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" A wondrous hieroglyphick robe she wore, In which all colours and all figures were, That nature or that fancy can create, That art can never imitate; And with loose pride it wanton'd in the air. In such a dress, in such a well-cloth'd dream, She us'd,... "
Preface on the manner of writing dialogue. Dialogue 1. On sincerity in the ... - Página 130
por Richard Hurd - 1771
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Moral and political dialogues: being the substance of several ..., Volume 2

Richard Hurd (bp. of Worcester.) - 1765 - 278 páginas
...internal light : A golden harp with filver firings flic bore, A wondrous hieroglyphic robe fhe wore, In which all colours, and all figures were, That nature,...can create, That art can never imitate ; And with loofc pride it wanton'd in the arr. In fuch a drefs, in fuch a well-cloth'd- dream, She us'd of old,...
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Select Works, Volume 1

Abraham Cowley - 1772 - 230 páginas
...internal light. A golden harp, with diver ft rings, ftie bore, A wondrous hieroglyphic robe fhe wore, In which all colours and all figures were, That nature...imitate ; And with loofe pride it wanton'd in the air. In fuch a drefs, in fuch a well-cloath'd dream, She us'd, of old, near fair Ifmenus' ftream, [/] The...
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Moral and Political Dialogues: With Letters on Chivalry and Romance: by the ...

Richard Hurd - 1776 - 282 páginas
...internal light: A golden harp with filver firings fhe bore, A wonderous hieroglyphic robe fhe wore, In which all colours, and all figures were, That nature,...imitate ; And with loofe pride it wanton'd in the air. In fuch a drefs, in fuch. a well-cloth'd dream, Sheus'dof old, near fair IsMENUs'ftream, PINDAR her...
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Select Works of Mr. A. Cowley: In Two Volumes: with a Preface and Notes by ...

Abraham Cowley - 1777 - 266 páginas
...; A wondrous hieroglyphic robe (he wore, In which all colours and all figures were, That nature of that fancy can create, That art can never imitate ; And with loofe pride it wanton'd in the air> In fuch a drefs, in fuch a well-cloath'd dreary She us'd, of old, near fair Ifmenus' ftream, Pindar...
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The Works of the English Poets: Cowley

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 378 páginas
...filver firings fhe bore ; A wondrous hieroglyphick robe fhe wore, In which all colours and all figure* were, That nature or that fancy can create, That art...imitate ; And with loofe pride it wanton'd in the air. In fuch a drefs, in fuch a well-cloath'd dream, She vjs'-d, of old, near fair Ifmeuus' ftream, Pindar,...
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The Works of the English Poets: Cowley

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 384 páginas
...fhe bore ; A wondrous hieroglyphick robe fhe .wore, In which all colours and all figures were, tfhat nature or that fancy can create, That art can never imitate ; And with lohfe pride it wanton'd in the air. In fuch a drefs, in fach a well-cloath'd dream, Shejis'd, of old,...
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The works of the English poets. With prefaces, biographical and ..., Volume 7

English poets - 1790 - 296 páginas
...internal light. A golden harp with filver firings fhe bore ; A wondrous hieroglyphick robe fhe wore, In which all colours and all figures were, That nature...imitate ; And with loofe pride it wanton'd in the air. In futh a drefs, in fuch a well-cloath'd dream, She us'd, of old, near fair' flream, Pindar,...
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The Works of Abraham Cowley, Volume 1

Abraham Cowley - 1806 - 294 páginas
...internal light. A golden harp with silver strings she bore ; A wondrous hieroglyphick robe she wore, In which all colours and all figures were, That nature...fancy can create, That art can never imitate; And with loose pride it wanton'd in the air. In such a dress, in such a well-cloth'd dream, She us'd, of old,...
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Specimens of the British Poets ...

British poets - 1809 - 510 páginas
...internal light. A golden harp with silver strings she bore ; A wondrous hieroglyphick robe she wore, In which all colours and all figures were, That nature...can create, That art can never imitate ; And with loose pride it wanton'd in the air; In such a dress, in auch a well-cloth' d dream, She us'd, of old,...
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Specimens of the British Poets ...

British poets - 1809 - 490 páginas
...uncomfortable shade Of the black yew's unlucky green, .,,injus merogiyphick robe she wore, In which alt colours and all figures were, That nature or that fancy can create, That art can never imitate ; And wiili loose piide it wanton'd in the air. Iii such a dress, in such a well-cloth'd dream, She us'd,...
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