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FERRIS. Senate bill, introductory No. 931; printed No. 1068, entitled: An act to repeal section twenty-two of the public health law, relating to the Lake George health district.

Date of introduction March 11; ordered to third reading and referred to Committee on Public Health.

FERRIS. Senate bill, introductory No. 932; printed No. 1069, entitled: An act making an appropriation for highway improvement purposes in Essex county of the one-half of the unexpended balance of Essex county's share of moneys derived from the second bond issue for state road construction.

Date of introduction March 11; ordered to third reading and referred to Committee on Finance; reported favorably and restored to third reading March 16; passed March 21. Assembly recordReceived from the Senate March 22; referred to Committee on Ways and Means; committee discharged and ordered to third reading April 4; passed April 4. Record after passage Transmitted to Governor April 6; chapter No. 173.

FERRIS. Senate bill, introductory No. 935; printed No. 1629, entitled: An act to amend the farms and markets law, in relation to cold storage.

Date of introduction March 12; referred to Committee on Agriculture; reported favorably and ordered to third reading April 6; amended April 6; Assembly bill, printed No. 1599, substituted April 8; passed April 12; chapter No. 557.

FERRIS. Senate bill, introductory No. 936; printed No. 1668, entitled: An act to amend the agricultural law, in relation to the licensing of dogs.

Date of introduction March 12; referred to Committee on Agriculture; amended March 16; reported favorably and ordered to third reading April 6; amended April 6; passed April 14. Assembly record - Received from the Senate April 15; referred to Committee on Agriculture; reported favorably and ordered to third reading April 16; passed Apri! 16. Record after passageTransmitted to Governor April 16; chapter No. 628.

FERRIS. Senate bill, introductory No. 937; printed No. 1666, entitled: An act to amend the civil rights law, in relation

to the dedication of the name or picture of any person for advertising or trade purposes.

Date of introduction March 12; referred to Committee on the Judiciary; reported favorably and referred to the Committee of the Whole March 30; ordered to third reading April 4; amended April 6; passed April 12. Assembly record -Received from the Senate April 13; referred to Committee on the Judiciary; reported favorably and ordered to third reading April 16; passed April 16. Record after passage Transmitted to Governor April 16; chapter No. 501.

FERRIS. Senate bill, introductory No. 1013; printed No. 1547, entitled: An act to amend the tax law, in relation to exemption from taxation of the real and personal property of corporations or associations of veterans of the world war.

Date of introduction March 16; referred to Committee on Taxation and Retrenchment; amended April 1; reported favorably and ordered to third reading April 14; Assembly bill, printed No. 1906, substituted April 14; passed April 15; vetoed.

FERRIS. Senate bill, introductory No. 1050; printed No. 1657, entitled: An act to amend the business corporations law, in relation to co-operative associations.

Date of introduction March 18; referred to Committee on the Judiciary; reported favorably and ordered to third reading April 6; amended April 6; passed April 12. Assembly record Received from the Senate April 13; referred to Committee on the Judiciary; committee discharged and ordered to third reading April 16; passed April 16. Record after passageTransmitted to Governor April 16; chapter No. 359.

FERRIS. Senate bill, introductory No. 1051; printed No. 1227, entitled: An act to amend the membership corporations law, in relation to the purchasing of food and contracts and agreements.

Date of introduction March 18; referred to Committee on the Judiciary.

FERRIS. Senate bill, introductory No. 1243; printed No. 1523, entitled: An act to amend the conservation law, in relation to the open season for taking deer in certain towns in Washington county.

Date of introduction March 31; 1eferred to Committee on Conservation; reported favorably and ordered to third reading April 7; passed April 8. Assembly record Received from the Senate April 9; referred to Committee on Conservation; reported favorably and ordered to third reading April 16; passed April 16. Record after passage Transmitted to Governor April 16; chapter No. 632.

FERRIS. Senate bill, introductory No. 1244; Frinted No. 1524, entitled: An act to amend the agricultural law, relating to the licensing of dogs.

Date of introduction March 31; referred to Committee on Agriculture; reported favorably and ordered to third reading April 6; passed April 8. Assembly record Received from the Senate April 8; referred to Committee on Agriculture.

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FERRIS. Senate bill, introductory No. 1245; printed No. 1525, entitled: An act to amend the highway law, in relation to bonds of contractors.

Date of introduction March 31; referred to Committee on Internal Affairs of Towns, Counties and Public Highways; reported favorably and referred to the Committee of the Whole April 5; ordered to third reading April 7; passed April 8. Assembly record Received from the Senate April 9; referred to Committee on Internal Affairs.

FERRIS. Senate bill, introductory No. 1259; printed No. 1868, entitled: An act to amend the farms and markets law, in relation to establishing the office of commissioner of farms and markets, and defining his powers and duties and the powers and duties of the council.

Date of introduction April 1; referred to Committee on Agriculture; reported favorably and referred to the Committee of the Whole April 15; committee discharged and ordered to third read

ing April 15; amended April 15; passed under emergency message April 15. Assembly record-Received from the Senate April 15; referred to Committee on Agriculture; reported favorably and ordered to third reading April 16; passed under emergency message April 16. Record after passage - Transmitted to Governor April 16; chapter No. 475.

FERRIS. Senate bill, introductory No. 1280; printed No. 1588, entitled: An act to amend chapter seven hundred and thirty of the laws of nineteen hundred and thirteen, entitled "An act to provide for the centenary of the battle of Plattsburgh, the appointment of a commission, prescribing its powers and duties, and making an appropriation therefor," in relation to the membership of such commission.

Date of introduction April 4; referred to Committee on Finance; reported favorably and ordered to third reading April 11; passed April 13. Assembly record - Received from the Senate April 14; referred to Committee on Ways and Means; reported favorably and ordered to third reading April 15; passed April 15. Record after passage Transmitted to Governor April 16; chapter No. 426.

FERRIS. Senate bill, introductory No. 1375; printed No. 1753, entitled: An act making an appropriation for the repair of the bridge on a state route across South bay.

Date of introduction April 9; referred to Committee on Finance.

FERRIS. Senate bill, introductory No. 1384; printed No. 1762, entitled: An act making an appropriation for the repair and upkeep of ditching machines owned by the state of New York.

Date of introduction April 11; referred to Committee on Finance; reported favorably and ordered to third reading April 16; passed April 16. Assembly record - Received from the Senate April 16; referred to Committee on Ways and Means; reported favorably and ordered to third reading April 16; passed April 16. Record after passage - Transmitted to Governor April 16; chapter No. 347.

GIBBS. Senate bill, introductory No. 1; printed No. 1831, entitled: An act to amend the judiciary law, in relation to the designation of a daily law journal by justices of the supreme court in the eighth judicial district and the publication of legal advertisements.

Date of introduction January 5; referred to Committee on the Judiciary; reported favorably and referred to the Committee of the Whole; amended February 9; ordered to third reading April 7; amended April 13; passed April 16. Assembly record Received from the Senate April 16; referred to Committee on the Judiciary.

GIBBS. Senate bill, introductory No. 3; printed No. 423, entitled: An act to amend the village law, in relation to ordinances regulating the use and construction of electric light and power wiring.

Date of introduction January 5; referred to Committee on Affairs of Villages; reported favorably and referred to the Committee of the Whole; amended February 9; ordered to third reading March 1; passed March 2. Assembly record - Received from the Senate March 3; referred to Committee on Affairs of Villages; reported favorably and ordered to second reading March 23; recommitted March 24.

GIBBS. Senate bill, introductory No. 4; printed No. 167, entitled: An act to amend the village law, in relation to the return of unpaid village taxes, the payment thereof by the county treasurer and the relaying of same upon the county roll.

Date of introduction January 5; referred to Committee on Affairs of Villages; amended January 25.

GIBBS. Senate bill, introductory No. 5; printed No. 424, entitled: An act to amend the town law, in relation to street lighting.

Date of introduction January 5; referred to Committee on Internal Affairs of Towns, Counties and Public Highways; reported favorably and referred to the Committee of the Whole: amended February 9; ordered to third reading March 1; passed

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