| Richard Hurd (bp. of Worcester.) - 1765 - 278 páginas
...made ? When in the cradle, innocent I lay, Thou, wicked fpirit, ftoleft me away. And my abpfed fpul didft bear Into thy new-found worlds I know not where,...Indies -in the air; And ever fince I ftrive in vain My ravifhed freedom to regain : Still I rebel, ftill thou doft reign, Loj ftill in verfe againft thee... | |
| Abraham Cowley - 1772 - 230 páginas
...once to pity and revile. And to her thus, raifing his thoughtful head, The melancholy Cowley faid ; Ah wanton foe, doft thou upbraid The ills, which thou...Indies in the air ; And ever fince I ftrive in vain My ravifli'd freedom to regain ; Still I rebel, ftill thou doft reign ; Lo, ftill in verfe againft thee... | |
| Abraham Cowley - 1772 - 264 páginas
...revile. And to her thus, railing his thoughtful head, The melancholy Cowley faid ; Ah wanton foe, daft thou upbraid The ills, which thou thyfelf haft made?...not where, Thy golden Indies in the air : And ever fmce I ftrive in vain My ravifh'd freedom to regain ; Still I rebel, ftill thou doft reign ; Lo, ftill... | |
| Richard Hurd - 1776 - 282 páginas
...thoughtful head, The melancholy COWLEY faid : Ah, wanton foe, doft thou upbraid The ills which thou thy felf haft made ? When, in the cradle, innocent I lay, Thou,...Indies in the air; And ever fince I ftrive in vain My ravifhed freedom to regain : Still I rebel, ftill thou doft reign, Lo, ftill in verfe againft thee... | |
| Abraham Cowley - 1777 - 266 páginas
...melancholy Cowley faid ; Ah wanton foe, doft thou upbraid The ills, which thou thyfelf haft made ? Whenj in the cradle, innocent I lay, Thou, wicked fpirit,...Indies in the air : And ever fince I ftrive in vain My ravifh'd freedom to regain ; Still I rebel, ftill thou doft reign ; Lo, ftill in verfe againft thee... | |
| John Bell - 1777 - 660 páginas
...The ills whieh thou thyfelf haft made ? 105 When in the eradle innoeent I lay, Thou, wieked Spirit! ftoleft me away, And my abufed foul didft bear Into...worlds, I know not where, Thy golden Indies in the air; HO And ever finee I ftrive in vain My ravilh'd freedom to regain : Still I rebel, ftill thou doft reign,... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 384 páginas
...cradle innocent I lay, " Thou, wicked fpirit I ftoleft me away, " And my abufed foul didft bear 1 ** Into thy new-found worlds, I know not where, ? " Thy golden Indies in the air ; J " And ever fmce I ftrive in vain " My ravifh'd freedom to regain ; " Still I rebel, ftill thou... | |
| English poets - 1790 - 296 páginas
...to pity and revile. And to her thus, raifing his thoughtful head. The melancholy Cowley faid — " Ah, wanton foe ! doft thou upbraid " The ills which...worlds, I know not where, " Thy golden Indies in the air ; I •• And " And ever fir.ce I ftrive in vain " My ravifh'd freedom to regain ; " Still J rebel,... | |
| Robert Anderson - 1795 - 738 páginas
...lay, Thou, wicked Spirit! floleft me away, And my abufed foul didit bear Into thy new-found worlds, 1 know not where, Thy golden Indies in the air ; And ever fince I ftrive in vain My ravim'd freedom to regain ^ Still I rebel, ftill thou doft reign ; Lo, flill in verle, agiinft thec... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1800 - 842 páginas
...whi'.:h thou tliylclf haft made? ' When in the cradle innocent I lay, ' Thou, wicked fpirit ! deleft me away, " And my abufed foul didft bear • Into thy new-found worlds, I know not where, " ' hy golden Indies in the air; And ever Cncc I ftrive in vain " My raviflj'd freedom to regain; H... | |
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