Imagens das páginas

pics, so he announced his intention of seeking Interview with His Majesty, the King of Holland. verybody told him it was useless; that the King granted private interviews, but on the most essing business, and then only to persons of distion. This did not daunt Massachusetts, who daining to make use even of the medium of the Imerican minister, Mr. Belmont, sought and gained interview with one of the officers of the palace. To this gentleman he showed and explained the coders of his machine. This gentleman was asished, and naturally made it a subject of converen with the other and higher officers of the palce. These asked an exhibition of the machine, and were so delighted that they agreed at once to comply with the request of the owner of the ma

ne, and demanded an audience with His Majesty. The next day the Yankee and his machine were received by His Majesty, in the palace, at 12 o'clock, and he was kept there working and explaining the avention till 3 P. M. On the three following days, be visited the palace two or three hours each day, at the request of His Majesty, to exhibit the machine to cabinet, army, and other officers; the King being always present, and assuming upon himself sometimes the explanation of the machine to such of his officers as could not speak English. All parties appeared to have been delighted with it.

On the first day that machine was presented to the King, and on the last day of its exhibition he in turn presented to the owner of it a most magnificent gold watch and chain, on the back of the watch carrying a beautiful engraving of the King's signet, with the words-II maintiendrai, "he will maintain it." The chain is very large, and made of solid gold, without a particle of alloy. A. first demand of twelve machines was made for each of the government officers.

As might well be imagined the phlegm of the Dutch was thoroughly stirred by so unusual an event. They never heard of such audacity before and the reputation of the Yankee, as well as his machine, is beyond belief. The Captain Gibson case is to be completely eclipsed. The Yankee's name is William E. Baker, and his machine a sewing machine.

I shall not Learn a Trade.

I should like to know why not. Hundreds and thousands have learned one before you, and many more will do the same thing. A trade well learned may make a name and fortune well earned.

I don't think much of a boy who says he is not going to learn a trade. If his place in the world is such that he can learn a good trade and have a good situation, he will be very unwise not to seize the opportunity. A boy who goes to a trade, determined to make himself master of his business, and to be a well-informed and intelligent workman, will soon rise to the head of his profession, if he pursues the right path. The faithful apprentice, who delights to do his work well and do it to the best of his ability, so as to earn the praise of his employer, will feel happier and be a more honorable man, than he who does just enough to shuffle along through the day, and then hurries away from his work as though it were a nuisance and a curse.

I knew a boy who was too poor to go to school and college, although he would have liked that course very well. But he had to work. So he went to learn a trade. He tried to do his work always to the very best of his ability. He went to a place, and one day his master came to look at what he had done, and after closely examining it, be turned round and said to his foreman, "James, that is very excellent work for a new boy." Did be not feel as proud as if he had won a triumph? He was rewarded from the start with the good opinion of his employer, and he never forgot the pleasure with which he heard his master's encouraging words. He always tried to do his work well-to do in fact the very best, and while other apprentices did not seem to care how their work was done, or how they spent their master's time, he took a pride in working as though he was in a higher post now, and is doing well in more ways than one, in the world.

Not long ago a boy was leaving school, and as I had a chance to speak to him, I asked, 'What are you going to do?'

I am going into a merchant's jobbing house.' Going to be a clerk then. Why do you not learn a trade. Trade?' said he, 'I ain't going to learn a trade.'

'Not going to learn a trade! I should like to know why a trade is not as good as a clerkship. J suppose you think it is more genteel and respecta ble! What would you do if nobody learned a trade? What would you be with your jobbing house, I wonder?'

Learn a trade! Did you ever hear of such a man as Ben Franklin, who learned the printing trade, and became one of the most distinguished men of modern times? Have you never heard of a carpenter named Rittenhouse, or a man who made philosophical instruments, and afterwards revolutionized the world with his discoveries of the steam engine? Have you heard of James Watt, or is it genteel not to know anything about trades or those who have learned them? Who was Arkwright, that followed the trade of a barber? or Whitney, or Fulton? Who was Gov. Armstrong of Massachusetts, or Isaac Hill of New Hampshire, who learned the trade of a printer? Did you ever hear of the man who swang his sledge at the anvil, and became the distinguished Elibu Burritt? Did you ever hear of a distinguished cobbler named Roger Sherman? or of the illustrious lame cobbler of London named John Pounds, who founded Ragged Schools, and put into operation one of the greatest pieces of moral machinery of the age.

A Story about Red Hair,

The Sacramento State Tribune tells the following anecdote about red hair :

An excellent story is current of the manner in which one of our high State officials, who would do honor to any position in the gift of the people, secured his nomination at the Benicia Convention in 1852. The different delegations from the several counties of the State had assembled, each anxious to secure the nomination of some favorite candidate for some particular office, then at the disposal of the people: among the rest was a large delegation from the counties of Tuolumne and Mariposa, anx ious to secure for one of their citizens a nomination which afterwards led to the high position he now occupies.

Among the indispensable attendants upon the occasion was our humorous friend ex McC., who although a Whig, yet was very earnest in his endeavors to get his friend Mr. B. the nomination. After several ballots, the count showed a falling off from B., and his chances appeared desperate; all the usual stratagems common to conventions were resorted to without avail, and all the arguments that zeal could advance without success. What could be done? The friends of B. were in despair. At length a happy idea struck the brain of the fertile ex McC. He had noticed in the morning, that there was an extraordinary number of delegates with red hair, all of whom, it so happened, were opposed to his friend B, whose hair was of a handsome fiery hue, unsurpassed except by his intelligent and expressive face. Now, Mc. so managed it that the convention took a recess of an hour, and as the delegates passed out on the green, or gathered in knots of threes, fours or fives, excitedly discussing the proceedings of the day, he would select a group with one or two red headed men in it, and going up to them would exclaim,

'It's an infamous slander, a d-d shame, a libel on human nature, for my father was a red headed man and he was as smart and gentlemanly as any man, I don't care a cent how black his head may be.'

This, of course, astonished the crowd, as Mc. appeared to be very angry and excited, and they would ask him to explain himself.

'Why,' says Mc., there is a lot of fools here, trying to beat my friend B., because he has a red head. They say that they never saw a red haired man with sense enough to feed chickens, and that such a man ain't fit for the place.'

This was leaven enough, and Mc. would walk away in high wrath, but would keep a good lookout for another group of the same kind. In this way he managed to let them all know of the foul wrong that was being perpetrated against his friend B., and the result was that when the convention re-assem bled, B. was nominated by a saving majority.

Since that time, B.'s hair has become more fiery than ever, and it was only last night his ponderous Dutch companion and room mate succeeded in lighting a match by holding it in moderately close proximity to B.'s head,

The Alps.

My first view of the Alps was at Berne. I had taken a walk towards evening to the "Engischo Promenade," as it is called, a mile or so from the city. Thence a fine view of the city is obtained, with its towering cathedral steeple, and the ambergris colored Aar, winding around it, as almost to insulate it completely from the main land. I had seated myself, taken a cup of coffee, and bread, and honey, was observing the people and the scenery, and occasionally casting my eyes in the direction of some huge white clouds, which seemed to hang heavily upon the eastern horizon. The thought occurred to me if those clouds were but mountains, how magnificent would they be-they would be beyond all conception or all description; they would satisfy the most intense yearnings of the imagination; they would fill for ever that great desire of the mind to feel, if only once, an impres sion of the purely sublime. I listened to the music for half an hour, sauntered around under the trees, and then strayed along the promenade a little farther on, away from the crowd; but my eye still continued, from time to time, to fasten itself involuntarily in the direction of those white clouds.They were the most unchangeable clouds I had ever seen; and the impression gradually grew upon me, that there was something unnaturally hard and angular in their outline. Can these, then be mountains? I confess this thought, as it first darted into my mind, occasioned a kind of trembling and sinking throgh my whole frame. Is it possible that these clouds in heaven, so white, so ethereal, so high above other clouds, that these are mountains?

Two peasants were coming along at the timetheir coats and scythes under their arms. I walked up to them and said, "Will you tell me if these clouds are really clouds or mountains ?" They looked at me with some astonishment for an instant, either at the energy of the action or the singularity of the question, and then with a bow answered: "Mountains, sir, to your service."

And there they were, indeed, the Alps-the high Alps-like the imperishable white pillars of God's throne, piercing into heaven, incrusted with a pure marble of snow, and faintly tinged with a ruby light, as if it were the smile of the Almighty. I had seen enough. I felt silent, and bowed before the greatness of the works of God.-A Letter from the Providence Journal.

From the Globe of February 28.

Colonel Benton.

We think it worthy of note to write down that we saw Col. Benton for a few minutes at a quarter past ten o'clock last night, when he was about sitting down to re-write for this morning's Globe the speech which he made the day before yesterday on the presentation of General Jackson's sword to Congress, which he had revised, but had returned to our office a part only; the balance he had left in his office, and it was burnt. He said he had it all in his head, and it should come out before he slept. We asked him if his house was insured, and he replied, as nearly as we can recollect, as follows: "No, it was not insured; but I care nothing about that. Insurance could not have saved all that I considered valuable-the bed on which my wife died, on which I sleep; her clothes, which were in a trunk setting at the head of it; the articles which she prized most around it-the last things I saw at night, and the first in the morning-and the papers in the adjoining room, many of which cannot be 'supplied." But what I shall most feel, more than i now do, will be the loss of the memorials of my wife, whose body, still above ground, it will be my first care to remove to St. Louis when released from Congress, to be buried in the place in which I had collected the remains of my dead-my mother, children, grandchildren, sister-to take the place by their side which she and I had marked out for ourselves."

We then asked him the condition of his pecuniary affairs, and what he thought would be the judg ment of the Supreme Court in the case of Fremont and the United States relative to the Mariposa tract of land in California? He answered: "I have enough to live on I have paid no attention to the suit about the Mariposa land. Cool and sensible men, who heard the arguments in the case, tell me they think justice and law are on the side of Fremont. But if he shall lose it he will have lost no



honor. He has passed the point where his honor was at stake. He borrowed a few years ago large sums of money to pay for beef which he purchased for the use of the United States in California, and drew bills on the Government to pay for a great portion of it. These bills were protested, and he could not raise the money to take them up. Congress last session made an appropriation for his relief, which enabled him to pay all he owed for the beef. If he had not paid these debts he would have considered himself dishonored."

The Winter of the Heart.

Let it never come upon you. Live so that good angels may protect you from this terrible evil-the winter of the heart.

Let no chilling influence freeze up the fountains of sympathy and happiness in its depths; no cold burthen settle over its withered hopes, like snow on the faded flowers. no rude blasts or discontented moan and shrink through its desolated chambers.

Your life-path may lead you through trials, which for a time seemed utterly to impede your progress, and shut out the very light of heaven from your anxious gaze.

Penury may take the place of ease and pleaty; your luxurious room may be exchanged for a single lowly room-the soft couch for the straw palletthe rich viands for the coarse food of the poor.Summer friends may forse you, and the unpity. ing world pass you, with scarcely a look or word of compassion.

You may be forced to toil wearily, steadly on to earn a livelihood; you may encounter fraud and the base avarice that would extort the last farthing, till you well nigh turn in disgust from your fellow-beings.

Death may sever the dear ties that bind you to earth, and leave you in tearful darkness. That noble, manly boy, the sole hope of your declining years, may be taken from you while your spirit clings to him with a wild tenacity, which even the shadow of the tomb cannot wholly subdue.

But amid all these sorrows, do not come to the conclusion that nobody was ever so deeply afflcted as you are, and abandon every anticipation of "better days" in the unknown future,

Do not lose your faith in human excellence, because your confidence has sometimes been betrayed, nor believe that friendship is only a delusion, and love a bright phantom which glides away from your grasp.

Do not think you are fated to be miserable bei cause you are disappointed in your expectations, and baffled in your pursuit. Do not declare that God has forsaken you when your way is hedged about with thorns, or repine sinfully when he calls your dear ones to the land beyond the grave.

Keep a holy trust in heaven through every trial; bear adversity with fortitude, and look upward in hours of temptation and suffering. When your locks are white, your eyes dim, and your limbs weary; when your steps falter on the steps of death's gloomy vale, still retain the freshness and buoyancy of spirit which will shield you from the winter of the heart.

THE ROYAL BARON OF BEER.-The baron of beef, which from time immemorial has formed the principal Christmas dish of the sovereign of ngland, was this year supplied by Mr. Milton, of Peascod street, Windsor, butcher to her majesty. It was cut from the carcass of a fine highland ox, fed by His Royal Highness, Prince Albert, at the Model Farm, in the Home Park. The baron weighed precisely 60 stone, 840 lbs., and judges pronounced the meat to be of superor quality. The baron was laid down before an enormous fire on Saturday afternoon, and for fourteen hours was watched and basted by relays of assistants, under the superindence of the head roasting cook. After the baron is taken up, and allowed sufficient time to cool, comes the operation of paring and trimming, which materially improves its outward appearance. Placed on a dish as large as an ordinary sized table, it is then decorated. The royal cypher is traced round the edges of the dish; the holly and mistletoe apparently sprout from the outside of the meat; the baron is then duly placed on the side-board of the dining-room of Windsor Castle, where Her Majesty the Queen, and the royal circle, partake of the Christinas banquet.-London News.

Wolfert's Roost-The Bob-o-link. Wolfert's Roost is the title of a new book, made up of papers by Washington Irving, now first collected, though a large portion of them have appear ed as fugitive pieces in various periodicals. We copy from one of the most exquisite, on the "Birds of Spring," the following notice of the universal favorite, the Bobolink:

The happiest bird of our spring, however, and one that rivals the European lark, in my estimation, is the Boblincon, or Bobolink, as he is commonly called. He arrives at that choice portion of our year, which in our latitude, answers to the description of the month of May, so often given by the poets. With us, it begins about the middle of May. and lasts until nearly the middle of June. Earlier than this, winter is apt to return on its traces, and to blight the opening beauties of the year; and later thau this, begin the parching, and panting, and dissolving heats of summer. But in this genial interval, nature is in all her freshness and fragrance; "the rains are over and gone, the flowers appear upon the earth, the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in the land." The trees are now in their fullest foliage and brightest verdure; the woods are gay with the clustered flowers of the laurel; the air is perfumed by the sweet brier and the wild rose; the meadows are enameled with clover blossoms; while the young apple, the peach and the plum, begin to swell, and the cherry to glow, among the green leaves.

This is the chosen season of revelry of the Boboliuk. He comes amidst the pomp and fragrance of the season; his life seems all sensibility and enjoyment, all song and sunshine. He is to be found in the soft bosoms of the freshest and sweetest meadows; and is most in song when the clover is in blossom. He perches on the topmost twig of a tree, or on some long flaunting weed, and as he rises and sinks with the breeze, pours forth a succession of rich thinking notes; crowding one upon another, like the outpouring melody of the sky lark, and possessing the same rapturous character. Sometimes he pitches from the summit of a tree, begins his song as soon as he gets upon the wing, and flutters tremulously down to the earth, as if overcome with ecstacy at his own music. Sometimes he is in pursuit of his paramour; always in full song, as if he would win her by his melody; and always with the same appearance of intoxication and delight.

Of all the birds of our groves and meadows, the Bobolink was the envy of my boyhood. He crossed my path in the sweetest weather, and the sweetest season of the year, when all nature called to the fields, and the rural feeling throbbed in every bosom; but when I, luckless urchin, was doomed to be mewed up, during the live-long day, in that purgatory of boyhood, a school room. It seemed as if the little varlet mocked at me, as he flew by in song, and sought to taunt me with his happier lot. Oh, how I envied him! No lessons, no task, no hateful school, nothing but holiday, frolic, green fields and fine weather. Had I been then more versed in poetry, I might have addressed him in the words of Logan to the cuckoo :

Sweet bird thy bower is ever green,
Thy sky is ever clear;
Thou hast no sorrow in thy note,

No winter in thy year.

Oh! could I fly, I'd fly with thee:
We'd make, on joyful wing,
Our annual visit round the globe,
Companions of the Spring!

Further observation and experience have given me a different idea of this little feathered voluptuary, which I will venture to impart for the benefit of my schoolboy readers, who may regard him with the same unqualified envy and admiration which I once judged. I have shown him only as I saw him at first, in what I may call the poetical part of his career, when he in a manner devoted himself to elegant pursuits and enjoyments, and was a bird of music and song, and taste, and sensibility, and refinement. While this lasted, he was sacred from injury; the very schoolboy would not fling a stone at him, and the merest rustic would pause to listen to his strain. But mark the difference. As the year advances, as the clover blossoms disappear, and the spring fades into summer, he gradually gives up his elegant tastes or habits; doff's his poetical suit of black, assumes a russet, dusty garb, and sinks to the gross enjoyments of common vulgar birds. His notes no longer vibrate on the ear; he is stuffing himself with the seeds of the tall weeds

on which he lately swung and chanted so melo ously. He has become a 'bon vivant,' a 'gourmand with him now there is nothing like the joys of t table.' In a little while he grows tired of plag homely fare, and is off on a gastronomical tour quest of foreign luxuries.

We next hear of him with myriads of his kin. banquetting among the reeds of the Delaware, an grown corpulent with good feeding. He hu changed his name in travelling. Boblincon no mʊt -he is the Reed-bird now, the much sought for ti bit of Pennsylvania epicures; the rival in unluck fame of the ortolon! Wherever he goes pop! pop pop! every rusty firelock in the country is blazin away. He sees his companions falling by thousand around him.

Does he take warning, and reform? Alas! no he. Incorrigible epicure! again he wings his flight The rice fields of the South invite him. He gorge himself among them almost to bursting; he can scarcely fly for corpulency. He has once more changed his name, and is now the famous Rice-bird of the Carolinas.

Last stage of his career; behold him spitted, with dozens of his corpulent companions, served up, a vaunted dish, on the table of some Southern gas


Such is the story of the Bobolink; once spiritual, musical, admired, the joy of the meadows, and the favorite bird of Spring; finally, a gross little sensualist, who expiates his sensuality in the larder.

TASTES DIFFER.—In a lecture recently delivered on what he has seen in the old country, Wendell Phillips observes:

In Italy you will see a man breaking up his land with two cows, and the root of a tree for a plough, while he is dressed in skins with the hair on. In Rome, Vienna and Dresden, if you hire a man to saw wood, he does not bring a horse along. He never had one, or his father before him. He puts one end of the saw on the ground, and the other in his breast, and taking the wood in his hand, rubs it against the saw. It is a solemn fact, that in Florence, a city filled with the triumph of art, there is not a single augur, and if a carpenter would bore a hole he does it with a red hot poker. This results not from the want of industry but of sagacity of thought.The people are by no means idle. They toil early and late, men, women, and children, with an industry that shames labor-saving Yankees. Thus he makes labor, and the poor must live. In Rome charcoal is principally used for fuel; you will see a string of twenty mules, bringing little sacks of it upon their backs, when one mule could draw all of in a cart. But the charcoal vender never had a cart, and so he keeps his mules and feeds them. This is from no want of industry, but there is no competition.

A Yankee always looks haggard and nervous, as if he were chasing a dollar. With us mouey is everything: and when we go abroad we are surprised to find that the dollar has ceased to be almighty. If a yankee refuse to do a job for fifty cents, he will probably do it for a dollar, and will certainly do it for five. But one of the lazaroni of Naples, when he has earned two cents and eaten them, will work no more that day if you offer him ever so large a sum. He has earned enough for the day and wants no more. So there is no eagerness for making money, no motive for it and everybody move slowly.

THE DEAF AND DUMB GENTLEMAN.-I remember, when in the province of Archangel, a deaf and dumb gentleman paid the town a visit; he was furnished with letters of introduction to some families there, and was well received at the governor's table; his agreeable manners and accomplishments joined to his misfortune, made him a great favorite and caused much interest; he could read French, Ger man, Russian and Polish, was a connoisseur of art, and shewed us several drawings of his own execution. Two or three times I was struck with an expression of more intelligence in his face than one would expect when any conversation was going on behind his back. It was not until three years after, that I accidentally heard this very man spoken of in St. Petersburg. He was one of the government spies!-Englishwoman in Russia.

A heart unspotted is not easily daunted.

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HE SNOW AN AUXILIARY TO THE HARVEST.-The Press, referring to the innumerable coms and maledictions which have been uttered st the late show storm by all classes of es, and to the temporary inconvenience which

occasioned to the community, remarks that trom being an injury, the snow storm will eventy prove a blessing to the people, and they should in their murmurings and be thankful because of great advantage which it will be to the wheat throughout the wheat-growing region of the West. The Press says:

Winter wheat seldom fails in the West in those unas when its roots are protected by a good coat cow. On the contrary, an open winter, with rent freezing and thawing, is often the precur of a short crop, a large share of the fields being ally or wholly winter-killed. This has been e experience of our farmers in Illinois for years ck. and it is also in accordance with our own obarvations for a long series of years in other wheat3 Jewing States. But, beside the shelter which the aw affords to the roots of the plant, it seems to stain the invigorating properties of the best kind manure, imparting great luxuriance to its growth arty in the spring, and thus directly contributing the abundance of the crop. In this way a deep of snow may subserve a doubly beneficent purAll kinds of vegetation, in fact, share in the genral benefit. The feed for the stock is better and more luxuriant upon the opening of spring; the ay, corn and potato crops are likely to be better; and the ground undergoes a kind of softening and palverization, and admirably fitting it for yielding pits richest treasures, which nothing else will ave. An abundance of snow is also a preventative drouth. The ground, when the frost leaves it, Basorbs a good supply of moisture, the natural resvoirs are filled, and it will require a long continued dry time in the early part of summer to check the growth of vegetation. All things considered, en, we may congratulate ourselves upon the bundance of snow.

A DUMBFOUNDED PIG.-The Knickerbocker tells the following good yarn in its editor's table:

One of our western farmers, being very much annoyed last summer by his best sow breaking into the corn field, search was instituted in vain for a hole in the rail fence. Failing to find any, an attempt was next made to drive out the animal by the same way of her entrance; but of course without success. The owner then resolved to watch her proceedings; and posting himself at night in a fence corner, he saw her enter at one end of a hollow log, outside the field, and emerge at the other end within the enclosure. Eureka!' cried he, 'I have you now old lady!' Accordingly, he proceed. ed, after turning her out once more, to so arrange the log (it being very crooked) that both ends ened on the outside of the field. The next day, the animal was observed to enter at her accustomed place, and shortly emerge again.

'Her astonishment,' says our informant, 'at finding herself in the same field whence she had start ed is too ludicrous to be described! She looked this way and then that, grunted her dissatisfaction, and finally returned to her original starting place; and after a deliberate survey of matters, to satisfy herself that it was all right, she again entered the lag. On emerging yet once more on the wrong Aide, she evinced even more surprise thau before, and turning about, retraced the log in an opposite direction. Finding this effort likewise in vain, after looking long and attentively at the position of things, with a short, angry grunt of disappointment, and perhaps fear, she turned short round, and started off on a brisk run, nor could either coaxing or driving ever after induce her to visit that part of the field! She seemed to have a superstition concerning the spot.'

A genuine Down Easter essaying to appropriate square of exceedingly tough beef at dinner, in a Wisconsin Hotel, his convulsive efforts with a knife and fork attracted the attention and smiles of those in the same predicament as himself. At last Jonathan's patience vanished under il success, when aying down his utensils, he burst out with, "Strangers, you needn't laff-if you haint got any regard r the landlord's feelings, you orter have some respect for the old bull. This sally "brought down the

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Artificial Production of Fish.

In the last sitting of the French Societe Zoologique d'Acclimation, M. Millet, who is well known for his efforts in the artificial production of fish, detailed a series of experiments he had lately made in conveying fecundated eggs. The result was, he said, that the eggs, when wrapped up in wet cloths and placed in boxes with moss to prevent them from becoming dry and being jolted, may safely be conveyed not only during twenty or thirty, but for even more than sixty days, either by water, railway or diligence. He added that he had now in his possession eggs about to be hatched, which have been brought from the most distant parts of Scotland and Germany, and even from America. M. Millet then stated a fact which was much more curious-namely, that fecundated eggs of different descriptions of salmon and trout do not perish, even when the cloths and moss in which they are wrapped become frozen.He had even been able, he said, to observe, by means of a microscope, that a fish just issuing from the egg, and of which the heart was seen to beat, was not inconvenienced by being completely frozen up. This he explained by the fact that the animal heat of the fish, even in the embryo state, is sufficient to preserve around it a certain quantity of moisture.

KISSING. An American correspondent in Paris, thus describes a peculiarity of the people of La Belle France:

"The almost universal custom of kissing in Paris, seems at first very singular to a stranger coming from a country where the proprieties of life rarely permit you to take a lady's hand, much less to salute her. In France, to kiss a lady with whom you are not at all intimate, on meeting her, is very common; especially is this the case if she be a married lady. Not only the members of the family, but all the guests, expect invariably to salute the lady of the house on coming down in the morning. But though the modest American may, perhaps, escape the ceremony on ordinary occasions, yet on New Year's day it is imperative. On that morning I came down to my coffee about nine o'clock. I sat down quietly, bidding madam bon jour, as on ordi. nary occasions. But I was not to get off so easily. In a few moments she was at my elbow, with 'Mons. B., I am very angry with you.' I expressed of course a regret and ignorance at having given

her offence.

'Ah,' said she, 'you know very well the reason. It is because you did not embrace me when you came down this morning.'

Madame was a lady of, perhaps, twenty-eight, with jet black, glossy hair, lustrous black eyes, and a clear, fair complexion. She was very beautiful; had she been plain I should have felt less embarrassed. She waited, as though expecting me to atone for my neglect; but how could I before the whole table? I sat all this time trembling in my seat. At length Madame said: 'Mons. B. embracez moi.' The worst had come. I arose tremblingly, and put my white, bloodless lips, all wet with coffee, (for in my embarrassment. I had dropped my napkin,) to those of Madame. This was my first French kiss."

WASHINGTON.-The reverence which even "Young America" can appreciate, as displayed towards "the father of his country" by his cotemporaries, is strikingly shown by the following incident mentioned in a letter from Washington to the Boston Post, writ ten on the 22d inst:

I must mention a touching scene to which I have just been an eye witness. In the centre of the rotunda, in the capitol, has been placed, within the last year, a statue of Washington, which was executed by order of the authorities of the State of Virginia, soon after the declaration of American Independence. While I was looking at it, two old men, I presume of revolutionary time, came slowly up to it, and with their forms bowed down by age. took off their hats, and, in the most solemn and fervent manner, kissed the plinth of the statue. After this ceremony they took their departure as silently as they came, and I could observe, while they were saluting, tears steal down their cheeks. There was no hypocrisy about it, for they went away out of the building without looking to the right or leftThis pantomimic performance spoke volumes with out the utterance of words, and to my mind it was the oration of the day.'

Bulwer, as novel readers still call him, is said to have made a successful speech in Parliament on the foreign enlistment bill. The Liverpool Journal says;

I think Sir Bulwer Lytton is the most ridiculous looking man, with his horse nose, and his blue saucer eyes, in Her Majesty's dominions; and his bow wowy voice drives one into hysterics of fidgetiness; and his gestures-oh! his gestures! conceive Cassandra being dogmatic in a state of delirium tremens. The impression for the first five minutes of his oratory is awful; you see members dusting their faces with their handkerchiefs, screwing their persons to their benches, and keeping their eyes off the door that looks so tempting an escape from the tremendous baronet. But genius asserts itself, and one forgets the tremendous baronet in the man whose very grotesqueness but proves his grand originality, and forgetting the manner in the matter -when it is good, as on Tuesday the house cheers. Sir Edward sat down, on that night, with a parliamentary success, having achieved that, (he is celebrated for his pertinacity,) which he has been twenty years striving for; and as I watched him passing along the lobby to dinner, amid unreserved congratulations, I came to the conclusion that was the happiest moment of a career which, though leafy with laurels, has perhaps, been a very melancholy life.

"For 'tis the sport, to see the engineer holet by his own petard."-Shakspeare.

The little, iron steamer Mohawk, formerly a British war vessel on the lakes, but now the property of Americans, and in the carrying trade, was lying in St. Clair river, a few days since, surrounded by ice, and immovable. It occurred to her captain that he could rescue the craft from her icy chains by blowing up the frozen mass with gunpowderAccordingly he prepared his torpedo, by filling a bottle with gunpowder, attaching a long piece of water-proof fuse, and sinking the contrivance thro' a hole in the ice. All being prepared, the gallant engineer fired his train, and retired a proper distance to await the result. Now, everybody who has seen the safety-fuse used, knows that it burns quite slowly under water, though as quick as powder in the open air. The explosion not following immediately upon the captain's application of his cigar, he became anxious, stepping forward, applied his nose to the hole in the ice, and, " Look what ye befel!" There was a rumbling explosion; ice, water, captain, spray, and, report says, a white-fish or two, ascended in a halo of glory, towards the zenith. The captain, having "gone up like a rocket," followed out the metaphor and "came down like the stick," fortunately floating like it, and struck out for shore. When it was discovered that he was not injured, the crowd who had witnessed his pyrotechnics gave three cheers for the captain and his petard, which, the former gracefully acknowledged. He declines, however, to do it again.

A BONNE BOUCHE-A Mr. Tumerelli, a gentleman who is said to have traveled in Russia, has been lecturing in London on the "social and moral characteristics of the Russian people." He related the following anecdote :

"When Madame Taglioni quitted St. Petersburgh, she left a pair of slippers at the hotel. The landlord soon made his good fortune known, and 50, 100, and even 200 roubles (£20) were freely offered for the forgotten slippers. The landlord, however, finding the public enthusiasm increase as he raised his demands, peremptorily refused to part with the slippers under 1000 roubles, (£100.) This sum being rather more than any individual appeared willing to give, thirty-five persons clubbed together and purchased the slippers. They then wanted to know what to do with them. After many suggestions, none of which gave general satisfaction, it was proposed by one of the speculators, more enthusiastic and original than his fellows, that they should eat them! The landlord of the hotel pronounced the idea to be excellent, and proposed to make a fricasee of them, which was accordingly done, and the thirty-six enthusiasts, with the lecturer as their guest, did actually eat Taglioni's slippers, and washed them down in bumpers of champagne, in which they drank to the health of the charming danseuse.”

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MAKING BRIDES.-A traveller in Germany says: -“The Germans, by the way, have a queer way of making 'brides,' and of doing some other things in the courting and marrying way which may interest you, perhaps. When a maiden is betrothed, she is called 'bride,' and so continues till she becomes 'wife.' All the while she is engaged she is a 'bride.' The lovers, immediately upon the betrothal, exchange plain gold rings, which are ever worn afterwards till death parts them. The woman wears hers on the third finger of the left hand, and when she becomes 'wife,' her ring is transferred to the third finger on the right hand, and there it remains. The husband always wears his ring just as his wife wears hers; so that if you look upon a man's hand you can tell whether he is mortgaged or not. There is no cheating for him ever afterno coquetting with the girls, as if he was an unmarried man; for lo! the whole story is told by his finger ring. A married Viennes lady was much amused when I told her that in our country we only 'ring' the woman, but let the husband run at large unmarked! 'Oh, that is dreadful!' said she, more than half shocked. "Think, there is Frederick, my husband-only twenty-four-so young, so handsome-and all the girls would be taking him for an unmarried man, and be making love to him! Oh, it is dreadful, is it not? They would never know he was married. How can you do so in your country? I would not live there with Frederick for the world.""


THE "HIGHER LAW" AND THE LOWER.-On Saturday, one of our citizens who holds a berth in the Boston custom house, before coming home bought a lot of fine trout for his Sunday dinner, making them into an official-looking yellow paper bundle; he then took his dinner at a restaurant, sitting by the side of a strong free soil senator, who had made up a similar bundle of good abolition documents for his Sunday feast. Our friend, on reaching home, delivered his bundle to the Hibernian damsel, with a charge to forthwith clean the contents. watering mouth and eager anticipation, he put his head into the kitchen to see how the work progressed, and there stood Biddy by the opened package, holding up three of Theodore Parker's sermons on the " higher law." "Sure, sir, them ain't trout," said she. "Good gracious, no!" groaned our friend, as he slowly became convinced that he had changed bundles in Boston with the abolition senator, and had brought away that which he regarded quite as scaly as his trout, but infinitely less digestible. As the senator had a great speech to prepare, we fear that the two bundles fell into mutually unappreciative hands, though the trout would much sooner commend themselves to the maw of a tyro, than would the sermons.-Lowell Courier.

"HOT COIN."-The Cincinnati Columbian tells the following on the authority of a gentleman from Indiana:

"Recently there was a run upon a bank in his neighborhood. Becoming short of notes, but expecting an arrival next morning of the necessary funds from a friendly institution, the Cashier gave notice to the crowd at the doors, that to convince everybody of the solvency of the concern, the Directors had resolved to pay every applicant for the rest of the day, in gold; but, as the gold the bank possessed was in bars, just as the dray load had arrived from California, the public must be patient until it was coined. What gold was on hand or could be borrowed, was slowly paid out and given to the drawers on plates-so hot it could not be handled-being as the clerks declared, hot from the mint. The counting, of course, under the circumstances, was a slow process, and no difficulty was found in keeping "right side up" until closing time. The next morning the expected funds arrived, but were not wanted; the hot gold had satisfied the de positors that the bank was of the best kind, and they began to pay in again.

Are modern sausages meet for consideration? Is there an unusual number of ladies present when the captain collects the fare?

Was the Reign of Terror a thunder shower?

Some one called Richard Steele the "vilest of mankind." He retorted with proud humility: "It would be a glorious world if I were!"

THE INTENSITY OF LOVE COMPUTED BY MATHEMATICS.-Mademoiselle de Launay,a French authoress of the eighteenth century, whose writing swere distinguished by their piquant delicacy and correctness of judgment, thus writes concerning one who had formed an early attachment for her: "Monsieur de Rey always showed me great attachment. I discovered, by slight indications, some diminution in his passion. I often went to see Mademoiselle d' Epinar, at whose house he most always was. As she lived very near my convent, I generally returned on foot, and he never failed to offer me his arm to conduct me home. We had to pass through a large square, and at the beginning of our acquaiutance he took the road by the side of the square.Then I saw that he crossed it in the middle, whence I concluded that his love had at least diminished by the difference between the diagonal and the two sides of the square."

THE GRAVE OF EX-PRESIDENT HARRISON.-There is not, in nature, a more truly beautiful spot wherein the dead should lie, than that at North Bend. But, alas! how rude hands of unfeeling visitors have desecrated it. Everything bore evidence of neglect, decay, and sacrilegious pillage. The door covering the steps which lead to the vault was off its hinges-torn off, as we are told, by some pick-nic parties, to serve as a table on which to spread their provisions and drinks, and after being thus used, it had been thrown down the hill, where it was lying, leaving the entrance to the tomb open and exposed to the winds and rains. The fence, too, which encloses the spot, was broken. The whole thing indeed was a ruin, and so it remains. The family at North Bend have done all in their power to preserve the grounds from violation, but without effect; and unless something is done that will effectually prevent these shameless acts of sacrilege, the whole structure will tumble down.

SCRIPTURE WELL APPLIED.-It is stated that Bishop of a neighboring State, is strongly opposed to temperance. A short time since, Rev. Mr.

of the same denomination, and a member of the 'Sous,' dined with the Bishop, who pouring out a glass of wine, desired the Rev. gentleman to driuk with him, whereupon he replied:

'Can't do it, Bishop;' Wine is a mocker.' Take a glass of brandy, then,' said the distinguished ecclesiastic.

'Can't do it, Bishop;' 'strong drink is raging.' By this time, the Bishop becoming somewhat restive and excited, said to Mr.

'You'll pass the decanter to the gentleman next ' to you?'

'No, Bishop, I can't do that;' Woe unto him tha putteth the bottle to his neighbor's lips.'

What was the peculiar mental condition or moral state of the Bishop at this stage of the proceedings, our informant did not state.

NEWSPAPERS.-Judge Longstreet, whose views on all subjects are sensible, practical, and worth treasuring up, thus sets forth the value of a newspaper:

Small is the sum that is required to patronize a newspaper, and most amply remunerated is the patron. I care not how humble and unpretending the gazette which he takes, it is next to impossible to fill a sheet fifty-two times a year, without putting into it something that is worth the subscription price. Every parent whose son is off from him at school should be supplied with a paper. I well remember what a difference there was between those of my schoolmates who had, and those who had not access to newspapers. Other things being equal, the first were always decidedly superior to the last in debate and composition at least. The reason is Youth plain; they had command of more facts. will peruse a newspaper with delight when they will read nothing else."

The everlasting hills will crumble to dust, but the influence of a good man will never die. The earth will grow old and perish, but virtue in the heart will be ever green and flourish throughout eternity. The moon and stars will grow dim, and the sun roll from the heavens, but true religion and undefiled will grow brighter, and not cease while God himself shall live.

The Liquor Law in Rhode Island. The Legislature of Rhode Island, at its recer session, strengthened its liquor law by three addtional acts, of which the Providence Journal gives th following account:

"The present law authorizes town councils to ar point as many persons as they may deem expedien to retail, in their respective towns, wines and othe strong liquors. The act of this session prohibit them from appointing more than one agent withi any town or city.

The second act, in relation to this subject, is in amendment of the act concerning crimes and pun ishments. It gives to the supreme court concurren jurisdiction with the courts of common pleas in al cases of appeal from any sentence of justices of the peace. The practical operation of it is, that, here tofore, persons convicted of a violation of the Maine law might appeal, and the appeals could only be tried twice in each year. Under this law, they may have to meet the Attorney General four times it twelve months.

The third is the repeal of the act establishing court of magistrates in Woonsocket. This court we know not how justly, has the reputation of be ing friendly to the liquor dealers. It is now abol ished, and trials for the violation of the Maine Law in Cumberland will proceed before justices of the peace, as in other towns."

A gentleman in Alabama, in exerting himself one day, felt a sudden pain, and fearing his internal ma chinery had been thrown out of gear, sent for the negro on his plantation, who made some pretension to medical skill, to prescribe for him. The negro having investigated the case, prepared and adminis tered a dose to his patient with the utmost confi dence of speedy cure. No relief being experienced however, the gentleman sent for a physician, who on arriving, enquired what medicine he had given his master. Bob promptly responded. "rosin and alum sir!" "What did you give him that for?" con tinued the doctor. "Why," replied Bob, "de alun to draw the parts togedder, and the rosin to sodde um!" the patient eventually recovered.

A STRIKING PARALLEL.-The New York Evange list closes an excellent article on Mormonism at the Salt Lake City, as follows:

"One way or another, this anomaly in our coun try will be swept away. Such a disgrace canno continue forever. The wave of population is rol ling rapidly to the West, and will soon pass the crest of the Rocky Mountains. Then this heather State will be shattered by the strong arm of the Government, unless it has already sunk into disso lution by its own vices.

"Its doom seems to be marked in the very place where it stands. It is fit that this modern Sodon should rear its profane temple by the shores of the Salt Lake, which is the Dead Sea of America; fo sooner or later it will share the miserable fate of the ancient cities of the plain."

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TRUTH WILL OUT.-An illiterate person wh always volunteered to go "round with the hat," b was suspected of sparing his own pocket, ove heard once a conversation to that effect,and replied. "Other gentlemen puts down what they thin proper, and so do I. Charity's a private concer and what I give is nothing to nobody.”

Remember to speak of yourself as seldom as m be. If you praise yourself, it is arrogance; if yo dispraise, it is folly.

Nature produces merit; virtue carries it to pe fection; and fortune gives it the power of acting






Written after listening to a lecture from Mr. Hollister, the historian of Connecticut.

Great soul, and brave -'tis good to hear of thee,

And see historic ardor lift the veil

From valor, that ne'er sought of human praise
Response, or payment.

We behold once more
The unfinished furrow,-the forsaken home,
The flying steed, urged by thy sleepless heart
That from the echoed cry of "Lexington"

Beard night and day, like the deep, rushing sound

Of torrent-waters, gain'd a dauntless strength

To stand up in the face of tyrant power,
Time-consecrated, and with sling and stone
Defy the giant.

Bunker-Hill could tell

Thy stern o'ermastery of the battle-storm,-
Thy conflict with the cowardly,-thy words
That fired the doubtful and made firm the brave.
She keeps the foot-print of thy glorious deeds,
That bore the spirit of a trampled Land
Through the red preface of her liberty.

Hark 1-from the heaving of yon burial-sods
Where sleep our country's champions,-comes a voice
Demanding for thy name, its just reward,-
Too long withheld Of History it demanda
That lingering Truth should light her letter'd scroll,-
And summons tardy man to win thy fame

Back from the sepulchre and set it deep

In sculptured marble, that recording stars

May read it clearly from their silver thrones,

And lisping infants in their nurses' arms

Be brought to learn what patriot virtue means.
Hartford, Conn.,

Tuesday Evening, March 13th, 1855.

L. H. S.

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Whereas the Hon. THOMAS DAY, one of venerable citizens and a member of this been removed by death, therefore Resolved, That the event calls upon us for an expression of our share in the common sorrow.

Resolved, That we cherish the highest esteem for - many excellencies and great worth of the desened. By a long and honorable performance of various important trusts, he was entitled to the respect awarded to fidelity in public duties. Conpected for many years with a bigh position, in the administration of State affairs, he was unswerving; us counsellor, safe and judicious; and on the ench, he was an example of judicial integrity as 1 reporter of the decisions of the Supreme Court Errors, bis accuracy and discrimination comended themselves to the profession, and in our ser States, as well as in this, those Reports were


received and approved as of the highest authority; while during a long and useful life among us, his quiet virtues and uniform courtesy won for him the highest respect as a citizen. Thus he honored his public stations and has left a name above reproach. We lament his death and will cherish the memory of his many virtues.

Resolved, That we sympathize with the family of the deceased and tender them our affectionate condolence in this their affliction.

Resolved. That as a testimony of esteem, we will unitedly attend his funeral this afternoon.

Resolved, That a copy of the foregoing resolution be signed by the Chairman of this meeting and communicated to the family, and published in the daily papers in this city.

Resolved, That Hon. Martiu Welles be appointed to communicate these resolutions to the Hon. Superior Court now in session, and request that the same may be entered upon the records of said court.

Four o'clock on Monday afternoon, the 12th inst., was assigned by the members of the bar as the time when the resolutions should be presented to the court; and at that time. in discharge of the duties imposed upon him by the last resolution, Hon. Martin Welles spoke as follows,

May it please the Court

The bar of this County have requested me to present these Resolutions to the Court and to move your honor that they be entered upon its Records; that these expression of respect and esteem may be preserved in the most enduring form. It is fit that these memorials should live-should remain as evidence of our deep and grateful sense of obligation to this distinguished man for his faithful and invaluable services to the profession.

For duration, those services are probably without a parallel in the annals of the Law. From 1802 to 1853 he has reported the decisions of the Supreme Court of Errors. During this period seven different Chief Justices have presided in that Courteach holding office with perhaps one exception until disqualified by age.

As the result of these protracted labors we have twenty-six volumes of reports.

In addition to these reports he has edited with valuable notes several elementary works and many volumes of English Reports. Here is an instance of labor and literary longevity which I believe is unsurpassed. If the gifted authoress of that most interesting work "Past MERIDIAN" will allow me to suggest-I hope in her future editions, of which I am sure there will be many-she will insert this instance in her chapter on "Literary Longevity" in addition to those other illustrious instances which she has so beautifully portrayed.

What a record of mental power do these volumes present on the part of the bar and the bench. What labor-what research-what talent-what nice discrimination what enlarged views, and what careful adjustment of conflicting claims.

In these volumes the dead speak-from them while our language shall last, there will be going forth an influence, superior to mere legislationwhich shall affect all our relations and reach to every interest.

Of Mr. Day as a Reporter it has been truly said, that he had no superior in the ability to grasp the precise point decided, and to present that point clearly and definitely; in the power to extract the spirit of the decision separated from all extraneous


NO. 7.

Were I to discriminate among these reports-I should say that the first five volumes of Day's Reports were more rich and valuable in the arguments of counsel than any other reports I have seen, and were I called upon to recommend to a young lawyer the best collection of law arguments I have ever known reported, I should not hesitate a mo ment in selecting the masterly arguments contained in those volumes.

It is melancholy to reflect that of all those distinguished men who prepared and presented those ingenious and learned arguments; nearly all with their reporter are silent in death. Of those who remain I scarcely remember one except Chief Justice Williams and Mr. Staples of New York.

When I look back over that list of great men whose names are presented in those early volumes, even no farther than my own recollection; it seems one long procession to the tomb.

Of Judge Day in his capacity of Chief Judge of the County Court for a series of years (the Court then consisting of three Judges) I cannot forbear to speak-of him in that capacity I feel entitled to bear my testimony-having been associated with him for many years as a humble member of that Court. I am sure that a more just, upright and impartial Judge never sat to decide controversies among men, and no man whispered or even suspected that he could be swerved from the right.— Although naturally timid, in the administration of justice he was fearless and independent. As an accurate and learned lawyer he had few superiorsand his opinions on legal questions were regarded by the bar as entitled to great respect.

In his charges to the Jury which were always written he was brief and comprehensive-yet clear and distinct-presenting and deciding each point of law raised by counsel on the argument, and nothing else.

As your honor well remembers, he carefully abstained from passing that just boundary which separates the province of the Court from the province of the Jury.

Shunning no responsibility on questions of law; he assumed none on questions of fact.

That he was a popular Judge possessing the entire confidence of the bar and the community-is fully evinced by his annual appointments to that office for such a series of years.

Of him as a man, it is unnecessary for me to speak. Here in this city, where he resided so long, and discharged so many important public trusts; he was known and read of all men, and by all ap proved.

His has been a favored lot. Spared the exhausting and wearing contests which attend the active duties of the profession, he stood by, a calm intelligent spectator of the conflict, recording the result.

While others have been assailed in the ferocity of party spirit, or wounded by the shafts of calumny, he has passed smoothly on, "by gentle wings up

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