Imagens das páginas

estimation; Two. Gen. of Ver.,
III. i. 85.

Nominated, I. iii. 154, IV. i. 274,
named, stated.

Nor.. not, II. i. 50, III. iv. 13,
IV. i. 64; nor .. none, I. ii. 26;
examples of double negatives
with a negative meaning, fre-
quent in Sh. and early writers.
Nourished, III. ii. 58, three sylla-

Obdurate, IV. i. 12, stress on sec-

ond syllable, ob-dú-rate.
Obliged, II. vi. 9,, plighted,
pledged; used only here.
Obscure, II. vii. 53, stress on first
syllable, ób-scure.

Occasions, I. i. 148, four syllables,


Ocean, I. i. 11, three syllables, o-


Of, II. ii. 93, on; II. iv. 25, with;
I. iii. 54, about or concerning, as
in study of that, Temp., II. i. 85.
Of feasting forth, II. v. 39, for
feasting out; of is often equiva-
lent to for' in the time of Sh.
Of force, IV. i. 442, of necessity;
Mids. Night Dr., III. ii. 42.
Of gold, who, II. vii. 5, 'who'
where 'which' would now be
used is the Elizabethan custom;
the language not having yet fixed
upon which' as the neuter rela-
tive, which was then applied
to persons, while 'who' was ap-
plied to things.

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Old swearing, IV. ii. 19, old is here
an intensive, and the phrase is
an example of its perpetual slang
use in a variety of familiar com-
binations, good old boy,' 'high
old time,' etc.

On your charge, IV. i. 272, at your

Opinion, I. i. 11, III. v. 67, four
syllables, o-pin-i-on.

Opinion Of, I. i. 100, reputation


Opposed, II. ix. 64, three sylla-

Ore-lookt (o'erlook'd), III. ii. 16,
bewitched. See note, p. 163.
Orpheus, V. i. 91, stress on first
syllable, Or-fuse.

Ostent, II. ii. 193, show, obvious

manifestation; ostents, II. viii.
Hen. V, V. prol. 23.
Other, I. i. 59, refers, like some in
preceding line, to strange fel-
lowes, the singular being com-
monly so used in Sh., as in Er-
rors, IV. iii. 6; Sonn. Ixii. 8; Ven.
& Ad., 1102; or other may be
the plural of Saxon othere.
Our feast shall be, III. ii. 220,
'shall' was used for 'is to be,'
for futurity, in all three persons;
so, also, II. iv. 42.
Out-dwels (out-dwells), II. vi. 5,

Out.. envies (envy's) reach, IV.
i. 14, beyond reach of his malice.
Over-name, I. ii. 35, run their

names over.

Over-wither'd (over-weather'd),
II. vi. 20, weather-beaten.

Pageants, I. i. 14, shows; Mids.

Night Dr., III. ii. 118; Temp.,
IV. i. 177. See note, p. 117.
Part, II. vii. 80, depart; 'depart'
was used where we should say
'part'; Cor., V. vi. 90.
Parts, IV. i. 98, capacities, em-

Passion, IV. i. 56, used in the
original sense of feeling, emo-
tion; Jul. Cæs., I. ii. 57; pas-
sion, II. viii. 14, an emotional
outbreak; Two Gen. of Ver.,
IV. iv. 169.

Patch, II. v. 49, a name given to a
jester, which may be derived
from his party-colored coat or
from the Italian pazzo, foolish,
insane; Mids. Night Dr., III.
ii. II.
See note, p. 152.
Pattens (patines), V. i. 69, golden
plates used for sacramental
bread; used only here. See note,

[blocks in formation]

rently, when used with the condi-
tioning word perhaps, a regular
idiom of the time; Errors, IV. i.
43; Oth., V. ii. 246.
Perswaded (persuaded) with, III.
ii. 298, used persuasion with;
this is the only place in which
Sh. joins with' to this verb.
Philhorse (fill-horse), II. ii. 91,
a provincialism,' fill' or 'thill
meaning shaft; the word is
familiar in America. See note,
P. 147.

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iii. 82, spotted; Temp.,

III. ii. 66.

Pil'd, I. iii. 87, peeled. See note,
p. 136.

Placed, II. vi. 64, two syllables.
Pleasure me, I. iii. 8, nouns were
changed to verbs at will by the

Poesie (poesy), V. i. 168, a motto
in verse; Ham., III. ii. 173.
Port, I. i. 133, III. ii. 298, state.
Portia, Pór-sheah, last two sylla-
bles generally elided, but some-
times pronounced, Pór-she-ah;
II. vii. 45, 49, V. i. 125, 214.
Possest possessed), I. iii. 65, IV.
i. 40, informed; Cor., II. i.


Post, V. i. 56, messenger; Tw.
Night, I. v. 285.

Pray God, III. iii. 40, subject
omitted, as in 'would to God.'
Prefer'd preferr'd) thee, II. ii.
140, promoted or recommended
for promotion.
Preparation, II. iv. 4, five sylla-
bles, prep-ar-a-ti-on.
Presages, I. i. 184, the relative
'which' is omitted, as frequently
in Sh.; Jul. Cæs., I. ii. 334.
Presence, III. ii. 57, dignity of

Prest, I. i. 169, ready, from the Old
French prest (now prêt).
Prevented, I. i. 68, primitive sense
of 'anticipated';* Ham., II. ii.


Prize, III. ii. 148, contest.
Proclamation, IV. i. 457, five syl-
lables, proc-la-ma-ti-on.
Proper mans picture, I. ii. 69, a
man who is as he should be;
often a 'handsome'man; Sh. uses
'proper' and 'properest' in the

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same sense; Mids. Night Dr.,
I. ii. 83; Much Ado, V. i. 182.
Provided of, II. iv. 25, of is often
used of the agent where we use
'by' and 'with,' as here.
Pursue, IV. i. 313, stress on first

Puts, III. ii. 20, a form of the verb
with a plural subject, which is
common in Sh., Spenser, and
other Elizabethan writers, some-
times when the subject is singu-
lar in thought, sometimes, as here,
when not so, also in dealings
teaches them, I. iii. 166; the
form may be a survival of the
northern Early English third per-
son plural inflection in 's'; Ham.,
III. ii. 225; Errors, V. i. 78.
Pyrats (pirates), pronounced as
spelled in the Folio, py-rats, to
signify this kind of water-rat or
thief; Tw. Night, V. i. 69.
Pythagoras, IV. i. 140, stress on
second syllable.

Quaint, III. iv. 72, ingenious,
elaborate; Two Gen. of Ver., II.
i. 119.

Quaintly, II. iv. 6, tastefully,
gracefully; III. iv. 72; Two
Gen. of Ver., II. i. 119.
Quarreling (quarrelling) with oc-
casion, III. v. 52, quibbling on
every opportunity.

Question, IV. i. 76, debate, argue,
hold controversy; it often means
dialogue; Wint. Tale, IV. ii. 49.
Quit, IV. i. 399, remit.

Raisd (raised), II. viii. 6, roused.
Reason'd, II. viii. 30, conversed,

talked. See note, p. 157.
Reddest, II. i. 12, the superlative
for the comparative was used at
pleasure where but two objects
were compared; 1 Hen. VI, II.
iv. 15-20.

Regreets, II. ix. 94, greetings; used
as a noun but once again, John,
III. i. 253.

Renowned, I. i. 178, II. i. 25,
three syllables.

Reproach, II. v. 23, Launcelot's
blunder for 'approach.'
Respective, V. i. 176, mindful.
Respect upon the world, I. i. 82, re-

gard for the world; an exceptional use of 'upon.'. Rest, II. ii. 98, the highest stake ventured was called the 'rest.' See note, p. 147.

Richly left, I. i. 170, left rich, as is still commonly said, 'left welloff.'

Ripe wants, I. iii. 64, urgent wants, not to be delayed, but, like ripe fruit, gathered.

Riping, II. viii. 43, ripeness or maturity of the time.

Rode (road), V. i. 314, harbor, port; rodes, I. i. 22. Round hose, I. ii. 71.

See note, p.

128. Ruine (ruin), II. ix. 50, refuse, rubbish.

Salarino, stress on first syllable, Sál-ahr-ee-no.

Salerio, stress on second syllable, Sah-ley-ree-o.

Sand-blinde (blind), II. ii. 34,

dim of sight. See note, p. 145. Satisfied Ŏf, V. i. 324-5, satisfied about or concerning.

Say you by, I. ii. 52, about, concerning.

Scant, III. ii. 118, V. i. 161, moderate, cut short. Scanted, II. i. 22, restricted. Scrubbed, V. i. 182, two syllables, small, ill-favored; used here only. See note, p. 210. Seald (sealed) under for another, I. ii. 78, became his surety for another.

Sealed, II. viii. 20, two syllables. Searecloath (cerecloth), II. vii. 53, a cloth dipped in melted wax to be used as a shroud; used here only. See note, p. 154. Seasons, IV. i. 208, III. ii. 82, tem


Selfe (self) way, I. i. 157, same way; 3 Hen. VI, III. i. 13; Rich. II, I. ii. 25.

Sencible (sensible), II. viii. 51, here equivalent to substantial'; II. ix. 94, palpable to the senses; generally means 'sensitive'; Love's Lab., IV. iii. 356. Shall seeke (seek) all day, I. i. 125, shall and 'should' are often used in all three persons by

Elizabethan writers to denote mere futurity.

Should appeare (appear), III. ii. 289, would appear; the old use of 'shall' instead of 'will' is common in Sh.; Jul. Cæs., II. ii. 50. Shrewd, III. ii. 257, bad, evil. Shrive me, I. ii. 128, absolve me, give me confession.

Sits downe (down), II. vi. 11, in Sh. the ellipsis of a preposition which has been expressed before the relative is common; so the meaning implied is 'sits down with'; IV. i. 407; Meas. for Meas., II. ii. 146.

Skarfed (scarfed), II. vi. 17, two syllables.

Slubber, II. viii. 42, to do imperfectly, to slur over, to do carelessly; it may also mean to soil or obscure; used only here and in Oth., I. iii. 252.

Smug, III. i. 43, spruce, trim; Lear, IV. vi. 213; 1 Hen. IV, III. i. 112.

So, I. iii. 174, often used, as here, as a particle of affirmation or assent; 1 Hen. IV, V. iv. 159. Solanio (Salanio), sometimes Salanio in Folios, but Sol. is more often distinct from Sal., which stands for Salarino; stress on second syllable, So-láh-nee-o. Some men there are love not, IV. i. 52, the relative 'who' is omitted

here, as in I. i. 184 'which' was left out.

Soone (soon) at, II. iii. 6, about. Sore, V. i. 335, from Anglo-Saxon

sáre, related to the German sehr, very, hence severely, grievously. Sort, I. ii. 100, lot; Tro. & Cres., I. iii. 390.

Speake (speak) me faire (fair) in death, IV. i. 290, speak well of me after my death.

Spend, I. i. 162, waste; Mids.
Night Dr., III. ii. 77.
Spet, I. iii. 116, for 'spit,' an obso-
lete form occasionally used by
Sh.; spets, II. vii. 47,
Squandred (squandered), I. iii. 22,
scattered. See note, p. 132.
Stephano, stress on first syllable,
Stéf-ah-no. See note, p. 200.
Sterv'd, IV. i. 147, from the Anglo-

Saxon steorfan, Old English
sterven, meaning to die; in the
latter part of the 16th cen-
tury it was used in the sense of
perishing through hunger or

Strait (straight), II. ix. 2, straight-


Substance, IV. i. 345, the amount.
Successe (success), III. ii. 253, the
issue or outcome, denoting
sequence; Sh. often uses the
word with this etymological
meaning; Wint. Tale, I. ii. 455;
2 Hen. IV, IV. ii. 50; All's
Well, III. vi. 39.

Suited, I. ii. 70, dressed; All's
Well, I. i. 162; Lear, IV. vii. 11;
Tw. Night, V. i. 248.
Supposed, III. ii. 100, three sylla-
bles, false, counterfeit; Mer.
Wives, IV. iv. 66; Tam. of
Shr., II. i. 435-6.

Suspect, I. iii. 166, the 'to' of
the infinitive is often left out, as
here before suspect.

Suted (suited), III. v. 61, suited
to each other, fitted together;
Much Ado, V. i. 232; Tro. &
Cres., prol. 25.

Swift, III. ii. 204, the use of ad-
jectives for adverbs was frequent
in the time of Sh.; Tam. of Shr.,
ind., I. i. 99; Ant. & Cleo., II.

ii. 115.

Table, II. ii. 152, used as a term in
palmistry. See note, p. 148.
Take paine (pain), II. ii. 181, take
pains; Sh. uses both expres-
sions, this more rarely; Mids.
Night Dr., I. i. 264, V. i. 87;
2 Hen. IV, IV. v. 241. See
note, p. 149.
Teaches, I. iii. 166, this form of the
verb with a plural subject is
usual in Sh. See Puts.
Terme in grosse (term in gross),
III. ii. 165, to sum up.
That men, III. iv. 78, so that,
a common omission; Jul. Cæs.,

I. i. 52.
The which, I. iii. 5, IV. i. 370, ex-
amples of the use of an archaic
equivalent, corresponding to the
French le quel, where a sin-
gling out of one particular ante-

cedent is markedly denoted by
the, which being indefinite.
Throughfares, II. vii.

44, Sh.
uses either 'thorough or
'through,' throughly' or 'thor-
oughly,' as best suits the rhythm;
'throughfare' is found only here
and thoroughfare' only in
Cymb., I. iii. 1o.

Throughly, IV. i. 181. See

Time, I. i. 138, youth; Two Gen.
of Ver., II. iv. 63.

To night (to-night), II. v. 21, last
night; usually in Sh. it has its
modern meaning; Jul. Cæs.,
III. iii. 2.

Towards my rest, II. v. 20,
against my peace of mind.
Tranect, III. iv. 55, probably an
error for the French traject, a
ferry. See note, p. 178.
Transformed, II. vi. 46, three syl-

Truth, IV. i. 225, honesty; Meas.

for Meas., IV. ii. 42; Mids.
Night Dr., IV. ii. 31.
Turned, I. iii. 84, two syllables.

Uncheckt (unchecked), III. i. 4,


Undertooke (undertook), II. iv. 7,
undertaken; the form of the par-
ticiple had not become fixed in
Sh.'s time.
Undervalued, I. i. 174, lower in
worth, inferior.
Undeserved, II. ix. 42, four sylla-
bles, un-de-serv-ed.
Unfurnisht (unfurnish'd), III. ii.
133, destitute of its fellow, un-
mated. See note, p. 169.
Unthrift, V. i. 22, unthrifty, good-
for-nothing in respect to riches;
Tim. of Ath., IV. iii. 340.
Untread, II. vi. 12, retrace; John,
V. iv. 56; used only in these two

Upon more advice, IV. ii. 8, on

further consideration, reflection;
Meas. for Meas., V. i. 515.
Upon my power, IV. i. 110, on my
authority, by virtue of my power.
Urge, V. i. 228, insist upon; Jul.

Cæs., IV. iii. 304.

Usance, I. iii. 45, I. iii. 145, in-
terest. See note, p. 135.

Vailing, I. i. 32, bending, lower- | ing. See note, p. 119. Varnisht (varnish'd), II. v. 35, II. ix. 51, painted. Vaste (vasty), II. vii. 43, two syllables, vas-ty, waste, desolate. Verie (very) friends, III. ii. 233, true, real; from the Old French verai (vrai), in turn from the Latin veracus, derived from verus; Rom. & Jul., III. i. 114; Ham., II. ii. 56.

Waft, V. i. 15, wafted; Errors, II. ii. 110.

Waste, III. iv. 13, spend; As You, II. iv. 102.

Wealth, V. i. 274, weal, welfare. We have not spoke us yet of II. iv. 5, we have not yet bespoken.

Where, IV. i. 27, whereas; Two Gen. of Ver., III. i. 77. Whiles, I. ii. 129, the genitive singular of 'while' (originally a noun), used as an adverb. Who love I, II. vi. 36, the inflection of "who' is often neglected; directly after a preposition, 'whom' is usually found; Love's Lab., II. i. 5.

Wis, II. ix. 71, know, from the Old English verb wissen, used by Sh. as a verb always, not as the adverbial ywis, certainly'; Tam. of Shr., I. i. 67; Rich. III, I. iii. 107; Per., II. prol. 2. Wit, II. i. 23, used here in the original sense of wisdom or foresight.

With imagin'd (imagined) speed, III. iv. 54, all imaginable speed. Without respect, V. i. 111, without regard to circumstances. With so good heart as, I. ii. 124, the Elizabethans used, as here, so with as, instead of 'as.. as.' Would, I. iii. 66, used here absolutely for wish,' ' require.' Would grant continuance, I. i. 134, ellipsis of 'of' before continuance is common to Elizabethan writers.

Writ, II. iv. 14, writ and 'wrote for the past tense, and 'writ,' 'written,' and 'wrote for the participle, are all used by Sh.

Yet I have not, II. ix. 96, I have not yet; the Elizabethans often used yet, meaning 'till now,' before a negative where in modern usage this order is reversed. You and I, III. ii. 336, a negligence in the inflections of the pronoun common in Sh.'s time; ii. 32; Oth., IV. ii. 5. You are sped, II. ix. 75, done for; Tam. of Shr., V. ii. 185. Your selfe (yourself), II. i. 25, 'myself,' thyself,' often used in Sh.'s day as the subject of the verb.

You shall hence, III. ii. 329, for 'you shall go hence'; the ellipsis of the verb, especially after 'will,' was common in Sh.'s time; II. ii. 203.

You should refuse, I. ii. 89, should is here used in the sense of 'ought.'

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