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" And gather hulks of learning up at laft, Now the rich harveft-time of life is paft, , And winter marches on fo faft ? But, when I meant t... "
Preface on the manner of writing dialogue. Dialogue 1. On sincerity in the ... - Página 131
por Richard Hurd - 1771
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Moral and political dialogues: being the substance of several ..., Volume 2

Richard Hurd (bp. of Worcester.) - 1765 - 278 páginas
...vindication of it againft the Mujt, Art Art thou return'd at laft, faid fhe, To this forfaken place and me ? Thou prodigal, who didft fo loofely wafte Of all thy youthful years, the good eilate; Art thou return'd here to repent too late ? And gather hufks of learning up at laft, Now the...
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Select Works, Volume 1

Abraham Cowley - 1772 - 230 páginas
...The fhaken firings melodioufly refound. Art thou return'd at laft, faid Ihe, To this forfaken place and me ? Thou prodigal, who didft fo loofely wafte...thou return'd here, to repent too late ? And gather hulks of learning up at laft, Now the rich harveft-time of life is paft, , And winter marches on fo...
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Moral and Political Dialogues: With Letters on Chivalry and Romance: by the ...

Richard Hurd - 1776 - 282 páginas
...vindication of it againft the Mufe. •'. Art Art thou return'd atlaft, faid fhe, To this forfakcn place and me ? Thou prodigal, who didft fo loofely wafte...thou return'd here to repent too late; And gather hulks of learning up at laft, Now the rich harveft-time of life is paft, And Winter marches on fo faft...
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Bell's Edition, Volumes 37-38

John Bell - 1777 - 660 páginas
...return'd at laft, faid fhe, To this fnt Taken plaee and me ? Thou Prodigal! who didft fo loofely wafte, 15 Of all thy youthful years the good eftate; Art thou...? And gather hufks of learning up at laft, Now the rieh harveft-time of life is paft, And Winter marehes on fo faft ? 30 But when I meant t' adopt thee...
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The Works of the English Poets: Cowley

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 384 páginas
...ftrings melodioufly refoumi. [ground j " Art thou return'd at laft," faid {lie, " To this forfaken place and me ?' " Thou prodigal ! who didft fo loofely wafte " Of all thy youthful years the good eftite ; i < 04. "Art " Art thou return'd here, to repent too late, " And gather hufks of learning...
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The Works of the British Poets, Volume 5

Robert Anderson - 1795 - 738 páginas
...Ihaktii firings mclodioufly refound, " Art thou return'd at hit," laid Ihy, " To this forfaken place and me * •Thou Prodigal ! who didft fo loofely wafte, Of all thy youthful years the ;;ood eftate ; Art thou return'd, here to repent too late ? And gather hulks of learning up at laft,...
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The Works of the English Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical and ..., Volumes 1-2

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 820 páginas
...[ground; " Art thou return'd at laft," faid fhe, " To this forfaken place and me ? " Thou prodigal I who didft fo loofely wafte " Of all thy youthful years the good eftate ; j ..". *» 04. " Art " Art thou return'd here, to repent too late, " And gather htrfks of learning...
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