VOL. I. PREFACE, on the Manner of writing Dialogue. PREFACE, INLNO : MANNER OF WRITING DIALOGUE. T HE former editions of these Dialogues were given without a name, and under the fictitious person of an Editor: not, the reader may be fure, for any purpose so filly as that of impofing on the Public; but for reasons of another kind, which it is not difficult to apprehend. HOWEVER, these reasons, whatever they were, subsisting no longer, the writer is now to appear in his own perfon; and the respect; he owes to the public, makes him think it fit to bespeak their acceptance of these volumes in another manner, than he supposed would be readily permitted to him, under his affumed character. I. In an age, like this, when moft men feem ambitious of turning writers, many perfons may think it strange that the kind of compofition, which was chiefly among the masters of this numer ous and stirring family, hath been hitherto neglected. use WHEN the ANTIENTS had any thing "But what, it will be faid, al "ways the Antients? And are we "never |