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of marbles, baseball, townball, playing soldier, flying kites, sailing ships, target practice with bow and arrow, authors, checkers, dominoes, rope jumping, hideand-seek. Coasting and skating are indulged in by both sexes. Then there is an organ for the girls and another for the boys, and violins, guitars, fifes, bugles, and the irrepressible mouth organs are among the amusements and recreations of each day.

A rational system of discipline is easily and well maintained.

Those in charge aim to make the industrial training school just what its name implies. Manual occupations are in reach of the pupils as fast as they acquire sufficient knowledge of the English language to enable them to prosecute the learning of a trade with success. To accomplish anything permanent and of material benefit in the way of mastering trades they must first acquire a fair, commonschool education, before which they are not prepared to serve an intelligent apprenticeship. After certain initiatory advancement has been made, industrial training is then made coequal with schoolroom work. While the boys are taught trades, the girls are taught all branches of household industry. Indeed, the appointments and work of the school are such as to familiarize them with American ways of living and to ingraft into their lives industrious habits.

The steam laundry, with its labor-saving machinery, relieves the teachers and pupils of much hard drudging work incident to a school of this character, where water and soap must be used in such copious quantities.

Carpentry department.—All of the buildings on the mission premises, twenty or more, have been built by boys apprenticed to this trade, under the supervision of a competent foreman. Shopwork consists in the making of furniture, bookcases, clothespresses, screens, chests, curtain poles, picture frames, hand sleds, bric-a-brac work, and undertaking. The outdoor work consists of joining, framing, contracting, and building. Sailmaking and boat building are among the useful industries of this department. Among our carpenter apprentices a number have shown special aptitude as artists and designers. The spirit of earnest industry is most praiseworthy, and the boys appreciate their opportunities.

In the winter of 1887-88 the Society of Alaskan Natural History and Ethnology was organized and incorporated. The purpose is to collect and preserve in connection with the Sitka Industrial and Training School specimens of the natural history and ethnology of Alaska.

In addition to the Sitka Industrial School, the Presbyterian Board of Home Missions maintains stations at Point Barrow, St. Lawrence Island, Haines, Hoonah, Juneau, Fort Wrangell, and Jackson.


We are indebted to the Rev. J. Taylor Hamilton, secretary of the Moravian Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, for the following sketch of the progress of Moravian mission work in Alaska:

Moravian missionary and educational work in Alaska began in 1884, at the suggestion of Dr. Sheldon Jackson. After a preliminary tour of exploration, the then practically unknown region of the Kuskoquim and Nushagak rivers was selected. To establish the work two ordained missionaries, the Revs. William Weinland and John Kilbuck, were sent out with their wives, together with a lay assistant, Mr. Hans Torgersen, who was to superintend the erection of the needful houses. Mr. Kilbuck is a full-blooded Indian, the descendant of a long line of distinguished Delaware Christians, and, like his colleague, was a graduate of the Moravian College and Theological Seminary at Bethlehem. Before one house had been erected Mr. Torgersen was accidentally drowned in the Kuskoquim River. Before any converts had been won Mr. Weinland and his family had to withdraw, owing to seriously impaired health, later to labor in California. For a while Kilbuck and his wife held out alone, contending with the severities of a climate which in winter sometimes reached 60 of cold below zero, and with the difficulties of the Eskimo language. But God blessed their zeal and fidelity. The first sign of any reward for their labor was given on Good Friday, 1887. In the best Eskimo at their command the missionaries had been striving to acquaint the people with the love of God, and now he was telling that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth from all sin, when an old Eskimo interrupted him: "Thanks. We, too, want our badness washed away."

From the inception of the mission attention has been paid to education, and at the three main stations-Bethel and Ougavig, on the Kuskoquim, and Carmel, on the Nushagak-industrial schools have been steadily maintained, except when for brief intervals lack of provisions, after a season of failure in the catch of salmon, has compelled a temporary intermission. The schools at Bethel and at Carmel are

boarding schools; that at Ougavig a day school. The two former during certain years in the past have been Government contract schools. Two boys were for a period entered at the Government school at Carlisle, Pa., and are now serving as assistant missionaries. The pupils at Bethel average about 30, at Carmel 35, and at Ougavig 15.

At present 15 missionaries are in this field. On the staff are a graduate of the Hahnemann Medical College, Philadelphia-Dr. Herman Romig—and two professional nurses. Four hundred and seventy patients were cared for at Bethel during the last year, for which a report has been received. Three principal stations are occupied and seven outposts. Twenty-seven native assistants cooperate in the care of 625 converts, young and old. On January 30, 1897, the first fruits of home mission work among the Eskimos themselves were gathered in the baptism of a convert at a village 80 miles from Bethel, up to that time served by two native assistant missionaries. For several years the mission at Bethel has had a steam sawmill in operation, the natives bringing logs and receiving planks in exchange. It is hoped that thus decent houses will gradually supplant the underground hovels of a former time.

When the missionaries came they found the Eskimos filthy, degraded, cruel, the prey of the medicine men or shamans, given over to superstition, seeing evil spirits in everything, without knowledge of God and without hope for the future. In the reeking atmosphere of their underground kashimas. 16 to 24 feet square, three or four families, two to three dozen persons, might cower over the fat lamps. Privacy and decency were unknown. The standard of morality was utterly low. The aged and the sick were taken out and exposed to death by cold or starvation, lest a kashima should become haunted by death occurring within. The persons of the people swarmed with vermin. Now the decencies of family life and the proprieties of civilization are beginning to be prized. Heathen rites have practically ceased through a considerable stretch of country.

That the Eskimo will ever become civilized in a mode patterned after that of the European or American is scarcely to be expected. Climatic conditions and environment are against this. But it is hoped he will imitate the culture and civilization of the Laplanders. The Moravian mission is, therefore, deeply interested in the success of the effort to distribute the domesticated reindeer throughout Alaska, the benevolent project with which Dr. Sheldon Jackson is so closely identified. This is desired, both as a civilizing medium and as likely to afford a more assured means of subsistence than the precarious products of the chase and the uncertain returns of toil on the waters. But it is also earnestly desired as likely to afford a more regular and frequent means of communication and transportation. At present an exchange of letters between the mission and its schools on the one hand and the church at home on the other can be counted upon with certainty only once a year.


The Rev. C. J. Ryder, corresponding secretary of the American Missionary Association of the Congregational Church, has prepared the following statement with regard to the work of the society at Cape Prince of Wales:

This station is under the care of the American Missionary Association, the society of the Congregational churches. Work at this station was begun in 1890. Geographically.—Cape Prince of Wales is situated on the most western point of mainland in the United States, only a few miles from the Arctic Circle. The country is broken and mountainous running back from the shore of Bering Strait. Much driftwood is available here and is utilized by the missionaries in the erection of their cottages. The station holds a good position strategically for reaching the Eskimo in the interior of Alaska. The Eskimo residents at Cape Prince of Wales are especially active and energetic for people of this race. They are counted among the great smugglers of the North. In former reports in this Bureau reference has been made to this fact. From Cape Prince of Wales the natives cross the straits and carry on trade in "deer skins and sinew and wooden ware of Alaska," which they exchange for walrus, ivory, skins of tame reindeer, and whale blubber of Siberia." They also secure in this way "firearms and whisky," neither of which prove very important factors in their Christian civilization.

Missionary force.-Messrs. W. T. Lopp and H. R. Thornton were the first missionaries in this field. They opened the work at Cape Prince of Wales in 1890. Two frame buildings were erected. One of these was occupied as their home and the other was used for school and chapel purposes. These buildings are still standing. Mr. Thornton was murdered August 19, 1893. His murder was committed by some native desperadoes who were soon after punished by the Eskimos them

selves. His death did not indicate any opposition on the part of the natives generally to the work. Mr. Lopp and his wife have continued work in the field until the present, and are still there. Mr. Lopp has proved very efficient in his administration. He has been commissioned by the United States Government to conduct important investigat on along the coast to the north of Bering Strait. He has also had charge of the reindeer herd assigned by the Government to this station, and has been commissioned to go to the north upon an expedition to relieve the whalers that are locked in the ice.

Present condition of the station.-From the last reports received by the American Missionary Association we gather the following facts concerning the present condition of the work at Cape Prince of Wales. Mr. Lopp had been absent in the States for some months and was most cord ally received by the natives upon his return. He entered immediately upon preparation for the winter. Driftwood for fuel and building purposes was rafted down the coast, which was a considerable undertaking. Mr. Lopp reports to the American Missionary Association as follows:

A log house 22 by 24 was finished and divided into kitchen, two bedrooms, a storeroom, and hall. During the winter the house is buried in snowdrifts to the roof, making our side windows almost useless. Two sides and roof were sodded, a sod lean-to 20 by 12 was built onto the front in October, which is used as a vestibule, woodhouse, and carpenter shop. This temporary inclosure, or entrance as we call it, was lighted by sky-windows, made of clear blocks of ice. This house has proved decidedly the most comfortable and convenient house we have ever used in the Arctics. A house for herders was built near ours. It is the same style as ours and has been used as a home for them when in from the camp. It is hoped that these two buildings will prove object lessons which will not be lost to this settlement. A house which they can use both winter and summer, a compromise between their underground and the civilized house, is undoubtedly what they need.

"Mr. Thornton's monument, which was purchased in San Francisco with funds contributed by Southport, Conn., friends, gave these natives a much needed object lesson in respecting the dead. Before taking the monument up to the grave, we exhibited it at a Sunday service in the Storrs Chapel, explaining to the people its object. We also told them about visiting Mrs. Thornton and her little son and the kind words of greeting which she sent to them and the prayerful interest which she had in them all.

“To think of Mr. Thornton lying in an Arctic grave recalled to us that he often expressed a sent.ment so similar to that of the African missionary who is said to have compared pioneer mission work to building the foundation for a great bridge, and, God willing, was content to lie in an African grave as one of the unseen foundation stones.

"A big Christmas box sent by Dr. Storrs's missionary boys (may their tribe increase), containing knit caps, nuts, pocketknives, beads, dolls, etc., a box of ship biscuit contributed by Mrs. Thornton, and dates and raisins from our own supplies on Christmas made it a memorable day-Christmas, 1896.

"Since 1894 no prizes have been given for attendance at school. One serious objection to the prize (biscuit) system was that it educated them to think we were under obligation to them for attending school.

"The religious work. Two sermons have been preached almost every Sunday. The Sunday school had an average attendance of more than 100 during the winter months. Having but four teachers, the classes were often large. We hope some of the advanced pupils will soon be able to take classes. It was very gratifying and sometimes amusing to see the interest taken in the collect on boxes every Sunday. Lead, powder, caps, cartridges, spoons, matches, muskrat, ermine, and squirrel skins were contributed. We expect to use this collection to build a small mission house in the neighboring settlement where driftwood is plentiful.

"Reindeer herd.-The mission herd of reindeer has passed successfully through the three winters and now numbers about 360. It has been free from diseases which have alicted seriously the Government herd at Port Clarence. To milk a cow they lasso her and throw her to the ground. The mi k hos no unfavorable or distasteful flavor and is highly prized by us who have had to depend upon the tin cow' so many years. The herders live in deers in tents. Our herders consist of six Eskimos. With but $54 worth of goods and supplies, it required close man ging to feed and clothe nine people one year. These six herders should have been permitted to devote their entire time to herding, driving, and breaking, but the limited amount of supplies compelled us to use one or two in turns at the Cape to hunt and work. With our nets and rifles we got some white whale, seals, and fish, and in June walruses, which kept them fairly supplied. Each of them now

owns between 35 and 45 deer and we hope in a year or two, when they can live independent of mission support, that the influence which they will exert as Christian deermen will do much toward leading the natives along this coast 'out of darkness into light.' What a pleasure when visiting in camp to see them bow their heads and offer thanks to God before eating; to lead them in a little prayer meeting where every one joins and to sing with them 'A tent or a cottage, why should I care?' Go-ten-um, who is about 21, is considered the best deerman. He is of a mechanical turn of mind and made the wood cuts for the Eskimo Bulletin. A trip on reindeer sleds with Kiv-yearz-ruk through the mountains to Port Clarence was made in January. While there we had an opportunity to visit the Government herd, talk with the Laplanders, and assist in two services on Sunday, which were well attended. Our people have not prospered as in previous winters. A threatened epidemic in the fall together with the hoodoos' which followed, partly accounted for this. Distilling and drunkenness throughout the year often prevented many from making the most of a favorable wind. The walrus season has not been favorable, but at this writing they have all well filled meat houses. We rejoice that the reindeer herd will give a livelihood to the people for the next few years, and this influence may be far-reaching. In conclusion, we wish to thank our many friends for their kind letters and their prayerful interest in this work. We feel especially grateful to the few churches and persons who have shown by their gifts that they believed that these poor Eskimos were included in Matthew xxviii, 19. Surely none can be more in need of the gospel than these. With this burden upon our hearts, we pray God that in the future this mission may receive the support which we think its importance deserves."


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Mrs. James McWhinnie, superintendent of the Alaska Work of the Woman's American Baptist Home Mission Society, sends the following account of the society's work on Wood Island:

In 1884 it was decided that the Baptists should establish a mission in Alaska. From Mount St. Elias to the Shumagin Islands, with Kadiak as headquarters, was set aside as Baptist ground.

September 22, 1886, marks the beginning of Baptist missions in Alaska. From that time until 1890 the work was done by teachers appointed and supported by the Government and commissioned by the American Baptist Home Mission Society. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Roscoe, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wirth (supported in part by Dr. Jackson and friends in Seattle), and Mr. and Mrs. Faodorf were at different times Government teachers. These all advocated the establishment of an orphanage as the true way of doing missionary work in Alaska.

This work was undertaken by the Woman's American Baptist Home Mission Society of New England. The frame of a building was purchased and forwarded to Alaska in the summer of 1892. In March, 1893, Mr. W. E. Roscoe was sent by the society to the territory to select location and conduct the work.

July 4, 1893, the first child was received into the orphanage. For two years Mr. Roscoe labored earnestly in the development of the work, during which time 24 children received their care in the home.

In the summer of 1893 Miss Carrie Currant was sent as teacher, but was compelled to return in November on account of ill health. In September, 1894, Miss Lulu C. Goodchild arrived as reenforcement, and continued with the work until her marriage, July, 1897. Mr. Roscoe having resigned to return to the States, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Coe were appointed to take charge, and arrived on the field June 5, 1895. In the following September Miss Hattie B. Snow was added to the force of workers, but was compelled by broken health to return to her home in August, 1897.

Mr. and Mrs. Coe found 18 children in the home. Since that time 14 have been added.

These children have been received upon different conditions. Some have been apprenticed by their parents to the mission until they become of age; others-waifs-have been apprenticed by the United States commissioner; others still are received from parents who pay a nominal charge for their care.

The boys are taught gardening, use of tools, care of stock, etc. They cut the trees for wood, saw and chop them up for use, carry water, fish and hunt. The girls are taught to wash, iron, scrub, sew, bake, cook, mend, and care for the house.

Religious services are held every day, and in these the children take great interest and enjoyment. They sing and recite Scripture, and make the services largely their own.

In the past year and a half several improvements that add much to the value and appearance of the premises have been added. First was built a woodshed 20 by 30 feet, for storing and cutting wood, with rooms above for play rooms, shop, and storage-a very essential improvement when we consider the number of rainy days for which Alaska is noted. Next followed a cottage, situated at a distance of about two minutes' walk from the orphanage. Last, but more important than the others, came the chapel. It contains one room 26 feet square, one 12 by 20 feet, and a tower 8 feet square. The whole was completed at a cost of $600. The Woman's American Baptist Home Mission Society paid one half, the other half being raised on Wood Island, or sent by friends for that purpose. The North American Commercial Company, which does business on this island, furnished the labor gratis.

July 26, 1896, the Wood Island Baptist Church was organized with six members. Since that time one, the oldest girl of the orphanage, has been added by baptism.

The day school is open to the children of the native villagers. Last year, notwithstanding the opposition of the priest, 21 of them were enrolled. For the past two winters night school also has been held for the benefit of young men and youths. The attendance was gratifying.

Last year it was Mr. Coe's privilege, during the summer, to preach to the people at Kadiak every other Sunday. The services were appreciated and would have been renewed this summer, but, being the only man on the place, demands on him for manual labor made it impossible to do so. The society has already voted to employ an industrial teacher, and after he is secured, there will be more time for outside missionary work. The cost of our present work is estimated at $4,500 annually.


The Jesse Lee Home, Unalaska.-In September the home was able to be removed from the rented building, which it had occupied for several years, into new and commodious quarters of its own. The building is the admiration of all residents. It is a large, two-and-a-half-story building, and with the exception of the Government schoolhouse is the most pretentious building in the place. It is in charge of two Methodist ladies, Miss Agnes L. Sowle, of Hagaman, N. Y., being principal, and Miss Sarah J. Rinch, of Canada, being her assistant. Residing under the same roof and giving some assistance outside of school hours are the sisters Misses Elizabeth and Ada Mellor, who teach the Government school.

There are at the present time 30 children in the home belonging to the Aleut race. During the last summer one of the girls in the home was taken at the expense of a wealthy citizen of Chicago to that city to be educated, and three or four others were sent to Captain Pratt's celebrated school at Carlisle, Pa.

The school is doing a large preparatory work for that people. If in the near future there shall be any native teachers in the Aleutian Islands, if there shall be any native Christian homes and native Christian parents, they are now in process of being created by that school-the Jesse Lee Memorial Home at Unalaska being the only evangelizing influence at work among the Aleuts of Alaska.


When in November the revenue cutter Bear was ordered to the Arctic Ocean to try and land a relief party to go overland to the 400 whalers imprisoned in the ice and in danger of starvation, north of Point Barrow, Captain Tuttle announced through the newspapers of Seattle that he would be very glad to carry free of freight any Christmas presents that the citizens might wish to send to Unalaska for the destitute Aleut children and the children in the Methodist Home. project was taken up with enthusiasm by the teachers in the public schools of that city, and the children in those schools made Christmas presents to the children in Unalaska. To the surprise of every one, about two tons of dolls drums, whistles, jumping jacks, games, picture books, candy, etc., were sent in, so that the friends of the mission had the satisfaction of knowing that Chrismas was to be a very happy day at that distant mission.

Unalaska Harbor being the natural stopping place for vessels passing from Seattle or San Francisco to the Yukon River, has grown into new importance through the gold discoveries, so much so that this present winter six iron steamers are being built in its harbor, employing some two or three hundred white workman, and there ought to be a Methodist minister stationed there that these men as well as the natives might have gospel privileges.

The coming and going of so many sailors make it very important that a hospital should be established at that place, which could be very appropriately done in connection with the Methodist mission work.

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