Art in the United States Capitol

U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976 - 453 páginas

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Página 398 - Our proper business is improvement. Let our age be the age of improvement. In a day of peace, let us advance the arts of peace and the works of peace. Let us develop the resources of our land, call forth its powers, build up its institutions, promote all its great interests, and see whether we also, in our day and generation, may not perform something worthy to be remembered.
Página 219 - Resolved by the House of Representatives (the* Senate concurring), That the Architect of the Capitol, upon the approval of the Joint Committee on the Library, with the advice of the Commission of Fine Arts, is hereby authorized 'and directed to relocate within the Capitol any of the statues already received and placed in Statuary Hall, and to provide for the reception and location of the statues received hereafter from the States.
Página 199 - John C. Calhoun Martin Van Buren Richard M. Johnson John Tyler George M. Dallas Millard Fillmore William R.
Página 38 - John Bell James K. Polk Robert MT Hunter John White John W. Jones John W. Davis Robert C. Winthrop. . Howell Cobb Linn Boyd Nathaniel P. Banks. . James L. Orr William Pennington. . Galusha A. Grow. .. . Schuyler Colfax James G.
Página vii - The Joint Committee on the Library, whenever, in their judgment, it is expedient, are authorized to accept any work of the fine arts on behalf of Congress which may be offered, and to assign the same such place in the Capitol as they may deem suitable, and shall have the supervision of all works of art that may be placed in the Capitol.
Página 219 - President is hereby authorized to Invite each and all the states to provide and furnish statues, In marble or bronze, not exceeding two in number for each state, of deceased persons who have been citizens thereof, and illustrious for their historic renown or from distinguished civic or military services, such as each state shall determine to be worthy of this national commemoration...
Página 263 - Before the close of his seventy-two years he had signed four notable documents — the Continental Association of 1774, the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution of the United States.
Página 199 - Martin Van Buren Richard M. Johnson John Tyler George M. Dallas Millard Fillmore William R. King John C. Breckinridge Hannibal Hamlin Andrew Johnson Schuyler Colfax Henry Wilson William A. Wheeler Chester A. Arthur Thomas A. Hendricks Levi P. Morton Adlai E. Stevenson Garret A. Hobart Theodore Roosevelt Charles W.
Página 219 - ... to be worthy of this national commemoration; and when so furnished the same shall be placed in the old hall of the House of Representatives, in the capitol of the United States, which is hereby set apart, or so much thereof as may be necessary, as a national statuary hall, for the purposes herein indicated.
Página v - Senate and nineteen thousand copies shall be for the use of the House of Representatives ; and...