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Road, from Beloit to Goodhue's Mills-Bill from council, 197. Considered,

204, 236.

Madison to southern boundary of Green county-Bill from coun-

cil, 197. Considered 204, 236.

the city of the Four Lakes to Madison-Bill from council, 197.
Considered, 204.

Rockingham to the Indian boundary line-Petition, 212.

Racine to Janesville-to make valid the location of-Bill, 220.
Considered, 255. Passed, 256. Concurred in by council,

Mount Pleasant to the county seat of Green county—Bill, 220.
Referred, 266.

Janesville to Mineral Point-Bill from council, 236.

Mineral Point to Savannah, on the Wisconsin-Bill from coun-
cil, 236. Referred, 266.

Madison to the state line of Illinois-Bill from council, 236.
Referred, 266.

Racine to the Mississippi river-Memorial from council, 277.
Concurrence of house, 296. Approved by Governor, 316.
Prairie du Chien, towards Galena, Illinois-Petition presented,

Prairie du Chien to the northern boundary of the state of Mis-
souri-Memorial to congress, referred, 301. Concurred in by
Council, 311. Approved by Governor, 327.

Roads, west of Mississippi-Committee appointed to memorialize congress,

east of Mississippi-Report of committee, 100. Bill, 134. Passed,
150. Concurred in by council, 220. Approved by Governor, 244.
changing time of working on in county of Brown-Petition present-
ed, 43.

and highways, vacating public-Bill, 225. Passed, 291. Approved
by Governor, 329.

territorial-Bill, 176. Considered, 198. Passed, 202. Concurred
in by council, 225.

territorial to establish the several therein named-Bill, 302. Consi-
dered, 214. Passed, 339. Rejected by council, 341.

and highways-Bill, 264. Concurred in by council with amend-
ments, 276. Disagreement of house to amendments of council,

territorial herein described-Bill, 323. Bill from council, 325..

Passed house, bill, 328.

Rail Road, Root river company, to incorporate-Bill from council, 203. Con-

curred in by council, 295.

Rail Road, Rock river company, to incorporate-Bill from council, consi-
dered and passed, 285.

La Fontaine company-Bill from council, 220. Considered and
passed, 286. Concurred in by council, 295. Approved by
Governor, 311.

Rock and Racine company-Bill, 306. Passed, 340. Concurred
in by council, 353.

company to construct from the village of Racine, &c.-Petition
presented, 300.

South Port, &c.-Petition presented relative to survey of, 300.
Resolution, tendering use of house to territorial convention, 4.

appointing committee to inform council, relative to organiza-
zation, 4.

appointing joint committee to wait upon Governor, relative to
organization and the receipt of communication, 5.

appointing committee to draft rules for government of house, 5.
relative to adoption of rules of last session, 5.

relative to papers for use of members, 6.

granting privileges to U. S. officers within the house, 7.
tendering thanks of house to C. S. Jacobs, chief clerk, 26.
relative to nomination of candidates for officers of house, 26, 27.
granting privileges to printers within the house, 28.

tendering thanks of house to G. W. Teas, messenger pro
tem. 30.

tendering thanks of house to General Sheldon, speaker pro
tem, 32.

relative to rooms for use of house, 32.

holding worship on Sabbath in representative hall, 33.
apportionment of Governor's message to commit-
tees, 38, 39.

printing names of standing committees, 40.

printing bills after joint reading, 42.

communications sent to or from members, 43.

appointment of a committee on roads and high-
ways, 43.

tendering use of hall to Dr. Parnell, 44.

permitting Dr. Parnell to take a seat at pleasure within the bar
of the house, 44.

instructing speaker to employ a draftsman to draw plats of coun-
try west of Mississippi, 44.

appointing a select committee to memorialize congress on the
subject of a division of the territory, 44.

instructing delegate in congress to procure the passage of an act
establishing land offices, 44.

Resolution, respecting an act to regulate the mode of petitioning the legis-

lative council, 45.

directing clerk to furnish postinasters with a list of members

names, and respecting the payment of postage, 47.

relative to pay of officers, 47.

instructing inquiry into the provisions of the act-appointing su
preme court commissioners, 48.

instructing the committee on military affairs to memorialize con-
gress, relative to military road from Prairie du Chien to Ga-
lena, 56.

directing chief clerk relative to printing daily journal, 72.

relative to statement of members with regard to an act relative
to petitions, 73.

directing chief clerk to superintend publication of slips, 75.
relative to half breed lands, 77.

seal for use of territory and district court, 78.

seats of officers of house, 90.

conveniences for placing hats, &c., of members, 96.
committee on engrossment, 97.

door-keepers of house, 100.

standing order, 111.

account of James Clarke, 113.

appointment of committee to bring in bill regulating

elections, 114.

16th section of land in every township for use of

schools, 116.

appointing a committee relative to all that part of Wisconsin
territory lying south and west of lake Superior, 117.

relative to accounts of Captain Lowe and Lieutenant Hoe, 121.

pre-emption, 139.

employment of suitable person to draft maps of terri-

tory, 139.

message of President of the United States at last ses-

sion, 142.

printing of house, 144, 145.

land office at Madison, 154.

appointment of a committee on the subject of appor-

tionment, 160.

tendering thanks of house to J. C. Madden, 170.

relative to the appointment of committee on the subject of ex-

penses on account of criminals, 170.

relative to the appointment of select committee to inquire into
the public buildings at Madison, 154.

relative to attendance of door-keeper, &c. 187.

Resolution, relative to printing of daily slips, 212.


instructing our delegate to ask for an appropriation from congress

to construct a bridge across Skunk river, 228.

rescinding resolution with regard to door-keepers, &c. 228.

relative to report of select committee with regard to division of
Des Moines county, 248.

appointing select committee to consider all bills on the subject
of seminaries, 255.

rescinding resolution with regard to daily slips, 256.

relative to action of council on resolution of house with regard
to the appointment of a commission to prepare a code of
laws, 260.

relative to printing report of select committee on public build-
ings, 262.

instructing A. A. Bird with regard to completion of public build-
ings, 264.

rescinding standing rule with regard to printing of bills, 278.
relating to resignation of Patrick Quigley, 342.

pay of chief clerk, 342.

transcribing clerk, 342.

assistant door-keeper, 343.

assistant clerk, 344.

transcribing clerks, 344.

sergeant-at-arms, 344.

fireman, 351.

assistant sergeant-at-arms, 351.

speaker, 858.

absent members, 359.

instructing committee on accounts to make up expenses, 342.

relative to printing militia act, 352.

furniture and other effects belonging to council and
house, 359.

publication of report of committee to investigate the
affairs of the Miners' Bank of Dubuque, 365.

tendering thanks of house to speaker, 363.

relative to printing reports, &c. in journal, 365.

tendering thanks of house to chief and assistant clerks, 366.
relative to books of library, 367.

appropriation of vacant land for endowment of Wis-

consin University, 369.

secretary of territory, 370.

appointment of joint committee to wait upon the Go-

vernor with regard to further business, 372.

tendering thanks of house to T. K. Brown, 373.

Resolution, instructing committee on judiciary to bring in a bill relative to
mortgages, 181.

instructing committee on judiciary to take up the laws of Michi-

gan, and adopt such acts as they may deem proper for the
consideration of this house, 98.

instructing committee on judiciary to inquire into the expedien-
cy of passing a general probate law, 189.

instructing committee on judiciary to inquire into the expedien-
cy of memorializing congress with regard to an alteration of
the term of representation, 227.

from council relative to time of session, 243.

authorizing secretary of territory to pro-
cure the publication of pamphlet laws,

order of publication of laws, 355.


SHOLES, C. C., member-admitted, 30.

Schools, common; in relation to-Committee instructed, 37.

Seelhurst, Justus D., remuneration for certain services, &c.—48.

Seal of territory-Preamble and resolution, 71. Message from council, 79.
Concurrence of house, 94.

Surveyors, election of Bill, 171. Referred, 263. Reported, 268. Consi-
dered, 275. Passed, 277. Postponed in council, 358.
Skunk river, improvement of navigation of-Petition presented, 160.
Seminary, to incorporate Dubuque-Bill, 206. Considered, 217. Passed,
222. Concurred in by council, 272. Returned

by Governor with objections, 281. Amended by
house, 295. Approved by Governor, 327.
Green county-Bill, 206. Considered, 217. Passed,
221. Concurred in by council, 272.
Depere-Bill, 212. Considered, 215, 219.
Mineral Point-Bill, 213. Considered, 219.
Beloit Bill from council, 142. Considered and
passed, 190. Approved by Governor, 224.

at West Point, in Lee county-Bill, 217.
at Racine-Bill from council, 220. Considered
and passed, 286. Approved by Governor, 224.
at Fort Madison-Bill, 244.

Union, Des Moines, co.-Bill 254.

Seminaries, to incorporate the several named-Bill introduced and passed,
304. Concurred in by council, 341. Approved by Gover-

nor, 371.

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