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What must I do to be faved?

SUPPOSE a mariner shipwrecked on a

defert ifland to behold in the horizon the blue fummits of a chain of mountains, which he knows to rife in a cultivated region flourishing with all the comforts of life. To arrive at that happy land becomes the object of his unceafing defire. But how is the object to be attained? Shall a flender raft, fuch alone as in his deftitute condition he can fabricate, float him thither amid currents and winds and waves? Sometimes, in a moment of confidence, he perfuades himself that his deliverance is within the compass of his own ability. Soon he recognises the feebleness of his Ee3



the certain inefficacy of his exertions; and is ready to call on the rocks and woods of his abode to fhield him from the lingering deftruction which awaits him. Then he rears his fignals along the fhore, anxious if they may but win the notice of fome bark from a civilifed nation, or even of the vagrant canoe of a favage; and thus procure for him a paffage to the haven where be would be, or, at least, afsistance on his way, and inftructions how to accomplish the remainder of his courfe, (Behold the picture of a finner felf-convicted of guilt, conscious of impending judgement, aware of the poffibility of deliverance, ignorant of the method by which deliverance is to be attained, and eagerly looking around for information and fuccour !

What must I do to be faved? Such was the question which the jailor at Philippi propofed to Paul and Silas. Self-condemned as a tranfgreffor; earnest, like the fhipwrecked mariner, for efcape; and in one refpect fingularly favoured, infomuch as by the terrors of the fupernatural earthquake he was convinced that the way of falvation was to be learned from the very perfons whom he had recently thrust into the innermoft dungeon; he fervently implored,

plored, in the few and most comprehenfive words which the extremity of folici tude infpired, the guidance of thefe mef fengers of Chrift. We, no less than the jailor, are fully fatisfied that from the word of God, however it be conveyed ; (from the meffengers of Chrift, whether they speak to us in perfon or in their writings; the way of falvation is to be fought. Propofing therefore the jailor's question, each of us for himself, let us firft confider the anfwers which many who bear the name of Chriftians return to it. And fecondly, let us fearch for the answer returned to it in the Scriptures,

I. What must I do to be faved?" Be decent," it is by fome replied, "in your "life and converfation. Obferve with regularity the established rights of public worship. Be upright in your dealings. "Maintain a refpectable character.

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dulge not in any flagrant vice. A&t "thus, and you will have no cause for ap"prehenfion. God is a God of mercy. "He does not expect unreafonable fervice. "He is not a rigorous mafter, an unjust

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judge. He knows our ftrength, or ra"ther our weakness: and he demands not

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"from us more than we are able to per"form. He is acquainted with the incli"nations of our nature: and though he "ufes ftrong language in the Scriptures σε for the purpose of restraining us within "equitable bounds, he will not call us to ડ a ftrict account for the moderate indulgence of our defires."- The meaning of counsel is often illuftrated by looking to the conduct of the counfellor. Survey the general conduct of the men who offer this counfel. What is the ordinary course of their lives? Altogether worldly. You fee each man, under the fallacious garb of decorum, living to his favourite paffions and propenfities. One is habitually fenfual; another, proud; another, covetous; another, unchafte. The worship paid to God is a cold and formal and reluctant fervice. The heart is devoted to its own idol. You fcarcely feel it neceffary to refer to the Scriptures in order to learn whether these advifers have returned a fàtifactory anfwer to your question. Your understanding fuffices. You reply to yourfelf:-" If practically and habitually I live to the "world; how can I hope for a reward from God? If, while I profess to be "his fervant, I am in my heart and con

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duct feeking my own pleafure only: "I am a hypocrite. Can hypocrify lead to falvation? I muft afk other counfel."What must I do to be faved?" You judge rightly," reply your new instructors," that your former advisers have fur"nifhed a very imperfect anfwer to your

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enquiries. They have forgotten that a "character, to be pleafing to man or to "God, must be amiable. Sweetness of manners, easy affability, courteoufness "and good humour, are indifpenfable. "Be candid. Judge no one. Shun mo"roseness. Partake freely of the gifts of "heaven. Gaiety is the proper attribute "of innocence. Study to please all, and "to make all pleafed with themselves. "To cheerfulness add liberality according "to your convenience. convenience. So fhall you ren"der all around you happy in this world: "and may justly conclude that God will "render you happy with them in the next." Still you perceive, notwithstanding these impofing terms, that the fuggefted additions may have contributed to the former character nothing but a fpecious varnish. Thofe additions may be nothing better than more refined accomplishments. How many felfish, how many deceitful, how many

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