Imagens das páginas

ed contrary


Prohibited to be imported, except from the United
Kingdom, or from some other British possession.

Prohibited to be imported, except from the United Kingdom, or from some other British possession in America, unless by the East India Company, or with their license.

Fish, dried or salted,

Train-oil. blubber, fins, or skins, the produce of creatures living in the sea,

Prohibited to be imported, except from the United Kingdom, or from some other British possession, or unless taken by British ships, fitted out from the United Kingdom, or from some British possession, and brought in from the Fishery, and except herrings from the Isle of Man, taken and cured by the inhabitants thereof.

Cocoa nuts,



Being of foreign production, or the production of any place within the limits of the East India Company's charter, except the island of Mauritius, prohibited to be imported into any of the British possessions on the continent of South America, or in the West Indies, except the Bahama and Bermu-. da islands, or into the island of Mauritius, and may also be prohibited to be imported into the Bahama or the Bermuda islands, by his majesty's order in council.

Base or counterfeit coin,

Books, such as are prohibited to be imported into the
United Kingdom:

Prohibited to be imported.

Goods import- And if any goods shall be imported or brought into any hereto, forfeit of the British possessions in America, or into the island of Mauritius, contrary to any of the prohibitions or restrictions mentioned in such table, in respect of such goods. the same shall be forfeited.


Coffee, &c. though British,

deemed foreign in certain


VIII. And be it further enacted, That all coffee, cocoa nuts, sugar, melasses, and rum. (although the same may be of the British plantations.) imported into any of the British possessions in America, into which the like goods

of foreign production can be legally imported, shall, upon subsequent importation from thence into any of the British possessions in America, into which such goods, being of foreign production, cannot be legally imported, or into the island of Mauritius, or into the United Kingdom, be deemed to be of foreign production, and shall be liable on such importation respectively, to the same duties, or the same forfeitures, as articles of the like description, being of foreign production, would be liable to, unless the same shall have been warehoused under the provisions of this act, and exported from the warehouse direct to such other British possession, or to the island of Mauritius, or to the United Kingdom, as the case may be.

IX. And be it further enacted, That there shall be Duties of Importation in raised, levied, collected, and paid unto his majesty. the America. several duties of customs, as the same are respectively set forth in figures, in the table of duties hereinafter contained, upon goods, wares, and merchandise imported or brought into any of his majesty's possessions in America; (that is to say :)


Duties payable upon spirits, being the growth, production, or manufacture, of the United Kingdom, or of any of the British possessions in America or the West Indies, imported into Newfoundland or Canada.

Spirits, viz:

imported into Newfoundland, viz:

DUTY. £. s. d.

the produce of any of the Bri--
tish possessions in South
America, or the West Indies,
viz :

imported from any of the Bri-
tish possessions in South
America, or the West Indies,
the gallon -
imported from the United King-
dom, the gallon
imported from any other place,
to be deemed foreign, and to
be charged with duty as such.
the produce of any British pos-
session in North America,
or of the United Kingdom,
and imported from the Unit-

- 0 0 6

- 016

ed Kingdom, or from any British possession in America, or the West Indies, the gallon - 0 16 imported from any other place, to be deemed foreign and to be charged with duty as such.

imported into Canada, viz:

the produce of any British pos-
session in South America, or
the West Indies, and import-
ed from the United Kingdom,
the gallon -
- 0 0 6
imported from any other place,
to be deemed foreign, and be
charged with duty as such.

Duties payable upon goods, wares, and merchandise, not being of the growth, production, or manufacture of the United Kingdom, or of any of the British Possessions in America, or of the Island of Mauritius, imported or brought into any of the British Possessions in America, or the Island of Mauritius, by sea, or by inland carriage of navigation.


Rice, for every 100lbs. net weight

For every 1000 shingles, not more than 12 inches in length

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For every barrel of wheat flour, not weighing more than 196lbs. net weight

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For every hundred weight of biscuit or bread

For every barrel of flour or meal, not weighing more than 196lbs. not made from wheat

For every bushel of wheat

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0 2

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For every bushel of pease, beans, rye, calavances, oats, barley, or Indian corn


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0 12 6


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For every 1000 shingles, being more than 12 inches in

[merged small][ocr errors]

For every 1,000 red oak staves or headings
For every 1,000 white oak staves or headings -
For every 1.000 feet of white, yellow, or pitch pine lum-
ber, of one inch thick

[ocr errors]

For every 1,000 feet of other kinds of wood and lumber
For every 1,000 wood hoops.
Horses, mules, asses, neat cattle, and all other live stock,
for every 100l. of the value -
Spirits, videlicet

Brandy, Geneva, or cordials, for every gallon and further, the amount of any duty payable for the time being on spirits, the manufacture of the United Kingdom

Wine, imported in bottles, the tun, containing 252 gallons

and further, for every 100l. of the true and real value thereof

and for every dozen of foreign quart bottles, in which such wine may be imported

not in bottles, for every 100l. of the true and real

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And further, the amount of any duty payable for the time being, on coffee, cocoa, sugar, melasses, and rum, respectively, being the produce of any of the British Possessions in South America or the

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