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TWO HUNDRED SCHOOL TEXT-BOOKS, Including the departments of English, Latin, Greek, French, Spanish, Italian, Hebrew, and Syriac; of which a complete

Descriptive Catalogue Will be sent gratis and pre-paid to those applying for it. JUST PUBLISHED

A First Greek Book and Introductory Reader. By Prof. A. Hark. ness, Ph. D., of Brown University, author of "Arnold's First Latin Book," "Second Latin Book," etc.

This work embraces, in one small volume, the leading features of the author's two Latin books. It is designed to conduct the pupil in a series of Lessons and Exercises through the Forms and Syntax of the language, and to give to him sufficient practice in translating, first classified sentences and then easy connected discourses in the form of Fables, Anecdotes, and Legends, to prepare him to enter with ease and success upon the consecutive study of such a work at the Anabasis of Xenophon.

A Greek Grammar, for Schools and Colleges. By James Hadley, Prof. in Yale College. 12mo. 366 pages. $1 25.

Prof. Hadley's long-expected Grammar is presented to the public in the confident belief that it will,in every respect, meet the wants of Academies and Colleges. It will be found clear in its language, accurate in its def. initions, judicious in its arrangement, and sufficiently comprehensive for all purposes, while it is free from that cumbrous array of datails so repulsive to the student.

Virgil's ENEID; with Explanatory Notes. By Henry S. Frieze, Prof. of Latin in the State University of Michigan. 12mo, eighty-five illustrations. 598 pages. $1 25.

Neither expense nor pains have been spared to clothe the great Latin Epic in a fitting dress. The type is unusually large and distinct. In a word, this work is commended to teachers as the most elegant, accurate, interesting, and practically useful edition of the Æneid that has yet been published.

Plato's Apology and Crito-with Notes. By W. S. Tyler, Graves Professor of Greek in Amherst College. 12mo. 180 pages. 75 cts. The Notes are particularly full and clear, and errors in the text have been guarded against with the very greatest care.

French Syntax. A Course of Exercises in all parts of French Syntax, methodically arranged after Poitevin's "Syntaxe Francaise:" to which are added ten appendices, designed for the use of Academies, Colleges, and Private Learners. By Frederick T. Winkelmann, A. M. & Ph. D., Prof. of Latin, French and German, in the Packer Collegiate Institute. 12mo. 366 pages. $125.

An Elementary Grammar of the Italian Language. Progressively arranged for the use of Schools and Colleges. By G. B. Fontana. 12mo. 236 pages. $1.

The object of this work is to present the language as spoken to-day, in its simplest garb, both theoretically and practically,

Spanish Grammar. A new, practical, and easy method of learning the Spanish Language, after the system of A. F. Ahn, Doctor of Philosophy, and Professor at the College of Neuss. First American edition, revised and enlarged. 12mo...149 pages, 75 cents; Key, 15 cents. Prof. Ahn's method is one of peculiar excellence, and has met with great success. It has been happily described in his own words: "Learn a

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foreign language as you learned your mother tongue"-in the same simple manner, and with the same natural gradations.

Course of Ancient Geography. Arranged with special reference to convenience of recitation. By Prof. H. I. Schmidt, D. D., of Columbia College. 12mo. 328 pages. $1.

The best authorities have been consulted, carefully compared, and freely ased throughout. No pains have been spared to render the work as correct as our knowledge of the ancient world will permit.

A Primary History of the United States. Made easy and interesting for beginners. By G. P. Quackenbos, A. M, author of Illustrated School History of the United States. Child's quarto. 200 pages, and numerous engravings. Price 50 cents.

Webster's Elementary Spelling-Book. A new edition, on good paper

Price 20 cents.

The ordinary edition of this work has the largest sale of any school book in the world, being nearly 1,500,000 copies per annum.

Fundamental Ideas of Mechanics, and Experimental Data. By A. Morin. Revised, translated, and reduced to English units of Measures. By Joseph Bennett, Civil Engineer. 1 vol. 8vo. 447 pages. $3.

D. A. & Co. invite the attention of Teachers and Committees to the following:

STANDARD EDUCATIONAL WORKS, All of which have stood the test of criticism, and received the strongest and most unqualified commendations from the Press, from Presidents and Professors of Colleges, Universities and Seminaries, and from Officers, Principals, and Teachers of the best Public and Private Schools throughout the United States.

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1 Quackenbos' Standard Text-Books

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Price 25 cents."

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A single copy of any of the above sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of onehalf of retail prices. Liberal terms made for first introduction.

D. APPLETON & CO., 443 & 445 Broadway, N. Y.

D. A. & Co. have on hand and for sale, a complete and large assortment of Ritchie's Philosophical Apparatus; of which Illustrated Catalogues sent by mail at 25 cents.

In Press, and nearly ready, Bryant & Stratton's Commercial Law. By Amos Dean, LL.D., President of Albany Law College. jan.-6m.


Fire and Life Insurance Agent,

Williston Block, Brattleboro, Vt.





Watches, Jewelry and Fancy Goods,

No. 7 Granite Row, Brattleboro, Vt. Watches and Jewelry Repaired.




Best Family Groceries Foreign and Domestic Fruits and Nuts, Flour and Salt, Produce, Farming Tools, etc. Hotel and Boarding House Keepers Supplied on Liberal One door North of the Post Office, Brattleboro, Vt.




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And Dealer in Watches and Jewelry, Silver, Fancy,and Toilet Goods. Standard Time by Transit Solar Observations, etc. Brattleboro, Vt. Jan 61-1y.



CUSTOM MADE FURNITURE! Such as Mahogany and Walnut Parlor Suites, Sofas, Chairs, French Rocking Chairs, Tables, Mirrors, &c. Carving, and Repairing Furniture done at short notice. Picture Frames of all Descriptions. Corner Main and High Sts., Brattleboro. Vt.




Silks, Shawls, Dress Goods, Gloves and Hosiery, Millinery, Embroideries, and Trimming Goods. No. 1 Granite Row, Brattleboro, Vermont,

jan. 61-1.

Boots! Shoes! and Rubbers!

The Subscriber keeps constantly on hand Ladies double sole Buskin and Congress Borts, Snow Boots, English Serge Boots, Gaiters, French and Fancy Slippers and Sandals, Rubber Boots, etc. Also, HATS and CAPS of the most fashionable styles. Gents' and Ladies' DRESS FURS, Umbrellas, Canes, etc. 4 Blake's Block, Brattleboro. D. W. LEWIS. do.


F. & A. SPEYER In the fie'd for the Winter Trade, 1861, with NEW GOODS, New Patcerns and LOW PRICES. Ladies! call and examine our Goods, and you will leave our establishment satisfied that we keep a Temple of Fancy," at Brattleboro, Vt. F. & A SPEYER. jan.61-ly.

Wholesale and Retail Dealers in


Ladies Fur



Trunks, Valises, Traveling-Bags, Caues. Whips, Umbrellas; Buck, Kid and Fur Gloves and Mitts; Fancy Fur and Buffalo Robes, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Central Block, Main-st.. Brattleboro, Vt.


-Dealer in



Also, Salt, W. I Goods, Groceries, &c., Blake's Block, Brattleboro, Vt.


Manufacturers of, and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in every description of CABINET FURNILURE.

Sofas, Chairs, Mirrors, Mattresses, Oval and Square Picture Frames of all descriptions.

Brattleboro, Vt., March 1861.



Dealers in Fancy and Staple


Dress Goods, Carpetings of every kind, Feathers, Mattresses, Paper Hangings, Window Shades, Table Cutlery, China, Crockery and Glass Ware, No. 6 Granite Row, Brattleboro, Vt.

[blocks in formation]


Dealer in Drugs, Chemicals, P'erfumery, Dental ad Surgical Instruments, Fine Hair, Tooth and Clothes Brushes, with Toilet preparations of every description. Physician's Prescriptions carefully compounded. THE PERFECT MELODEON WITHOUT AN EQUAL.

ALMOST EVERY MAIL from far and near bings to us some new evidence of the great favor and growing popularity of this beautiful instrument and abundant festimonials are constantly reaching us, proving conclusively that no other Reed Instrument contains so many excellencies as the PERFECT MELODEON with Base Damper and Harmonie Attachment

The Harmonic Attachment is the most valuable of modern improvements-by it the power of the Instrument is doubled without increasing its size or the No of Reeds Our newly invented HARMONIC ORGAN for Churches. Concert and Lecture Rooms has greater capacity and power than any other instrument made in the country, considering the price. It is far more simple and less liable to get out of order than other Reed Organs.

It contains only half as many reeds as other instruments of the same rower, and consequently not half the expense to keep in tune. It has a fine powerful PEDAŁ BASE with REEDS disconnected with the other part of the instrument.

Another entire new feature in the Melodeon enterprise is the FATENT HARP or Piano Attachment to the Melodeon.

This is rrecisely what its name iudicates, a combination of the Melodeon and Piano Forte, and meets precisely the warts and desires of a large class who have long been Anxious to see two instruments combined in Melodeon size In this unique instrument the Melodeon, or l'iane, may be played separately or combined. producing an effect unknown to any other instrument, and must be heard to be appreciated

We have arrangements w th some of the best Piano Makers to receive from them regularly l'ianos of the very best quality which will be sold at less than Boston prices Also. Pianos and Melodeons to rent.

All Instruments warranted and sent to any part of the country at our risk.
Brattleboro, Vt., Feb 1861-lyr

a place in the course of education as the electrical machine, the air-pump, or any portion of the philosophical, chemical, or mechanical apparatus. By a thorough trial, Wheeler & Wilson's machine has proved itself abundantly successful, and has shown that it is especially adapted to the instruction of beginners, as well as being unrivalled for the superiority and variety of its work."

Prof. W. F. Phelps, Principal of the N. J. State Normal School, says:

"Respecting the success attending the introduction of the Sew ing Machine of the Wheeler & Wilson Mfg. Co. into the Normal School, I would say that in many respects the plan has been highly successful. It has awakened a deep interest on the part of our young ladies in the application of scientific principles to the arts of life. It has opened up to them a new field for the exercise of their activity in a most pleasant and profitable way. It has tended to popularize labor by making it pleasant and attractive. Only a very small minority of those who have received instruction and practice in the use of the machine had ever before worked with one, and the exercise has been a great novetly as well as a great pleasure. One hour daily is devoted to the work. Each member of our graduating class is required to devote this amount of time to it, under the guidance of a teacher. Besides being a great source of improvement in an educational sense, I think it has popularized those labor and life-saving devices with a class of persons who would otherwise have been slow to comprehend and appreciate their value."

At an annual public examination of this School held in Trenton, a young lady explained the mechanical principles of the Sewing Machine, its mode of operation, and illustrated, by diagrams upon the blackboard, the various stitches made by Sewing Machines, and explained their merits and demerits. This exereise was received with great favor by a large and intelligent audience.

Dr. Blackall's Water-Cure



Is located at Brattleboro, Vt., and is open throughout the entire year, having special facilities for treatment of invalids during the winter months. It is com fortable and attractive, at all times, and has this peculiarity-No drug medicines of any kind, are used or allowed in the Institution, Hygienic means, alone, being employed in curing the sick.

Spinal Curvatures, General Debility, and all forms of chronic disease are sue cessfully treated, without the usual painful or nauseating practice. Let invalids make a note of this, and send for a circular containing full particulars regarding institution.

The Water-Cure World, a monthly journal of eight quarto pages, is pub hed from our Institute. It contains, each month, interesting articles upon the subject of health and the mode of its preservation; Disease, its prevention and eure, and a great deal of useful information upon kindred topics. Terms 50 cents per annum, Nobody can afford to do without it. Send for a specimen. Address, all casce, jan.'61-ly. C. R. BLACKALL, M. D., Brattleboro, Vt.

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