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As member of a Court Martial at Fort Lafayette, in Aug. 1825 at same place, in September, 1825

11 86 2. 20

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As witness to a Court Martial at Baton Rouge, in Feb. 1823
Per diem allowance whilst surveying Chesapeake and Ohio
Canal, from 27th July, to 30th September, 1824 -

do from 25th Sept. to 15th Nov. 1825

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177 00

aocel, S. James, Lieutenant


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Extra services as member of the Board of Engineers, in January and February, 1822



do from 11th March, to 30th April, 1822 whilst surveying Chesapeake and Delaware

Canal, from 15th to 27th July, 1823

Do Do

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do from 17th Sept. to 31st Dec. 1823 whilst surveying the Harbor of Erie, from

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from 7th May, to 31st July, 1824


whilst engaged on Canal routes from the Olio
to Lake Erie, and from Pittsburg to Philadelphia, from
1st August, to 31st October, 1824

Do whilst employed in relation to a Canal across
the Isthmus of Cape Cod, and between Boston Harbor and
Taunton river, from 1st November, to 11th Dec. 1824

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180 00

234 00


441, 13

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Extra services as member of the Board of Engineers, 14 days, between the 5th August, and 31st October, 1825 Do

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on Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, from 1st to 24th January, 1824

Two and a half per cent. commission on his disbursements at Fort Moultrie, in the first and second quarters of 1822 Do do in the first quarter of 1824

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As member of a Court Martial at New London, in June, 1822

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$2,457 10

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169 64

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Two and a half per cent. on disbursements in the Quartermas ter's Department at Louisville, Kentucky, in the third quarter of 1822

49 93

As witness to a Court Martial at Baton Rouge, in February and March, 1823

157 20

Per diem allowance of three dollars per day, for marking out a road from Pensacola to St. Augustine, from 21st October, to 30th December, 1823

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Two and a half per cent. on his disbursements at Fort Dela

ware during the year 1822

Per diem allowance for do from 1st Jan. to 31st Oct. 1823 Two and a half per cent, commission on do from 27th January, to 30th September, 1824

Two and a half per cent. commission on disbursements in relation to the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, in 1825

Per diem whilst employed surveying Coast of South Carolina, from 15th February, to 18th April, 1822

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Do whilst surveying from 12th August, to 3d November, 1822


do from 6th March, to 6th June, 1823 Susquehanna, from 26th July, to 31st Au

Do do

gust, 1823

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Do do ruary, to 26th May, 1824

Do do

29th June, 1825

do from 24th December, 1824, to

Do do at Holmes' Hole, Mass. from the 4th to 19th
November, 1825

Two and a half per cent. commission on his disbursements at
Charleston, S. C. from 26th March, to 30th Sept. 1825
do at Holmes'Hole, in four quarters of


do 1825

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$ 1,019 89

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Per diem allowance whilst on topographical duty, surveying, from 12th August, to 3d November, 1822

do do Coast of South Carolina, from 10th February, to 23d April, and from 14th to 26th May, 1824 do from 23d December, 1824,

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do whilst on the survey of the Susquehannah, from 27th July, to 30th August, 1523

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52 50


130 50




to 23d June, 1825

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274 50


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do do at Marblehead, Mass. from the 1st to the 9th November, 1825


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Bradford, William, Major

Two and a half per cent. commission on disbursements made by him at Fort Smith, from the 1st January, 1818, to the 28th February, 1822

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Two and a half per cent. commission on disbursements at Fort Jackson, in the second quarter of 1823

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Extra pay for issuing provisions at Fort Jackson, from the 6th to 30th November, 1824

Per diem allowance as disbursing officer, &co at New York, from the 1st April, to 30th June, 1824, on account of for. tifications

16 16

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182 00

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Two and a half per cent. commission on disbursements on the barracks at Baton Rouge, first and second quarters of 1824, as Assistant Quartermaster

As member of a Court Martial at Fort St. Philip, in Jan. 1822
As Judge Advocate at Fort Smith, in March, 1822
As witness to Court Martial at Baton Rouge, in Feb. 1823


102 28


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On Court Martial duty at Fort St. Philip, in January, 1822

As Judge Advocate at West Point, in October, November, and December, 1822

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As do at do in April, 1823

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Services on Court Martial at West Point, in January, 1824-
As recorder to a Court of Inquiry at New Castle, in June, 1824
As Judge Advocate at New Castle, in August and Sept. 1824
Per diem allowance as disbursing officer at Fort Delaware, in
the third and fourth quarters of 1824

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