Imagens das páginas

great interest, 725; state of the
question, 726; some form of re-
ligion, the only sufficient basis of
the State, 727; the connection be-
tween religion and the welfare of
the State shown on philosophical
principles, 728; proved from facts,
730; our own country no excep-
tion, 731; religion must be taught
by the State, 732; the religion of
this country, that of the Bible, 733;
hence the Bible should be taught
in American schools, 733; the use
of the Bible necessary to secure the
public weal, 735; objection urged
by the Romanist, 737; Protestant
countries superior to Roman Cath-
olic countries, 738; the objection
from conscience, to the use of the
Bible in schools, 740; the duty of
the State to maintain its religion
does not involve the right of perse-
cution, 741.

Brodie's Psychological Iquiries, no-
ticed, 210.

Boardman, Prof. G. N., article by, on
the Works of Rev. Augustus Top-
lady, 808.


Chalmers, Dr., Theology, article on,
by Rev. J. M. Manning, 477.
Cheever, G. B. Rev., article by, on
Slavery, 1.
Correspondence, Editorial, 665.

Dana, James D., article by, 80.
Davidson, on the Hebrew Text of the

Old Testament, noticed, 664.
Demands of Infidelity satisfied by
Christianity, the, article on, by
Samuel Harris, D. D., 272: the
true relation of Christianity to hea-
thenism, 272; Christianity sustains
the same relation to infidelity, 273;
Christianity satisfies all the de-
mands of infidelity, 275; it satisfies
the demand of the human mind for
an established law, order, or course
of nature, 275; it discloses the true
comprehensiveness of that order of
things, in which the unity of the
universe is found, 278; it recog-
nizes those elements essential to the
very idea of a plan, efficient and

final causes, 280; Christianity satis-
fies the demand of infidelity for a
religion that shall fit man for this
life and this world, 284; faith in
God necessary to human perfection,
285; Christianity a system of faith
and redemption, and not one of hu-
man sufficiency and morality, 288;
Christianity satisfies the demand of
the mind for a religion of progress,
290; man to be considered either
as an individual, or as a part of an
organization, 291; the recognition
of man's individuality must precede
the recognition of his organic rela-
tions, 292; Christianity thus recog-
nizes man, 292; it then proceeds
to the organic, 295; the doctrines
of Christianity, the elements of hu-
man liberty and progress, 296;
proved from history, 296; espec-
ially in the case of Protestant Chris-
tianity, 297; and more especially,
of Protestantism in New England,
299; Protestantism, a perpetual
exposure of the incapacity of infi-
delity, 302; Protestantism, unjustly
blamed as a failure, 303; yet the
charge, in some measure, true, 304;
Christianity satisfies the demand of
the human mind for æsthetic emo-
tion and culture, 306; the nature
of Christianity, at first in seeming
antagonism to the culture of the
beautiful, 309; the work imposed
by Christianity is always to realize
a perfect ideal, 309; in its doctrine
and spirit it possesses the essential
element of the aesthetic nature, 310.
Demonstration of the Divine Existence,
article on, by Rev. Daniel P. Noyes,
388: miraculousness involved in
the very idea of existence, 388;
something really existent, 389;
something always has existed, 390 ;
an original and eternal Power,
and all things either embraced
within this, or spring from it, 390;
this original Power not dependent
on any other power, 391; this Power
not limited, 392; it is infinite in
kinds and directions, and absolute
in each kind and direction, 393; it
is infinite in extent or space, that is,
is omnipresent, 395; this Power
cannot be supposed to have the in-

tensity and energy of its action |
continually lessened, 395; this
original Power must be supposed
to be unlimited, 396; this original
Power, immutable, 397; it is al-
ways active, 397; it must be always
active, whether it be material or
spiritual, 398; it must always be
active outwardly, 398; this eter-
nal Power is one, 400; it is one,
whether physical or spiritual, 400;
it is not divided in time, 400; nor
in space, 401; nor in kind, 401; the
universe, not an endless flux, 402;
not an infinite series, 402; this
eternal Power is spiritual and per-
sonal, 406; this original Power in-
volves and contains all finite pow-
ers, 407; two modes in which, if a
purely natural power, it may be
supposed to contain all finite
powers, each finite power being
supposed to be a real entity, 407;
or being supposed to be an eternal
tendency, 408; or the original
Power may be supposed to be spir-
itual, and so containing all finite
powers, each considered either as a
specific reality or as an idea-decree,
408; argument to prove the spirit-
uality of this original Power, 412;
the universe contains finite natural
powers, 412; the universe contains
finite spiritual powers, 413; that
which is material cannot become
personal, 414; the original Power
must have been at least partly spir-
itual and personal, 415; it must
have been, if partly personal, domi-
nantly personal, 416; it is the es-
sential nature of spiritual powers to
use those which are material, 416;
it is the nature of matter to be used
by spirit, 417; and the two can-
not be conceived as existing to-
gether except in this relation, 417;
the personal is that which alone is
power, 418; the original element
of the materialist, cannot be, prop-
erly, either one or original, 420;
the one original of the materialist
not even an ocean of one pure ele-
ment; it is many elements, at least
two, 423; the unity of the materi-
alist, while a natural power, cannot
be matter, 425; what is the origi-
VOL. XIII. No. 52.


inal position of this power? 426;
the beginning cannot be found in
that which is merely natural and
under the law of cause and effect,
428; no power which is one, can
be omnipresent, except it be spirit-
ual, 430; no absolute beginning
conceivable, except in will, 430;
no true unity that is not personal,
432; all natural forces, divisible,
432; every person must be con-
ceived of as absolutely one, 433;
no conceivable original for the uni-
verse, save a personal author, 434;
the existence of God, not so diffi-
cult to account for, as the existence
of a universe without God, 435.


English Studies, article on, by Prof.
W. G. T. Shedd, 325.
Existence of God, article on, by Rev.
Daniel P. Noyes, 388.


Felt's Ecclesiastical History of New
England, noticed, 663.
Figurative Language of the Scriptures,
article on, by Rev. Edward Robie,
314 distinction between the figu-
rative and the literal use of words,
314; the great majority of words,
in all languages, figurative, 315;
the Bible abounds in the use of
figurative language, 316; exam-
ples of this use in the Bible, 317;
principles to be used in the inter-
pretation of the figurative language
of the Bible, 318; acquaintance
with the sources from which the
figures used in Scripture are drawn,
318; no necessity of a change of
figurative language into literal
terms, 319; the cultivation of the
imagination an important aid, 321;
a recognition of the inadequacy of
figures of speech fully to express
spiritual truth, 322.


Gieseler's Church History, last vol-
ume noticed, 218.
Griffin, Prof. N. H., article on the

Place and Condition of the De-
parted, 153.


Hackett, Prof. H. B., article by, on
Plutarch's Work, on the Delay of
Providence in Punishment, 609.
Hackett's Illustrations of Scripture,
noticed, 221.

Harris, Prof. Samuel, article by, on
Infidelity and Christianity, 272.
Haven, Prof. Joseph, article by, on the
Moral Faculty, 229.

Heber's (Bishop) Memoir, noticed,660.
Hickok, L. P., D. D., article by, 48
Historical and Legal Judgment of the
Old Testament Scriptures against
Slavery, the, article on, by George
B. Cheever, D. D., 1: patriarchal
establishments of Isaac and Jacob,
1; captives in war, 4; the first in-
stance of man-stealing, 6; condi-
tion of the Israelites in Egypt, 7;
nature of tributary servitude, 9;
case of the Canaanites generally,
and of the Gibeonites particularly,
9; case of the Nethinim, 12; case
of the servants of the captive Jews,
14; case of the children of Solo-
mon's servants, and of the strangers
appointed to labor, 16; the exodus
from Egypt and the mixed multi-
tude; law of the passover, 21; re-
ligious privileges of servants; law
of the sabbath, 23; the year-sab-
bath and the annual feasts, 26;
time and treatment of the Hebrew
servant, 28; the six-years' contract,
28; phraseology for contracts with
servants, 38; what is proved by
the law against man-stealing, 43;
statute for the protection of op-
pressed fugitives, 359; the law
providing for this protection, with-
out restriction or limitation, 363;
not confined to heathen slaves, 364;
this statute demonstrates the im-
possibility of property in man, 367;
institution and law of the jubilee,
376; it was a law of religious
equality and dignity, 376; the
original act of oppression, branded
as a crime, and to be punished
with death, 376; the right of self-
possession guaranteed, 377; a law
for the protection of the fugitive,
combined with the law of the jubi-
lee, 377; universality of the appli-
cation of the law of jubilee, 378;

specific enactments of the law of ju-
bilee, 575; clause, relating to per-
sonal liberty, 576; mistake of
Trench on this subject, 578; er-
rors in the received translation of
the Bible, 580; second clause, re-
lating to personal liberty, 583;
third clause, relating to personal
liberty, 586; the phrase in respect
to legal servitude, connected with
this clause, refers to a period no
longer than to the jubilee, 593;
fourth clause relating to personal
liberty, 597; general argument
from the after-history, 604.
History and Repository of Pulpit Elo-
quence, by Rev. H. C. Fish, no-
ticed, 657.

History and Theology of the Three
Creeds, noticed, 658.


Imprecatory Psalms, the, article on, by
John J. Owen, D. D., 551: these
psalms,seized upon by the enemies of
the Bible, as a strong argument
against its divinity, 552; they have
occasioned trouble to good men,
552; they cannot be considered as
mere predictions, 552; they can-
not be satisfactorily explained by
applying a peculiar theory of in-
spiration, 554 ; no theory, on which
they can be explained, short of
plenary inspiration, 555; the con-
sonance of the state of mind mani-
fested in these psalms with the
spirit of charity, as described
in the New Testament, 556; the
righteous will hereafter look
with approbation on the suffer-
ings of the lost, 556; such ap-
probation expressed in various
parts of the New Testament, 557;
some of these psalms, Messianic,
and may be properly regarded as
the language of the Messiah, 560;
the forms of expression in these
psalms, not so cold-blooded as to
preclude the idea of their author's
being inspired, 561; that they some-
times include the families of the
wicked, not a conclusive objection,


Influence and Method of English

Studies, the, article on, by Prof.

William G. T. Shedd, 325: struc-|


ture and history of the English lan- Knight's Commentary on Romans,
guage, greatly neglected, 325; the

high claims of this branch of study,

326; the only remedy for this su-

noticed, 448.



Lippincott's Pronouncing Gazetteer of
the World, noticed, 215.


perficial knowledge of our lan- Lewis, Prof., Letter from, 471.
guage, to be found in its study in Lepsius's Universal Linguistic Alpha-
all and especially in its older pe- bet, article on, by Joseph S. Ropes,
riods, 329; the effect of a tho-
rough acquaintance with English
literature, in vivifying our classic
culture and preventing an ungenial
and artificial classicism, 330; the
difference between the ancient and
the modern mind, 331; importance
of counteracting the tendency to
formalism, 334; this can be best
done by the study of English lite-
rature, 334; it is the most univer-
sal and generic of the literatures of
modern Europe, 334; the peculiar
and powerful influence of the
Christian religion upon its forma-
tion and development, 336; the
effect of English studies in promot-
ing excellence in the style of
thought and expression, 338; char-
acteristics of the elder writers, 339;
the elder literature singularly
thoughtful and sincere, 354; its
calmness, not accompanied by dul-
ness, 344; the literature of the age
of Elizabeth, thoroughly alive, 345;
the influence of this elder literature,
eminently catholic and liberalizing,
346; English literature should be
made the subject of etymological
study and philological analysis, 349;
the study should commence with
Chaucer, 350; in Chaucer, the
language first appears in a tolera-
bly fixed form, 350; only when
made the subject of close study, for
a long time, can Chaucer be under-
stood and appreciated, 353; in the
study of the English language and
literature, the productions of the
greatest minds should be used, 355;
influence of German literature up-
on the student, 357; this influence
happily counteracted by the study
of the greatest English writers, 357.
Intelligence, Theological and Literary,
Germany, 222, 459, 668, 891; Eng-
land, 225, 465, 670, 893; Scotland,
676; United States, 228, 469, 679.

Manning, Rev J. M., article by, on
the Theology of Dr. Chalmers, 477.
Moral Faculty, the, article on, by Prof.
J. Haven, 229: the inquiry one of
difficulty and importance, 229; the
existence of a moral faculty in man,
229; nature and authority of con-
science, 230; analysis of an act of
conscience, 231; such an act in-
volves a perception of a creed as
right or wrong, 234; the origin of
these ideas of right and wrong, 235;
not referrible to education and imi-
tation, 236; not derived from legal
restrictions and enactments, 236;
not due to a special sense, 237;
these ideas of right and wrong do
not originate in the principle of as-
sociation, 239; are they the pro-
duct of the faculty of judgment?
242; the ideas of right and wrong
are intuitive, 243; an act of con-
science involves the perception of
obligation, 244; what constitutes
the ground of this obligation? 245;
four answers to this question, 246:
the answer of ultilitarianism, 246;
objections to this answer, 249; diffi-
cult to know what will promote the
interest of the greatest number,
251; utilitarianism, at variance with
facts, 252; utilitarianism supposes
moral obligation, and therefore can-
not be its ground, 253; positive
enactments not the foundation of
moral obligation, 253; is the will
of God the foundation of moral ob-
ligation? 255; objections to this
idea, 255; notions of Chalmers on
this point, 258; right and wrong
do not lie in the nature and char-
acter of God, 260; the distinction
between right and wrong is immu-

table and inherent in the nature of
things, 261; a third element in an
act of conscience, is the perception
of merit and demerit, with the con-
sequent approbation or censure of
the agent, 264; how far the de-
cisions of conscience are correct
and reliable, 264; the power of con-
science over the human mind, 270.
Mosaic Narrative of the Creation, con-
sidered Grammatically, Materially,
and in its Relations to Science, the,
article on, by Prof. E. P. Barrows,

1: 2, 765; of Gen. 1: 3 & 4, 768;
of Gen. 1:5, 769; of Gen. 1: 6—8,
771; of Gen. 1: 9, 10, 773; of Gen.
1:11-13, 774; of Gen. 1: 14—16,
778; of Gen. 1: 20-23, 780; of
Gen. 1: 24, 25, 783; of Gen. 1:
26-28, 784; of Gen. 1: 29, 30,
787; of Gen. 1: 31, 788; of Gen.
2: 1-3, 788.


Nationality, article on, by Prof. A. S.
Packard, 173: the spirit of na-
tionality, an all-pervading and most
sensitive element of national char-
acter, 173; it has a lasting, inde-
structible power, 174; it has great
influence in the history of nations
and people,177; difference between
the influence of race and of nation-
ality, 178; illustrations of the influ-
ence of race, 180; long-continued
prosperity, dependent on a strong
spirit of nationality, 182; what is
the true idea, the nature, of this
spirit of nationality? 183; the love
of what one feels to be his own, 184;
historical reminiscences, a source of
national spirit, 185; the literature
of a nation is a source of national
feeling, 187; the system of public
education, a source of this feeling,
190; effect of the religious element,
194government and laws, a source
of nationality, 195; uses of this dis-
cussion, 199.

different kinds of treatment
with which this narrative has met,
743; the facts of geology, entirely
neglected by one class of interpret-
ers, 743; the facts of geology, ad-
mitted by another class, and turned
against the sacred narrative, 744;
the narrative of the creation, when
interpreted grammatically, should
be compared with the discoveries
of modern science, 746; exposition
of Gen. 1: 1, 748; force of the He-
brew word, translated "to create,"
749; views of Prof. Lewis as to its
meaning, 749; the idea of creation,
purely spiritual, 751; the idea of an
absolute Creator, handed down
from the Old Testament to the
writers of the New Testament, 755;
all purely spiritual ideas, originally
expressed by analogies drawn from
the world of sense, 757; the ques-
tion as to what words, originally ex-
pressive of physical ideas, come to
represent spiritual ideas, one of fact,
and not of a priori reasoning, 758;
in order to discover the meaning of
many verbs in the Hebrew, the
different conjugations must be care-
fully distinguished, 759; the mean-
ing of the Hebrew word, translated
"to create," examined on these
principles, 760; its meaning in Pi- O'Hanlon, Rev. W. M., article by, on
el, 760; in Kal and Niphal, 761; the Sabbath, 520.
these forms of the verb never ap- Owen, Prof. John J., article by, on
plied to human operations, 762; the Imprecatory Psalms, 551.
the idea of Divine power, appro-
priate to all the cases where these

Norton's Translation of the Gospels,
noticed, 437.

Norton's Internal Evidences of the
Genuineness of the Gospels, no-
ticed, 441.

Noyes, Rev. Daniel P., article by, on
the Divine Existence, 388.



forms are used, which is not true of Packard, Prof. A. S., article by,

any other idea, 762; this shown
by presenting a synoptical view of
passages where these forms are
used, 763; interpretation of Gen. Perpetual Sin and Omnipotent Good-

on Nationality, 173.

Park, Prof. E. A., article by, on Me-
moir of Judge Phillips, 853.


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