Imagens das páginas

Division of territory-memorial introduced and referred, 57. Passed, 83.
Concurred in by Council, 91. Approved by Gover-

nor, 115.

Domain, public; to prevent trespass on possessions of settlers-Bill, 303.
Passed, 303. Concurred in by council with amendments,

347. Concurrence of house to amendments of Council,

354. Approved by Governor, 371.

Divorce and alimony-Bill, 171. Considered, 260. Bill referred, 219.
Debtors and their sureties-Bill, 183. Referred, 207. Considered and
passed, 260. Concurred in by Council, 288.
Approved by Governor, 318.

Dam, across the Manitoowoc; to authorize William B. Slaughter to build—
Petition presented, 212. Bill introduced, 219. Considered, 219.
Passed, 246. Concurred in by Council, 288. Approved by Gover-
nor, 327.


ESTATE, real and personal; to authorize the receipt and disbursement-Bill

from council, 338.

to subject to execution-Bill, 90. Referred, 195.

to authorize the disposal of in the several counties-Bill, 264,
Passed, 265. Amended by council and disagreement of house
to amendment, 317.

Expenses in criminal cases; providing for the payment of Bill, 177. Con-
sidered, 198. Report of judiciary committee,

223. Passed, 223. Postponed by council, 318.
Elections; providing for holding and regulating-Bill from council, 257.
Considered and referred, 274. Report of committee, 283. Con-
sidered, 304. Passed, 318. Concurred in by council, 320. Ap-
proved by Governor, 365.


FRANKING privilege-Message of Governor, enclosing resolves of Massachu-
setts legislature, 46. Considered and referred, 55.
Resolution from council, 57. Concurrence of coun-
cil, 57. Concurred in by house, 92, 108.

Finés; to regulate the imposing of-Bill from Council, 288.

Forcible entry and detainer; to prevent-Bill 68. Considered, 75, 95, 109.
Passed, 150. Concurred in by council, 197.
Approved by Governor, 215.

Fort Madison; incorporation of the town of-Bill, 284. Passed, 293. Con-

currence of council, 347.

Fox river; improvement of-Memorial to congress introduced and passed,
137. Concurred in by council, 138. Approved by Governor,


Frontier; relative to defence of-Memorial to congress introduced and
passed, 146. Substitute from council, 180. Concurrence of
house, 183.

Fire; destruction of capitol by-Committee appointed to investigate, 166.
Message from council appointing committee, 167. Report of com-
mittee, 168. Adoption of report, 169.

Floyd, A. W.; divorce-Petition presented and referred, 52. Bill reported,
56. Considered, 77. Negatived, 98. Petition withdrawn,

101. Bill from council, 128. Considered 136. Passed,

Ferry, across Mississippi and Grant rivers-Bill, 108. Considered, 176, 189,
190. Passed, 202. Concurred in by council with amendments, 302.
Disagreement of house to amendments of council, 317. Concurrence
of council, 329.

Considered, 205, 215.

across the Mississippi-Petition of inhabitants of Cook county, 110.
company; Davenport steam; to incorporate-Bill, 113.
across the Mississippi at Cassville-Bill, 156.
Passed, 221, Concurred in by council, 303.
nor, 351.
across the Mississippi; to grant inhabitants of Davenport exclusive
right to keep-Petition presented, 157.

Approved by Gover-

across the Mississippi; to authorize Thomas P. Burnett and Alex'r
W. M'Gregor to keep-Bill, 164. Considered and passed, 191.
Concurred in by council, 302. Approved by Governor, 327.
across the Iowa; to authorize Maj. Jeremiah Smith and others to keep
-Petition presented, 171. Bill, 186. Considered, 219, 246.
across the Mississippi at Davenport-Bill, 188. Considered, 219.
at Bloomington; to grant Lewis M'Kee exclusive right to keep—Pe-
tition presented-209.

across Rock river, at Janesville-Bill, 213. Considered, 215, 217.
Passed, 221.

across the Mississippi at Fort Madison-Bill, 214. Considered, 218.
across the Mississippi at Montrose; to authorize Isaac Galland to
keep-Bill, 217. Considered, 247.

across the Wisconsin, at Helena; to authorize Benj. L. Webb to
keep-Bill, 220.

to authorize Henry Holtzbroker to keep-Bill, 222.

across the Iowa-Petition presented, 244.

across the Mississippi at Burlington; to authorize David James to keep
-Petition presented, 301. Bill, 328. Considered, 339. Passed,
354. Concurred in by council, 358. Approved by Governor, 372,

Ferry, across the Mississippi-Bill from council, 308. Passed, 324. Ap-
proved by Governor, 364.

across the Wisconsin; to authorize Jean B. Brunet to keep-Petition
82. Bill, 98. Considered and passed, 190. Concurred in by coun-
cil with amendments, 301. Disagreement of house to amendments
of council, 317. Concurred in by council, 328. Approved by Go-
vernor, 351.

across the Mississippi; to authorize Samuel Doolittle-Petition pre-
sented, 143. Bill, 213. Considered, 239, 246.

across the Iowa; to authorize Philip B. Harrison to keep-Bill, 186.
Considered, 219, 246.

across the Wisconsin; to authorize William S. Hamilton to keep-
Bill, 187. Considered, 219, 247.

across the Mississippi; to authorize James Neally to keep-Bill, 264.
Referred, 264.

across the Mississippi in Des Moines county; to authorize Rhinearson
and others to keep-Bill, 187. Considered, 219, 244.

across Skunk river; to authorize George Smith to keep-Petition
presented, 79.

across the Des Moines; to authorize Samuel Strong to keep-Bill,
187. Passed, 191.

Ferries in the county of Milwaukee, to establish and regulate-Bill from
Council, 258. Considered, 287. Passed, 288. Amendments of
council concurred in, 317. Approved by Governor, 341.

herein named, to establish-Bill, 361. Passed, 361. Concurrence
of council, 367.


GAMBLING, to punish for-Bill, 96. Considered, 205, 207. Passed, 221.
Concurred in by council with amendments, 326. Concurrence
of house in amendments of council, 342. Approved by Gover-
nor, 362.

Green Bay, incorporation of-Petition presented, 40. Considered, 146.
Concurrence of council in bill of house with amendments,
288. Disagreement of house to amendments of council, 298.
Concurred in by Council, 308. Approved by Governor, 351.
Government, seat of; to amend an act entitled an act to locate-Bill, 319.
Considered, 345, 346.


HENDERSHOT, Isaac; change of venue in the case of-Petition presented and
referred, 40. Report of committee, 49, 50.

Hood, John, relative to-Memorial reported, 75, 76. Further proceedings,
83. Memorial considered and passed, 90, 91. Concurred in
by council, 138. Approved by Governor, 159,

Hydraulic company; Rochester and Des Moines, to incorporate-Petition
presented and referred, 52. Bill, 79. Considered,
113. Passed, 138. Concurred in by council with
amendments, 341. Concurrence of House in amend-
ments of Council, 342. Approved by Governor, 371.
Fox River; to amend an act incorporating-Bill from
council, 267. Passed, 285. Approved by Governor,

Harbour, at the mouth of Milwaukee river-Bill, 49. Referred, 54. Sub-
stitute reported, 65. ́ ̄ Passed, 73.

at the mouth of Root river-Memorial from council, 57. Passed, 77.
at South Port-Petition presented, 89. Memorial introduced, 106.
Concurrence of council, 120. Approved by Governor, 136.

at the mouth of Twin rivers-Memorial introduced and passed, 97.
Substitute from council, 122.

at the mouth of Twin, Manitoowoc, and Sheboyagan-Memorial
from council, 135. Concurred in by house, 140.


INQUESTS, holding of-Petition presented, 39.

Imprisonment for debt-Resolution, 45. Report of committee, 54. Re-
ferred, 54. Bill, 84. Considered, 150, 162.

Passed, 175. Concurred in by council, 272. Ap-
proved by Governor, 315.

Incorporation of such towns as wish to be incorporated-Bill, 122.

Iowa Lodge, for the benefit of-Bill, 284. Passed, 292.

Indians, Stockbridge; to grant the right of citizenship-Memorial from
council, 266. Concurred in by house, 274. Approved by Go-
vernor, 289.

Insurance company, Wisconsin, at Green Bay-Bill, 80. Considered, 141,
177, 178. Passed, 182. Concurred in by council,
258. Approved by Governor, 295.

Milwaukee and Racine Mutual-Bill from council, 174.
Passed, 190. Approved by Governor, 224.

Iowa Mutual-Bill, 299. Considered, 313. Passed,
315. Concurred in by council, 341. Approved by
Governor, 362.


JUSTICE, to establish seat of in Rock county-Proceedings of house and coun-

cil, approved by Governor, 224.

Jefferson county-Bill from council, consi-
dered, 287. Passed, 288. Approved by
Governor, 316.


Justice, to establish seat of in Green county-Bill, 89.

Van Buren county-Petitions presented, 78,

Henry county-Petition presented, 79.
Portage county-Petition presented, 110.
Louisa county-Petition presented, 110.
Walworth county-Petitions presented, 117,
157. Bill, 194. Considered, 215, 217.
Passed, 233. Concurred in by council with
amendments, 289. Disagreement of house
to amendments of council, 297. Adherence
of council, 309.

Green county-Bill, 209. Passed, 256.
Concurred in by council with amendments,
309. Approved by Governor, 319.

Justice, seats of, sale of land on which situated-Rock county, bill, 214.
Henry county, bill, 302. Passed, 313. Concurrence of
Council with amendment, 341. Concurrence of house

[blocks in formation]

Justices of the peace, to legalize acts of-Grant county, bill, 337. Passed,

347. Approved by Governor, 372.

relative to-Committee appointed to consider bill, 34.
Report of committee, 42. Considered, 109, 116, 121,
135, 172. Concurred in by council with amend-
ments, 288. Concurrence of house in amendments,
297. Approved by Governor, 351.

Jurors, Grand and Petit-Bill from council, 258. Considered and referred,
265. Passed, 276. Concurred in by council,
with amendments, 289. Disagreement of house
to amendments of council, 298. Adherence of
council, 308. Committee of conference, report
Approved by Governor, 364.

adopted, 329.

Judgments and executions-Bill, 207. Considered, 239, 242. Passed, 257.

Concurred in by council, 357.

Journal of House, printing of-Relative to, 129, 138, 152, 153, 157, 163.
preparing copy of Relative to, 132, 133.

Jones, Lucinda, divorce-Petition presented and referred, 89. Report of
committee, 97. Petition withdrawn, 132. Report of committee,
283. Bill introduced and passed, 284. Concurred in by council, 301.

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