Imagens das páginas

VI. BOARDS OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. XXVIII. County Grammar School Trustees and local Superintendents to be a County Board of Public Instruction, 29. XXIX. Duties of County Boards: (1) To meet quarterly, 30. (2) To examine and give certificates to Teachers, 30. (3) To select books, 31. (4) To promote education, 31.

VII. LOCAL SuperintendenTS OF SCHOOLS. XXX. Salary of Superintendents, 31. XXXI. Duties of Superintendents: (1) To apportion School Fund, 32. (2) To give Teachers cheques on Treasurer, 32. (3) To visit the Schools quarterly, 32. (4) To deliver an Annual Lecture in each Section, 32. (5) To enforce the law, 33. (6) To attend certain meetings, 33. (7) To attend arbitrations; to settle disputes, or refer them to the Chief Superintendent, 33. (8) To suspend Teachers' certificates in certain cases, 33. (9) To observe regulations, 34. (10) To report annually to the Chief Superintendent, 34.


XXXII. School visitors authorized, 35. XXXIII. Powers of School Visitors, 36. IX. CHIEF SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS. XXXIV. Chief Superintendent of Schools to be appointed by the Governor, 36. XXXV. Duties of the Chief Superintendent (1) To apportion school moneys, 37. (2) To certify apportionment to Clerks, &c., 37. (3) To prepare forms and instructions, 37. (4) To distribute School Act, &c., 37. (5) To see to the application of school moneys, and direct the disposal of balances, 38. (6) To appoint a Deputy and Inspectors in certain


FORMS, INSTRUCTIONS CHAP. I. Forms for Trustees (1) Notice} of a first Section meeting, 46. (2) Intimating the election of Trustees, 47. (3 and 4) Notice of an annual meeting, 47. (5 and 6) Notice of special meetings, 48. (7) Form of Agreement between Trustees and Teacher, 48; (8) of Warrant and Rate-bill, 49; (9) of Collector's receipt, 50; (10) of Trustees' order on Superintendent, 50; (11) of Deed for School site, 51; (12) of Trustees' annual report, 52.

II. Forins for Teachers: (1) Of Teacher's
receipt, 52; (2) notice of quarterly exami-
nations, 53; (3) Teacher's register, 53.
III. Forms for Township Councils: (1) Of}

cases, 38. (7) To superintend the Normal School, 38. (8) To promote the establishment of libraries, &c., 38. (9) To lay books, regulations, &c., before the Council of Public Instruction, 38. (10) To apportion library fund, 39. (11) To appoint Teachers' Institutes: (12) To account for moneys, 39. (13) To report annually to the Governor, 39.

X. COUNCIL OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. XXXVI. Council of Public Instruction to be appointed by the Governor, 39. XXXVII. Mode of calling meetings and defraying the expenses of the Council, 40. XXXVIII. Duties of the Council: (1) To appoint a Chairman, 40. (2) To establish the Normal School, 40. (3) To prescribe terms of admission and erect buildings for Normal School, 44. (4) To prescribe the general regulations for Common Schools, 41. (5) To recomiend text and library books, 41. (6) To account anually to the Governor, 41.

XI. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. XXXIX. Sums appropriated for the Normal School, 41.

XL. Common School Fund defined, 42. XLI. Sums appropriated for libraries, 12. XLII. Time of paying School Fund, 42. XLIII. Responsibility of persons to whom school money is entrusted, 43. XLIV. Teachers' Provincial certificates may be granted in certain cases, 44. XLV. School Fund to be expended in the payment of Teachers' salaries, 44. XLVI. Parties disturbing meetings to be punished, 44.

XLVII. First election of Boards of Trustees in Cities and Towns, 45. XLVIII. Interpretation clause, 45.


Clerk's notice to the person appointed to call a first Section meeting, 53; (2 and 3) of intimating alterations in Sections, 54. IV. Forms and Instructions for Councils and Trustees in Cities, Towns, and Villages, 55.

V. Forms and Instructions for County Councils, Boards of Public Instruction, and local Superintendents of Schools, 56. VI. General Regulations for the Government of Common Schools: (1) Hours of daily teaching, and Holidays, 57. Duties of Trustees, 58; (3) of Teachers, 59; (4) of Visitors, 60. (5) Religious and moral instruction in the Schools, 61. List of School Books, 63.


1. To the Wardens of Counties, 64.
2. To the Town Reeves of Townships, 72.
3. To local Superintendents of Schools, 78.
4. To the Trustees of Common Schools, 87.


5. To Teachers of Common Schools, 91. 6, To County Boards of Public Instruction -Programme of Examination and Forma of Teacher's Certificate, 101-103.




An Act for the better Establishment and Maintenance of Common Schools in Upper Canada.


1. Election and Duties of School Trustees

II. Common School Teachers and their Duties

III. Duties of Township Municipalities

IV. Duties of Councils and Trustees in Cities, Towns, and

Incorporated Villages

V. Duties of County Municipal Councils

VI. Constitution and Duties of County Boards of Public In


VII. Duties of Local Superintendents of Schools

VIII. Duties of School Visitors.....

IX. Duties of Chief Superintendent of Schools


2 to 14

15 to 17

18 to 20

21 to 26


28 to 29

30 to 31

32 to 33

34 to 35

X. Constitution and Duties of Council of Public Instruction 36 to 38 XI. Miscellaneous Provisions

39 to 48

(24th July, 1950. }

THEREAS it is expedient to make provision for



the better establishment and maintenance of Common Schools in the several Villages, Towns, Cities, Townships and Counties of Upper Canada: Be it therefore enacted, by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and of the Legislative Assembly of the Province


ed: Proviso.

All school divisions, elections, appointments, contracts, &C., confirmed.

of Canada, constituted and assembled by virtue of and under the authority of an Act passed in the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and intituled, An Act to re-unite the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, and for the Government Two Acts repeal of Canada. And it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, that the Act of the Parliament of this Province, passed in the seventh year of Her Majesty's reign, intituled "An Act for the better Establishment and Maintenance of Common Schools in Upper Canada," and also the Act passed in the twelfth year of Her Majesty's reign, ch. 83, and intituled "An Act for the better Establishment and Maintenance of Public Schools in Upper Canada, and for repealing the present School Act," shall be, and the same are hereby repealed: Provided always, nevertheless, firstly, that no Act or part of an Act repealed by either of the Acts hereby repealed, shall be revived by the passing of this Act: And provided also, secondly, that the repeal of the said Acts shall not extend or be construed to extend to any act done, any penalty incurred, or any proceeding had under the said Acts, or either of them : And provided also, thirdly, that all School Sections or other School divisions, together with all elections and appointments to office, all agreements, contracts, assessments, and rate-bills, made under the authority of the said Acts, or of any preceding Act, and not annulled by the said Acts or by this Act, or by any of them, shall be valid and in full force and binding upon all parties concerned, as if made under the authority of this Act, and shall so continue until altered, modified, or superseded, according to the provisions of this Act: And provided also, fourthly, that nothing herein contained shall affect the liability of any District, County, City, Town, or Township Superintendent of Common Schools, to the Municipal Corporation to which he would otherwise be responsible for the same, for any moneys received by him under either of the said Aots; but the liabilities of every such Superintendent for such moneys shall be and remain as if this Act had not been passed: And provided also, fifthly, that nothing in the said Act secondly above recited, contained, shall extend, or be construed to extend, to have repealed any Act of the Parliament of this Province, whereby provision was made for the appropriation of money from the consolidated revenue fund of this Province, for or towards the establishment and maintenance of Common Schools in this Province, or in any part thereof.


II. And be it enacted, That the annual meetings for the elections of School Trustees, as hereinafter provided by this Act, shall be held in all the Villages, Towns, Cities, and Townships of Upper Canada, on the second Wednesday in January, in each year, commencing at the hour of Ten of the clock in the

Annual School meetings to be held throughout U. C., on the second Wednes day in January at 10 o'clock, A. M.


each School Section to be elected at each annual School meeting.

III. And be it enacted, That in all School divi- One Trustee in sions (except in Cities, Towns, and Incorporated Villages) which have been established according to law, and which have been called "School Sections," and in which there shall be three Trustees in office at the time this Act shall come into force, one Trustee shall be elected to office at each ensuing annual school meeting, in place of the one who shall have been three years in office: Provided always, that the same individual, if willing, may be reelected: And provided also, that no School Trustee shall be re-elected, except by his own consent, during the four years next after his going out of office.


Same individual may be re-elected, but not without his consent for four years.

Mode of calling the first School

meeting in a new School section.

IV. And be it enacted, That whenever any school section shall be formed in any Township, as provided in the eighteenth section of this Act, the Clerk of the Township shall communicate to the person appointed to call the first school meeting for the election of Trustees, the description and number of such school section; and such person shall, within twenty days thereafter, prepare a notice in writing, describing such section, and appointing a time and place for the first school section meeting, and shall cause copies of such notice to be posted in at least three public places in such school section, at least six days before the time of holding such meeting.

ing at the first meeting in a new School section. Election of Chairman and Secre

V. And be it enacted, That at every such first Mode of proceedschool section meeting, the majority of the freeholders or householders of such school section present, shall elect one of their own number to preside over the proceedings of such meeting, and shall also appoint a Secretary, whose duty it shall be to record all

Duty of the Se-

Duty of the

A poll to be granted at the request of any two electors.

Three Trustees to be elected.

the proceedings of such meeting; and the Chairman of such meeting shall decide all questions of order, subject to an appeal to the meeting, and shall give the casting vote in case of an equality of votes, and shall have no vote except as Chairman, and shall take the votes in such manner as shall be desired by the majority of the electors present, and shall, at the request of any two electors, grant a poll for recording the names of the voters by the Secretary: and it shall be the duty of the electors present at such meeting, or a majority of them, to elect from the freeholders or householders in such section, three Trustees, who shall respectively continue in office as follows:the last person elected shall continue in office until the next ensuing annual school meeting in such section, and until his successor is elected; the second person elected, one year, and the first person elected, two years, from such next ensuing annual school meeting, and until their successors are elected Proviso: copy of respectively: Provided always, that a correct copy of the proceedings of such first school section meeting, and of every annual school section meeting, signed by the Chairman and Secretary, shall be forthwith transmitted by the Secretary to the Local Superintendent of Schools.

Order of retiring from office.

proceedings to be transmitted in the

local Superinten

dent of Schools.

Proceedings and duties of annual School section meetings.

VI. And be it enacted, That at every annual school section meeting in any Township, as autho rized and required to be held by the second section of this Act, it shall be the duty of the freeholders or householders of such section, present at such meeting, or a majority of them,

Election and du ties of Chairman and Secretary.

To receive and decide upon the annual financial report of the Trustees.

To elect one or mare Trustees.

Firstly. To elect a Chairman and Secretary, who shall perform the duties required of the Chairman and Secretary, by the fifth section of this Act.

Secondly. To receive and decide upon the report of the Trustees, as authorized and provided for by the eighteenth clause of the twelfth section of this Act.

Thirdly. To elect one or more persons as Trustee or Trustees, to fill up the vacancy or vacancies in

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