Imagens das páginas

Strooken (strucken), IV. iii. 241,

an archaic past participle of
'strike'; Errors, I. ii. 49.
Studie (study) me, I. i. 85; this
use of the ethical dative' is
often, as here, humorous.
Sue, V. ii. 474, play upon sue=
prosecute by law and offer suit.
Suggested, V. ii. 842, tempted;
Oth., II. iii. 368; Rich. II, III.
iv. 82; Hen. V, ÍI. ii. 117.
Suggestions, I. i. 169, temptations,
as usually in Sh.; Temp., IV. i.
30; Macb., I. iii. 150.
Sweet my childe (child), I. ii. 64,
'my sweet child,' the possessive
adjectives being often trans-
posed and joined to the noun
when unemphatic; III. i. 150;
Jul. Cæs., II. i. 283; Ham., I.
iii. 50; Rom. & Jul., III. v. 214.

Tables, V. ii. 365, backgammon,
or any game played on a table
with dice.

Taffata (taffeta), V. ii. 168, refer-
ring to masks of taffeta silk.
Taking it in snuffe (snuff), V. ii.
23, take it ill, a frequent play on
two meanings of snuff; 1 Hen.
IV, I. iii. 45; Mids. Night Dr.,
V. i. 260.

Talent claw, IV. ii. 79, 80, the
word talon, claw, was sometimes
written talent; claw also means
to flatter, so there is a double play
on words; Much Ado, I. iii. 16.
Teene (teen), IV. iii. 169, grief,
pain; Rich. III, IV. i. 109.
That, IV. i. 39, to which, a dative;
IV. iii. 112, V. ii. 8, so that,' so' is
often omitted; Macb., I. ii. 72,
I. vii. 12, II. ii. 10, 33; Jul. Cæs.,

I. i. 52.

Theefe (thief), IV. iii. 193, an evil-
doer, as often in Sh.; Meas. for
Meas., V. i. 5o.
Thorough, II. i. 251; used by Sh.
interchangeably with through.
Thrasonicall (thrasonical),


14, boastful; As You, V. ii. 34.
Three-pil'd, V. ii. 453, superfine,
as three-piled velvet; Meas. for
Meas., I. ii. 34; Wint. Tale, IV.
iii. 15-16.
Time, IV. iii. 401, sufficient time.

To, V. ii. 406, according to, in
proportion to; Much Ado, IV.
i. 227; Cor., II. i. 279; Tro. &
Cres., I. i. 10.

Tofore, III. i. 88, formerly; Tit.
And., III. i. 313.

Tokens, V. ii. 470, plague-spots,
and also the lovers' favors worn
by the ladies. See note, p. 176.
Ant. & Cleo., III. x. 16.
Too hard a keeping oath, I. i. 70.
For transposition of article com-
pare John, IV. ii. 29; Errors, III.
ii. 161; Tro. & Cres., V. vi. 30, etc.
Too little to, II. i. 66, 67, too
little in comparison with; Two
Gen. of Ver., II. iv. 138-9;
Temp., I. ii. 564.

[ocr errors]

Toy, IV. iii. 175, 211, trifle; 1 Hen.
VI, IV. i. 154; Macb., II. iii.
115; John, I. i. 244.
Trencher-knight, V. ii. 517, serv-

Treyes (treys), V. ii. 251, threes, as
in dice and cards.

Triumphery (triumviry), IV. iii.
53, triumvirate.
Triumphing, IV. iii. 35, pro-
nounced tri-úmph-ing here and
Lucrece, 1388; Rich. III, III.
iv. 100, etc.

Turtles, IV. iii. 226, V. ii. 985,
turtle-doves; only meaning in Sh.
Tyred (tired), IV. ii. 142, capari-

[ocr errors]

Unconfirmed, IV. ii. 19, inexperi-
enced, ignorant; Much Ado,
III. iii. 114.
Undeserving praise, V. ii. 407,
praise to the undeserving, or
undeserved praise.

Unhappy, V. ii. 13, roguish; All's
Well, IV. v. 64.

Unseeming, II. i. 163, a peculiar
use of the negative, which really
belongs to the verb-in 'so
seeming not to confess.'
Upon the apple of her eie (eye), V.
ii. 528, in obedience to her glance.

Vailing, V. ii. 334, lowering, let-
ting fall; Mer. of Ven., I. i. 32;
Ham., I. ii. 76.

Veale (veal), V. ii. 273; zu viel,
German, too much.

Venewe (venue), V. i. 59, sally; a term in fencing meaning touch, hit; 'veney' in Mer. Wives, I. i. 296.

Voluble (volable), III. i. 68, nimble-witted.

Waigh (weigh), V. ii. 27, 28, used quippingly for care, consider of importance. Ward, III. i. 129, guard, term in fencing; Temp I. ii. 552. Ware (ware), ii. 45, beware of; the apostrophe in modern text is wrong, as aware is a different word; Tro. & Cres., V. vii. 14.

Wassels (wassails), V. ii. 357, drinking-bouts; Macb., I. vii. 75. Wax, V. ii. 11, grow, with play on the noun; Cor., II. ii. 111; Ham., I. iii. 16.

Weaker vessel, I. i. 269, woman; As You, II. iv. 9; 2 Hen. IV, II. iv. 58; Rom. & Jul., I. i. 19


Weeds, V. ii. 875, garments; Mids. Night Dr., II. i. 266; Tit. And., III. i. 48.

Weeping ripe (weeping-ripe), V. ii. 307, ready to weep; used only here and Hen. VI, I. iv. 183. Well-advis'd, V. ii. 483, in right| mind; Errors, II. ii. 216. Wel-liking (well-liking), V. ii. 301, well-conditioned, equivalent to French embonpoint. Compare I Hen. IV, III. iii. 7; Mer. Wives, II. i. 52. Whales (whale's), V. ii. 371, here pronounced in two syllables, whál-es.

When that, IV. iii. 150; that was frequently added, as so,' to 'who,' 'when,' etc., to give force of relative to interrogative words; Jul. Cæs., III. ii. 101. Where, II. i. 110, whereas, as frequently in Sh.; Cor., I. i. 103; Lear, I. ii. 84; Rich. II, III. ii. 187.

Where-untill (whereuntil), V. ii. 550, whereto; 'till' is often used for 'to' in Sh.; Pass. Pilg., xxi. | 10; Ham., V. i. 77.

Who, I. i. 177, without inflection

for the objective 'whom,' as in II. i. 5, IV. i. 82, and frequently in Sh.; Macb., III. i. 147; Cor., II. i. 10, etc.

Wide a'th bow hand (o' the bowhand), IV. i. 153, far to the left of the mark; the bow-hand is the left, holding the bow. Wimpled, III. i. 177, veiled, hence hoodwinked, blindfolded. Winke (wink), I. i. 47, shut the eyes, as often in Sh.; Errors III. ii. 61; Sonn. 43, 1; 56, 6; Temp., II. i. 229.

Wit, I. ii. 84, probably a pronunciation of "withe,' to make the play on words possible. See

note, p. 133.

With the manner, I. i. 214, in the fact. See note, p. 130. Wit-old, V. i. 62, play on 'wittol,' cuckold; wittolly' occurs Mer. Wives, II. ii. 257.

Woolward, V. ii. 780, with wool instead of linen next the skin. Worlds (world's) delights, I. i. 33, worldly delights.

Wort, V. ii. 252, unfermented


Wot, I. i. 96, know; used only in present, Hen. V, IV. i. 299, and as participle, 'wotting,' Wint. Tale, III. ii. 81. Wreathed, IV. iii. 140, pronounceá wreath-ed here, folded; Two Gen. of Ver., II. i. 20; Tit. And., II. iii. 28.

Wrought (raught), IV. ii. 49, an old past tense and participle of 'reach,' common in Sh.; Hen. V, IV. vi. 23; 3 Hen. VI, I. iv. 75; Ant. & Cleo., IV. ix. 37.

Ycliped (ycleped), I. i. 249, V. ii. 665, called, an archaism, from Anglo-Saxon cleopan, to call; used only here in Sh. Yeares (years), V. ii. 518, wrinkles, as a mark of years. Yncle (inkle), III. i. 137, tape; Wint. Tale, IV. iv. 238; Per., V. prol. 9.

Zanie (zany), V. ii. 516, clown; Tw. Night, I. v. 87; only instances of the word in Sh.



Grammatical Usage and Pronunciation

Abide, III. ii. 447, await, meet in combat.

Abridgement, V. i. 45, pastime; Ham., II. ii. 448.

Adamant, II. i. 203, lodestone, magnet; Tro. & Cres., III. ii. 286.

Addrest (address'd), V. i. 113, ready; Jul. Cæs., III. i. 38; 2 Hen. IV, IV. iv. 7; Love's Lab., II. i. 89.

Admirable, V. i. 28, to be wondered at.

Afear'd, III. i. 27, used interchangeably with "afraid." After supper, V. i. 39, time after supper.

Against, V. i. 82, in preparation


Aggravate, I. ii. 78, Bottom's blunder for 'decrease.' Alwaies (all ways), IV. i. 47, in all directions.

And (an), I. ii. 48, if.

And if (an if), II. ii. 159, merely an intensified if.

Anticke (antique), V. i. 5, strange, odd, 'antique' and 'antic' are used interchangeably; Ham., I. v. 188. Approve, II. ii. 72, prove, test; Mer. of Ven., III. ii. 85; Rich. II, I. iii. 118; Lear, II. iv. 197. Apricocks, III. i. 173, apricots; used by Sh. only here and Rich. II, III. iv. 34..

Argument, III. ii. 249, subject of sport; 1 Hen. IV, II. ii. 960. Artificiall (artificial), III. ii. 210, skilled, artful; Per., V. i.


As it should pierce, II. i. 166, as if, etc., the if implied by the use of subjunctive.

Banke (bank) where, II. i. 259,

pronounced bank whe-re or possibly bánk-e where.

Barky, IV. i. 50; used only here in Sh.

Barme (barm), II. i. 37, froth, yeast.

Barren, III. ii. empty-headed, dull, stupid.

Bated, I. i. 202, excepted; Temp., II. i. 100.

Battie (batty), III. ii. 386, bat-like; only example of use in Sh. Be advis'd, I. i. 54, take heed, consider; used often by Sh. Beard, II. i. 99, long hairs on ears of corn, i. e., wheat, barley. Because that, II. i. 20, that is here a conjunctional affix, its use borrowed by analogy from the custom of attaching it to interrogatives to give them a relative meaning.

Be it so, I. i. 47, expanded this means If it be (Be it) in this way (so).' See So, III. ii. 329. Belike, I. i. 140, likely, probably. Berlaken (By'r lakin), III. i. 14, by our ladykin, or little lady, i. e., the Virgin Mary; Temp., III.

iii. 4. Beshrew, II. ii. 57, V. i. 298, a mild imprecation, often used playfully.

Beteeme (beteem), I. i. 141, grant

See Chide, II. i. 150, quarrel; Ven.
& Ad., 46.

allow, or pour down upon.
note, p. 104.
Bil (bill), I. ii. 100, list.
Blinde wormes (blindworms), II.
ii. 13, slow-worms; Macb., IV.
i. 18.

Blood, I. i. 77, 83, passion; I. i.
144, birth, social rank.
Bolt, II. i. 171, arrow; Mer. Wives,
III. iv. 29.


Bootlesse (bootless), II. i. 36, in
vain; Jul. Cæs., III. i. 87.
Bottle, IV. i. 38, bundle, truss (of
hay); nowhere else in Sh.
Brakes, II. i. 235, III. 1. 6,
thickets; Hen. VIII, I. ii.
Breath, III. ii. 47, language.
Brisky, III. i. 97, brisk, lively.
Broacht (broach'd), V. i.
stabbed, spitted.


Broke, I. i. 186, for 'broken,' abbre-
viated form of past participle, as in
Early English.

Brow of Egipt (Egypt), V. i. 13,
the brow of an Egyptian, gypsy.
Bully, III. i. 9, comrade, bluster-
ing fellow; Mer. Wives, I. iii.
13, II. iii. 28, IV. v. 18; Hen.
V, IV. i. 8.

Bush of thorns, III. i. 59, bundle
of sticks. See note, p. 135.
Buskin'd, II. i. 75, wearing the
buskin, high-heeled hunter's
boot; neither this word nor 'bus-
kin' found elsewhere in Sh.
But, IV. i. 157, only, modifies now.
By, II. i. 63, near.

Canker blossome (canker-blossom),
III. ii. 295, a worm that destroys


Cankers, II. ii. 4, worms.
Capacity, V. i. 112, opinion.
Cavalery, IV. i. 25, cavalier;
alero in Mer. Wives, II. iii. 70;
2 Hen. IV, V. iii. 55.
Changeling, II. i. 22, change-e-
ling, the child left by the fairies
in place of the one taken. See
note, p. 117.

Cheeke by jowle (cheek by jole),
III. ii. 357-8, cheek to cheek, i.e.,
side by side; used by Sh. no-
where else.

Cheere (cheer), III. ii. 99, V. i. 302,
face; Mer. of Ven., III. ii. 314.

Chiding, IV. i. 129, barking, any
incessant noise; As You, II. i.
10; Hen. VIII, III. ii. 197.
Childing, II. i. 116, fruitful, fertile.
Choughes (choughs), III. ii. 23,
crows. See note, p. 140.
Churle (churl), II. îì. 82, peasant,

Clearkes (clerks), V. i. 100, cleárk-
es, scholars.

Collied, I. i. 155, black, literally,
smutted with coal; used by Sh.
only here and Oth., II. iii. 216.
Come (comes), III. ii. 465, sub-

Comes, III. ii. 467, cóm-es.
Compact, V. i. 1o, composed; Ven.
& Ad., 149; Tit. And., V. iii.
88; As You, II. vii. 8.
Compare, II. ii. 105, try to rival.
Con, I. ii. 96, learn by heart; Tw.
Night, II. iii. 144.

Concerne (concern), I. i. 69, befit,
accord with.

Condole, I. ii. 30, lament, bewail;
used only here and Hen. V, II.
i. 121.

Confusion, I. i. 159, quadrisyllable,

Constancy, V. i. 27, consistency.
Contagious, II. i. 94, poisonous,
pestilential; John, V. iv. 33; Hen.
V, III. iii. 32.

Coy, IV. i. 5, stroke, caress; only
here in this sense.

Coyle (coil), III. ii. 359, tangle,
confusion, turmoil; Temp., I. ii.
241; Errors, III. i. 65; Rom.
& Jul., II. v. 69, etc.
Crab, II. i. 48, crabapple; Temp.,
II. ii. 176.

Crazed title, I. i. 101, weak, inval-
id, a title with a flaw.
Create, V. i. 399, created, not a
participle without the 'ed,' but a
participial adjective from the
Latin creat-us; John, IV. i. 118.
Critical, V. i. 61, censorious; used
by Sh. only here and Oth., II.
i. 142.

Cry, IV. i. 138, pack of dogs; Cor.,

III. iii. 151; Ham., III. ii. 302.
Cry your worships mercy, III. i.
185, beg your indulgence; Mer.

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