, 200 3d March, 1817, 25,100 3d March, 1819, 70,950 15th May, 1820, 3,000 7th May, 1822, 10,150 26th May, 1824, 23,000 20th May, 1826, PERMANENT APPROPRIATIONS. Arming and equipping the Militia, per act of 23d April, 1808, Treaties with Indian Tribes, viz. Annuities, 6th May, 1796, |