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Rosewood Cottage Piano, $150. Having rebuilt our Factory, greatly improved-saved our old dry stock of lumber, etc.; we are again prepared to furnish our superior Pianos of all kinds.


Our regular styles of Piano Fortes, 6 1-2, 6 3-4, 7 and 7 1-4 octave we continue to make with all the late improvements, at from $200 to $500, according to size and finish. Large discounts to eash buyers."

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lilustrated Price Lists and Circulars Furnished on Application.

All our Piano Fortes have our great improvement, the

Patent Insulated Iron Rim and Frame, Making them the best and most durable in the world.

These Pianos are being adopted in all the large Seminaries and Schools in this country, being found far more durable and keeping in tune longer than any Pianos Made in the old way with wooden



Satisfaction guarantied or money refunded.

BOARDMAN, GRAY & CO., Manufacturers.


All operations done in the best manner and warranted.




Watches, Jewelry and Fancy Goods,

No. 7 Granite Row, Brattleboro, Vt. Watches and Jewelry Repaired.




Best Family Groceries Foreign and Domestic Fruits and Nuts, Flour and Salt, Produce, Farming Tools, etc. Hotel and Boarding House Keepers Supplied on Liberal Terms. One door North of the Post Office, Brattleboro, Vt.




And Dealer in Watches and Jewelry, Silver, Fancy, and Toilet Goods. Standard Time by Transit Solar Observations.




jan 61-ly

CUSTOM MADE FURNITURE! Such as Mahogany and Walnut Parlor Suites, Sofas, Chairs, French Rocking Chairs, Tables, Mirrors, &c. Carving, and Repairing Furniture done at short notice. Picture Frames of all Descriptions. Corner Main and High Sts., Brattleboro, Vt.

[blocks in formation]




Silks, Shawls, Dress Goods, Gloves and Hosiery, Millinery, Embroideries, and Trimming Goods. No. 1 Granite Row, Brattle


[blocks in formation]

Shoes! and Rubbers!

The Subscriber keeps constantly on hand Ladies double sole Buskin and Congress Bocts, Snow Boots, English Serge Boots, Gaiters, French and Fancy Slippers and Sandals, Rubber Boots, etc. Also, HATS and CAPS of the most fashionable styles. Gents' and Ladies' DRESS FURS, Umbrellas, Canes, etc. 4 Blake's Block, Brattleboro. D. W. LEWIS. do.

66 Temple of Fancy.99 F. & A. SPEYER,

In the field for the Summer Trade, 1861, with NEW GOODS, New Patcerns and LOW PRICES. Ladies! call and examine our Goods, and you will leave our establishment satisfied that we keep a "Temple of Fancy," at Brattle) oro, Vt. F. & A. SPEYER. jan.61-ly.


Wholesale and Retail Dealers in



Ladies Fur
Fur Goods,

Trunks, Valises, Traveling-Bags, Canes, Whips, Umbrellas; Buck, Kid and Fur Gloves and Mitts; Fancy Fur and Buffalo Robes, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Central Block, Main-st., Brattleboro, Vt.

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ALL THE VARIOUS KINDS OF FLOUR GRAIN AND FEED. Also, Salt, W. I. Goods, Groceries, &c., Blake's Block, Brattleboro, Vt. DWINELL & BLISS

Manufacturers of, and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in every description of CABINET FURNITURE.

Sofas, Chairs, Mirrors, Mattresses, Oval and Square Picture Frames of all descriptions.

Brattleboro, Vt., March 1861.




Dealers in Fancy and Staple



Dress Goods, Carpetings of every kind, Feathers, Mattresses, Paper Hangings, Window Shades, Table Cutlery, China, Crockery and Glass Ware, No. 6 Granite Row, Brattleboro, Vt.

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Dealer in Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Dental and Surgical Instruments, Fine Hair, Tooth and Clothes Brushes, with Toilet preparations of every description. Physician's Prescriptions carefully compounded. THE PERFECT MELODEON WITHOUT AN EQUAL.

ALMOST EVERY MAIL from far and near brings to us some new evidence of the great favor and growing popularity of this beautiful instrument, and abundant testimonials are constantly reaching us, proving conclusively that no other Reed Instrument contains so many excellencies as the PERFECT MELODEON with Base Damper and Harmonic Attachment.

The Harmonic Attachment is the most valuable of modern improvements-by it the power of the Instrument is doubled without increasing its size or the No of Reeds Our newly invented HARMONIC ORGAN for Churches, Concert and Lecture Rooms has greater capacity and power than any other instrument made in the country, considering the price. It is far more simple and less liable to get out of order than other Reed Organs.

It contains only half as many reeds as other instruments of the same power, and consequently not half the expense to keep in tune. It has a fine powerful PEDAL BASE with REEDS disconnected with the other part of the instrument.

Another entire new feature in the Melodeon enterprise is the PATENT HARP or Piano Attachment to the Melodeon.

This is rrecisely what its name indicates, a combination of the Melodeon and Piano Porte, and meets precisely the wants and desires of a large class who have long been anxious to see two instruments combined in Melodeon size. In this unique instrument the Melodeon, or l'iano, may be played separately or combined, producing an effect unknown to any other instrument, and must be heard to be appreciated.

We have arrangements with some of the best Piano Makers to receive from them regularly Pianos of the very best quality which will be sold at less than Boston prices. Also, Pianos and Melodeons to rent.

All Instruments warranted and sent to any part of the country at our risk.
Brattleboro, Vt., Feb 1861.-1yr.






Hamilton's Lectures on Metaphysics and Logic.-With Notes from Original Materials, and an Appendix containing the latest Development of his new Logical Theory. By Sir WILLIAM HAMILTON, Bart., Edited by H. LONGUEVILLE MANSEL, B D., Oxford, and JOHN VEITCH, A. M., Edinburgh.. 2 vols, royal 8vo. Cloth, $3,00 each.

The above masterly works of Sir William Hamilton have been received with emi nent favor by scholars, and are fast taking their place as text-books in leading colleges throughout the country. They combine the profoundest thinking with clear and popular statement. The highest commendations are confessedly below their merits. The Earth and Man; Lectures on Comparative Physical Geography, in its relation to the History of Mankind. By ARNOLD GUYOT. With Illustrations. 12mo. cloth, $1,25.

Prof. Louis Agassiz, of Harvard University, says: "It will not only render the study of geography more attractive, but actually show it in its true light"

"The grand idea of the work is happily expressed by the author, where he calls it the "geographical march of history." Sometimes we feel as if we were studying a treatise on the exact sciences; at others, it strikes the ear like an epic poem. Now it reads like history, and now it sounds like prophecy. It will find readers in whatever language it may be published."-Christian Examiner.

"The work is one of high merit, exhibiting a wide range of knowledge, great research, and a philosophical spirit of investigation."—Silliman's Journal.

Popular Geology. With Descriptive Sketches from a Geologist's Portfolio By HUGH MILLER. With a Resume of the Progress of Geological Science during the last Two Years. By Mrs. Miller. 12mo, Cloth, $1,25.

Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases, so Classified and Arranged as to facilitate the Expression of Ideas and assist in Literary Composition. By PETER MARK ROGET, late Secretary of the Royal Society, etc. With a List of Foreign Words defined in English, and other additions, by BARNAS SEARS, D. D., President of Brown University. 12mo, cloth, $1,50.

"A work of great utility. It will give a writer the word he wants, when that word is on the tip of his tongue, but altogether beyond his reach "-N. Y. Times.

A work of great merit, admirably adapted as a reference-book for Schools and Colleges, and of high importance to every American scholar. It has become of standard authority, both in this country and Great Britain, and is regarded as indispensable by many distinguished scholars who already possess it.

Paley's Natural Theology. With Selections from the Notes of Dr. Paxton, Additional Notes, Original and Selected, and a Vocabulary of Scientific Terms. Edited by JOHN WARE, MD. With forty elegant newly engraved Plates. 12mo, cloth, embossed, $1,25.

This work is very generally introduced into our Schools and Colleges throughout the country. It is the best and most complete work of the kind extant.

Guyot Mural Maps. A series of elegant Colored Maps for the Recitation Room, exhibiting the Physical Phenomena of the Globe. By Professor ARNOLD GuYor, viz :



$9,00 9,00

These elegant and entirely original Mural Maps are projected on a large scale, so that when suspended in the recitation room they may be seen from any point, and the delineations without difficulty traced distinctly with the eye. They are beautifully printed in colors, and neatly mounted for use.

Practical Exercises in English Composition; or, The Young Com poser's Guide By W. S. BARTON, A. M. 12mo, half mor, 75 cents.

"An admirable book, decidedly the best of the kind we have ever seen.”—Providence Transcript.

GOULD & LINCOLN, Publishers,

59 Washington St., Boston.




Wells' (D. A.) First Principles of Geology, 333 pages, 12mo; 240 superior engravings. Retail price 75 cents. This work is especially deecriptive and industrial, and furnishes an elementary outline of Geologya brief course of study adapted to the limited time allotted to that branch in most High Schools, Academies, etc.

Gray's Botanies, School and College Edition, Price Reduced.-The object of this edition is to furnish classes of students the acknowledged best works on Botany, at as low prices as the inferior works hitherto used in many schools. How Plants Grow: 500 cuts, 75 cents. Gray's Manual and Lessons: 360 Engravings; price reduced to $2,00.

Sanders' New Illustrated Readers.-Lately completed. The earlier numbers have new and superior engravings, and a fresh and clear typography, rivalling in these respects the several later series which have sought to compete with them, while the price of Sanders remains still 20 per cent balow the others.

The paging, and the reading matter remain unaltered, so that this and the previous editions of the New Series can be used in the same classes.

The Analysis of English Words (based on Dr. McElligott's Analytical Manual,) a Primary Speller, a set of Alphabetic Cards, and a beautiful series of Charts, printed in colors, for the walls of the school room, are among the recent additions to the Series.

Sanders' Primary Readers, Nos. 1, 2 and 3.-These volumes constitute an entirely New Series, both in matter and illustration, for those who may wish a change of books from Sanders' regular Series. They are also arranged to be used INTERMEDIATELY with Sanders' regular Series of New Readers, in large graded schools.

Sanders and Mess' German and English Series of Readers and Speller. The Speller and first Reader are ready; the second Reader is in press. Hickok's Rational Psychology.-A new, revised edition, much improved.

Robinson's Analytical Geometry and Conic Sections--8vo. Revised and improved. Price $1,50.

Robinson's New Geometry and Trigonometry, re-written and enlarged; 8vo, 420 pages. Price $1,50.

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Robinson's Rudiments of Written Arithmetic, for beginners in graded schools. 16mo, 192 pages. Price 25 cents.

Spencerian Penmanship, Revised.--Newly and beautifully engraved upon steel plates, in fac-simile of the author's hand. The School Series is complete in 5 Numbers; Business Series in 2 Numbers, and Ladies' Penmanship in 2 Numbers. Two Books of Exercises on all the movements of the fingers, hand, wrist and arm, just issued.

Bryant & Stratton's Primary or Common School Bookkeeping, 200 pages. A clear and attractive class book for beginners. Bryant & Stratton's High School Book-keeping, beautifully printed in colors. Price $1,75. The Counting-House Edition in


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