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ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF COOK COUNTY HOSPITAL.— - Organized August 18, 1870. Meets annually. Object, "to cultivate and perpetuate fraternal ties." Composed of those who have served as Internes of the Hospital and have certificates to that effect.

OFFICERS.-President, Lester Curtis. Secretary, W. T. Belfield.

CHICAGO FLOATING HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION. — - Incorporated 1875. Object, to give lake excursions to sick children of the poor, during the summer months. The project is carried on by donations received from the public.

OFFICERS.-President, F. H. Winston. Vice-President, Jos. Stockton. Secretary, C. L. Rutter. Treasurer, G. Sturges. The Executive Committee consists of the officers, excepting the Treasurer.

CHICAGO HOSPITAL FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN.-Corner of Adams and Paulina streets. Established 1865. Has accommodations for 35 patients. The classes of cases received are women for confinement, and women and children with any disease not incurable or contagious. Patients are charged $5 per week, when able to pay. Application for admission should be made to Dr. Mary H. Thompson, 334 W. Washington street. Patients receive visitors daily, 4 to 5 P. M., except Sundays. The hospital is managed by a Board of Councillors, elected by the Board of Trustees. The Dispensary for treatment of out-patients is open daily from 1:30 to 3:00 P. M.

OFFICERS.-Board of Trustees: W. H. Byford, M. D., President; John Crerar, Esq., Secretary. Board of Councillors: Mrs. J. C. Hilton, President; Mrs. D. A. Gage, Secretary; Mrs. Henry Wilkinson, Treasurer. Medical Staff: Mary H. Thompson, Head Physician and Surgeon; Sarah H. Stevenson, Attending Physician. Internes H. B. Bodelson, Nannie A. Stephens. Consulting Staff: W. Godfrey Dyas, C. G. Smith, John Bartlett, S. C. Blake, W. E. Clarke, E. Marguerat, W. H. Byford, A. Fisher, R. G. Bogue, G. C. Paoli, F. C. Hotz, A. H. Foster. Dispensary Physicians: Mary H. Thompson, Adelia Barlow, Lotta E. Calkins, Harriette Bottsford, Emma F. Gaston, Sarah H. Stevenson, Each attend one day in the week, in the order named.

CHICAGO SMALL-POX HOSPITAL.-Twenty-sixth street and California avenue. (See City of Chicago.)

COOK COUNTY HOSPITAL.-Corner of Wood and Harrison streets. Organized in 1865. Maintained and controlled by the Board of County Commissioners. The Hospital Committee has immediate charge of the institution. Has accommodations for 350 patients. It is intended for the treatment of the sick poor of Cook County only. Patients occupying private wards are charged by the week, according to the accommodations. Patients with contagious or infectious diseases are not admitted. Patients suffering from severe accidents are admitted at any hour, others from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. County beneficiaries must get a permit from the County Agent, or other person duly authorized to grant permits. Patients receive visitors

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ST. LUKE'S HOSPITAL-Indiana avelife, Dear Four lished in 1863. Chartered in 1864 Eat ace mutatione 1 fg under the patronage of the Protestant Episcopal "uurei classes of patients as are received by other few genera un tiekar vested in a Board of Trustees. The era malag-men of Directors, composed of ladies Patient are amet the Giforms temper ments by the members of the medical vart hating age of eula serpatihan urgent cases are admitted by the resident prysciar Pipestons are an the dispensary department, which is uper fun E. Gay

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ALUMNI ASSOCIATION August 18, 1870. Meets annually.

COOK COUNTY HOSPITAL. - - Organized Object, "to cultivate and perpetuate fraternal ties." Composed of those who have served as Internes of the Hospital and have certificates to that effect.

OFFICERS.-President, Lester Curtis. Secretary, W. T. Belfield.

CHICAGO FLOATING HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION. — Incorporated 1875. Object, to give lake excursions to sick children of the poor, during the summer months. The project is carried on by donations received from the public.

OFFICERS.-President, F. H. Winston. Vice-President, Jos. Stockton. Secretary, C. L. Rutter. Treasurer, G. Sturges. The Executive Committee consists of the officers, excepting the Treasurer.

CHICAGO HOSPITAL FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN.-Corner of Adams and Paulina streets. Established 1865. Has accommodations for 35 patients. The classes of cases received are women for confinement, and women and children with any disease not incurable or contagious. Patients are charged $5 per week, when able to pay. Application for admission should be made to Dr. Mary H. Thompson, 334 W. Washington street. Patients receive visitors daily, 4 to 5 P. M., except Sundays. The hospital is managed by a Board of Councillors, elected by the Board of Trustees. The Dispensary for treatment of out-patients is open daily from 1:30 to 3:00 P. M.

OFFICERS.-Board of Trustees: W. H. Byford, M. D., President; John Crerar, Esq., Secretary. Board of Councillors: Mrs. J. C. Hilton, President; Mrs. D. A. Gage, Secretary; Mrs. Henry Wilkinson, Treasurer. Medical Staff: Mary H. Thompson, Head Physician and Surgeon; Sarah H. Stevenson, Attending Physician. Internes: H. B. Bodelson, Nannie A. Stephens. Consulting Staff: W. Godfrey Dyas, C. G. Smith, John Bartlett, S. C. Blake, W. E. Clarke, E. Marguerat, W. H. Byford, A. Fisher, R. G. Bogue, G. C. Paoli, F. C. Hotz, A. H. Foster. Dispensary Physicians: Mary H. Thompson, Adelia Barlow, Lotta E. Calkins, Harriette Bottsford, Emma F. Gaston, Sarah H. Stevenson, Each attend one day in the week, in the order named.

CHICAGO SMALL-POX HOSPITAL. -Twenty-sixth street and California avenue. (See City of Chicago.)

COOK COUNTY HOSPITAL.-Corner of Wood and Harrison streets. Organized in 1865. Maintained and controlled by the Board of County Commissioners. The Hospital Committee has immediate charge of the institution. Has accommodations for 350 patients. It is intended for the treatment of the sick poor of Cook County only. Patients occupying private wards are charged by the week, according to the accommodations. Patients with contagious or infectious diseases are not admitted. Patients suffering from severe accidents are admitted at any hour, others from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. County beneficiaries must get a permit from the County Agent, or other person duly authorized to grant permits. Patients receive visitors

Students are charged $10 for a

from 2 to 4 P. M., Wednesdays and Sundays.
Hospital ticket, which admits to the clinics for one year.

HOSPITAL COMMITTEE.-John Tabor, P. M. Cleary, W. E. Wheeler, G. W. Spofford, J. Bradley. Warden, H. McLaughlin. Druggist, P. H. Richardson.

MEDICAL BOARD.-Surgeons, M. Gunn, C. T. Parkes, R. N. Isham, E. W. Lee, S. D. Jacobson, A. J. Baxter. Physicians, J. P. Ross, Thos. Bevan, W. E. Quine, S. H. McWilliams, Gustav Hessert, John Guerin. Curator, C. Fenger. Internes-E. W. Whitney, A. B. Goldspohn, J. L. Sawyers, J. H. Salisbury.

MERCY HOSPITAL.- Corner of Calumet Avenue and Twenty-Sixth Street. Founded September, 1850. Has accommodations for about 300 patients. It is maintained and managed by the Sisters of Mercy. No distinction is made in the classes of patients admitted. The terms of admission are from $7 to $15 per week. The Faculty of the Chicago Medical College controls the appointment of the Medical Attendants. Hospital tickets are issued to students who wish to avail themselves of the clinical advantages, at $6 each. Clinics are given daily. The general manager is Mother Superior Ursulæ.

MEDICAL STAFF.-N. S. Davis, E. Andrews, W. H. Byford, E. O. F. Roler, J. H. Hollister, D. T. Nelson, S. J. Jones, H. P. Merriman.

ST. JOSEPH'S HOSPITAL.-Corner of Sophia and Burling Streets. Organized June 12, 1869. Can accommodate 100 patients. It is under the control and management of the Sisters of Charity. All classes are received except those with contagious diseases. Fees of from $6 to $15 per week are charged. Patients occupying first-class rooms are at liberty to employ their own physicians. Free clinics are given Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 9 A. M., by Drs. Gunn and Brower, and at 4 P. M., by Dr. Parkes.

MEDICAL STAFF.-Moses Gunn, Surgeon in Charge. W. G. Dyas, Consulting Surgeon. C. T. Parkes, Physician in Charge. J. Adams Allen, Consulting Physician. D. R. Brower, Mental and Nervous Diseases. C. P. Simon, House Physician. Superintendent, Sister Superior Walburga.

ST. LUKE'S HOSPITAL.-Indiana avenue, near Fourteenth street. Established in 1863. Chartered in 1864. Has accommodations for fifty patients. It is under the patronage of the Protestant Episcopal Church, but is open to the same classes of patients as are received by other free general hospitals. The property is vested in a Board of Trustees. The internal management is conducted by a Board of Directors, composed of ladies. Patients are admitted to the different departments by the members of the medical board having charge of such department, but urgent cases are admitted by the resident physician. Out-patients are treated in the dispensary department, which is open from 1 to 4 P. M., daily.

OFFICERS.-Patron, the Bishop of the Diocese. President, Rev. Clinton Locke, D. D. Vice-President, Rev. Edward Sullivan. Chaplain, Rev. G. Todd. Secretary, E. K. Hubbard. Treasurer, John DeKoven. Medical Board: Surgeon, John E. Owens; Physician, M. O. Heydock; Accoucheur and Gynecologist, G. M. Chamberlin; Oculist and Aurist, S. J. Jones; Pathologist, I. N. Danforth; Dentist, W. W.

Allport. Consulting Board: Moses Gunn, J. Adams Allen, Wm. H. Byford. House Physician, E. H. Webster.

DISPENSARY STAFF.-J. E. Owens, G. M. Chamberlin, C. H. Buchanan, S. O.


ST. MARY'S HOSPITAL.-At Quincy. Has about sixty beds. It is in charge of the Sisters of St. Frances and is free to the poor of all nations and creeds; but those who are able are expected to pay according to the accommodations furnished. MEDICAL STAFF.-C. R. S. Curtis, Surgeon; Michael Rooney, Physician.

ST. MARY'S INFIRMARY.-At Cairo. Instituted November, 1867, by the Sisters of the Order of the Holy Cross. Has capacity of 120 beds. It has arrangements with the Government for taking care of the sick marines, and with Alexander County for treating its charity patients. Private patients are charged from $1 to $2 a day for all expenses.

MEDICAL STAFF.-Horace Wardner, Surgeon of Infirmary; R. Waldo, Assistant Surgeon Marine Hospital Corps for Marine Patients; Wm. Wood, for County Patients.

U. S. MARINE HOSPITAL SERVICE.-John M. Woodworth, Washington, D. C., Supervising Surgeon-General. Established by Act of Congress, July 16th, 1798. Re-organized by Acts of Congress, approved June 29th, 1870, and March 3d, 1875. Furnishes medical and surgical relief to the sick and disabled of the American merchant marine, and is supported by a tax of forty cents per month as hospital dues upon officers and seamen serving upon documented vessels of the United States engaged in the commerce of the oceans, lakes and rivers. A seaman to be entitled to relief from this fund, must have served on a registered, enrolled or licensed vessel of the United States for at least two months immediately preceding his application for aid. Hospital relief is furnished through organized hospitals owned by the United States and through municipal or private hospitals, under the supervision of medical officers of the service. A sick or disabled seaman, to obtain hospital relief, must apply to a surgeon of the service or to a collector of customs, and furnish satisfactory evidence that he is entitled to such relief. Relief is afforded at ninety-four ports of the United States, two of which are in the State of Illinois.

The Marine Hospital for the port of Chicago is located at Lake View, five miles north of the Court House, and has accommodations for 300 patients.

SURGEON-IN-CHARGE, Truman W. Miller; Assistant Surgeon, J. C. Fisher.
For the port of Cairo, see St. Mary's Infirmary.

WOMAN'S HOSPITAL OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS-273 Thirtieth Street. Chartered September, 1871. Has capacity for 12 patients. Devoted to the treatment of diseases and accidents peculiar to women, no cases of general disease being received. Patients able to pay are charged from $7 to $15 per week. Application for admission may be made at the Hospital. It is managed by a Board of Governors

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