Imagens das páginas

the facilities for exchange and commerce with foreign countries which the decimal system, if properly carried out, will afford. On this last point, assuming the statement of Dr. Bowring to be correct that more than 400,000,000 of the human race, or nearly one-half of the population of the globe, adopt the decimal system, it will be both interesting and useful to see how far we can make our decimal system harmonize with theirs.

We may mention as a proof of the increasing interest felt for the promotion of the decimal system, that the Committee of the Council of Education not very long since issued a circular to the Inspectors of Schools, suggesting the propriety of calling the attention of the principals of training schools to the importance of cultivating among the students a practical knowledge of decimals. It is a move in the right direction, to train up our young men to avail themselves of all the advantages which the progress of scientific knowledge places at our command.

The first step of importance, so long as any of the present coinage remains in use, is to acquire a ready plan of converting it into its corresponding value in decimal coinage; and again to convert decimal coinage into its nearest proximate value in present coinage. An accurately compiled table would be of great service in this respect, and the writer is preparing one for publication; but as even this means would not always be at hand, some other method is desirable. We have found the following plans answer our purpose:

Rule for converting present values into decimal values. Take the pounds as they stand, and place after them the decimal dot. Divide the shillings by 2. which gives you the number of florins; if there be an odd shilling, treat it as 50 mils, and to this add the result of the pence column. If the pence be above 6d. in amount, add 25 mils for the 6d., and reduce the remainder of the pence into farthings, treat them as mils, and add them to the mils previously obtained. Thus to convert £1 17s. 112d. into decimal coins:

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Another rule to be borne in mind in adding or subtracting decimal values is, to place point under point, because the position which decimal figures occupy with respect to the in our first paper. Take the following inpoint determines their value, as we explained voice as an example:

3 vols. of "British Controver-
sialist," at 3s. 6d. .

1 vol. "Plutarch's Lives," at
7s. 6d.

1 "National Cyclopædia," 12
vols., at 5s..

1 Porter's "Progress of the
Nation," at 21s.

1 Walford's "Decimal Coinage
Tables," at 6d.

1 Do., with the System Ex-
plained, at 1s. .

3 Dozen steel pens at 3s. per

1 Lead pencil, at 1d.

10 per cent. discount for cash












[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

of compactness; in the second, the cents are omitted, and their value given in mils, which saves a column, and thus secures the advantage above stated. The reader should cast up the above figures to learn how the results are carried forward.

The decimal rule for ascertaining the value of a number of goods, by the price of one, is very simple: thus-172,628 yards of calico at 3 d. per yard. We turn to the decimal coinage tables, and find that the "decimal of a pound" corresponding to 3od. is 015625, by which we multiply the number of yards, thus:

172628 yards.

[merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

The process of dividing by 100 is effected in practice by moving the decimal dot two places to the left, treating the figures then remaining on the left as pounds, and the three first figures on the right as florins, cents, and mils. One experiment will ini

tiate the reader into this useful method.








In order to complete this calculation, the decimal point must be so placed as to leave on the right of it as many figures as are on With respect to the method of keeping the right of the decimal point in the multiaccounts in the decimal system, although we plier. In the present instance there are 6, referred to it in our first paper, we purpose and we place our point accordingly-thus, now to give a few practical hints. Those 2697-312500, giving the answer,-2697 who thoroughly appreciate the decimal sys- pounds, 3 florins, 1 cent, and 2 mils, with tem will only use one column, but others the remainder 5 as half a mil; for the cymay prefer separate columns for each deno-phers on the extreme right are of no value mination of coin, either as the result of custom, or from a fancy that they can thereby render their accounts more clear. We decidedly think a column for each denomination unnecessary; and if more than one column be used, we should propose, as the next best and simplest plan, the three column system, which has the advantage of most completely adapting itself to the present ruling of our account books. We give specimens of each plan:

[blocks in formation]

in any case. This method of calculation is capable of great extension; and where there are any figures on the right of the decimal point in the quantity given, the number of such figures has to be added to the number of figures on the right of the point in the multiplier, in order to ascertain the proper position for the point in the product.

The countries which have at present adopted a decimal system of coinage are:Belgium, Holland, Portugal,




[blocks in formation]

on foot by the authorities of these countries;* and Austria and Prussia have under consideration a plan for decimalizing the currency of Germany.† Shall England any longer neglect to avail herself of advantages which other countries, far inferior in mercantile greatness, eagerly grasp! Mr. W. T. Thomson, one of our leading actuaries, in a paper recently read before the Institute of Actuaries, says: "As regards improvement in numeration, in the keeping accounts, and the arrangement of our coinage, we have certainly stood still for upwards of 300 years." It is now time we moved on a little!

There is, however, beyond the mere saving of labour in bookkeeping, or saving time and trouble in calculations, other great and striking advantages in favour of the decimal system. Dr. Bowring says, "the introduction of a decimal system into our currency and accounts will greatly assist the establishment of sound principles of exchange between the mother country and her dependencies." We think the advantages would extend beyond the "mother country and her dependencies." We believe the decimal system, when once in proper operation, would facilitate the commerce and exchanges of the whole mercantile world. In support of this conclusion, we have compiled a table (partly from the evidence of Mr. James

* Some decimal coins have been struck by the

Stockholm mint, on trial. The Swedish royal medallist and mint engraver is a lady, whose talent is universally admired.

+A congress of several governments of Ger many, and particularly Austria, Prussia, and Bavaria, is now assembled at Vienna to consult on the means of creating a uniform gold coinage for all the States of the Germanic confederation. M. Brentano, an Aulic councillor, connected with

the Austrian mint, presides over the meeting.Galignani, Nov., 1854.

Laurie before the "Committee") which we give as an appendix to the present paper. It will be seen that out of 30 cases, taken promiscuously from the countries, or people, with whom we have commercial dealings, there are only 16 instances in which even approximate accuracy can be attained with our present coins of account; while there are 14 instances in which our present coinage cannot be made to assimilate, either in single coins, or in a thousand coins, with the value of the leading coins of the countries quoted. On the contrary, a decimal coinage would in every instance give equal accuracy with the present coinage, and in 14 out of 30 cases would secure an accuracy which cannot, without its aid, be attained!

We are well aware there is always a difficulty in adjusting the coinage of one country with that of another, consequent upon the fluctuations in the supply of bullion, which has the effect of varying the rates of exchange; but certainly under a decimal system even the percentage of variation is more easily calculated, and the results, therefore, more readily and accurately attained.

It strikes us as especially desirable in all improvements to take a broad and world-wide view, rather than a narrow and selfish one; and in no case can such a course be more desirable than in the present one. A large portion of the civilised world already possesses the advantages of the decimal system. Our proposed system could be made, in many instances, to harmonize with theirs. By adopting it, we shall be setting an example to other countries, still lingering in the rear, as well as adding another link to the chain of social progress, which is so fast uniting the whole human family in one common brotherhood of religion, science and art! C. W.,


The Inquirer.

QUESTIONS REQUIRING ANSWERS. 242. Knowing that noon by mean time at Greenwich differs from noon by solar time or solar noon, how am I to know the exact difference on any given day in the year; or if a table be published showing what I want, where? and by whom?-A., Penzance.

243 Can any of the readers of the British Controversialist give me an explanation of the cere

mony referred to in the following paragraph, which appeared in a local paper-the Chelmsford Chro nicle, of 8th Dec., 1854:

"Trial of the Gold and Silver Coinage.-On Wednesday morning the ceremony known as the Trial of the Pyx, was performed at the Exchequer Office, Whitehall Yard. Four years have elapsed since any previous trial took place." J. C F.

244. Will one of your realers be kind enough to inform me of the origin of the Barber's pole? -D. Y. G.

245. I wish to know which is the best method of studying Euclid, so as to be qualified for the matriculation examination at the London University. Perhaps some of your readers, who have passed the examination, would be kind enough to inform me the particular manner in which the examination in Euclid was conducted.-LEO.

246. I should feel much obliged if any of your correspondents would inform me what is the course of study requisite for an admittance into the University of Glasgow. Can a person matriculate there for B. A., without having previously studied at any of their colleges or preparatory schools? Also, how many terms must one stay at the university, in order to have an examination for B. A., and how many for M. A., and what are

the different fees?-YOUNG STUDENT.


(Vide Vol. V.)

229. Intellect and Hair.-I have always understood that dark hair indicated a bilious disposition, while light hair was the result of a sanguine one. Now, since no one will presume to say that dark hair gives a man a superior intellect, but that it is the result of a first cause, viz., temperament, while intellect depends upon the formation and cultivation of the brain, it is certainly more just to bestow laurels upon fair hair than upon dark, simply because a sanguine disposition is far more congenial to study than a bilious one. Why not allow that the host of worthies named by "Black Hair," as well as the fraternity generally, would develop far more intellect and charity were they possessed of a sanguine instead of a bilious temperament? My hair is not light, neither is my temperament sanguine, but unfortunately for my pride, the former is rusty, while the latter is rather inclined toward nervousness: so Mr. Editor, please pardon my intrusion.-W. H. L., Reading.

The Young Student and Writer's Assistant.

We feel bound, in justice to the great body of our readers, to economise as much as possible the space occupied by this section of our magazine; we have therefore arranged this year, as far as practicable, to conduct our new students through some of the courses of instruction which have appeared in previous volumes. To this plan there can be no possible objection, as we apprehend most of our friends possess the Controversialist from its commencement, and those who do not may obtain the volumes to which we shall refer at a cost scarcely worth mention, when compared with the great advantages which they may derive from connection with the various classes.

The rules to be observed by all students will be found in the January No., 1854, Vol. V., and these must be carefully read and strictly complied with. All exercises must reach us on or before the 18th of the current month; and persons wishing to join any of the classes, who have not already sent in their names for enrolment, may do so by applying in accordance with the directions given in the rules.


Perform the Exercise for the Senior Division, in the February No., 1854, Vol. V., p. 73.

Vide January No., 1854, p. 34.

Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thou lovest

The wise and virtuous are generally happy.
Neither he nor his brother is here.

The art of making clocks and watches is compara-
tively modern.

Geography and chronology are the eyes of his-

The general causes of these derangements are
those things that weaken the constitution.
Fretfulness generally proceeds from physical
causes, and afterwards becomes habitual.
Whom did you see this morning? Him who
served me yesterday.

The Parliament is prorogued. It meets again in

At the close of the war the army was disbanded:
peace renders its services no longer necessary.
Either I or my brother attend church every Sun-

Neither sugar, rice, nor silk is produced in this
country; they may all be obtained from India.
Either the Queen or her servants have arrived.
Both the mother and her daughters are indus

Neither Jane nor Charlotte is idle.
The wages of the men have been raised.
The study of politics does not always improve a
man's fortune or temper.

There were ninety head of cattle in the market.
Every man is vanity.

Each pupil has the attention of the teacher.
Every part of Italy is cultivated.
Either of you is welcome.

Who answered your question this morning? He
whom you met at my house.

Whom do you expect this morning? Her whom
I saw yesterday.

Note.-The words which have been introduced,
are in italics.


QUESTIONS FOR SOLUTION.-I. (a) 1. A cubic foot of water weighs 1000 oz.; what weight of water is there in a vessel which measures a yard every way?

2. What weight of water may be contained in a canal whose depth is 8 feet, width 25 feet, and length 12 miles?

3. A has £100 4s. 11d., and B 64393 farthings; if A receive from B 11111 farthings, and B from A £11 11s. 114d., how much will A have more than B?

4. Find the greatest common measure of 6327 and 23997.

5. Find the least common multiple of 9, 16, 42, 63, 21, 7, 8, 72, 14.

[blocks in formation]

The Surieties' Section.


The Law Students' Mutual Corresponding [The friends of other institutions would, we Society. The objects of this society are to pro-apprehend, be happy to learn on what conditions vide a universal system of intercommunication similar grants to the one referred to could be obamongst the law students of the kingdom, and tained.-ED. B. C.] by that means enable them to render mutual assistance in their studies, and so promote feelings of friendship and unanimity between themselves, and stimulate their exertions in preparing for the honourable profession of the law. The society consists of honorary and ordinary members, honorary members being barristers, attorneys, and solicitors, or any other gentlemen connected with the profession, who become donors of half-a-guinea. Ordinary members being articled clerks, who shall contribute an entrance fee of 2s. 6d., and an annual subscription of 2s. 6d. Gentlemen desirous of becoming members are requested to communicate with the secretary, Mr. Charles R. Gillman, St. Giles'-street, Norwich.

The Spalding Mechanics' Institute.-The committee of this institute have just published their ninth annual report, from which it appears that the past year has been one of considerable prosperity. The number of members has increased from 94 to 150; the library has been considerably augmented, by the presentation from the Useful Knowledge Society of their entire collection of valuable books; and an effort is being made, by means of £1 shares, to erect new and more commodious rooms for the accommodation of the members.

Bow and West Stratford Mutual Improvement Association.-On Monday, November 24, 1854, a soirée was held to inaugurate this society, which owes its rise to the persevering energy of a few zealous spirits. The want of such an institution has long been deplored by many who were really anxious for an advance in knowledge. There were 150 persons present at the meeting, over which Mr. Alderman Wire presided; and addresses were delivered by Messrs. Ebenezer Clark, and Whittingham, Rev. Messrs. Driffield, Hewlett, and Black. The proceedings were of a very interesting and instructive character, and the society is now started under the happiest auspices. A committee and officers were appointed, and the number of members at present is 74. On the following Tuesday the first of a series of weekly meetings was held, at which lectures, debates, and essays will be introduced. A library is in course of formation, towards which several liberal contributions of books and money have been made; and it is intended to establish classes for the mutual study of various subjects, as soon as the necessary organization can be secured.— W. H. S.

Neophyte Writers' Society.-Meeting in Hud

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