THE MERCHANT OF Ν VENICE Actus primus. [Scene i. Venice. A street.] Enter Anthonio, Salarino, and Salanio Anthonio. IN sooth I know not why I am so sad, It wearies me: you say it wearies you; But how I caught it, found it, or came by it, I am to learne: and such a Want-wit sadnesse makes of mee, That I have much ado to know my selfe. Sal. Your minde is tossing on the Ocean, There where your Argosies with portly saile Like Signiors and rich Burgers on the flood, Or as it were the Pageants of the sea, 7. borne: born-3-4F. 1Ο 8-9. new 1. at And-3Q. Do over-peere the pettie Traffiquers That curtsie to them, do them reverence As they flye by them with their woven wings. Sal. My winde cooling my broth, Would blow me to an Ague, when I thought 20 30 1 lowering And not bethinke me straight of dangerous rocks, And now worth nothing. Shall I have the thought Is sad to thinke upon his merchandize. 4I Anth. Beleeve me no, I thanke my fortune for it, My ventures are not in one bottome trusted, 28. might doe at sea: at sea might do-IQ. 31. docks: dock'd-Rowe. Nor to one place; nor is my whole estate Anth. Fie, fie. 50 Sola. Not in love neither: then let us say you are sad Because you are not merry; and 'twere as easie For you to laugh and leape, and say you are merry Because you are not sad. Now by two-headed Janus, Nature hath fram'd strange fellowes in her time: Some that will evermore peepe through their eyes, And laugh like Parrats at a bag-piper. And other of such vineger aspect, That they'll not shew their teeth in way of smile 60 Though Nestor sweare the jest be laughable. Enter Bassanio, Lorenso, and Gratiano. Sola. Heere comes Bassanio, Your most noble Kinsman, Gratiano, and Lorenso. Faryewell, We leave you now with better company. Sala. I would have staid till I had made you merry, If worthier friends had not prevented me. Ant. Your worth is very deere in my regard. I take it your owne busines calls on you, 70 Bass. Good signiors both, when shall we laugh? say, when? | You grow exceeding strange: must it be so? Sal. Wee'll make our leysures to attend on yours. Exeunt Salarino, and Solanio. Lor. My Lord Bassanio, since you have found Anthonio We two will leave you, but at dinner time I pray you have in minde where we must meete. Bass. I will not faile you. Grat. You looke not well signior Anthonio, You have too much respect upon the world: 80 Ant. I hold the world but as the world Gratiano, A stage, where every man must play a part, And mine a sad one. Grati. Let me play the foole, With mirth and laughter let old wrinckles come, 90 100 If they should speake, would almost dam those eares Which hearing them would call their brothers fooles: Ile tell thee more of this another time. 93. Alablaster: alabaster-POPE. 102. sir an Oracle: Sir Oracle-Q2. But fish not with this melancholly baite Lor. Well, we will leave you then till dinner time. I must be one of these same dumbe wise men, For Gratiano never let's me speake. Gra. Well, keepe me company but two yeares mo, Thou shalt not know the sound of thine owne tongue. Ant. Far you well, Ile grow a talker for this geare. Gra. Thankes ifaith, for silence is onely commendable In a neats tongue dri'd, and a maid not vendible. Exit. Ant. It is that any thing now. 122 Bas. Gratiano speakes an infinite deale of nothing, more then any man in all Venice, his reasons are two graines of wheate hid in two bushels of chaffe: you shall seeke all day ere you finde them, & when you have them they are not worth the search. An. Well: tel me now, what Lady is the same Bas. Tis not unknowne to you Anthonio How much I have disabled mine estate, 122. It is that: Is that-Rowe. 130 140 |