Imagens das páginas
[blocks in formation]

bill reported,


Akerman, Joseph, petition of the guardians of the children of,




Alabama, leave to withdraw petition of inhabitants of Franklin

county, in

[ocr errors]

Alabama, memorials and resolutions of the Legislature of, present-

ed, viz:

for further relief to purchasers of public lands, and an
extension of the right of preemption,

against stopping the mail on Sunday,

Alabama, petitions of inhabitants of, presented, viz:

certificate holders and relinquishers of public lands,
bill reported,

for post routes,

Allison, John, leave to withdraw the papers of,

Appeal from a decision of the Chair on a point of order,

Armstrong, George, petition of, presented,

[blocks in formation]

Arnel, William, leave to withdraw the petition of,

Astor, John Jacob, letter from,

Attorney General, a modification of the office of the, recommended,
Austria, state of our relations with,


treaty with,


94, 111














Babbit, Fitz Henry, petition of the mother of, presented,

[blocks in formation]

Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company, petition of, presented,
Bank of the United States, on the propriety of rechartering the,
copies of the monthly abstracts furnished the

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

leave to introduce a resolution against renew-

ing the charter of the, refused,




Barker, William, leave to withdraw the papers of the heirs of,


[blocks in formation]

Bayse, B. and J., petition of the heirs of, presented,


[blocks in formation]







hill reported,

Bell, Mr., attended,

Bellamy, Justus, claim of, referred,

Belt, Joseph C., leave to withdraw the petition of,
Benton, Mr., attended,

excused from voting on the impeachment of James
H. Peck,

[ocr errors]

leave to introduce a resolution against renewing the
charter of the United States' Bank, refused to,
moved leave to bring in a bill to abolish the duty
on alum salt, which motion was declared out of
order, on which an appeal was taken, and the
whole subject laid on the table,

withdrawn, -

leave to introduce a bill to provide for the gradual
abolition of the duty on alum salt, and to change
the levy of the duty while it continues from the
weighed to the measured bushel, refused to,


Bibb, Mr., attended,
Black Sea, commerce of, opened to the United States,
Blake, John, petition of, presented,

Blaney, Aaron, and others, petition of, presented,
Boardman, Benjamin, petition of, presented,
Boardman, Elijah, petition of, presented,

Bradley, Abraham, petition of, presented,

Brady, Josiah, petition of the heirs of, presented,


Brightwell, Theodore, claim of the heirs of, referred,
Bronaugh, John W., petition of, presented,

Brown, Mr., attended,

Browning, Samuel, petition of, presented,

bill reported,

Buck, John, claim of, referred,

Buel, Samuel, leave to withdraw his papers,

Burke, George, leave to withdraw his petition and papers,

petition of, presented,

[blocks in formation]






96, 156












96, 109











Acken, William D., S. 118. For the relief of William D. Acken.

1 r. 110, 2 and 3 r. and p. 191.

Adamson, John, S. 128. To extend the patent of John Adamson for a fur-
ther period of fourteen years.

1r 114, 2 and 3 r. and p 191, 216, ex. 213, s. and p. 219, app. 220.
Agent to select college lands-See Arkansas.

Alabama, S. 51. To amend an act entitled "An act to provide for paying
to the States of Missouri, Mississippi, and Alabama, three per
centum of the nett proceeds arising from the sale of the public
lands within the same.

1 r. 61, 2 r. and ref. 63, rep. 66, 71, 3 r. and p. 72, 84, ex. and s. 83, p. 99,
app. 208.

S. 89. To amend the act granting certain relinquished and unap-
propriated lands to the State of Alabama, for the purpose of im-
proving the navigation of the Tennessee, Coosa, Cahawba, and
Black Warrior rivers, approved the 23d day of May, 1828.

2 r. and ref. 94, rep. 96, 111, 3 r. and p. 112, 133, ex. and s. 135, p. 144,
app. 208.

S. 133. To authorize the sale of lands reserved from sale at Fort
Jackson, in the State of Alabama.

1 r. 120.

S. 166. To authorize the laying out and constructing a road
from Line creek to Chattahoochie, and for repairing the road on
which the mail is now transported.

1 r. 154, 2 r. 173, 3 r. and p. 175.

H. R. 514. To alter the times of holding the district courts of the
United States for the districts of Maine and Illinois, and north-
ern district of Alabama.

1 r. 62-3, 2 r. and ref. 66, rep. 73, 87, 98, 3 r. and p. 100, ex. 104, s. 112,
p. 114,

H. R. 516. To ascertain and mark the line between the State of
Alabama and Territory of Florida, and the northern boundary
of the State of Illinois, and for other purposes.

1 r. 62-3, 2 r. and ref. 66, rep. 74, 87, 3 r. and recom. 91, rep. 95, 111, 3
r. and p. 112, 213, ex. 217, s. and p. 219, app. 222.

Appeals-See Courts.

Appropriation, S. 12. To improve the navigation of the Monongahela and
Alleghany rivers.

1 r. 39, 2 r. and ref. 43, 112, rep. 123.

S. 52. To make an appropriation for the improvement of Back

2 r. and ref. 62, 102.

H. R. 585. Making an appropriation for a custom-house in the city
of New York.

2 r. and ref. 192, rep. 195.

Appropriations, arrearages, H. R. 480. For closing certain accounts and
making appropriations for arrearages in the Indian Department.

2 r. and ref. 74, rep. 75, 87, 3 r. and p. 91, ex. 99, s. 104, p. 114,
Appropriations, civil, H. R. 528. Making appropriations for the support
of Government for the year 1831.

1 r. 141, 2 r. and ref. 143, rep. 152, 155, 157, 162, 170, 173, 177, 183, 3 r.
and p. 187, 203, 209, 210, 213, ex. 217, s. and p. 219, app. 222,


Appropriations, fortifications, H. R. 545. Making appropriations for
certain fortifications during the year 1831.

2 r. and ref. 157, rep. 159, 3 r. and p. 161, 177, ex. 179, s. 185, p. 206,
app. 221.

Appropriations, harbors, H. R. 556. Making additional appropriations
for the improvement of certain harbors and removing obstructions
in the mouths of certain rivers.

1 r. 158, 2 r. and ref. 160, rep. 164, 3 r. and p. 214, ex. s. and p. 222, ap. 223.
H. R. 614. For the improvement of certain harbors, and provid-
ing for surveys.

1 r. 193, 2 r. and ref. 196, rep. 215.

Appropriations, Indian, S. 24. Making appropriations for carrying into
effect certain Indian treaties, (Chippewas, Pottawatamies, and Mi-
amies,) for 1830.

1 r. 45, 2 r. 50, 3 r. and p. 51, 74, ex. 84, s. 85, p. 88, app. 208.

S. 59. To enable the President to extinguish Indian title within
the State of Indiana.

1 r. 69, 2 r. 77, 3 r. and p. 80.

S. 112. To provide for the removal of certain Indians from the
State of Missouri.

1 r. 104, 2 r. 144, 3 r. and p. 145.
S. 145. Making appropriations for carrying into effect certain In-
dian treaties, (Chippewa, Pottawatamies, and Miamies,) for 1831.
1 r. 129, 2 and 3 r and p. 191, 210, 213, ex 217, s. and p. 219, app. 220.
H. R. 541. For the benefit of Percis Lovely, and for other pur-
poses. (Treaty with Seneca Indians.)

1 r. 84, 2 r. and ref. 87, rep. 110, 3 r. and p. 215, 227, ex. s. and p. 229, ap.
H. R. 560. Making appropriations for the Indian Department for
the year 1831.

2 r. and ref. 192, rep. 194, 3 r. and p. 203, ex. 210, s. 212, p. 214, app..222.
H. R. 645. To carry into effect certain Indian treaties.

2 r. and ref. 192, rep. 195, 203, 3 r. and p. 206, ex. 210, s. 212, p. 214,
app. 292.

Appropriations, internal improvement, H. R. 584. Making appropria-
tions for carrying on certain roads and works of internal improve-
ment, and providing for surveys.

1 r. 177, 2 r. and ref. 181, rep. 194, 3 r. and p. 210, 211, 212, 219. ex. s.
and p. 222, app. 223.

Appropriations, light-houses, H. R. 609. Making appropriations for
building light-houses, light-boats, beacons, and monuments, and
placing buoys.

1 r. 192, 2 r. and ref. 196, rep. 3 r. and p. 215, 227, ex. s. p. and app. 229.
Appropriations, military, H. R. 539. Making appropriations for the
military service for the year 1831.

2 r. and ref. 157, rep. 160, 195, 3 r. and p. 196, 213, ex. 217, s. and p. 219.
app. 222.
Appropriations, naval, H. R. 531. Making appropriations for the naval
service for the year 1831.

2 r. and ref. 157, rep. 161, 3 r. and p. 202, ex. 207, s. 212, p. 214, app. 222.
Appropriations, penitentiary, H. R. 343. Making appropriations for the
completion and support of the penitentiary in the District of Co-
lumbia, and for other purposes.

1 r. 62-3, 2 r. and ref. 66, rep. 110, 140, 3 r. and p. 143, 151, ex. 153, s.
154, p. 179, app. 212.


Appropriations, pensions, H. R. 538. Making appropriations for the pay-
ment of revolutionary and invalid pensioners.

2 r. and ref. 88, rep. 99, 3 r. and p. 102, ex. 104, s. 112, p. 114.

Appropriations, public buildings, H. R. 407. Making appropriations
for the public buildings, and for other purposes.

1 r. 173, 2 r. and ref. 175, rep. 179, 3 r. and p. 202, ex. 207, s. 212, p. 214,
app. 219.

Arkansas, S. 98. To authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to make
compensation to the agent employed to select college lands in the
Territory of Arkansas.

1 r. 97, 2 r. 115.

S. 125. Granting a quantity of land to the Territory of Arkansas,
for the erection of a public building at the seat of Government
of said Territory.

1 r. 113, 2 r and ref. 116, rep. 132, 143, 3 r. and p. 145, 210, ex. and s.
212, p. 214, app 219.

M. R. 513. To extend the act entitled "An act for the further
extending the powers of the Judges of the superior court of the
Territory of Arkansas, under the act of the 26th day of May,
1824, and for other purposes."

2 r. and ref 192, rep. 204, 3 r. and p. 205, ex. 207, s. 212, p. 214, ap. 221.
H. R. 533. To extend the time for entering certain donation claims
to land in the Territory of Arkansas.

1 r. 71, 72, 2 r. and ref. 74, rep. 79, 92, 3 r. and p. 95, ex. 105, s. 112, p.

Armstrong, F. W.-See Livingston and Armstrong.

Army, S. 4. To authorize the mounting and equipment of a part of the
army of the United States.

1 r. 37, 2 r. and ref. 40, rep. 43, 46, 48, 67, 3 r. and p. 70.

See Appropriations.

Assent of Congress-See Ohio.

Auditor, H. R. 638. To adjust the accounts of the Fourth Auditor's books.
2 r. and ref. 157, rep. 161.


Babbit, Fitz Henry-See Pensions granted.

Back Creek-See Appropriation.

Bailey and Rinker, S. 121. For the relief of the representatives of Thomas
Bailey and James Rinker.

2 r. and ref 112.

Bargy, Peter, and others, H. R. 307. For the relief of Peter Bargy, jr.,
Stephen Norton, and Hiram Wolverton.

1 r. 162, 2 r. and ref. 169, rep. 175.

Barker, Josiah, H. R. 651. Authorizing the Register and Receiver of the
St. Helena land district, in Louisiana, to receive evidence respect-
ing the claim of Josiah Barker, assignee of Madam Hindson, to a
tract of land therein mentioned.

1 r. 177, 181, 2 r. and ref. 187, rep. 195.

Barnes, Hugh-See Pension arrears.

Bastrop-See Land Claims.

Bechtler, Christopher, H. R. 617. For the relief of Christopher Bechtler.
2 r. and ref. 151, rep. 154, 3 r. and p. 221, ex. 223, s. and p. 224, ap. 229.
Becker, Henry-See Pensions granted.

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