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ERRATA. For page 601, in the folio, read, 106; page 400 is printed 300.

[blocks in formation]

Air, mephitic, how to purify, 259-Vibration of, 319.

Alasco, of Mr. Shee, extracts from, 336.

Album, lines written in, 291.

Algiers, description of, 379.

Alix and Berenga, or the Fountain of Love, 97.

Allegory: the horse race, 41.

Alliteration, specimen of, 356.

Almanack, perpetual, with engravings, 257.
Alphabet, whimsical concert respecting, 268.
Ambiguous sentence, 40.
Ambition (sonnet) 12.

America, diversified climate of, 43-Discovery of, 135-
North-west coast of, British, Russian and American

claims to, 266, 273.

American packet-ship Pacific described, 338.
American humour, 244.

Anagrams, 183-Latin one, 409.

Anecdotes, 71-(xe Chit Chat, &c.) in almost every


André, Major, anecdotes of, 80.

Andrew, Saint, a wit, 235.

Angel of Death (verses) 76.

Animal remains, 111, 155.

Animal sagacity, 244.

Acimalculæ, surprising, 207.

Antimony discovered near Keswick, 406.
Antipathies, 435.

ANTIQUITIES, 3, 19, 35, 35, 45, 70, 70, 78, 98, 95, 104,
111, 119, 131, 142, 179, 182, 182, 197, 208, 254, 266,

266,283,291, 347, 407, 434.

Atymous letter, from L'Hermite de la Chaussée d'An-

th, 169.

Apprentice, the youngest, letter from, 67.
Apprenticeship, letter respecting, 351.
Apprentices and Mechanics' Library, at Liverpool, 24, 88,
23, 425-Report of the origin, progress, and present
State of, 255-Objections raised to, 320.

April in London, 345.

Apparitions, theory of, 258.

Arabian figures, curious particulars of, 62.
Architecture, &c. on the study of, 259.

Architectural perfection, 19.

Architecture and sculpture, 109.

Armour, splendid piece of, 35.

ARTS, FINE, 11, 13, 72, 79, 81, 109, 127, 259, 295-At a
webb in Queen Elizabeth's reign, 3-see Liverpool

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Arthur, lines by G. after reading, 148.

Arillery improvements, 126.

Atete tribe, 372, 379.

A Master, extraordinary musical genius, 407.

Asaph on an, 156.

Astronomical notice, 138.

Atlantic and Pacific, junction of-see Darien.

Arberical phenomena, 38, 53, 243, 284.

Autistering phraseology, 147.

Abors, angry remark of the Editor to, 168.

Aa, lines on, by G. 164-Last leaf of, 172.
Aga, lines addressed to, 368.

[blocks in formation]

Balloons, the Editor's remarks on, 116-Used in war, 130
-Proposed improvements in, and engraving of, 185-
Recommended for the Polar expedition, 252.
Bandy, game of, a great nuisance, 192.
Bankers and Booksellers, 88.

Bankrupt, exemplary honesty of, 54.
Bards, dormitory, 68.

Bark, Peruvian, use of, accidentally discovered, 223.
Barometer, cheap and simple, 77-Periodical rise and fall
of the, 155-Marine, the great utility of, 192.
Batavian anthology, 309.

Bathos, specimen of, 316.
Battle, field of, 163.

Bear, encounter with a, 163.

Beards, persecutions on account of, 55.

Beau ideal of artists, exemplified, 295.

Beauty, raphsody on, 136-Verses on, 376.


Cadiz and its environs, 48, 93-With a plan, 85, 93.
Caius Gracchus, prologue to, 196.
Caledonia, the harp of, 102.
Caligula's horse, eulogy on, 178.
Canal, great American, 207.
Cancer, alleged remedy for, 39.

Candle, mode of causing to give the best light, 302.
Caoutchouc mineral, 88.

Capital, on the accumulation of, 367.
Captive fox to his master, 230.
Cardinals' red hats, origin of, 311.

Carpet, tests of a good, 135.

Carthagena, description of, 52.

Carving, ancient laws of, 254.

Case, singular, of a disordered patient, 259.
Cat and rat good friends, 399.

Beelzebub's improvements of the steam-engine, for the Catacombs of Kiev in Russia, 171.

purposes of war, 49.

Bees, singular fact relative to, 406.
Beethoven, the composer, becomes deaf, 4.

"Behold those ruins," 248.-Bells, enormous, 35, 78.
Belzoni, the traveller, notices of, 23, 53, 111, 372, 376.
Bergamot oranges, 406.-Bernard, Saint, convent of, 406
Beranger, a short account of, 288.

Bertha, Queen, saddle of, 287.

Best, Mr. Justice, professional sketch of, 17.
Bible converted to a singular use, 78.
Bibliomania, 407.

"Bid me not love the lyre," 212.
Billiard tables, patent, of metal, 155.

Catalani, Madame, 263, 300.

Cato and Carnot compared, 286.
Caul of a child, 405.

Cement, invisible, 38-Cement, recipe for, 190.
Cemetery, new, proposed in Liverpool, 96, 96.
Ceylon, island, state of, 19.

Chandlers' nuisances, prevention of, 24.

Characteristics, 274.

Charade, 61.

[blocks in formation]

Bowditch, Mr. appeal in favour of the widow of, 844 Classical education, 13, 18, 25, 31, 84, 62, 65, 72, 73, 74,
Narrative of, 344.

Boyish days, remembrance of, 216.

Bradburn, the preacher, lines by, 61.

84, 103, 138, 146, 366-see Literature, Polite, and

Clans, Scottish, 200.

Braham, Mr. letter in commendation of, 120-Verses Clarkson's memoirs of Penn, lines written after reading,

addressed to, 132.

Brewery, immense, 405.
Brewers, important hint to, 291.
Brown, Mr. reception of, on the London boards, 125.
"British ground" (verses) 76.
Bugs, mode of destroying, 67.

Buildings, mode of raising and removing, bodily, 13.
Bull, John, state of the affairs of, by Sir W. Scott, 30.
Bullion payments, 442.

Bulls, 319, 319-see Bon Mots.

Bullock, Mr. returns from Mexico, with curiosities, 208
-Extracts from his account, 283-Exhibition of, 354.
Buns, superior, how to make, 219.
Burgoyne, General, notice of, 114.

Burns's (Robert) monument at Ayr, 88-Lines on the
mausoleum of, 204.

Burns and scalds, remedy for, 67.

[blocks in formation]

Belle, vive la," puzzles, conundrums, &c, 205, 212 Byron, Lord, works of, Editor's opinion respecting, 296-

-Editorial vindication of-see Vive la Bagatelle.
Fame, Lake, and Glacier, 125.

fancy-see Fancy.


B. Mr. Green's ascent in, 43-Mr. Sadler's ditto,
152, 166-Aspiring amateur, in, 338, 338.

Bacchanalian song by, 368-Selections from the Don
Juan of, 368-Original monody on, 396-Memoirs of,
397-Lines on a skull, 404-Memoirs of, by Sir Walter
Scott, 410-Unpublished verses of, 424-Original let-
ter on, 420-M. Dupin's eulogium on, 425-Vindica-
tion of, 436-Eulogy of a Greek chieftain on, 443.

92.-Cleanliness and order, maxims of, 204.
Clock, miraculous-see Miraculous.

Coach-office, from the French, 278.-Coals-see Fuel.
Cobbett's writings, strictures on, 139.

Cobbler, lines by a-see Bradburn, the preacher.
Cockroaches, mode of destroying, 92.

Coffee, improved mode of preparing, 13-As a beverage,
accidentally discovered, 223-Imitation, 435.
Colds, prevention of, 283, 329.
Colonial compensations, 291.

Colony, new, at Tristan de Cunha, 387.
Collective wisdom, an excellent quiz, 418, 422.
Collyer's (Dr.) essay on Ethics-see Ethics.

Comet, re-appearance of, 40-Curious calculation respect-
ing a, 131-Visible in England, 216-Comets, 275.
Constancy, by G. 316.

Content, search for, by G. 416.

Conundrums, the use of, 212, 224, 241-see Vive la Baga.

Cooking, chemical principles of, 59.

Copper for ships' bottoms, how to preserve, 265.
Cork, described by Derrick, 408, 423, 433.
Corn, on the high prices of, 367.
Corns, remedy for, 420.
Corporation, characterized, 425.
Corpse, discovery of a, 111-Tried and found guilty, 311,
Correspondents, disappointed, 343.
Cosmetic for the skin, 249.

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Damp beds, test of, 329, 354.-Dandy officers, 387.
Darien, canal proposed to be cut through, to unite the
Atlantic and Pacific oceans, 137, 153, 160, 164, 165-
A map illustrative of, 165, 173, 187, 191.
Deare, the sculptor, letter respecting, 294.
Deaf ear, turning to a friend, 212.
Death, re-union of friends after, 396.
Death-watch, 208-Dreadful, 311.

Debating societies, letter respecting, 356.

Dee river, changes in the channel of the, 35.

Deluge, another, threatened, 406.

Deluge, geology of the-see Geology.

Derrick's letters, 380, 388, 389, 395, 408, 417, 433.

Devil, killing the, 435.

Diamonds formed by the blow-pipe, 21.

Dibdin, the late Charles, 147.

Dinner, enigmatical inventory of a, 26, 45.
Dinner invitation, by Dicky Gossip, 156.

Discoveries, wonderful, alleged, in India, 111-Origin of
several important, 223.
Disputation, maxims of, 267.
Diving-bell at Port Patrick, 53.
Doctor stolen by a banditti, 163.

Dogs, worming of, 208-Lament and petition of, 280-
On the Mayor's order respecting, 290-With two Mas-
ters, original translation from the German, 298, 306,
314, 323-Goldsmith's elegy on the death of a mad,
308-Doggrel verses respecting, 416.

Don Juan, extract from, 20.

Doomsday-book, curious particulars respecting, 131.
Drag, new safety one, 407.

Draining lakes in Holland, 38.

[blocks in formation]

Fates, invocation to the, 4.

Female employment, from Sir M. Hale's works, 219.
Festival of music at Liverpool, verses on, 112, 120.
"Fete du Cœur," by G. 376.

Figures, Arabian, curious particulars of, 62.
FINE ARTS-see Arts.

Finland, language of, is without prepositions, 115.
Fires, hints for extinguishing, 199-Caution, 299.
Fireside amusement-sce Vive la Bagatelle.
Fish, hatched in ovens, or by steam, 33-Some, when
dying, exhibit singular colours, 38-Mode of preser-
vation of, 67-Enormous or singular, 198-Hatching in
fowls' eggs, 258.

Fisher, Dr. W. letter from, respecting Deare, the sculp-
tor, 294.

Flax, indigenous, in Ireland, 167.

Flour, test of the purity of, 135.

Grundy, Mrs. of Parr-hall, on the death of, 240.
Guerilla warfare, 92.-Guitar, Spanish, 372.
Gunpowder exploded, by slacking lime, 215.
Gustavus Mansfeldt, a story, 237, 250.


Habit, effects of, on the human frame, 146.
Hale, Sir M. his advice to young women, 219.
Halton castle, lines written at, 196.
Haloes, artificial mode of forming, 38.
Hamiltonian system of education, 436, 443, 444.
Hammersley, Miss, critique on, 125.
Handel, anecdotes of, 106-Immense musical ban
the commemoration of, 107.
Hanging, effects of, on the human body, 61.
Happiness, true (verses) 140.

Harp, Eolian, with an engraving, 37, 45, 52.
Hatching, an itching for, 435.
Harvest home, celebration of, 90.

Flower, sonnet to a, by G. 140-Floriculture, 291-A Hawk, at Westminster Abbey, 135-Captured by a

withered flower, lines on, 440.
Fools, who are the greatest? 135.
Footman, qualifications for a, 173.

Forbidden subjects, Editor's hint respecting, 332.
Forest Minstrel, by W. and M. Howett, 65.

[ocr errors]

Forget me not," 336.

Fossil remains, 111, 155, 291, 291, 406, 406.
Fox-chase, extraordinary, 311.

Franc Parleur, translations from, 201, 273.
French literature, 287, 383, 402, 413, 428.
French stage, critiques on, 359-Origin of, 384.
French taverns, 275-Dramatists, 237, 383, 437.
French, translations from the (original)-see L'Hermite,
and Homo-see Epigrams.
Friend, lines to a, by G. 404.

"Friends are departing fast" (lines) 248.
Friend, death of, anniversary of, 240.

Friendship of man, by G. 280, 280-But a name, 290.
Fright, dreadful effects of, 310.

Dramatic Critiques, 4, 24, 32, 32, 40, 56, 64, 78, 80, 84, Frog concerts in America, 71.

96, 111, 125, 128, 133, 184, 205, 312, 440, 440.

Dream, the (poetry) 180-" Dream," by G. 196.

Drunkenness, cure for, 163.

[blocks in formation]

Fuel, economy in managing, 309.
Funerals, howling at, 252.

Fungus, immense, 126.

Future state-see Paradise.


G. poetry by, in every number.

Earthquakes, 126, 274-Great, in India, interesting de- G. lines addressed to, by Septimus, 344.
tails of a, 353, 362, 370, 378.

Earwigs, how to protect flowers from, 126.

Eating at table, advice respecting, 55-Scientifically, 56.
Eccentric character, 235.-Echo, extraordinary, 43.
Eclipse, 4, 34.

Edinburgh and Glasgow squabbles, 134, 144.
Edgeworth-town school 158.

Education, classical and polite-see Classical, & Literature.
Education, utility of, 320, 359, 380, 380, 392, 400-Re-
marks on modern, 328, 355, 359, 366, 366-Polite-see

Galatea's lamentation, 20.-Gall, Dr. memoir of, 263.
Gambling, exposition of the execrable system of, with an
engraving and portraits, 225, 310.
Games played by medical men, 210.
Gaming, observation on, 435.

Garden, geographical, whimsical project, 348.
Garret window, original translation from the German,

334, 342, 350, 358.

Gas, proposed as a substitute for steam, 115-Etymology
of the word, 244-Improved method of making, 319.
Generosity, disinterested, original story, 56.

Eggs, mode of preserving, 8, 241, 809–Hatching, by Genius, alarming increase of, 73.
heat, 9-Double egg, 351.

[blocks in formation]

Ennui," by G. 308.

Entomology vindicated from cruelty, 57.
Epidemics, how sometimes stopped, 207.

Epigrams, 148, 148, 172, 172, 212, 244, 256, 272, 368-
French, and translations, 264, 272, 234, 296, 300, 308.
Epitaphs, 3, 58, 91, 103, 156, 211, 229, 243, 284, 296-In
Latin and French, and Translation, 148, 300.
Erskine, Lord, extemporaneous lines of, 216.
Escape, interesting, 318.

Genius, &c. miscellaneous observations on, 276.
Gentleman, query, what constitutes a, 354.
Geographical chuce, 352.

Geological phenomena, 130, 283.


Haydn, singular musical composition of, 107.
Hearing trumpet, new, with engraving, 251, 265.
Heart, spasmodic affection, a sonnet on, 432.
"Heiresses Complaint" (verses) 316.
Helm for steering, first hint of, 223.

Henry IV. anecdotes of, 142.-Herculaneum MS. 18
Hermite en Italie, original translations from, 269,
285, 297, 305, 313, 321, 333, 341, 349, 857, 365,
381, 401, 421, 429.

Hermite de la Chaussé d'Antin, original transla
from, 97, 157, 169, 232, 239, 270, 278, 322.
Hermite de la Guiane, ditto, 118.
Hermite en Prison, original translations from, 249,


Hermit, the, a translation from the German, 874,
394, 402.-Western, 13.

Heron hunting in Norfolk, 311.

Heywood, B. A. Esq. address of, at the annual me
of the Liverpool Royal Institution, 292.

"Hide and Seek," fatal, 311.

Hieroglyphics, Babalonish, 266-Mexican, 282.
Hindostan, population of, 27.

History, on, from the German of Kotzebue, 219.
study of, 343.

Hohenloe, Prince, and his miracles, 3.
Homo's original translations from the German, vi
Philosophy, 43-University anecdote, 47-War
Love, 50-Self-taught student, 62-Anecdote,
Gottisched the Great, 193-The Removal, 201
Pay's Latin, 210-On History, 219-Translation
Weiland, 254-German Literature, 262-From I
Parleur, 273,

Homo, on claims of the Classics, 73, 117-Criticism
146-Love and War, 86-On Sculpture and Arch
ture, 109-A Night in Paris, 133-On Pamphlet
sordid views, 157-Charitable Sisters, 162-On Ge
Literature, 169, 176-Caligula's Horse, 178-Po
translation by, 186-Letters addressed to, 84, 167.
Honesty of a bankrupt, 54-Dissertation on, 100.
Honey, how to remove, without injury to the bees, 1
Horse, old and favourite, lines to, by G. 36.
Horse, mode of dappling, 167.-Horse-race (an allegor
HOUSEWIFE, the, family recipes, &c. 8, 13, 23, 59
92, 102, 111, 135, 159, 183, 283, 299, 329, 343,
377, 384,435.

Geology, original letter on, 89-Interesting paper on, Houses, mode of raising, and removing bodily, 13.
from the Edinburgh Review, 181, 186, 197, 205.
Georama, globe of, 40 feet diameter, 266.

German literature, 160, 168, 175-Epigrams, 308-Ori
ginal translations from the-sec Homo.

Gil Blas, query as to the author of, 392, 400, 420, 428,


Gimcrack, Geoffrey, lines to, 280.
Glacier and lake of Bagne, 125.
Glasgow and Edinburgh squabbles, 134, 144.
Glass, origin of the discovery of, 223.
Globes and maps, in relief, 21-Of 40 feet diameter, 265.
"Go ring her knell" (verses) by G. 102.
"God and my country," 183.

"Goddess, beautiful and free" (lines) by G. 132.

Ethics, the history of, by the Rev. W. B. Collyer, 317, Goethe's new work, song from, 432.
329, 337.

[blocks in formation]

"How calmly passed that time." &c. (verses) 60.
Hubard, Master, verses to, 113-Description of his
formances, 441.

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[blocks in formation]
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abour, division of, 360.


tion, 148.

Lupas, Hugh, epitaph on, 58,
Lussac, M. Gay, memoir of, 263.
Luxurious, maxims for the, 183.
Lydiate abbey-see Southport.

Mac (sirname) 135.


Machines, extraordinary, 205-see Scientific, and Steam.
Machinery, exportation of, 335.

Macready, Mr. the actor, anecdote of, 69-Critique on, 114.
Maghull-see Southport.

Magic squares or tables, 205.

Magnetism, 10-Magnetic needle in the 13th century, 35
-Electric rotation, with an engraving, 125-(Thermo.)
experiments, by Dr. Traill, 198.
Mahogany, immense log of, 207.

Mammoth, skeleton of, found in Essex, 406.

[blocks in formation]

Newspapers, origin of, 62.

Niger, travels to explore the, 34-Further particulars, 266.
Night musings, by Leigh Waldegrave, 36.

Mankind, proof of the depravity of, 55.-Man (verses) 290. Night in Paris, from the French, 133.

Mansfeldt, Gustavus, a story, 237, 250.
Manufactures, commerce, and agriculture, 405.
Manuscripts, renovation of, 131.
Marble ponds of Persia, 42.
"Marian," by G. 384.

Marine Humane Society of Liverpool, 312.
Market, unlucky trip to, 20.

Marshall, Earl, of England, duties of, 95.
Maria, lines to, 92.-Marriage, lines on, 156.
Mary, lines to, by G. 92.-Maskers' (the) song, 368.
Maternal love, by Nathan, 161.
Matrimonial sang froid, 435.

Matrimony, original letter on, 17-274-New view of, 435.
Maxims, 267, 274.

ady, to one who will understand it, 804-Lines to, on Mechanical prodigy, 207, 234.
her marriage, 852.

ake and glacier of Bagne, 125.

amp, automaton, with engraving, 257.

anguages, study of-see Literature, and Classicál
anterns, used in manoeuvring, by the Chinese, 244.
atkoo, new, 158.-Law, enormous expenses of, 405.
ayers, profusion of, in England, good remark on, 27-
An example for, 235.

eap year, explanation of, 257, 276.

arned men, imprisonment of, 208, 249.

, wooden, a good story, 177.

Meat, animal, tainted, 159-Flesh, mode of salting, 283.
Mechanics, reflections on, 178-Mechanics and Appren-
tices' Library of Liverpool-see Apprentices.
Melancholy musings, by G. 68.
Memory, extraordinary, 62.

MEN and MANNERS (a general head.)-Mermaids, 130.
Meteors sec Atmospherical.

Meteorological society proposed, 199-Annual table, 303.
Meteorolites, fall of, 242, 347.
Mexican curiosities-see Bullock, Mr.-Mnemonics, 412.
tarned languages, importance of, 103-see also Classical, Mice trained to turn machinery, 42, 147-Preservation of
Polite Literature, and Education.
grain from, 83.
Under this head, in the Kaleidoscope, has been re-
published the whole of a very clever and quaint work
of Bishop Earle, originally printed upwards of a century
and a half ago. It consists of 276 pages, or 78 chapters,
the first portion of which appeared in the Kaleidoscope,
page 11, and the remainder was given in weekly portions,
the conclusion of which appeared in the last number of
the volume, page 442.

Eters, whimsical superscription of, 62, 851.
eria's park, 288.

inty, from L'Hermite en Prison, 252.

Ferry, lines on, 188.

ibrary, public, recommended, 305.

fe, lines in favour of and against, 12.

Microscope, interesting notice of, 258.
200.-Milk, how to preserve, 435.

ight, instantaneous, and engraving, 302, 320.
grang London streets, a modern invention, 183.
ging, preservation from, 43.-Direction of, 215.
ights in church-yards, woods, &c. 154, 168, 168,
Revolving, by whom invented, 259.
ime-water, preparation of, 59.

istening, on the art of, from the Italian, 852.
iterature, polite, criticism, &c. dessertations on, 13, 18,
25, 31, 34, 62, 65, 73, 84, 103, 117, 117, 138, 188, 146,
156, 167, 33, 392-see Homo and Education.
Locromy, 207.

attle John, notice of, 236.
ttle things are best, 172.
er bird, 444.

erpool exhibition of the works of living artists, &c.
7, 98, 99, 108, 110, 110-and casts of Grecian mar-
of the old masters, 82, 82, 82, 95, 95, 95.-
Artices and mechanics' library-see Apprentices.
70 in 1923, a prophetic letter, 88.-Fancy ball and
Sal, 120— Marine Humane Society, 312.-Festival,
esca, 112.-Fancy ball, minute description of, 121.
Young men of, vindicated, 127.-Literary and Philo-
ical Society, verses to, 188.-Royal Institution, an-
address of the President of, 292.-Described by
1, 58, 389.

theatrical performances, 4, 16, 16, 20, 24, 193,
Letter of Bombastes to the Council of Ten, 205
Her Dramatic.

Rock, and engraving, 424.
Fra system of music, 207.

Betty, 13, 19, 78, 135, 163, 267, 405.
in days of yore, 70.

an, a series of papers under the title of the, 145.
This is Love," by Thomas Moore, 172.
War, or the Miner, 86-Love, early (verses) 132
185, 231, 260, 271, 288.-Tragical story, 887-
four, 444.

Mina, General, memoir of, 23.
Mines, fire-damp in, how to obviate, 163.
Mineralogy, study of, recommended, 216.
Mint, English, 179.

Miracle, whimsical, 115-See Hohenlohe-Another, 811.
Miraculous clock, 191, 192, 200, 276, 276.
Misnomers, 64-Whimsical lines on, 231.
Mole hunts the worm under ground, 167.
Money, considerations on, 422.

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"O think not of me, love," 300.

Oak tree, immense, 43-Oak tree, old, verses on, 230.
Offences, capital, letter on, 201.
Ogilvie, Mary, 417, 426, 431, 438.
Oil, vegetable, the best for burning, 244.
Old Maids' Lament (verses) 132.
Oldstyle, Jonathan, letter of, 386.
Omens, enumeration of some popular, 234.
Onions, cultivation of, 21.-Opium, English, 43.
Orchestre, musical, immense, 107.

Organ, at York Minster, 21-At Haarlem, 107.
Orthographical curiosities, 3, 45, 144, 183, 183, 275, 319,

[blocks in formation]

Pacific and Atlantic, junction of--see Darien.
Painters, anecdotes of, 55-Whimsical quiz on, 136.
Painting, a forcible, 435.
Pall-mall gambling-house, view of the interior of, 225.
Palmer, Mr. the actor, Mr. Roscoe's lines on the death of,
360.-Pamphlets and sordid views, 157.
Panama-see Darien and Indies.-Paper currency, 442.
Parables or apologues, 301.
Paradise, different notions of, 179.
Paraguay, notice of a tribe inhabiting, 179.
Parody," To wed, or not to wed," 325.
Parry, Captain, and the North-west Passage, 137, 148,
153, 154, 252-Memoir of, 218-Extracts from the last
voyage of, 338, 338, 861, 370-sce Polar,

Patents, monthly list of, 197-and the first Tuesday in
each month afterwards.

Patient, singular case of a, 259.-Patriot, genuine, 183
Patronage, disinterested, 57.

Pawnbrokers, from the French, 322.-Pays Latin (le) 210.
Peas, green, in winter, 190.-Pedestrianism, 406.
Penal code, letter on, 201.

Pendulum clock, first suggestion of, 223.

Moon, superstitions respecting, 203–Alleged discoveries Penmanship, minute or extraordinary, 19, 206.
in, 331.-Moonlight, phenomena of, 155.
Morilla Calder, 371.

Morning Chronicle, some particulars respecting, 66.
Morocco Emperor's sons, education of, 400.
Mosses' (Mr.) picture of the Deluge, lines on, 77.
Motion, perpetual, pretended, 167.
Mount Rosa, immense height of, 167.
Mozart, pleasing anecdote of, 62.
Mummy, Egyptian, and engraving, 242, 309, 319.
Murder, singular discovery of a, 178-Reflections on, 299.
Museum, British, contains 125,000 volumes, 244.
Music at Evening (verses) 376.
Music, state of, in Germany, 364.
Musical juvenile prodigy, 13-Celebration of Handel, at
Westminster, 107-Bonne Bouche, by Haydn, with an
engraving, 107-Anecdotes, 107-Notes, "Fa sol,"
&c. curious particulars respecting, 115-Phenomenon,
215, 251, 300-Expression, &c. Editorial and other re-
marks on, 280, 291-Pieces, with musical types, 248,
265, 280, 435.

Musicus Ventusorum, with an engraving, 37.
Mutability of human affairs, 319.
Mystery, whimsical, tale of, 163.

Perkins's steam-engine, with an engraving, 9, 87, 129,
182, 356-see also Steam.

Persepolis, ancient, curious inscription at, 70.

Perspiration, relief by, 167.-Petrifactions, singular, 27, 38,
Phenomena, natural, 38, 331, 347-Essay on, 154, 168.

Philosophy, from the German, 43.

Phrenological phenomenon, 291.

Pianoforte, advice to the players of the, 369, 399, 408, 419.
Picture-dealers, letters on, 79, 127.
Pigeon, flying, establishments, at Leige, 77.
Pins, improved manufacture of, 42.
Pitcairn's island, recent accounts of, 190.
Placards, indecent, 96, 199, 199.
Plague, the cautions respecting, 364.
Plated goods, mode of cleaning, 343.
Platina wire ignited by hydrogen, 215, 320.
Ploughing match (or boon ploughing) 68.
Plums, raw, unwholesome, 125.

Pneumatic apparatus, 378.-Poet's Study, by G. 204.
POETRY (original and select) in every number..
Poison of the adder, antidote to, 98.
Poison, how to remove from the stomach, 182.
Polar expedition, 1, 22, 77, 137, 148, 154,

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