Imagens das páginas

perspiration is established, and the child falls into a peaceful sleep.

The scene has so changed that one will find no difficulty in having it repeated three or four times in the twenty-four hours if the alarming symptoms again supervene; these may be required for two or three days. In the mean time internal remedies should be given. Quinine, whiskey, beef tea, milk, and lime water, are the chief agents. One grain of quinia and a drachm of whiskey every four hours for a child eight to sixteen months old looks rather formidable, but they will be found admirable when the disposition to fever lasts. Subsequently bismuth and pepsine are of great value to restrain drowsiness and to assist digestion, so greatly at fault owing to the blow which the mucous membrane has suffered.

4. Dr. Kassowitz gives in the reports of the Hospital for Children in Vienna his valuable experience. In the first place he refers to the direct transmission by the sperm or germ cell infected by a syphilitic father or mother; and in the next to infection in utero from syphilitic mothers.

The depth and seriousness of the affection is by the first method, and involves the embryo from its generation; this fact is supported by the author's own observations. Out of 119 cases he finds the inheritance was clearly from the fathers in 43 cases, the mothers being healthy in that number; both parents were syphilitic in 23 cases, the mothers alone in 10 cases; in the remaining 43 cases the mode of inheritance was doubtful. Thus, the father is most frequently the source of infection, and this bears out the view that a healthy mother may give birth to a syphilitic child. He believes this to be of frequent occurrence. He does not think that a child who is syphilitic from the father can infect the mother through the placenta. Similarly, syphilis acquired by the mother during pregnancy is not transmitted to the child. Syphilis is only transmitted by fathers or mothers at the period of conception. He notes that the intensity of the virus diminishes in direct arithmetical proportion to the lapse of time. The first child after a recent infection will die in utero at the fifth or sixth month, the next will live till the seventh or eighth month, then a child may be born alive at full time, but with an eruption of pemphigus, or the eruption may begin during the first days after birth, or in later cases not till the second or third month. If the first occurrence of the eruption is delayed to the third month the intensity is already much diminished in the parents. It is exceptional for a child to be born alive during the earlier years after infection of the parents, unless mercurial treatment has been used. It may be transmitted with the entire absence of symptoms, and the intensity of the symptoms in the child seems entirely independent of the presence of its manifestation in the parent.

5. Dr. Archambault, having experienced the difficulty of keeping an umbilical bandage in its place, has devised the following plan. He takes a piece of white wax, which he softens and rolls between his



fingers; the ball is then divided in two halves; one of these, suitable to the size of the hernia, is placed in the depression and retained there by means of strapping: gutta percha previously softened by hot water does equally well. In an hour or two both of these will be found adherent to the skin; after this no bandage need be applied, a cure may be expected in the course of a month or two. 6. Dr. Löwenstaum having found chloral very useful in diseases of children with convulsions, gives a case as an example in detail. The patient was the third child of a woman highly nervous, who lost her second and third child with the same symptoms as in the one recorded. At the thirteenth day twitchings of the eyelids and corners of the mouth were noticed, these increased until general convulsions were set up, which repeated themselves every ten minutes. On being called to the child, he observed it had twitchings of the face, trismus, clonic spasms of the limbs, spastic contraction of the thumb, and contracted pupils; the fit ended by profuse sweating in about five minutes. Two grains of chloral were given every hour, and the convulsions at once lessened, so that by the following day they had entirely disappeared. The cause was thought to be dyspepsia; an antacid of magnesia water was given and there was no recurrence of any convulsion.


Smellie's Midwifery. Edited and annotated by A. H. M'Clintock, M.D. Vol. I. New Sydenham Society. 1876. pp. 439.

A Course of Practical Histology. By Edward A. Schäfer. London, 1877. Smith, Elder & Co. pp. 276.

Vivisection. Being short comments on certain parts of the evidence given before the Royal Commission. By George Macilwain, F.R.C.S. London, 1877. Hatchards. pp. 143.

Clinical Lectures on Diseases peculiar to Women. By Lombe Atthill, M.D. Fourth Edition, revised and enlarged. Dublin, 1876. Fannin & Co. pp. 316.

Outline Diagram Forms for Clinical Case-Books, in use at the Leeds Infirmary, for the representation of Injuries and Diseases, and Physical Signs. By G. Rowell, M.D. Smith, Elder & Co. 1877.

The Retrospect of Medicine. Edited by W. Braithwaite, M.D., and James Braithwaite, M.D. London. July to December, 1876. Simpkin, Marshall & Co. pp. 376.

Annual Reports on Diseases of the Chest, under the direction of Horace

Dobell. Vol. II, June 1st,
1st, 1876. London, 1876.
& Co. pp. 307.

1875, to June Smith, Elder

An Atlas of Topographical Anatomy after Plane Sections of Frozen Bodies. By W. Braune. With forty-six woodcuts in the text. Translated by Edward Bellamy, F.R.C.S. London, 1877. Churchills.

Medicinal Plants. Being descriptions with original figures of the principal plants employed in medicine. By Robert Bentley, F.L.S., and Henry Trimen, M.B., F.L.S. London. Parts 15-17. Churchills. 1877.

Illustrations of Clinical Surgery. Consisting of plates, photographs, woodcuts, diagrams, &c., illustrating surgical diseases, symptoms, accidents, &c. By Jonathan Hutchinson, F.R.C.S. London, 1877. Fasciculus v-vii. Churchills. Medical Reports by the Surgeons to the Customs at the Treaty Ports of China. Shanghai, 1876.

Journal of the Scottish Meteorological Society. With tables for the half year ending 31st December, 1876. Blackwood & Sons.

A Handbook of Hygiene and Sanitary Science. By George Wilson, M.D., &c. Third Edition, greatly enlarged. London, 1877. Churchills. pp. 490.

Hints to Mothers for the Management of Health during the Period of Pregnancy and in the Lying-in Room. By Thomas Bull, M.D. New Edition, thoroughly revised by Robert W. Parker, M.R.C.S. London, 1877. Longmans. pp. 338.

The Maternal Management of Children in Health and Disease. By Thomas Bull, M.D. New Edition, thoroughly Revised by Robert W. Parker, M.R.C.S." London, 1877. Longmans. pp. 352.

Atlas of Skin Diseases. Consisting of a series of coloured illustrations, &c. By Tilbury Fox, M.D. London, 1877. Parts XV-xvii. Churchills.

Cyclopædia of the Practice of Medicine. Edited by Dr. H. von Ziemssen. Vol. vii.-Diseases of the Chylopoietic System. London, 1877. Sampson Low & Co. pp. 1046.

How to use a Galvanic Battery in Medicine and Surgery. By Herbert Tibbits, M.D. London, 1877. Churchills. pp. 56.

Report of the Board of Health of the City and Port of Philadelphia to the Mayor, for the year 1875. pp. 351.

The History of the Reform Movement in the Dental Profession in Great Britain during the last twenty years. By Alfred Hill. London, 1877. Trübner & Co. PP. 400.

Diseases of the Kidney and Urinary Derangements. By W. Howship Dickinson, M.D. Part ii, Albuminuria. London, 1877. Longmans. pp. 636.

Clinical Lectures on Subjects connected with Medicine, Surgery, and Obstetrics. By various German authors. Second Series. New Sydenham Society. London, 1877. pp. 512.

Modern Indian Leprosy. Being the report of a tour in Kattiawar, 1876; with addenda on Norwegian, Cretan, and Syrian Leprosy. By H. V. Carter, M.D. Bombay, 1876. pp. 96.

The Electric Bath its Medical Uses, Effects, and Appliances. By G. M. Schweig, M.D. New York, 1877. G. P. Putnam & Sons. pp. 134.

Transactions of the Medical and Physical Society of Bombay. No. xii, New Series. For the year 1876. Bombay, With Proceedings of

1876. pp. 288. Society. pp. 80.

Mortuary Experience of the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York from 1843 to 1874. By G. S. Winston, M.D., and E. J. Marsh, M.D. New York. Printed by order of the Board of Trustees. 1876.

Clinical Records of Injuries and Diseases of the Genito-Urinary Organs. By

Edited by

Christopher Fleming, M.D.
William Thomson, M.D. Dublin, 1877.
Fannin & Co. pp. 380.

Tables of Materia Medica: a Companion to the Materia Medica Museum. By T. Lauder Brunton, M.D., F.R.S. London, 1877. Smith, Elder & Co. pp. 204.

A System of Medicine. Edited by J. Russell Reynolds, M.D., F.R.S. Vol. iv, containing Diseases of the Heart. London, 1877. Macmillan & Co. pp. 814.

A Practical Treatise on Diseases of the Skin. By Louis A. Duhring, M.D. Philadelphia, 1877. J. B. Lippincott & Co. pp. 618.

A Third Analysis of the Statistics of Phthisis in Victoria. By W. Thomson, F.R.C.S. Melbourne, 1877. Stillwell & Knight. pp. 57.

Beiträge zur Medizinal Statistik. Herausgegeben vom Deutschen Verein für Medizinal-Statistik, durch Drs. Schweig, Schwartz, und Zuelzer. Heft ii. Stuttgart, 1876. pp. 172.

Bericht der K. K. Krankenanstalt Rudolph-Stiftung vom Jahre, 1875. Wien, 1876. pp. 519.

Andral. La Médécine Française de 1820 à 1830. Par Em. Chauffard. Paris, 1877. pp. 76.

Diabète Phosphatique Du Recherches sur l'elimination des phosphates par les Urines. Par le Dr. L. J. Teissier. Paris, 1877. J. B. Baillière et fils. pp. 175.



By W. H.

Serum Sanguinis Exsiccatum. Francis Vacher. (Reprint.) 1876. Remarks on Vaccination. Hingston, M.D. Montreal, 1876. Nurses and Nursing. By Samuel Benton, L.R.C.P. London, 1877. Deaf not Dumb. A Lecture by B. St. J. Ackers, Barrister. London, 1876.

The Father of Medicine: the opening address read before the Royal Medical Society. By J. Matthews Duncan, M.D. Edinburgh, 1876. (Reprint.)

Scurvy in High Latitudes. By Patrick Black, M.D. London, 1876.

Wine in the different Forms of Anemia and Atonic Gout. By M. E. Bégin. (Translation.) 1877.

Llandudno as a Health Resort. By Dr. James Nicol. (Reprint.)

Railway Pathology. Case of Harris versus the Midland Railway Company. By John Charles Hall, M.D. London, 1875. (Reprint.)

Note on the Administration of Phosphorus. By E. R. Squibb, M.D. Philadelphia, 1877. (Reprint.)

A Case of Ovariotomy. By D. Prince, M.D., of Illinois. (Reprint.)

First Contribution to the Life-History of Contagium. By P. M. Braidwood,

M.D., and Francis Vacher. London, 1876.

On the Importance of the Uterine Ebb as a Factor in Pelvic Surgery. By H. R Storer, M.D., of Boston, U.S. Edinburgh, 1877.

The Use of the Membrana Tympani as a Phonautograph and Logograph. By C. J. Blake, M.D., of Boston, U.S. New York, 1876. (Reprint.)

New Observations on Hay Fever, with new experiments on the quantity of Ozone in the Atmosphere. By Charles H. Blackley, M.D. London, 1877.

The American Medical Association and the Pharmacopoeia of the United States of America. By Edward R. Squibb, M.D. Brooklyn, 1877.

Reports of the Delancey Fever Hospital (Cheltenham); of the Hereford City and County Lunatic Asylum; of the Royal Murray Institution, Perth.

Quelques observations à propos der Pansement de Lister. Par le Dr. S. Pozzi. Paris, 1876.

Tayuya contr la Sifilides è la Scrofola. Relazione de dottore M. L. Faraoni. (Reprint.) Milan, 1876.


Edinburgh Monthly Journal. (Monthly.) Dublin Journal of Medical Science. (Monthly.)

Journal of Anatomy and Physiology. (Quarterly.)

Journal of Mental Science. (Quarterly.) Lancet, Medical Times and Gazette, and Medical Press. (Weekly.)

The Indian Medical Gazette. (Monthly.) Canada Medical and Surgical Journal. (Monthly.)

The American Journal of the Medical Sciences. (Quarterly.)

Philadelphia Medical Times (Weekly). The American Practitioner. (Monthly.) The American Journal of Insanity. (Quarterly.)

The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. Edited by J. S. Jewell, M.D.,

and H. M. Bannister, M.D. (Quarterly.) Chicago. Nos. 1 to 4, for 1876.

The Boston Medical and Surgical Journal. (A weekly Journal.)

The New York Medical Journal. (Monthly.)

New Remedies. A Monthly Trade Journal of Materia Medica, &c., &c.

The American Journal of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children. (Quarterly.)

The Richmond and Louisville Medical Journal. (Monthly.)

Archives of Dermatology. A Quarterly Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. New York. (Quarterly.) Générales

Archives (Monthly.)

L'Année Médicale.



Journal de la So

ciété de Médecine de Caen et du Calvados. (Monthly.)

Bulletin Général de Thérapeutique. (Monthly.)

Révue des Sciences Médicales en France et à l'Étranger. (Quarterly.)

Index to the previous volumes of the foregoing 'Révue.'

Le Progrès Médical. (Weekly.) Révue Mensuelle de Médecine et de Chirurgie. (Monthly.) Nos. 1 and 2. Schmidt's Jahrbücher der Gesammten Medicin. (Monthly.)

Deutsches Archiv für Klinische Medicin. (Monthly.)

Archiv für Pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie. (Monthly.)

Archiv für Gynaekologie. (Quarterly.) Lo Sperimentale. Giornale critico di Medicina e Chirurgia. (Monthly.)

Archivio Clinico Italiano dei Medici condotti. (Monthly.)

Cronica Medico-Quirergica de la Habana. November, 1876. (Monthly.)

Rivista de Medicina y Cirurgia Practicas nazonal y extranjera. Nos. 1 and 2, 1877. (Quarterly.)

Enciclopedia Médico-Farmaceutica. Rivista scientifica y profesional. Organo oficial de la Academia Médico-Farmaceutica de Barcelona. (Weekly.)

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