Joseph G. Totten Major Transportation of baggage from Baltimore to Ditto from Frankford, via Philadelphia. Pitts- Lt. Colonel Transportation of baggage, as superintendent of fortifications, in May, 1824 5.50 Received in virtue of his brevet rank, $126 10 Fuel at New York, in December, 1825 Amount received in virtue of his brevet rank, Forage and fuel at Fort Moultrie, in December, 1822 Transportation of baggage, in 1822, from New Orleans to Pensacola Transportation of baggage, as commanding officer of the corps of cadets at West Point, from West Point to New York and back, in February, 1823 Quarters at Norfolk, from 23d April, to 30th May, 1824 Governor's Island Fuel at Governor's Island, from 1st November, 1823, to 30th April, 1824 54 09 Fuel at Old Point Comfort, from 1st September, 1824, to 31st July, 1825 37 62 Transportation of baggage to Old Point Comfort, in September, 1824 22 50 33 Forage Quarters at Norfolk, in Feb. and March, 1824 Fuel at Cantonment Clinch, from 1st Jan. to do. do. do. Received in virtue of brevet rank, 810 37 Comfort TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Third Auditor's Office, December, 18, 1826. PETER HAGNER, Aud. |